



1、生产人员月度绩效考核方案12020 年 4 月 19 日workshop staff s monthly performance appraisal project生产人员月度绩效考核方案( temporary )( 暂行 )chapter 1general principles第一章总则item 1purpose of performance appraisal第一条考核目的in order to better evaluate workerarousetheirworkpotential,efficiencyofworking,tocompletionoftheproductiondist

2、ribution mechanism.s working effect,enhancetheirpassionandensurethesuccessfultasksandachieverewards为了更好地评估生产人员的工作效果, 激发其工作潜能, 提高其工作热情和生产效率, 以保证生产任务圆满完成并实现多劳多得的薪酬分配机制。item 2object of performance appraisal第二条考核对象the object of performance appraisal is workshop managers, supervisors, leaders and workers

3、.文档仅供参考考核对象为各车间主任、主管、班组长及工人。item 3use of performance appraisal第三条考核用途the result of performance appraisal is major reflected in the following aspects:考核结果的用途主要体现在以下几个方面: . distribution of salary薪酬分配 ; . business movements职务升降 ; . position transfer岗位调动 ; . training员工培训。chapter2appraisal project第二章考核方案

4、item4 appraisal period第四条考核周期the appraisal is based on monthly cycle, which is from the first working date to the last working date22020 年 4 月 19 日文档仅供参考within one month. the appraisal result of this month should hand to hr & adm. dep. for taking recordsbefore 3rdof the next month.此考核以月度为周期, 即从每月第一个

5、工作日至每月最后一个工作日为一个考核周期。当月的考核结果于次月3 日前上交人力资源行政部备案。item5 target of performance appraisal第五条考核指标because it is in trial-produce phase, we adopt the completion rate of labor productivity as the target of performance appraisal for workshop staff except forklift driver. (the appraisal of forklift driver refe

6、rs to the attached table3.)鉴于当前在试产阶段, 仅采用劳动生产率的完成率作为除叉车司机外的其它生产人员的考核指标。( 叉车司机考核另见附表3)item6 methods of performance appraisal第六条考核方法 . cardinal number from salary for performance appraisal: 30% of monthly salary is to be cardinal numberof all the workshop staff except the forklift driver, andappraiset

7、hemonthlyperformanceaccordingtothe32020 年 4 月 19 日文档仅供参考completion of labor productivity.考核工资基数 : 将除叉车司机外的生产人员月工资的30%作为考核基数 , 根据劳动生产率的完成情况按月考核绩效。 .principleofperformanceappraisal:checkratifytheoutputofeveryworkshopaccordingtoorderformandproductionplan,andalsocalculateandthethetotal man-hour accordin

8、g to the man-hour ration, which is the reference of labor productivity appraise. in case ofspecialproductsproduction,theman-hourrationcanproperly adjusted, the man-hour ration as follows:be考核原理: 依据订单需求及生产计划, 核定各车间产量, 同时依据工时定额, 计算各车间的总用工量( 工时),作为劳动生产率考核依据。如遇特殊产品的生产, 可适当调整工时定额, 工时定额如下 :table1:the man-hourrationofeachworkshopfromsep to dec of附表 1:9-12月各车间工时定额表nit (单位 ):h/tdefinition of targetthe hours of a ton of


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