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1、大连市五年级英语完形填空详细答案 一、完形填空 完形填空完形填空1 In 1 , black bears come out from their winter homes. They eat a lot of new spring plants. The plants give them 2 . In summer they eat fruit, berries, plants and 3 . In autumn they look in the forest for nuts and berries. In autumn, they eat so much and they become v

2、ery 4 . When winter snow comes, black bears look for homes to sleep in for winter. They sleep and sleep in their winter homes. Sometimes the weather is warm and they wake up but they still 5 in their homes. They come out again in the new spring. C. spring1. A. winterB. summer C. milk2. A. breadB. wa

3、ter C. snow3. A. insectsB. stones C. fatB. sad4. A. tired C. jump5. A. drawB. stay ;5)BA);(4)C;(C【答案】 (1);(2)B;(3 完型填空【考点】,黑熊从他们的冬天的家里出来。他们吃许多新的春【解析】【分析】(1)句意:在 C.符合题意,春天,故答案为天植物。根据后句吃春天的植物,可知选项C牛奶,可知选项水,。根据常识,植物含有水分,( 2)句意:植物给它们A面包,BC B.符合题意,故答案为B雪,动物夏天可能吃C石头,。3)句意:夏天他们吃水果、浆果、植物和A昆虫,B( A.昆虫,不可能吃石头和

4、雪,故答案为胖悲伤的,CA4 ()句意:秋天,他们吃得太多,变得很。吃多了就会胖的,累了,B C.的,故答案为在家里。根据前句 (5)句意:他们睡在冬天的家里。有时天气暖和,他们醒来后仍然 B. 画,B呆,跳,故答案为CA句意,可知熊醒来后仍然呆在家里,【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的单词填空, 使句意完整。 完形填空2完形填空 I have a new friend. I play 1 him every day. He 2 short. And he has 3 legs. He 4 a big head. He doesnt 5 two hands,

5、but he can write letters. Oh, he is 6 computer. D. for1. A. toB. inC. with D. areB. has2. A. haveC. is D. anC. a3. A. notB. no D. takeC. getB. has4. A. have D. areC. isB. has5. A. have D. nice6. A. theC. aB. an ;)C)A;(63)B;(4)B;(5(【答案】 1)C;(2)C;( 完型填空【考点】【解析】【分析】(1)句意:我每天和他.玩。这里是短语play with“和.一起玩”。故

6、 。答案为:C (2)句意:他.矮。这里介绍外貌,用be动词,主语是he,be动词用is。故答案为: 。C (3)句意:他.腿。这里leg用复数,不定冠词淘汰,not直接用在这里不合适,只有 。用在这里修饰名词,正确。故答案为:Bno (4)句意:他.大脑袋。get“得到”, take“带走”用在这里意思不合适,用have“有”,句 。B要用单三形式has。故答案为:have子主语是第三人称单数, (5)句意:他没.两只手。这里助动词用doesnt,和be动词搭配不合适,和动词原形 。Ahave搭配正确。故答案为: (6)句意:哦,它是.电脑。根据句意这里不是特指,用a不合适,用nice修饰缺

7、少冠 。Ca修饰。故答案为:词,因此用不定冠词修饰,computer是辅音音素开头的单词用 【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。注意上下文意思的提示。 完形填空完形填空3 Let me tell you something 1 my little cat. My cat is a Chinese 2 It looks very nice. He has 3 small eyes, two big ears 4 short legs and a small tail(尾巴). Now it can 5 many games. If I say Go to sleep! It 6 to his b

8、ed and lie(躺) down. If I say 7 basketball! he goes to catch the basketball and puts into a basket. I like my cat very much. Do you like it? D. ForC. on1. A. inB. about D. girlC. dog2. A. catB. boy D. fourC. oneB. three3. A. two D. oneC. four4. A. twoB. three D. bringC. see5. A. findB. play D. takesB

9、. comes6. A. goC. goes D. SellC. BringB. Play7. A. Buy ;C)7;(B)6;(B)5;(C)4;(A)3;(A)2;(B)1(【答案】 完型填空【考点】 【分析】本文主要是主人公介绍自己的小猫。【解析】固定结about tell )句意:让我来告诉你关于小猫的事情吧。1(sb ”告诉某人有关某事sth“ 。B构,故选 。猫,故选“cat”2()句意:我的猫是一只中国猫。根据第一句判断该空是A)句意:它有两只小眼睛,两个大耳朵,四条腿和一条小尾巴。根据常识知道冒有两只(3 。A眼睛,故选)句意:它有两只小眼睛,两个大耳朵,四条腿和一条小尾巴。

10、根据常识知道冒有四条4( 。腿,故选C 。B做游戏”固定短语,故选play games“(5)句意:现在它会做很多游戏。(6)句意:它就来它的床上躺下。come to来某地,主语it是第三人称单数,因此动词也 。B用三单式,故选(7)句意:如果我说“拿球来”,它就去抓住球放进篮子里。根据“抓住球放进篮子里”这以 。C”bring,故选拿来动作判断,需要“【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完形填空,首先通过空格读懂文章大意,然后 逐一阅读,做出选择,注意时态、语法及固定用法等,注意时态、语法及固定用法等。 完形填空完形填空4 Hello, my names Joe. Im a pupil.

11、I like cooking. I want to 1 a cook. I want to 2 nice food for people. My father is a pilot. He flies a plane in the sky. He is not afraid of 3 My mother is a teacher. She 4 Art. She 5 good at painting. She can paint beautiful pictures. C. isB. be1. A. am C. cookingB. cooks2. A. cook C. fliesB. fly3.

12、 A. flying C. teachesB. teacher4. A. teach C. are5. A. isB. be ;A;(5)CAAB);(2);(3);(4)1【答案】( 完型填空【考点】 【分析】这篇短文介绍了自己的理想和父母的工作。【解析】用动词原形,根据选项,答be)句意:我想成为一名厨师。想成为是短语(1want to be, 。B案为:后面用动词原形,故答want )句意:我想为人们烹饪美食。想要做某事to to,do sth 2( 。案为:A 。(3,害怕做某事。故答案为)句意:他不害怕飞行。be afraid of doing sth: A,第三人称单数,动词用单三

13、式,she)句意:她叫美术。句子是一般过去时,主语是(4 。故答案为:C 。5()句意:她擅长画画。句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用。故答案为:isA【点评】这是考查综合能力的题目。首先浏览文章,掌握大意,其次理解句意,联系上下 文,选择合适的单词。 完形填空。完形填空5 Today is Saturday. Its is 1 . Jack and Kitty go to a park in the country side. The wind is 2 gently. The clouds are moving slowly in the 3 . Some birds are singin

14、g in the trees. They are flying a kite 4 . The kite flies 5 the tree. Suddenly(忽然),The wind 6 strong. The clouds are moving quickly. The strong wind blows their kite away. Jack and Kitty go home quickly. D. wind1. A. sunC. rainB. sunny D. moveC. blowing B. blows 2. A. blow D. road3. A. skyC. waterB.

15、 land D. happilyC. sad B. unhappy4. A. happy D. into5. A. of B. over C. for D. getB. become6. A. come C. becomes C;(6)4)D;(5)B1【答案】 ()B;(2)C;(3)A;( 【考点】名词,形容词 。B)此处填形容词,句意:它是的。故选1【解析】【分析】( 。C)一般进行时态,动词变为be+ doing形式。句意:风在轻轻地吹。故选(2(3)句意:云在慢慢移动。A. sky:天空;B. 1and:地上;C. water:水;D. road: 。A路。根据题意选 。D放风筝。此

16、处用副词修辞动词。故选(4)句意:他们在(5)风筝飞树上。A. of:属于;B. over:越过,高于;C. for:为了;D. into:进 。B入一个空间。根据题意选(6)句意:风很强。A:come:来;B与 C: become:变为; D. get:得到。The wind 。是不可数名词。根据题意选C 【点评】考查谈论人或物 完形填空完形填空6 It was time 1 home. I 2 a bus on a rainy day. A woman with a dog got on the bus ,too. It was a big dog 3 its feet were not

17、clean. I didnt want the dog to sit near me. But the woman said to the assistant(售票员), “Oh, I pay ?”for my dog . Can he sit here like other 4 The assistant looked at the dog and said ,“Yes ,madam , but he must not put his bag on the chair.” C. go B. going 1. A. to go C. got on 2. A. get on B. get off

18、 C. and3. A. but B. because C. people4. A. dogs B. women ;C)4;(C)3;(C)2;(A)1(【答案】 。A意为该是做某事的时候,故选it is time to do sth.1【解析】() 。A woman with a dog got on the bus ,too. 2()根据C知,我上了公交车。故选 。(表顺承。故选and3)句意:它是一只大狗,它的脚不干净。C 。)句意:我为我的狗付款,它能不能像其他人一样坐在位子上?故选4(C 【点评】考查阅读能力。 完形填空阅读对话,选择正确的答案填空7 Ben: What are yo

19、u going to do next week? Susan: Im 1 to take a trip with my parents. Ben: Have a good 2 ! Susan: Thank you! How 3 you? What are you going to do? Ben: Im going to 4 my grandparents. Susan: How can you get to their home? Ben: I want to get there by 5 . Its not far. Susan: Good idea! C. going1. A. goB.

20、 goes C. night2. A. dayB. time C. doB. about3. A. are C. visits4. A. visitB. visiting C. bikeB. train5. A. plane ;)C;(B;(4)A5;(;(【答案】 1)C2)B3) 【考点】完型填空 【分析】这是谈论下周活动计划的对话。【解析】和我父母一起去旅行。问句是一般将来时,这里答语也用一般将来时,1)句意:我.( 。be going to这里是结构,C选项正确。故答案为:C” (玩得高兴!“Have a good time! .2)句意:高兴。这是对对方活动的祝福。用常用口语 。BB

21、选项正确。故答案为:B?about ?根据对话语境这里是询问对方情况,用(3)句意:你.“How you 你呢?“。 。选项正确。故答案为:B选项正结构,后面跟动词原形,going 我的父母。这里是)句意:我打算(4.be to A 。A确。故答案为:,可知可以骑自行车去,不用飞机或”“.5()句意:我想乘去那里。根据下句不太远。 。正确。故答案为:自行车选项火车。C“”C 【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。根据上下文句意提示或句子结构来选择合适的选项。 阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案完形填空8 There is a big supermarket 1 my home. It opens 2 7:3

22、0 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening. The shop assistants there are very 3 . It sells a lot of 4 , such as fruit and vegetables. We can 5 buy many other things in it. My mother 6 a new bicycle. So she goes to the supermarket. She buys a new bicycle. Its cheap and nice. My mother 7 it very much. S

23、ometimes I buy some pencils, some rubbers or some pens in the supermarket on my way 8 . Sometimes I 9 my parents buy some bread and milk in it. The supermarket is near my home. Its convenient (便捷的) 10 us. So we all like the supermarket. C. nearB. next1. A. at C. toB. at2. A. from C. smile3. A. tallB

24、. nice C. everything4. A. thingsB. something C. either5. A. tooB. also C. doesB. likes6. A. needs C. likes7. A. hasB. wants C. for homeB. home8. A. to home C. doB. want9. A. help C. of10. A. forB. at【答案】(1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)A;(5)B;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9) 10;)AA;(【解析】【分析】(1)句意:我家有一个大超市。A、在,B、下一个,C、附近,故答 。C案为

25、(2)句意:它在早上七点半到下午九点半之间开门。fromto从到是固定搭配, 。A故答案为 。B、漂亮的,C、微笑的,故答案为。A、高的,B(3)句意:商店的售货员很 。A,比如水果和蔬菜。出售很多东西,复数形式,故答案为(4)句意:它出售很多 。Balso表示也,放在句中,故答案为(5)句意:在它里面我们也能买到一些其他东西。 。BC、做,故答案为A、喜欢,B、需要,(6)句意:我的妈妈一辆新自行车。(7)句意:我的妈妈非常它。A、有,B、想要,C、喜欢,新买的车应该很喜欢,故答 。案为C(8)句意:在我的路上我会买很多东西。on ones way to去什么的路上,home前面不 。,故答

26、案为B用介词to 。A父母买一些面包和牛奶。帮助help,故答案为(9)句意:有时候我 。Afor,故答案为(10)句意:我们来说它是很方便的。对某人来说介词用 【点评】考查完形填空,浏览文章大意,理解选项意思,根据情景固定搭配选择答案。 完形填空完形填空9 Liu Taos grandparents live on the 1 . They have a big house 2 the house, there is a park. Today is 3 Liu Tao and his parents dont study or 4 Now they are at Liu Taos gran

27、dparents house. All of them are 5 lunch around the table. There are some rice dumplings on the table. Liu Tao likes 6 the rice dumplings with meat and eggs. But his parents like the 7 with jujube (枣子). Grandpa is telling a 8 about Quyuan. They are all listening to him. They are going to watch a drag

28、on boat race in the park in the ). Liu Tao likes the races. He cant 10 to see. 9 It will be very exciting (令人激动的 C. park1. A. zooB. farm C. NearB. Under2. A. In C. the Dragon Boat Festival3. A. the Spring FestivalB. Christmas C. write4. A. workB. play C. hasB. having5. A. have C. cookingB. drinking6

29、. A. eating C. firstB. one7. A. ones C. story8. A. songB. book C. evening9. A. morningB. afternoon C. goB. stay10. A. wait【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9) A;(A10) 【分析】大意:讲述刘涛一家人在端午节看望齐祖父母的故事。【解析】(1)句意是刘涛的祖父母居住在农场里。根据固定搭配on the farm表达在农场里可知, 。故选B(2)句意是在他们的房子附近有一个花园。根据句意可知,要使用介词near表达在.

30、附 。近。故选C(3)句意是今天是端午节。根据句意可知,要表达端午节the dragon boat festival。故选 。C(4)句意是今天是端午节。刘涛和他的父母既不上学也不用上班。work表达工作。故选 。A(5)句意是他们所有人都坐在一桌吃午餐。根据句意可知,要使用动词have表达吃饭。 。B形式having表达一家人正在吃。故选be动词后接动词ing(6)句意是刘涛喜欢吃粽子。根据句意可知,要使用like后接动词ing形式eating表达喜 。A欢吃粽子。故选(7)句意是但是他的父母喜欢吃枣子类的粽子。根据句意可知,要使用代词ones来代指 。粽子复数。故选A(8)句意是爷爷给他讲

31、述关于屈原的故事。根据句意可知,要使用动词固定搭配tell a 。表达将故事。故选Cstory(9)句意是他们打算在上午在公园观看龙舟表演。根据句意可知,要表达上午morning进 。A行龙舟表演才合理。故选(10)句意是刘涛喜欢龙舟表演,因此可以推测他迫不及待地看表演。动词词组cant wait 。动词原形表达迫不及待做某事。故选to+A 【点评】考查完形填空。注意根据上下句句意来选择合适的单词填空。 10完形填空阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案。 The Wangs are talking 1 their holiday. They want to visit Hainan Island. It is in the 2 of China. There are 3 interesting places on Hainan Island. They can see the blue 4 . They can play on t


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