1、Unit 5,Discovering useful structures,Sentence-making,What makes you so happy,The fact that,_,makes me so happy,I passed the exam,The thought that_,makes me so happy,the summer holiday is coming near,The news that _,makes me so happy,we will see a film,What are they,The fact,that I passed the exam,ma
2、kes me,so happy,The thought,that the summer holiday,is,coming near,makes me so happy,The news,that we will be shown a film,makes me so happy,Appositive clause,1)The thought,that they could cross the whole continent,was exciting,2)Some people have the idea,that you can cross Canada,in less than five
3、days,but they forget the fact,that,Canada is 5,500 kilometres,from coast to coast,3)The girls were surprised at the fact,that ocean ships,can sail up the Great Lakes,Go over all the appositive clauses from the,reading material,1.The idea that only he can do it is wrong,2.We heard the news that our v
4、olleyball has won,3.The question why he didnt come isnt clear,4. Ive no idea what he did yesterday,5. The question whether he should come himself or send,another person hasnt been decided,_,_,_,_,_,_,Point out,the Appositive Clauses,Match the parts of the sentences below. Some of,them may be used in
5、 different ways. Then explain,why you made your choices,Ex2-P37,The possibility,The idea,The hope,The fact,The belief,pleased the Canadian,was exciting,is not scientific,terrifies many people,surprises me,that the world is flat,that more and more people,settle down in Canada,that the weather in wint
6、er,would be warmer,that we could go to France,that there will be an earthquake,Rewrite the following sentences with a noun,clause as the appositive.(Ex1-P71,EXAMPLE: Global warming might be increasing. This,possibility worries scientists,This possibility that global warming might be increasing,worri
7、es scientists,1. He suggested that we should take the train from west to east,across Canada. It sounds very exciting,2. They decided to clone the first human being. The idea surprised,many people at the meeting,3. No one is allowed to smoke on campus. But he broke the rule,4. Yao,Ming collected fort
8、y points for the Houston Rockets in the,game. When the Chinese basketball fans heard the news, they,went wild with joy,5. Mary left a message with me for you. She wont be able to see,you off this afternoon,6. He is the right person for the job. No one has any,doubt about it,7. He hoped that he would
9、 come and visit China again,He expressed his wish in the letter,8. The captain gave the order. All the soldiers had to,reach the village before dawn,9. He thinks it is impossible to finish the work by the,end of this month. But not everyone present agrees,with him,1,He suggested that we should take
10、the train from west,to east across Canada. It sounds very exciting,His suggestion that we should take the train from,west to east across Canada sounds very exciting,2. They decided to clone the first human being. The idea,surprised many people at the meeting,The idea that they decided to clone the f
11、irst human,being surprised many people at the meeting,3. No one is allowed to smoke on campus. But he broke,the rule,He broke the rule that no one is allowed to smoke on,campus,4. Yao,Ming collected forty points for the Houston,Rockets in the game. When the Chinese basketball,fans heard the news, th
12、ey went wild with joy,When the Chinese basketball fans heard the news,that Yao,Ming had collected forty points for the,Houston Rockets in the game,they went wild with joy,5. Mary left a message with me for you. She wont be,able to see you off this afternoon,Mary left a message,with me for you,that s
13、he wont,be able to see you off this afternoon,6. He is the right person for the job. No one has any,doubt,about it,There is no doubt that he is the right person for this,job,7. He hoped that he would come and visit China,again. He expressed his wish in the letter,In the letter he expressed his wish
14、that he would,come and visit China again,8. The captain gave the order. All the soldiers had to,reach the village before dawn,The captain gave the order that all the soldiers,should,reach the village before dawn,9. He thinks it is impossible to finish the work by the,end of this month. But not every
15、one present agrees,with him,Not everyone present agrees to his thought that it,is impossible to finish the work by the end of this,month,Summary,1,概念,在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从句,2,功能,同位语从句对名词进一步解释,说明名词的具体内容,3,用法,常跟的抽象名词有,fact/ idea/reason/ thought/order,doubt/news/hope/ truth/belief / possibility / message/
16、answer,decision/ suggestion,4,连词,that/whether/who/ which/ what /when/where/why/how,I have no idea,when,he will be back,how,he can get the treasure,where,the concert will be held,who,can finish the work,why,it happened,which,pen is mine,what,we should do next,whom,they are talking about,whether,itll
17、rain tomorrow,that,our football team won the game,注意,连接词,that,引导的同位语从句,that,在从句中不充当成分,没有意义,只起连接作用,不能省略,He told me,the news,that he would,come home from aboard soon,他告诉我一个消息,他马上要从国外回国,There is,no doubt,that the prices,of cars will go down,Complete the following sentences,1,我们邀请他这个主意太好了,_ is quite goo
18、d,2,光传播的速度比声音快的事实是大家知道的,_,is known to everyone,3,他要来的消息是真的,_ is true,4,将要发生地震的谣传很快就在这一地区传开了,_,soon spread all over this area,The idea that well invite him,The fact that light travels faster than sound,The news that hell come,The rumor that there will be an earthquake,不充当成分,表示“是否,只用,whether,引导,不用,if,
19、这个问题是否正确还未被证实,The problem _ it,is right,hasnt been proved,连接词,whether,引导的同位语从句,whether,连接词代词,what/which/who,引导的同位语从句,1,谁会出国这个问题还未决定,2,我不知道该选哪个,1.The question _ should go,abroad hasnt been decided yet,2. I have no idea _ one I,should choose,which,who,在从句中充当成分,连接词副词,when/where/why/how,引导的同位语从句,1,我了解他们
20、为什么离开得那么早,2,我们还没决定好去哪儿,1.Ive got a good idea _ they,left early,2.The question _ we should,go has not been decided,why,where,在从句中充当成分,填上适当的连接词,1.I have no idea,_ he will be back,2.We heard the news,_ our team had won,3.There arose the question,_,we could get the loan,4. The suggestion,_ the plan (sho
21、uld) be,delayed will be discussed tomorrow,5. Have you heard the news,_ Mary will,be back soon,when/whether,that,where/how/when,that,that,同位语从句与定语从句区别,1,从词类上区别,同位语从句前面的名词只能是,idea, fact,news, hope, belief, suggestion, proposal,word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility,promise, order,等有一定内涵的,抽象名词,而定语从句
22、的先行词可以是,名词,代词,主,句,的一部分或是整个,主句,He told me the,news,that he,would come home from aboard soon,Word came that he had been abroad,据说他已经出国了,Our team has won the game, which,made us very happy,我们的队赢了,这让我们很高兴,定语从句,同位语从句,2,从性质上区别,定语从句是从句对其,先行词,的,修饰,或限制,属于,形容词性,从句的范畴,而同,位语从句是从句对前面,抽象名词,的,内容,进一步的,说明和解释,属于,名词性从
23、句,的范畴,如,The news,that he told me,yesterday was true,昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的,定语从句,news,在从句中作,told,的宾语,The news,that our team has won the game was,true,我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的,同位语从句,补充说明,news,到底是一个,什么消息,3,从引导词及其在句子中的成分上区别,有些引导词如,how, whether, what,可以引导,同位语从句,但不能引导定语从句,如,That question whether we need it has,not been co
24、nsidered,我们是否需要它这个问题还没有考虑,同位语从句,引导词,that,引导,定语从句,时,在从句中,一般作主语或宾语,指物时还可以用,which,代替,并且作宾语时常常省略,that,在,同位语从句,中仅起连接作用,不充当任,何成分,并且不能省略,也不能用,which,来,代替,如,The order,that,we should send a few,people to help the other groups was received,yesterday,我们应派几个人去帮别的几个小组的,命令昨天收到了,同位语从句,是对,order,的具体解释,that,虽不作成分,但不能省
25、略,The order,that,we received yesterday,was that we should send a few people to,help the other groups,我们昨天收到的命令是我们应该派,几个人去帮助别的几个小组,定语从句,是名词,order,的修饰语,that,在从句中作,received,的宾语,可以省略,判断下列哪些含有同位语从句,哪些,含有定语从句,The news that we had successfully,sent up another communication,satellite spread throughout the w
26、orld,Thats the best piece of news Ive,heard,同,定,Is there any hope that he will be,home at 7,Ive no hope that my parents have,been expecting to me,同,定,The possibility that you referred,to doesnt exist at all,There is a strong possibility that,we may be in France for the next,week,同,定,1,07,湖北,The fact
27、 _,for many times makes him very upset,fail,他失败了多次的事实使他很烦恼,2.(09,湖北,After circling around the earth,for three days, Shenzhou,Spaceship,received the command from the ground,_ as scheduled the,next day. (land,在绕地球三天后,神舟号飞船接到地面,第二天按计划着陆的命令,that it should land,that he has failed,Practice,3.(2011,辽宁,When
28、 the news came,_, he decided to serve in,the army. (break,当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定去参军,that the war broke out,4.(2011,天津,Modern science has given clear,evidence _,_,_ many,diseases. (lead,现代科学对于吸烟能够导致多种疾病已经给出了明确的,证据,that smoking can lead to,5.(2010,湖北,The news,_ has,caused many people to sell their,houses at
29、lower prices. (fall,房价要跌的消息致使许多人低价出售他们,的房子,that the house prices will fall,word / break,Word came that,a big fire broke,out in Xiangyang,襄,阳,possibility / Sb. be,infected with,感染,The possibility that,we can be infected,with H7N9 frightens,us,H7N9,put forward /suggestion,Save,President Xi put,forward
30、 the suggestion,that we should save,food,doubt,a low-carbon life,There is no doubt,that we should,live a low-carbon,life,The news,came,that,President Xi called on us,to save food,In our school, Headmaster Dong puts forward,the,suggestion that,we should not waste food when eating,Besides, theres no d
31、enying,the fact that,lights should,be turned off when it is sunny. Whats more, there is,no,doubt that,we should not leave water running. Last,but not least, dont forget,the fact that,if we waste,paper, we are destroying our environment,Only by doing small things from the beginning,can we develop our
32、 country well,Summary,Write a short passage about the rules,of saving in our school, including as,many appositive clauses as possible,1 We cannot solve the problem,how we can travel faster than light,2 I cant remember the question,they gave at the meeting,3 They were worried over the fact,that you w
33、ere sick,4 I could not believe the fact that he,told me yesterday,5 The suggestion he gave,yesterday was rejected,同位语从句,定语从句,同位语从句,定语从句,定语从句,1.The news that there are no lives,on the moon is known to us all,2.The news that you heard is not,true. (,3.Have you any idea who he went,with? (,4.Is there a
34、ny hope that they will,be home in time? (,5.The problem that you referred to,doesnt exist at all. (,同位语从句,定语从句,同位语从句,同位语从句,定语从句,1. The fact _ she works hard is,well known to us all,A. that B. what C. why D. which,2. The fact _ he was successful,proves his ability,A. that B. what C. which D. why,A,A,
35、练一练,3. The news _ he was kidnapped,surprised us greatly,A. what B. that C. why D. when,4. His suggestion _ the meeting,be delayed was turned down,A. which B. that C./ D. it,B,B,Complete the following sentences,1,我们邀请他这个主意太好了,_ is quite good,2,光传播的速度比声音快的事实是大家知道的,_,is known to everyone,3,他要来的消息是真的,_ is true,4,将要发生地震的谣传很快就在这一地区传开了,_,soon spread all over this area,The idea that well invite him,The fact that light travels faster than sound,The news that hell come,The rumor that there will be an earthquake
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