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1、PART 1,COURSE SYLLABUS/OUTLINE,Introduction to Marketing Research,Dr. Doherty Tobin College of Business St. Johns University,MARKETING CASE REPORT FORMAT,Executive Summary: Self-Contained Document, one to two pages Statement of Purpose and Issues to be Addressed Research Method Used to Address Issue

2、s Salient Findings (Appears before Table of Contents),Table of Contents Subject and Page Numbers Including All Exhibit References Introduction Background Purpose and/or Problem Definition Objectives of Report Methodology Specific Methodology Why! Data/Information to be Studied Case Analysis Applicat

3、ion of Specific Methodology to Case Discussion/Explanation of Analysis Interpretation of Tables and Charts. (It is not acceptable to merely refer to Tables, e.g., see Table X),Findings and/or Conclusions Appendices Other Requirements Paragraph and Sub Paragraph headings Identification of all exhibit

4、s which are to be explained and referenced in text No Misspellings! Proper Grammar Interesting Style On Time Delivery of Oral and Written Report,Marketing Research and the Four Ps,Products New Products Evaluating Packaging and Brand Designs Compassion Studies With Competitors Products Consumer Evalu

5、ation of Current Products Place (Distribution Channels) Analysis of Different Storage or Transportation Methods Analysis of Alternative Sites Determination Of Inventory Levels Growth Rates of Different Channels Promotion Testing Different Ad. Messages Establishing Sales Territories Selecting Media E

6、valuating Ad. Effectiveness Pricing,Research on Markets Forecasting Demand Providing Information of General Trends Providing Information For Segmenting Markets Developing Customer Profiles Identifying New Markets For Existing Products Identifying New Product Needs Foreign Markets,Elements Of The Mar

7、keting Mix That Compose A Cohesive Marketing Program,Marketing Manager,Product Features Brand name Packaging Service Warranty,Price List price Discounts Allowances Credit terms Payment period,Promotion Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Publicity,Place Outlets Channels Coverage Transportat

8、ion Stock level,Marketing System Model,Dependent Variables (X) Controllable (XI) Environmental (X2) Etc,Independent Variables (Y) Behavorial (YI) Sales Demand Psychological: Preference Intentions Liking Awareness Performance Measures (Y2) Market Share Profits Cash Flow ROE ROI P/E Brand Equity,Marke

9、ting Research,Three Generic Approaches Exploratory Descriptive Causal/Experimental,Applications: See Tables 1 and 2,Definition: A scientific approach to (a) the collection; (b) analysis; and (c) presentation of data/information to be used in the management decision making process,Exploratory Researc

10、h,When: Problem Not Well Defined No Working Hypothesis Little to No Relevant Information Purpose: Identifying Information Sources Identifying Potential Causes Develop Hypothesis Clarify Concepts Familiarize Analyst with the Problem Formulate the Problem for a More Precise Investigation,The Explorato

11、ry Approach,Purpose: Identify Potential Relevant Factors (Dont try to solve the problem!) Develop Hypothesis Establish priorities for further research Identify information and data sources Clarify concepts Increase analysts familiarity with problem(s) Identify potential causes,The Exploratory Approa

12、ch,Five Popular Exploratory Approaches: Literature Search Experience Survey Analysis of Selected Cases Focus Groups “Small” Sample/Surveys/Interviews,The Descriptive Approach,Purpose: Test Hypothesis Analyze Data Develop Findings/Conclusions Two Types (Depending on Type of Data) Longitudinal (Time S

13、eries) True Panel Omnibus Panel Cross Sectional Field Survey Field Study,True Panel Application,The Brand Switching Matrix or Turnover Table (see your textbook!),Applications of Turnover Table,Evaluating: Price Changes Promotional Campaigns New Packaging New Products Results can be integrated with o

14、ther databases to determine customer profiles and media habits,Causal/ExperimentalResearch Design,Scientific Criteria Concomitant Variation Time Sequence Elimination of Other Causes Controlled Experiment Reflects 1. Lab vs. Field Validation Two Groups: Experimental and Control Basic Concepts Defined

15、 Experiment : Process Treatments : Alternatives Test Units : Entities Dependent Variables : Measures Extraneous Variables Hold Constant Randomize Assignment of Treatments Specific Design ANCOVA,Types of Evidence That Support a Causal Inference,Concomitant Variation evidence of the extent to which X

16、and Y occur together or vary together in the way predicted by the hypothesis Time order of occurrence of variables- evidence that shows X occurs before Y Elimination of other possible causal factors- evidence that allows the elimination of factors other than X as the cause of Y X the presumed cause

17、Y the presumed effect,Types of Experiments,Scientific investigation in which an investigator manipulates and controls one or more independent variables and observes the dependent variable for variation concomitant to the manipulation of the independent variables,Experiment,Laboratory Experiment,Rese

18、arch investigation in which investigator creates a situation with exact conditions so as to control some, and manipulate other, variables.,Field Experiment,Research study in a realistic situation in which one or more independent variables are manipulated by the experimenter under as carefully contro

19、lled conditions as the situation will permit.,Types of Extraneous Factors That Can Contaminate Research Results,HistorySpecific events external to an experiment, but occurring at the same time, which may affect the criterion or response variable. MaturationProcesses operating within the test units i

20、n an experiment as a function of the passage of time per se. TestingContaminating effect in an experiment due to the fact that the process of experimentation itself affected the observed response. Main testing effectThe impact of a prior observation on a later observation. Interactive testing effect

21、The condition when a prior measurement affects the test units response to the experimental variable.,Types of Extraneous Factors That Can Contaminate Research Results,Instrument Variation Any and all changes in the measuring device used in an experiment that might account for differences in two or m

22、ore measurements. Statistical Regression Tendency of extreme cases of a phenomenon to move toward a more central position during the course of an experiment. Selection Bias Contaminating influence in an experiment occurring when there is no way of certifying that groups of test units were equivalent

23、 at some prior time. Experimental Mortality Experimental condition in which test units are lost during the course of an experiment.,Causal/ExperimentalResearch Design,Pre-Exp. Design (3) After Only: X O Before After: O X O Static Group Comparisons: X O1 O2 Major Errors: H, SB,Causal/ExperimentalRese

24、arch Design,Before/After with Randomization (R) and Control (C),After Only with R and C,True Experimental Design,Solomon 4 Group,EXT = ? ITE = ? X = ?,O1 = 100 O2 160 O3 = 106,O4 = 140 O5 = 150 O6 = 135,Problem,Causal/ExperimentalResearch Design,Quasi Exp (3) Single Time Series O1 O2 O3 X O4 O5 O6 M

25、ultiple Time Series O1 O2 O3 X O4 O5 O6 Separate Sample Before/After Design:,Main Problem of Quasi Approach: History (Note: 9A is typical of consumer panel investigation data.),Causal/ExperimentalResearch Design,Advanced Statistical Design (4) CRD RBD LSD Factorial,Test Marketing,Who? Objectives For

26、ecasts: Sales, Market Share; CANNALBALISTIC EFFECTS Pretest Market Mix Serendipity Key Decisions How Many Cities? 2 To 6 Importance of Regional Differences Degree of Uncertainty Which Cities? SyracuseLeoniaDaytonDes Moines Length Of Test? 2 Months to 2 Years Average Repurchase Period Competition Con

27、cern First to Market Importance,Test Marketing Contd,What Data? Warehouse Shipments Store Audits Consumer Panels Buyer Surveys Trade Attitudes What Action?,PART 2,Part 2ADecision Making Under Uncertainty,Criteria for Selecting the Best Option MAX/MIN MAX/MAX MIN/MAX-REGRET EXPECTED VALUE,Value of In

28、formation,Payoff (Decision) Table,AI : Decision Acts Ej : Events (or Sj = States of Nature) Eij : Payoff or Consequences Pj : Prob. Associated with Ej,ILLUSTRATION,Regret Table,Part 2B Marketing Research Case Study Bayesian Analysis,Value of Information,Payoff (Decision) Table,AI : Decision Acts Ej

29、: Events (or Sj = States of Nature) Xij:Payoff or Consequence Pj:Prob associated with Ej,ILLUSTRATION,Regret Table,Bayesian Case,Objective: Determine Value of Research,Conditional Prob. Matrix,Bayesian Work Table,Computation of Expected Values from BAYESIAN Work Table,Given: Z1 (Test MKT. Results sh

30、ow Light D) EV(A1)= 100(.858) + 50(.122) + -50(.02)= $90.9M EV(A2)= 50(.858) + 100(.122) + -25(.02)= $54.6M EV(A3)= -50(.858) + 0(.122) + 80(.02)= $-41.3M Z2 (Test MKT. Results show Moderate D) EV(A1)= 100(.364) + 50(.545) + -50(.091)= $59.1M EV(A2)= 50(.364) + 100(.545) + -25(.091)= $70.4M EV(A3)=

31、-50(.364) + 0(.545) + 80(.091)= $-10.9M Z3 (Test MKT. Results show Heavy D) EV(A1)= 100(.333) + 50(.333) + -50(.333)= $33.3M EV(A2)= 50(.333) + 100(.333) + -25(.333)= $41.6M EV(A3)= -50(.333) + 0(.333) + 80(.333)= $10.0M,P(Zk)=P(Sj)P(Zk/Sj) P(Z1)= P(S1)P(Z1/S1) + P(S2)P(Z1/S2) + P(S3)P(Z1/S3) = (.6)

32、(.7) + (.3)(.2) + (.1)(.1) = 0.49 P(Z2)= P(S1)P(Z2/S1) + P(S2)P(Z2/S2) + P(S3)P(Z2/S3) = (.6)(.2) + (.3)(.6) + (.1)(.3) = 0.33 P(Z3)= P(S1)P(Z3/S1) + P(S2)P(Z3/S2) + P(S3)P(Z3/S3) = (.6)(.1) + (.3)(.2) + (.1)(.6) = 0.18,Probability of Obtaining Each Test MKT. Result,Probability of Obtaining Each Tes

33、t MKT. Result (contd),EV(Research)= 90.0(.40) + 70.4(.33) + 41.6(.18) = $75.26M EV(U)= 70.0M Max Price For Res.= EV(R) EV(U) = 75.26 70.0 =$5.26M,Case Description Newco is a manufacturer of natural soft drink beverages. It has recently experienced a decline in market share. To reverse this decline,

34、management is considering a new promotional program that will cost $1 million. Management believes that the program may have three possible effects: 1. Very Favorable: 10% increase in market share; $4 million increase in profits. 2. Favorable: 5% increase in market share; $1 million increase in prof

35、its. 3. Unfavorable: (No Effect on Sales) incremental loss of $1 million, the cost of the program.,Abbey Normal, Director of Marketing Research, estimates the probability of the three events as follows: S1: Very Favorable Consumer Reaction = 0.30 S2: Favorable Consumer Reaction = 0.40 S3: Unfavorabl

36、e Consumer Reaction = 0.30 Newco is considering a proposal made by Marketing Testing Experts (MTE), a private consulting firm, to asses the potential effects of the program.,MTE has advised Newco that based on its past experience of assessing promotional programs that the following results on averag

37、e have been obtained: MTE proposes a charge of $250,000 for conducting the research.,Questions: Construct the relevant payoff table. What are the maximin and maximax solutions? What is the solution according to the expected value criterion? What is the value of perfect research information? Should N

38、ewco except MTEs proposal? Why? What price would Newco be willing to pay for the study? What probabilities are critical to the outcome of the study? How could the various probabilities that are needed for such a study be obtained in practice? Note: There are many computer software packages, that can

39、 be run on a PC, mainframe and microcomputer that can be used to solve this problem. See, for example, D.A. Schellinck and R.N. Maddox, Marketing Research: A Computer Assisted Approach, The Dryden Press, 1987.,PART 3,SECONDARY SOURCES OF DATA,FIVEFOLD (5) CLASSIFICATION,INTERNAL P also Promotio Scan

40、 IMPACT of supermarket promotions SAMI/BURKE Provides reports on warehouse withdrawals to food stores in selected market areas (SAMI reports) and supermarket scanner data (SAMSCAN) SIMMONS Market Research Bureau (MRB Group) Provides annual reports covering television market, sporting goods, propriet

41、ary drugs. Giving demographic data by sex; income; age and brand preference (selective market and media reaching them) Other Audit Bureau of Circulation Arbitron Audit and Surveys Dunn and Bradstreet National Family Opinion Standard Rate and Data Service Stard,GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION Statistical Abst

42、ract of MKT Sources (updated annually) Provides summary data on: demographic, economy, social and other aspects of the U.S. economy and society. County and City Data Book (updated every three years) -Presented statistical information for counties, cities and other geographical units regarding: - pop

43、ulation, education, employment - aggr. And med. Income housing - bank deposit, retail sales, etc. U.S. Industrial Outlook -Projections of industrial activity by industry and includes data on: production sales shipment employment,Marketing Information Guide Provides a monthly annotated bibliography o

44、f marketing information. Other - Annual Survey of Manufacturers - Business Statistics - Census of Manufacturers - Census of Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade and Selected Service Industries - Census of Transportation - Federal Reserve Bulleting - Monthly Labor Review - Survey of Current Business - Vital

45、 Statistics Report,COMPUTERIZED DATA BASE Definition: A collection of numeric data and/or textual information that is available on computer readable form. e.g.: Bibliographic ABI/INFORM Predicast Numeric 2000/2010 Census Data Donnelly MKT DRI Nielsen Retail Product Movement SAMI SPI (Strategic Plann

46、ing Institute) -250 Companies PIMS,Work Index: Sponsored by Cornell Universitys School of Industrial Labor Relations and Human Resource Executive magazine, this site provides links to resources on labor relations, benefits, training, technology, staffing, recruiting, leadership, legal issues and rel

47、ated topics. Marketing Advertising World Links to resources in selected areas of marketing and advertising. American Association of Advertising Agencies Provides membership information, recent bulletins, and links to related resources. American Marketing Association Provides information on membershi

48、p, publications, and conferences. Guerrilla Marketing Online Provides access to recent articles in marketing and links to relevant sites.,Marketing Contd Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) Features current information about seminars and research projects. Includes marketing links. Jo

49、hn W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising u=75,000 person interview Recognition method: 3 degrees Noted. Remembers any part of ad Associated (1) plus recalls brand or advertise Read Most recalls 50% or more of the written material,Multimedia Services,Simmons Media/Mkt Service Prob. Sample of 19,00

50、0+ Cross references product usage and media exposure 4 different interviews with each respondent Magazine, TV, Newspaper, Radio Results disaggregated by sex Self administered questions covering 500 product categories TV view behavior gathered by means of a personal diary; Radio via both personal and

51、 telephone interviews Demographics collected Application Segmentation and targeting by firms Mediamark Similar service, problem sample of 20,000 Tends to establish audience rate 10% higher than Simmons (see p 252) Mail Panels NFO Research Quota Sample of 400,000 HHs Rebuilt every two years Self-adm

52、q Market Facts, Inc, Quota Sample of 275,000 Cross Tabulation of Aug. Criterion Variable (Adv. Sales, etc) with anyone or number of demographic variables (Age, sex, automobile, pets ordered, etc),PART 3B,Determining Market Potential,Dr. Doherty Tobin College of Business St. Johns University,Determin

53、ing Market Potential,Multiple-Factor Index Method (“Annual Survey of Buying Power” published by Sales and Marketing Management ) Purpose: Measure the relative consumer buying power in different region, state, and metropolitan areas.,Determining Market Potential,Bi = 0.5yi + 0.3ri + 0.2pi where Bi :

54、% of total national buying power found in area i yi: % of national DI in area i ri: % of natl retail sales in area i pi: % of natl population in area i Example 1: drug sales Suppose N.Y. State has: yi = 5.0%, ri = 10.0%, pi = 8.0% Bi = 0.5(5.0) + 0.3 (10.0) + 0.2(8.0) = 7.1 Thus, 7.1% of the nations

55、 drug sales would be expected to occur in NY. If the total drug sales are $50 Billion, sales in the NY market should be $50B x .071 = $3.55B,Determining Market Potential,Bi = 0.5yi + 0.3ri + 0.2pi where Bi : % of total national buying power found in area i yi: % of national DI in area i ri: % of nat

56、l retail sales in area i pi: % of natl population in area i Example 2: Actual 1992 Values for NY yi = 8.0%, ri = 6.7%, pi = 7.2% Bi = 0.5(8.0) + 0.3 (6.7) + 0.2(7.2) = 7.45 Thus, 7.45% of the nations drug sales would be expected to occur in NY. If the total drug sales are $50 Billion, sales in the N

57、Y market should be $50B x .0745 = $3.725B,U.S. Population, effective buying income, and retail sails for selected states, 1991,Source: Adapted from “1992 Survey of Buying Power,” Part I. Sales and Marketing Management (August 24, 1992), pp. B-2, B-3, B-4.,PART 4,Measuring Attitude: Five Approaches,D

58、r. Doherty,Measuring Attitude: Five Approaches,Self Reports Most Common Procedure Observation of Behavior Indirect Techniques Word Association Sentence Completion Storytelling Graphics Interpretation Performance of Objective Tasks Physiological Reactions Galvanic Skin Response Technique Pupilometer,

59、Qualitative Research Techniques 1. Focus Group,Skilled moderator leads a small group (6-12) of participants in an unstructured discussion of a particular topic. Advantages Flexibility Controllable Group Interaction Openness (encourages participants to be honest and direct) Opportunity for quick execution,Qualitative Research Techniques1. Focus Group,Skilled moderator leads a small group (6-12) of participants in an unstructured discussion of a particular topic. Disadvantages Lack of scientific validity Prone to bias (moderator) Offers false se


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