



1、Unit 8 Chinese New Year 教学设计1教学目标:1、能正确、熟 地运用一般将来 ,表达自己将要做的事情。2、能正确 出在新年里需要做或者将要做的事情。3、能 日的特点,并正确使用英 表达。教学重难点:1、能正确表达一般将来 2、正确表达每个 日的特点教学准备: PPT教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up and review.1. Free talk:What day is it today?What are you going to do today?What holiday is going to be next week?2. Review story tim

2、e1)Anna s family are going to celebrate Chinese New Year. What are they going to do? ( 播放 文 画 )Step 2: Presentation1. T: We use Simple future tense to talk about AnnaPlease work in pairs ask and answerDistinguish on/atAsk Ss to list more future time. s plan fora.Chinese New Ye2. T: At Chinese New Ye

3、ar, we can see展示 (片)watch fireworks看烟花set off firecrackers放鞭炮watch a lion dance 看舞 表演give/get red packets 给 / 收 包T: These are the symbols of Chinese New Year. Can you say something more?3. T: Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China.There re also many important holidays in the world.L

4、et s look at the pictures and say.T: These holidays are from different countries. Let s put them in correct shapesLet s read them together.4. T: OK. You all do the good job. We are going to have a rest. Let s play a game.“ pickT: Now I have four cards here about holidays.I pick one card and you ask

5、me some questions to guess what holiday it is.Ss: What are you going to do buy make?T: I m going to buy some clothes for myself, I m going to make a cake. I m going to have aand get lots of gift.Ss: Is it birthday?T: Yes , it is.5. Ss pick and guess in groups. Rules:a. Four in a group;b. Each one pi

6、cks only one card;c. Don t tell others about your holidays.d. Others ask and guess what holiday it is6. Write and say: Step 3 ConsolidationT: Nowadays, Some Western holidays become more and more popular(流行的 ).Lots of Chineseprefer(更喜 ) Western holidays to Chinese holidays.I hope every Chinese person

7、 can pay more attention to(更重 ) Chinese traditional( 的 )holidays.Let s try to introduce Chinese holidays.Steps:1. Four in a group and open the envelope;2. Take out the piece of paper and finish it;3. Take out the stickers to decorate(装 ) it ;4. Read it in groups.5. Show time.1. Share your introduction with other groups.2. Use Simple future tense to make a dialogue, talk about your plan for this weekend.3. Read books or surf the Internet, try to know more ab


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