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1、仁爱英语八年级下册知识点总结Unit 5 1. You look excitedangrydisappointedupsetfrightened. 你看起来兴奋|生气|失望烦躁|惊恐。2. 感官系动词:look 看起来 smell闻起来 taste尝起来 sound 听起来 feel 摸|感觉起来3. 系表结构:系动词+形容词 go mad get wet get angry turn green fall asleeportable) belost=get lost4. go to the movies=go to thecinema=watchsee a film 看电影5. one of

2、 + 可数的复数形式 Its one of my favorite movies.6. preparefor为做准备 6.say thanks to sb. 向某人致谢7. be popular with 受欢迎 8.be kind cruelto sb. 对某人友好|残忍9. a ticket to 的入场券 10.set the table 摆放餐具11. seem +adj.n.to do sth. Its seems that12. We are moved by the movingstory. 前者修饰人,后者修饰物13. be proud of be pleased with b

3、e worried about be excited about at sth. be sorry for be interested in sth. be grateful to sb. be strict with sb. be strict aboutin sth. be angry withat sb.be angry ataboutsth. be nervous about betired of sth.=be bored with sth. be surprised at sth. be surprised to do sth. be afraid of(doing) sth 14

4、. can (not)=be(not) able to will be able to(其将来时)15. have a temperature fever发烧 16.ring sb. up=call sb. 给某人打电话17. care for=take care of=lookafter 照顾 18.on the way to 在去的路上18. feel lonely live alone 前者形容词修饰系动词,后者副词修饰动词19. because of +n.代词|名词短语 because+句子20. on+具体描述的时间段 21.fall into 掉入 fall down 倒塌22.

5、 in the end=at last=finally 最后形成、成立于(一般为过去式came)24. be full of=be filled with 充满了,被填满了 25. make peace with 与某人和解Topic21.do well badly in 在做得好|不好 2.have a talk with sb. 与某人交谈3. at ones age 在某个年纪 4.make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友5. tell jokes 讲笑话 6.fail the exam= not passthe exam考试不及格7. some suggestions=

6、somepieces of advice 一些建议 (前者可数,后者不可数)8. happen to sb.sth. (事情)发生在身上 happen to do sth. 碰巧9.take part in activities 10.with the help of sb. 12.clap ones hands鼓掌13. make faces 做鬼脸 14.all the time 一直 15.take a wlk=go for a walk 散步16. calm down 17.at the end of themonths在月末 18.smile at life笑对人生19.learn

7、by oneself=teach oneself 自学 learn sth. from sb.向某人学习20.get along(well)with sb. 与某人相处(融洽) 21.put on a play 上演剧目22in a badgood mood in goodbad health ingoodbadhighlow spirits23. make+宾语+doadj.n. make her laughexcitedmonitor let sb. do sth.24.get together with sb. 与某人团聚 25. get bake to sth. 回到某事上26. br

8、ing bake a sense of happiness找回快乐的感觉Unit6 Topic11. go on a three-day visit a on e-meter-tall boy 2. find out 查明3. make a decision=decide to do sth. 做决定 4. hard soft sleeper 硬|软卧5. at the price of 60 yuan 6.in badgood condition 条件糟糕|好7.arrive at+小地方in+大地方 = reach to =get to 8. total cost总花费9. booka r

9、oom=make a room reservation 预定一个房间 10. tell|ask sb. (not) to dosth.11.a roomwithouta bathroom or air conditioning 12.astandard room for one person13.workout the cost of the trip计算 work out the problem 解决提出15.each2(riverstreet) every3 either(两者之一) both=2 all3(肯定 ) none3(否定) 16.be drawn 被抽到17.land saf

10、ely 18.have a good rest好好休息 19.in the open air在户外20. anexciting experience have noexperience (前者经历、可数,后者经验、不可数)21. placesof interest 名胜古迹 22.local people strangerU6T21. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 2. on vacation 在度假 3.help sb. (to) do sth.4. make a plan plan to do sth. 计划做某事跟随某人6. at the foot top of 在的脚

11、下|顶上 7.spread over an area of 40 km2 8. the beginningof 的开始 9. by the way顺便问一下 10.take out 拿出来 11.on both sides of on eacheither side of 12.tell good from bad 辨别好坏13.in onto 的区别 14.pull-push拉-推 15.step on 16.in all directions 四面八方17.lookfor space to park bikes 18. walk throughthe passage 19.take pho

12、tos拍照片20. pushones way out挤开、推进(道路) 21.out of sight看不见 22.get onoff上|下车23.canthelp doing sth. 忍不住做某事 24.shout atsb. to do sth . 25.havefun doing sth.高兴地做某事true 27.everywhere=here and there 28. especially 29. make sure确保U6T31.atraffic accident 2.Many passengers were hurt. be badly hurt=hurtbadly3.bec

13、razy about sth. 热衷于 be crazyabout sb. 迷恋、爱上. 4.causeair pollution造成空气污染5.get used todoing sth. 习惯于做某事 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事6.inpublic 在公共场合 7.die(动) dead(形) death(名)8.slowdown 减速 9.the opposite direction相反的方向 10.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事11.runinto 撞到 12.rush to冲向 13.careful-careless 细心-粗心 carefully-c

14、arelessly14.get afine 罚款 15.indanger处于危险中 16. instead of doing sth 而不是17.warnsb. (not) to do sth. 警告、提醒某人(不)做某事 warn aboutof rouble causetrouble Im sorry to trouble you. 不好意思打扰你了。19.leadto led(过去式) 20.ride into跻身于 21.in ones life 在某人一生中22.go ondoing sth go on with sth. 继续(做)某事 23.th

15、e finalresult 最终结果24.fromto=fromtill 从到 25.beat sb. atsth.在某方面打败某人26 .beatthe record打破记录 set a new record设立一个新纪录 27. once again再一次28.dealwith the problems 处理这些问题 29. 21 timed stages 21个计时阶段U7T11. know about了解,知道情况 2.knowhear of 知道 听说过 3.be born出生于4. have holdorganise a foodfestival 5.raise money 筹钱

16、6.onthe Internet7. when and where 8. cheer sb. up使振作(高兴)起来 9.western culture西方文化10. keepget in touch with 与某人保持|取得联系 11.fried ricenoodles炒饭、炒面12. getsth. aboutsb. 获得关于某人的信息 13.would like to do=d like to do=want to do14.turnto =ask sb. for help 向某人求助 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事15.thinkabout 思考,考虑 thin

17、k over 考虑16. imagine (sb.) doing sth. Sb. imagine (that) +句子17. have a sweet tooth=enjoy eatingsweet food 喜欢吃甜食18. whats worse 更糟糕的是 whats more 更有甚者 however 然而19. 形、副+enough Eg: goodwell enough enough+名词 Eg: enough timefood20. India- Indian Italy- Italian Greece-Greek America- American Russia- Russi

18、anJapan-Japanese Britain-British Canada-Canadian Asia-Asian Europe-European Africa-Africa Astralia-Australian China-Chinese (前者名词即国名或州名,后者形容词)21. decide (not) to do sth. decide on sth. 22. overon the phone=by phone23. sendout 发送 send for sb. 请某人来 send off 送行 send sth. to sb. 发送某物给某人24.an internation

19、alfood festival 25. make aninvitation to sb.=invite sb.26. atschool at 11:00 am. onSunday 27. We students 28. work at sth.致力于、努力做29. inorder (not) to do sth. in orderthat=so that 为了 30. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事31. win(动)won(过去式)winner(名)win a match赢得比赛 beat a team 打败一个队32. a few school supplies supply

20、 sth. to sb. 提供某物给某人supply sb. with sth. 提供某人某物33. success(名)successful(形)successfully(副)succeed(动)U7T21. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 try doing sth.试试做某事2. cook(煮或厨师)cooker(厨具)3. boiledwater 开水(完成、被动) boiling water正在沸腾的水(进行、主动)4. cutsth. finely 细细地切 fry lightly cut sth.up 将某物切碎 cutinto pieces 切片5. addto 添加

21、在上 addto将加在 add up 加起来 add up to总计为6. inanother pot 任何一个 7. at once=immediately 立即 8. advantage优点(可数)9. first second next then after that finally 首先、其次、再次、然后、之后、最后10how to do it=what to do 11. mind (ones) doing 介意(某人)做某事12. well-better-best(副) good-better-best(形) hard-harder-hardest(形|副)13. Helpyour

22、self to sth.,单人。 Help yourselves tosth.,多人。14. for the first time 第一次 15. table manners 餐桌礼仪 a friendly manner 友好的态度16. had better (not) do sth.=d better not do sth. 17. at the table 就餐18. beginstartwith 以开始 end with 以结束 19. in your right hand20. eat sth. up 吃完 ate(过去式) 21. speak loudlyquietly22. dr

23、inkto sb.sth. 为祝酒 Lets drink to her health. 23. eat soup 喝汤24. takea sip of sth. 喝一小口 25. point at sb. withsth. 用某物指着某人26. rememberto do sth. 记得要做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事27. finishdoing sth. 完成做某事 28.around all overacrossthroughout theworld 全世界29.different eating habits 不同的饮食习惯 30. be far away

24、from 远离 31. be different from=not the same as 不同于 32. pick up 捡起、接某人33.maincourse 主菜 two courses 两道菜|两个课程34. inthe southern part of China in the southof China 35. easternsouthernwesternnortherncentral东南西北中(形)U7T31. ladies and gentlemen 2.onsale减价出售 for sale待售 3.kind-hearted hard-working4. satisfy sb

25、. 使某人满意 be satisfied|pleased with 对感到满意5. a satisfying result一个令人没满意的结果 6. in fact 事实上 in short 简言之7. Lets wish them success! wsh sb. sth. wish(sb.)to do sth.8. order a meal 订餐 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事9. e-mail sth. to sb.(动) send an e-mail to sb.(名) by e-mail (名)10. at No.62 on Beisihuan Road 1

26、1. have a balanced diet 有个均衡的饮食12. Theresults were worth the effort. be wellworth (doing)sth. 非常值得(做)某事11. eat neatly cook properly eat regularly12. Its said that Someione says that13. not onlybut also=bothand不但而且neithernor 既不也不 There be句型 eitheror 或者或者 就近一致原则(bothand除外)U8T11. so that+句子 too to do s

27、th. not enough to do sth .2. so + adj. + a(n) + n.+ that=such +a(n) + adj. + n. + that so that3. the cotton pants with two bigpockets 4. nearly=almost 几乎5. bemade offromin (of为看得见的材料,from为看不见的,in为物品制造地)6. natural materials : silk leather cotton wool(woolen) 前三者名词形容词同形7. afford sth.to do sth. so expe

28、nsive that cant afford8. 人+payfor 人+spend onsth. in (doing) sth. 物+cost It +take9. on birthdays atChrismas in winterat noon in the daytime in the old days onspecial days 10. rather similar 相当地相似 11.dress oneselfsb. in sth.12.not only A but also B=B as well as A 除之外(也) 13. catch ones eye惹人注目14. as we

29、ll=too 也,置句末,否定用either 15. sportswear 不可数名词。16. protect sb. sth. from sth. 保护不受的伤害 17. ina uniform18. more than 不仅仅,比更多 19. do exercise(不可数)do eye exercises(可数)20. asthe saying goes 俗话说 21. scarfscarves 围巾及其复数U8T21. make sth. for sb.= make sb.sth.给某人做某物 2. lookadj. on sb. 穿在某人身上看起来3. allow sb.to do

30、sth. 允许某人做某事 4. at work在工作时 5. plain clothes便服6. make a survey about sth. 做关于的调查 7. carry out specialtasks 执行特殊任务8. keepstop sb. from doing sth. stop to do sth. 停下去做某事stop doing sth.停下手中的事9. put on take off 穿上|脱下 10. on every occasion 在每个场合 11. in our lives12. Its + adj.+that= Its + adj.+(for sb.) t

31、o dosth. 13. try on 试穿14. according to 根据 15. advise sb. to do sth.=give sb. some advice on sth.16. somesomeand others 一些一些另一些 17. hide-hid18. be suitable for sb.sth. 适用于 be suitable to do sth. 适宜、得体做19. look slimmer 20. dress correctly 21. atthe aitport 22. falling ceilingsU8T31. There is going to

32、be =Therewill be 2. model the clothes展示服装3. in the middle center of 在中间 4. a traditionaldress 一条传统的裙子5. in the world of 在的领域 6. 55 minorities 7.stand for 代表8. another 3 models= 3 moreothermodels 9. as for sb.sth. 至于某人|某物10. get ones name 得名于 11. designas 把设计成12. either of两者中的任何一个,谓语为单数 13. inthe 192

33、0s 20世纪20年代=be famous tofor 被某人所熟知|作为被人所熟知15. express wearers personal style attractive 16. choice(名) choose(动)chose(过去式)17.widely known=well-known 被所熟知 18. at one time 曾经 in the past在过去19. out of style过时 in style 时髦 20.outsidea clothing store= out of a clothingstore句子1. A: How are you doing? B: Ver

34、y well, thank you.2. Take it easy. 放轻松,别紧张。3. There,there! 好了,好了!4. You bet! 那当然!的确! 5. Keep up the good work! Welldone!6. Its a great pity.=What ashame!7. Why all the smiling faces?8. There was none left. 9. A: How does the foodtaste? B:It tastes delicious.10. I hope everything goes well.11. When a

35、nd where will the movie be shown?12. Why?= Whatfor?13. They were happy to be with each other.14. Its an important part ofChinese culture.15. Anything wrong?16. What seems to be the problem?(to do)The man seems worried.(形)He seems a nice man.(名)It seems that he was worried.(句)17. She has no friends t

36、o talkwith.The roads are very difficult to ride on.18. Thank you for doing sth.19. Please call meat 267690.20. The roads here are not so clean as those in our hometown.The weather in Beijing is differentfrom that in Fujian.21. My elder sister is 2 years olderthan meI.22. The old man doesnt live in t

37、he city any longer.The old man no longer live in the city.23. Im sorry about your illness,but it cant beSARS. 反义词must be24. Follow the doctors advice, andyoull get well soon.25. You see a snake lying onthe road.26. I hope to live in thecountryside some day.27. Please pay for the ticketsbefore 5:30 p

38、.m.28. May I have your name andtelephone number,please?29. We are sure that conditions here will make you 30. Why not do sth.?=Why dontyou do sth.?How about doing sth?Youd better (not) do sth.Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m,?31. A: How long have you felt like this? B: One day.(一段时间)32. A:

39、How soon will?B: In 20 minutes33. A: How much?B:Two pieces of bread34. A:How far is it from herer to the Ming Tombs?B:Its about two and a half hours by bike. two hours and a half 35. The crowd of people became larger and larger.36. He was too frightened toknow what to do. He was sofrightened that he

40、 didntknow what to do.37. His heart was beating fast.38. He didnt raise his headuntil someone called him. not until 直到才39. If people obey the traffic rules,there will be feweraccidents. Break the rules40. Work hard, or you will fail theexam.If you dont work hard, you willfail the exam.41. Meters awa

41、y, there was a sharpturn to the left.42. Cars often cost 100 times as much as bicycles.43. However, his path to success wasnt smooth. Didt go well44. It was 1500 miles long.45. Lets try our best to makeit successful.46. Let us go and watch it, will you?47. Lets make his dream , shall we?48. What do

42、you think you can do to help the peoplethere?49. What a surprise it is ! How surprising it is! Lets give him a surprise.50. Im pleased withwhat you are doing for us. Impleased to hear that.51. Never mind.=Its doesntmatter.52. Ill send an e-mail to you later on.53. Hold on,please.54. They are as love

43、ly as the children everywhere else.55. A:Would you like me to help you? B:Yes,please.56. Its very kind of you.57. A: What do I need to do after that?B:You need to do sth.58. A:Would you mind if we learn to make it from you ?B:Of course not.59. Practice makes perfect.60. There is no need for knives,f

44、orks or chopsticks.61. Remember not to drink too much.62. Dont take more food than youneed.63. Just do as other people do.64. Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers?65. You will be as happy asbefore. You will live as happilyas before.66. Here is your change.不可数名词Here is a table for two. Here you are.Here is the menu. There goesthe bell.


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