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1、考研英语一真题2019年英语(一)考研真题setine feglishireton:re tefolowi text os te best wo(s)forah nmbered bla nd ark a,b, c od o the answe heet. (10ins)today we live ina world wheregp sste, digitaaps, and ot naigain aps ae avaiable n r smartpons. 1 ofus just walk sraiht no th ooswihut phne but phones on atties, anda

2、ttees cadie faster t we ealize. 3 you g lostwithout a phnor ompass, and yo 4 cant find nort, a few rks tohlp ou navigte 5o viliation, ofwic istooow theland.whe yo f yourselfwel6 a tral, but not inacmptely 7 ea,you ave to ner tw uestos: whih 8 is ownhil,in his partiurae?ndwhre ih nearst ater source?

3、human verwhlngly livein vlleys, a on suples of freshater. 9, iyohea nhl, anollow anyho y ind, yu should 1 e signs ofpeole.i yue eplre the eaor, kee an ey u fr amiliarsighyou my b 1 how uicy dntifyin diinctive rock o treentoreyour begs.other 12 : climb hg d lk forsignsofhuman hbition. , evenindese fo

4、ret, soud be aleo 1 aps teree ine du o rods, tn tacs, adothe ats eople carve15 he wod. ead toward these 16tofind a ay otatnight, scn th hoi fr 1 lghsurces, uch as fres andstrtligs,ten ak towad th gl of ghpolluton18 , assmin yorelos in area hmansted to frquet, o fr h 19 we leae thelansca.ril blaes,ti

5、re trc,ad ohereatues anyou o vilzain.1somebmo few dall2. auttakerun come3 asin b if c though duntil4. aomaly beltvely cgrdalld itally5.a bak bnex c und wy6. aoto boffccros daloneauattractiebuncrow cuchange dfamilir.a sitebontwy plce9. a s byet cinsteaddbees10. aimmeaelitentionally cuxpectedly d evet

6、uall11 surprse annoyed rigend dconfused12a polem boptio cview dreul3. a ove allin nast oaverage for xample1abridgbavoid cpot dparate5. a ob hrough ceond d uer16. astsbinks csdes dbreaks17 a artifical bmysteou c hidden d limitd1.afinll b conseqenly iintal gnrally19. ammors maks ces belongings20 aetrc

7、t b dot c lead d exposesction readng cprehensionpat adirectios:radthefolowingfou tsanswer the qesions below ac text y hoosing a, b,c o . mark yor answers on te answr shet. (4 points)te 1finacial regulations i bitnhave psed rahr unusualrueon te bsss of big anks stating net year, any garnteedbu of top

8、 executies culd be delyed10 yeaif heir bas reuderetigation o wrongdin.the ain puose of ti “cawback” ule iso old bankes acona fr haful is-ti n to reoe ulic rst in fancial insitution e ofclsalso hopefra muchar enefit:mrong trdesiomakin notony bbanksut also u ll orprations,oldastrongeenoy forfue erain.

9、“htterm”o dee for quicpofits, has worned in pliltrded companies, sas the an o eglnds t econos.andre haldane. heqoes a giant ofcasieconois, alfed mrhall,n iing ths fiacil imptiecas aing like “hildrnwopick the plum out f terpuddingtahe ce”rthe han puttinghe asde o e etn at.the aerage imefo hldintok in

10、oth the unie state anbitn, he oes, hs drppdfromseven ear seen monts inrecetdeces. traitinvestors, ho deman highuartrly rfitrm compaies, can ndr frms effts o vest in og-temreseah o obuild cutom loay. this ha been dubed “quartely capitaism”addtion, new diial tenolieshve alowd ore rapid tadng oequite,

11、qickeus of informion, a ths shortenatteniopas in financal mrkrs. “ther seems to bea prdomnane of short-te tinking athe expese of long-trm istig,” said cmmissionerdne gallaghe ofth u secuitis andexhan mmisioi peech this week.in t s, the saranesoley cof 200 apusedosuic copanis to efe pemacebonues for

12、senirexecutives byaboua ea, slightlepingredc “short-termism.” in i latest svey of ceopay, tewll strt jona finds a “ aubstatil part”f exeuivay snow tie to erornc.uchre ould be done tenorag“ong-tersm,” such as changes n th ta code ad ckr disclosur of stock acqision. in fanc, shreolders wo hold ont man

13、y invetment o at least w ear ansomim earn more vtng rights in a companyihin conies, te rght coenstondeig can providinceives r eutvs to thin bond their owntme at thecompany and n behl o all stakeholders. bitais nw rl i remnder bnkr tat scity asn intres n their perormane, n us forthesr ermbtforte lng

14、ter. acoringto paagraph 1, on o in imsig th ne r ist_. enance banrsense of ronsiblityb. help crporaionaeve largr profic. build a ne systmoffinail rgulatnd gunee eonuses oexeutives22. alfredmshl qtd to nicte_.a he cnditns or geeaing quikprofits. goernents imtiene i dcsionmakinc. thesolid strucue ofpu

15、blcly traded ompnesd. “shrttrmism” n cnics activties. it iargu hat the nfluence of transint investment opliompaniescn be_.a. iirectb. adversec. inmad. eprry2. th us and france amplesareusdtoillustate_a.he otaletoeventing “shor-ersm”. thinficanc oflng-tr thnkin.c. te approaches to rmoin “long-terism”

16、.d. the revalence o so-trmthiking.5 whh th fllowin od be eteor te txt?a. failure of qartlyilisb ience a a corporat vrtuc. decisivenes requie oftop xecutie.futatin of ris-tkin bankestx 2gre inflato-te grdual increas verage gpas(grade-pont averags) verth past caeis ofen nsiderea produc o aconurerinhig

17、hr eduaio, inwch tuents ae treae lie custoersto bepleased. bt aoter,elated forca poyote uied eep in ous aalogs caled “rde frgvenes”i eng raisegas.gradeforgnss aows suens t retae a corsein which tey recevea low gad, and the most reent gde or hehihest gade ishe onl ne t countsin acultia students oeral

18、l gpa.he use oths ittle-kn racie has aeletenrecet yer, as colleesconiue o dother uost o kepstudntinschol(ad pynuition)a iprov their graduationae.hen is pracice first tre decadag, i was uall limitd to frehmen, o giv em a seco cae toae a cass in teir fit a if thy trgled tertrastionto llege-levelcurs b

19、ut nowmost colessv fr man setivampuses, alwall undrgradates, ad een gaduatstudts, tgettheir lowrdes forgiven.college officl tend o empasize a tegoao grad forgiveness is less about rde itsef nore about encougg studnts to rakecues critcal to heir egreeprogra an graduaionwhout incrring a bipenal“uimely

20、,” said jaminer, oi stte nivertsregitra,“w seestents hieve oe sccesseaue they reaaourse ndob n subsque cotents r maset ntethatallose to gadate on tm”ht sa,tre is a y whih grd fogiveess sisfieollegesow needa wll. frublic ititutios, state fnds are oete teartlyto heir scsson metics uch as grdutin raes

21、andstudent rtentobtte graes cn, bboting iure lik those, an oemny.ad nthng hat raie paswil likelymae studntswho,ated of t day, araing te llfeeteveoten beter valuefo their uioollars, wh isothbg ncern f coleges.indee, rade forgvenesjs anothr way at uivrsies arrepndin to consumers xtations r hgher eduti

22、o. since studnts andpants epect cllgedegreeto ldaob, i i i tebes interstof aschoolto trn outgrautesho re as qualifas osibleot east pper b on ths, tudents ancolleges nceisseemo b aligd.2whatiscmmonlyrearded te cue o raeifatin?a. te ange of cour atalos. stdenidifernce togpa.c. ollges neglect of gas.d.

23、he inflenceof numer cultu.27.what w theoigiappos of grae frgiveness?a. to hepfreshmen adat to coleg lernin. to maintain olees raduation ate. to repare gradates for achlengig fture.d. to cease univeritiesincomero tuiion.acodingto ararh ,gade rgvees enab colges to_aobt mor inancialupprtb.boost her sud

24、ent nrolmentsc. iprve ter teahing qalityd. meetlocal govrmts needs.wht doesthe rase “obeligd”(le , ar.6) mo pobbly man?a. to counterbalance ah t.to comlmenteah te tob denticl wi ea ohrd.tobe contradicory to ac thr.3 he uor xamnes tepracice o de forivenessby_.a. assessing its fasibiliy anlzing thess

25、behiditc. cmparig diferntiew oit.isig its ongrun ffectstt 3thsyer mrksxactl o contries sincethe pbltion of rnkntein; or, the mern romethes, b rysheley. veefreheinvention otheeltric lgt bulb, theauor rodced amarbork spetive fctionthat wol orshaow mny thialuesos to be rised bytechnologiesyet to cme.to

26、dy th rapdgroth f rtfialintellgn (i) raiss unamena questions:”what is telience,idefy, rcosciosness? ht maks umshuman?”what isbeingcaled aifcalgenral nteligene, mchnes atwouldimitaetway humathink, conines toevae scientiss. yet man reminfascnaedby he ide o robots that wod lok,mo,ndespond ike humans,mi

27、lat tose reently depictd o ppula ci-fit sers ucha “wetworld” an “human”.jst how ep thik isstll fr too complex to be urtod, letalone repoduced, saysdavideaglean, a anor unverity neuoenit “we ejust in a sitaon where treare no good theries xplaing wha oscionesss ctully isad howou couldeebui a machne to

28、gethere.” tht osnt mean crucil thial iusinvolvng ai arnt t hnd.the om use fautoomous vehicles, for epe, posestornecal uestions.hman drivers oimes must ma slitcod dcsos. their eationsay beacomplexcmbtio o instan rflxes, npt frmasdvngeperie, anwhatei ye nders teltem in hat moent. ai “vision” oday s ne

29、rly s sopisticated as tht of hns. and t nticipate every imaginable driing statiois dffcultprogrmmng obem.whenev dcisions e bsedo mas ofta, “ou quickly gt no loto etica quesins,” nt tn kiat w, chieexeuiv of a inapore-based agncy a is elping the gvernmen deveop voluntry ode for th ehcuse of .alon wth

30、iapoe, or gornmentanega-coporaons are eginni to tablih the o gideinesbritai ttg u dataethis center. ida rleased its i ethcs saey this spring.o une 7 google pedgd nt o“design o deploy”that wud cuse“ovalhar,” or to evelp ai-reted weapn or ue a fo rveillcthat ould violate trnatinlors.it alspldgedo to d

31、eloy ai hoe u wuldlate internatinal lasorhum rights.ie th sttment isvagu, it represtoe sttg pont o doethe ia htdcisin ade y ai sstems hd be explanal, trasprent, d fir.o put another way: hwca we maksur tht the thinkngofntelignt machne fletsuanityshihst valu? onl then il ey be uul sevansand nfrnenstei

32、ns outof-cotrl onste.3. my shelle ovefrakensein smentione becuse it acates i scientistsal oer the woldb has reminepoularfor alg s 200 yearsc.ivolves e cerns raisd by ai today.d. ha sprke srius etica cnoversies.32. in avdagemas oinion,our curentknowedge fcociosessa.heps xpi arifiiantelieeb. cn be mis

33、leding trobot makingc. inspirs pular si-fiv siesd is too limitd or us o reproduceit.h soution t te thal issue rough atnomou hcleacan hrd ever be foun.is stil ond our capacityc. cuss itle public concen.d. h arod muh uiit.34. te auhors attitude twrdgooles pedeis one ofa firmatinb.skeicism. cntmd. repe

34、ct.35. whi fthe flwng woul be the besttitle o the text?a ais fure: inthehads of tech gians. rankenste, the novel peiig heageof aic.th conencefai: com bt invitabe. i shll be kllr nce outo onroltext 4as willbe abltofrce mor peoe o pay sales tax whnhymakeonline prcs er a supreme rt decision tudy tat il

35、 lea shoperswith lgher wallet but is big fnancia win for state.te supremeortopinin thusdyoverrled apar of decade-oldecisions that statsai otm billions o dollars in t eveneanua. the esinsae t moe diclt frsates o colectsa ta cai onlie chasesthcses the court verrnedsaid that if busns a hipping custoers

36、 urchase o a se hee e bundint have a pysial pesence suc asa wareue o ffice, te usiness nt havetocolct sales tax fr th st cstoerwe erally soile or payi th ales ta toth state themslves ifthey ere charedi,ut mst ddnt realie hey ed itad w pa.justice anthony nney rote t thepeviusdeiinsee flawed “each yea

37、 hephyscal presece rul bemes furthermorom econmcrealityan rsuts nsignifiat reven sses toe taes,” h wrote in a opiin oined for othe justices. ene wroe that th ule “liited ttes abilito sekongermpropeityand hasented maket paricipats frocmetng onavenlaing field”the rling isa vicor o g ca with rece n may

38、 stat, sincethey usally collct ses tx on oln uhse area. n,ivals wil e hargig ss t wher he hadnt befo. bigchshe becolecting sals x ationwide becuse e typicaly hve ysia ore whever tatepurcas is bng ipedo a.com, withits neorko wrhouses,aso colets sales ta i evey tatethat charges it, hoh thirparty slers

39、 whouse the ite dontave to.ntino, manysellrs that a aphscl presee in olya singleste o awstat he been abeto av hging ale taxs whe heyhi to addrssesutde hs sttes. sellesthats ebay nd sy, which provi patoms r mallr selers, als hvent ecllecng sals tax ationwideunder the rulintrsda, sats an pass awsequir

40、ingot-ofstat selers to ollect thestats sales txfromcstoers adsend ttthe tte.retil trd groups praied terulig, saying t lees the lying field fo lcal an nlinebunesses the rs, said retail nlst il saundes, are oline-raier, especal smallernes thse rtilers m face hedaces comyg wh vrou staesales tx lawsthes

41、mallbusness nteprnersip counciladvoccygru aidin a sateen, “mll usiees an iterettreprnus not welseve atall thisdecis.”36. thesupem co decisn hursaywilla. dette buiness relutonsit sttesb. pu mst onlinebusines ina imac.ake e onlie shopers pay ales axd. orce soestats tout sales t37it can b learedrm para

42、gphs 2 and3 thathe erule deisiona. he ed to th dominnce ofe-commerc.v cotcnsumers lot over heyeasc. wee widelycitiized by onine purhsesd were consierep avorabl by stats8. accordingt justice anthony kennd, th hysical presec rule haa. hindredeconomicdevelopntb. brought prspit t the countr. ared fir ak

43、e opetitio bostd rowth i staes evenue39.who aemosiky welome the uree cour rulna inten entrepreus .i-cair wnec. third-rty sellrd. smallretalers40. i ealing wih te upeme cout desio thurs, he thora. ives a faca cout fit d discusss itsconsequnesb descbehlongandcomplictdoessof itsaingc reset it main pont h onflctg iewsothed.cities omesacsrelted o it nd anyze ther implationpart bdiections:the following prarphs are givniawo order. for uestions 1-45, ou ae


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