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1、Unit 5 Art world同步练习一、单项填空() 1. My grandpa plans to learn_ ABC of photography.Great, Everyone will never be_ old to learn.A. a; veryB. the; tooC. the; soD. an; too() 2. _ everyone makes mistakes in his life,let s giveimhanother chance.A. SinceB. BeforeC. AlthoughD. After() 3. Shall we go on working?

2、 Yes, _I prefer to have a rest.A. whenB. ifC. becauseD. though() 4. What a big storm last night!Yes. I was doing my homework. Suddenly, all the lights in my house _.A. turned offB.closedC.got offD.went off() 5. He hardly had to keep silent about such a subject, _ he?_, though he was interested in it

3、.A. did; NoB. did; YesC. had; YesD. didn t;Yes() 6._ she is very old, _ she can still work eight hours a day.A. Because; soB. As; yetC. Though; yetD. Though; but() 7.They waited _ it was dark before leaving, _ they didn t want anyone to seethem leave.A. since; becauseB. until; asC. unless; butD. so;

4、 because() 8. My cousin has been happy since he _ to spend more time with his friends.A. will allowB. will be allowedC. was allowedD. allowed() 9. _ to have the sports meeting _.A. When; hasn t decidedB. When; isn t decidedC. If;isn t decidedD. Where; hasn t decided() 10.When people started question

5、ing his explanation? He had to _ more details.A. make upB. make forC. make ofD. make into二、单词拼写1.The teacher told us not to depend on musical _( 乐器 )too much.2.You just made a _ ( 常见的 )spelling mistake in your paper.3.All the volunteers are(高度地 )trained before starting the task.4.The local governmen

6、t says it will_ ( 颁发 )the brave man with a gold medal.5.Mom wants me to get some everyday _ ( 物品 )in the supermarket.6.We spent a pleasant day in the _ (乡下 ).7.This film is about the love story between two _ (牛仔 ).8. I m the next one to make a speech. I m very nervous.Take a deep _like this. Are you

7、 feeling better now?9. Do you want to go to the _with me? I hear the musician performs very well. I d love to. But I m too busy with my preparation for the exam.10. Which do you prefer, pop music or folk music?The later one. It usually has strong _ colour.三、句子翻译1.当他很小的时候,就表现出了对编曲的兴趣。_2.我们被鼓励去了解不同的艺术

8、形式。_3. 般民间音乐以传统方式进行制作。_4.尽管音乐无界限,人们还是有不同的品味。_5.在构架东西方桥梁时我们遇到了困难。_四、完形填空Street art is a very popular form of art. It is _1_quickly all over the world. You can find iton buildings and street signs from Beijing to Paris.Art expert( 专家 )say that the movement began in New York in the. 1960s. Young adults

9、 woulduse paint in special cans to put their words and other images on walls and cars _2_the city.One well-knownstreet artist is Swoon. She _3_, paper images (形象 )of people and putsthem on walls. Swoon didn t start her career as a street artist. She studied,butart_4_timewent on, she got bored with t

10、he works she saw in museums or galleries (美术馆 ).The people inNew York enjoy Swoon s strong and interesting5_.Some artists choose street art because it is _6_to the people. Some artists try to expresstheir opinions (观点 )in their works. Advertising( 广告 )companies also use street art in theiradvertisem

11、ents because it gives the deep impression ( 印象 ) and energy. The New York store SaksFifth Avenue _7_ used a street artist s design for their shop windows and I shopping bags.In today s world, the Internet has a big _8_on street art. Artists can show their pictures to thepeople all over the world on

12、the Internet. Many people, _9_, say that seeing a picture on theInternet is never as goodas seeing it live.Street art lives withthe energy and life of a big_10_. There it will continue to change and grow.() 1.A. watchingB. makingC. spreadingD. searching() 2.A. behindB. byC. overD. around() 3.A. cuts

13、 downB. cuts outC. turns downD. runs out() 4.A. asB. afterC. beforeD. while() 5.A. styleB. storyC. problemD. program() 6.A. saferB. lowerC. closerD. stranger() 7.A. hardlyB. recentlyC. seldomD. never() 8.A. successB. discountC. presentD. influence() 9.A. anywayB. howeverC. otherwiseD. therefore() 10

14、. A. museumB. countryC. cityD. street五、阅读理解Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back

15、.But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of glass. If you drop one ofthese, they will be broken. They will never be the same. You must understand 1 that and try tohave balance in your life. How?Don t look down on your worth by comparing(对比)yourself, with others. It is

16、because we aredifferent and each of us is special.Don t let other people set goals(目标 )for you. Only you know what is best for yourself. Don give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop ttrying. Don t be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chanc

17、es that we learn how to be brave. Donshut love out of your life by saying it s impossible. The quickest way to receive love; is to give itthe fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly (紧紧地);The best way to keep love is to give itwings.Don t run through life so fast that you forget not only

18、where you, but also where veyoubeenare going. Don t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is asuretrea you can always carry easily.Don t use time or words carelessly. You can t get them back. Yesterday,tomorrowishistoryamystery ( 秘密 ),and today is a gift;That swhy we call it“ the present” . Life is not a co

19、mpetition,but a trip, step by step.() 1. The passage tells us not to_ because everyone is special.A. be afraid of difficultiesB. be afraid to learnC. run through life so fastD. compare yourself with others to look down on your worth() 2.The sentence “ Nothing is really overuntilthe moment youstop tr

20、ying. means”that_.A. nothing is possibleB. if we don t give,thereup is always hopeC. you should learn to give upD. although you try, nothing will change() 3. Why can t we use time carelessly? _.A. Because time is too expensive.B. Because time never returns.C. Because we are too poor.D. Because time will get back.() 4. If you run through life so fast, you will.A. lose your own treasure that you can always carry easilyB. lose love by holding it too tightlyC. forget not only where you, butrealsobeenwhere you are goingD. not be afraid of


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