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1、中文3200字11本科毕业论文外文翻译夕卜文题目: Susta in able devel opment and groun dwater resourcesexpl oitati on出 处:Environmentai Geology 34 (2/3) May 1998 .Springer-Verlag作 者:F. Villarroya . C. R. AldwellSustainable devel op ment and groundwaterresources expl oitationAbstract. In evaluat ing groun dwater devel opment

2、 both the po sitive and n egative effects must be con sidered; otherwise biased con clusi ons may be reached. Only with equal concern for the needs of present and future generations, fair exchange of tech no logy betwee n coun tries and user invo Iveme nt can susta in able groun dwater devel opment

3、be achieved. Exam in atio n of the use of the term aquifer overex pl oitati on shows that there is no agreeme nt on a sin gle defi niti on. In most cases it relates to the overuse of aquifers, but in other cases it is a planned overuse. In Spain, overex pl oitati on is dealt with in the water act an

4、d imp leme nted by the regulati ons that en force that act. Exp erie nee has show n that without the coop erati on of the water users themselves, good results are not obta in ed. Releva nt educati on is urge ntly n eeded for the p ublic and those decisi on makers respon sible for determ ining the co

5、rrect use of groun dwater resources for the p rese nt and future gen eratio ns.Key wordsGrou ndwater deve lopment , Aquifer overex ploitatio nAre future groundwater resources at risk?To answer the question whether future groundwater resources are at risk, it is necessary to study both the quantity a

6、nd quality aspects of groundwater. Water (surface and groun dwater) is one of the most p ervasive substa nces on Earth. The total volume of all water is about 1400 million km3, but only 2% is fresh water. The curre nt rate of withdrawal is about 3500 km3/year, some 2100km3 for consump tive use, whil

7、e 1400 km3 of wastewater is retu rned to rivers. Groun dwater withdrawals (p erce nt by sectors) are: domestic, in dustry and agriculture (Shikloma nov 1991). Margat (1991) stressed the n eed to improve water evaluati on studies and qua ntifiedthe amount of groundwater pumpage use in various countri

8、es. His list places the first fifteen countries as follows (in km3 per year): India 150, USA 101, China 74.6,USSR (former) 45, Pakistan 45, Iran 29, Mexico 23, Japan 13.1, Italy 12.1, Germany 9.5, Saudi Arabia 7.4, France 7, Spain 6.3, Turkey 5 and Madagascar 4.9.The main threat to groundwater today

9、 is from point and diffuse source pollution. Therefore groundwater quality protection is the key issue of groundwater resources policy in the industrialized countries. There are many sources of risk to groundwater, as discussed in the seminar on groundwater for the EU countries. RIVM and RIZA (1991)

10、 summarize the problems and threats to ground water resources.The current practices in all the EU countries lead to a non-sustainable use of groundwater systems. The dramatic Dublin Statement emphasizes the unsustainable use of groundwater: “ Hmu an health and welfare, food security, industrial deve

11、lopment and the ecosystems on which they depend, are all at risk, unless water and land resources are managed more effectively in the present decade and beyond thatnhey have been in the past ”Groundwater resources exploitation and sustainable developmentWhat does sustainable development mean? In fac

12、t, we are asking if we are using wisely the resources needed for our life-support system.The general conclusion of the seminar of ministers of the Environment of the EU countries , was that in many countries sustainable use of groundwater for drinking and other (industrial, ecological, etc.) functio

13、ns is being threatened, especially in the agricultural and industrial core regions of the EU.Sustainable development must satisfy present needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to satisfy theirs. Overexploitation may take place during a period to allow better use of other resou

14、rces, or while other technologies develop. Uncontrolled aquifer development easily leads to extensive aquifer exploitation and even to severe forms of overexploitation.Aquifer exploitation and sustainable developmentMargat (1993) speaks of Malthusian under exploitation in the case of inadequate use

15、of an aquifer. In the opinion of Custodio (1993),“ intensive aquifer exploitation is asource of wealth, which fosters regional development and helps to guarantee a supply until other water sources can be economically developed”.“I Inews thGroundwater overexploitation has a series of negative consequ

16、ences, such as increasing water cost, environmental changes (affects on wetlands, salinity problems, etc), reduction of other water sources already in use, water salinization and impairment of quality. The net result, however, may be either negative or positive. Positive results dominate at a region

17、al level, but negative results are alarm bells and Malthusian forecstsm under the heading of overexploitation ” (Custodio 1993). On the other hand, intensive exploitation or overdraft are mainly points of view, referring to the consequences of intensive groundwater use, as perceived by environmental

18、ists, the news media and the public in general, and place emphasis on the adverse or detrimental aspects.Therefore, in order to evaluate groundwater exploitation, not only negative effects but also positive ones have to be considered: “ otherwisea biased appraisal may be reached. Normally, practice

19、shows us that beneficial aspects dominate over detrimental ones in most practical situationso 19”93)(.CAucsctodrdi ing to this lastauthor, the most serious cause of aquifer exploitation is ignorance of what is happening, and negligence in producing the data needed to evaluate the hydrogeological and

20、 economic situation correctly. Another harmful effect is the irresponsible overreaction of water authorities, especially when they are poorly informed or lack the scientific and technical skills to evaluate current problems correctly.The most important action is to solve problems as they appear and

21、not waste time and energy in defining terms. Any exploitation of water resources that is not managed in an integrated way, taking into account the needs of the present and future generations, puts these resources at risk. Such development therefore is not sustainable.Regulatory issues related to aqu

22、ifer overexploitation AquiferoverexploitationThe introduction lists several recent conferences which have highlighted overexploitation of aquifers. Within the conference proceedings, there is no single agreed definition of overexploitation. Spanish Legislation (Royal Decree 849/1986) defines it in a

23、rticle 171.2 in the following terms: “An aquifehralsl be considered to be overexploited, or in danger thereof, if the reserves existing therein are being placed in immediate danger as a result of annual withdrawals that are in excess of, or very close to, the volume of the average annual recharge (r

24、enewable resource) or which give rise to serious deterioration inthe quality of the water ”.According to Dijon and Custodio (1992), exceeding the limits of a renewable resource is not necessarily overexploitation. Conversely, staying within the limits of the same does not necessarily imply that all

25、undesirable effects are being avoided and the beneficial effects enhanced.Llamas (1992) suggests either the elimination or a very restricted use of the term. In brief, he defines overexploitation “ sensustricto a”s all extraction of groundwater which has effects (physical, chemical, economic, ecolog

26、ical or social) which are negative for human life, now or in the future. This type of overexploitation should be avoided for moral reasons. For exploitation based on the extraction of water greater than the average recharge ofthe aquifer he suggests the term“overexploitation sensulato ”.In the paper

27、s presented at the 23rd International Congress of IAH, it was stated that in many cases, overexploitation is synonymous with in efficient exploitation of an aquifer (Villarroya 1994; Villarroya and Rebollo 1993). During this congress numerous examples of “ excessiv exploitation (C”ustodio 1991) from

28、 all over the world were presented, and a summary can be found in Dijon and Custodio (1992).How can a lack of water resources affect land-use planning? As already described, the overexploitation of an aquifer has a marked influence on the planning and uses of land.Water users associations will play

29、a very important irnole regulating the exploitation of natural resources in general, and especially of water resources. The participation of citizens through NGOs such as the water users associations has been shown to be very effective and, on many occasions, has alleviated serious problems concerni

30、ng the exploitation of the water resourcesof a region. The associations have also been shown to be effective as watchdogs to ensure that restrictions and regulations are being complied with. In this sense water authorities should treat them as allies and not opponents.In some situations groundwater

31、has an strategic role at an international level. Some authors emphasize the important role groundwater can play in securing at least a temporally independent supply. Good examples of this type of supply are found in the near-eastern countries. Margat (1992), distinguished three types of situation:1.

32、 Countries with renewable resources (therefore independent of others): Lebanon, Yemen , The Cisjordan and Magreb states.2. Countries without renewable resources which mine water; the Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Syria and Saudi Arabia. Sooner or later, they will become dependent on other states.3. Co

33、untries which depend heavily on others for water; Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Jordan. Margat foresees a future of“ exchanging water fortowiel en ” bethese near-eastern countries, and the establishment of new relations forced by lack of water. Shamir (1993) goes even further and considers w

34、ater to be an extremely important factor in peace negotiations. Thus, water is not only a valuable resource but can also be an instrument in leading to peace (or war?) between neighbouring countries.ConclusionsIn the short term, groundwater quality problems will be more serious than those of quantit

35、y. Between now and the end of the century the implementation of measures to prevent pollution of groundwater from diffuse and point sources will be the main issue.Besides the networks for quantity or quality control, a water users association can be effective in solving and watching over the correct

36、 working of proposed development plans.The definition of aquifer overexploitation is unclear and controversial. In the majority of cases it refers to the incorrect use of an aquifer, in others it is planned. To evaluate groundwater exploitation not only positive effects have to be considered, but al

37、so negatives ones; otherwise a biased appraisal may be reached.Spanish legislation lays down the steps to be taken once an aquifer is declared overexploited, giving special importance to the compulsory formation of a water users association and the preparation of a working plan for abstractions. At

38、the same time the water authorities can de lineate protection zones with restrictions on the use of an aquifer. The application of this approach is controversial and can be of great political importance.Only with solidarity, subsidiarity and involvement can sustained groundwater development be achie

39、ved. Their practical application demands a parallel effort in education and information for the general public. Scientific associations like the IAH and the NGOs should be involved in this process.译 文:可持续发展和地下水资源的开采摘要:在评价地下水开发时, 无论是正面的还是负面的影响都必须加以考虑, 否则得出的结论可能会具有片面性。 只有相等地关注当前和今后几代人的共同需 要,公平交换国家间的技术

40、和广大用户的参与才能实现地下水的可持续发展。 对 含水层过度使用的调查表明, 对其定义没有达成一致意见。 在大多数情况下, 他 们关注过度使用的含水层问题, 但在其他情况下, 他们正计划着过度使用地下含 水层。在西班牙, 进行垦殖需按照当时的水处理法和水使用实施条例, 并严格按 照条例实施。经验表明,如果没有用户的配合,不可能取得良好的效果。对市民 进行有关教育是迫切需要的, 对于那些决策者来说, 他们需对自己定下的地下水 资源使用政策的正确与否向当代和子孙后代负责。关键词 含水层地下水开发 过度开发未来的地下水资源的使用是否存在风险?要回答未来的地下水资源是否受到威胁这个问题, 有必要对地下

41、水的存量和 质量这两个方面进行研究。 水(地表水和地下水) ,是地球上最普遍的物质之一。 全球水总体积约 140000.00 万立方公里,但只有 2是淡水。而且当前以每年 3500 立方公里的速度消减, 约2100立方公里的水用于日常使用, 而 1400立方公里的 废水返回到河流中。地下水的使用百分比按部门分为是:居民用水(8%),工业用水( 23%)和农业用水( 69%)。(1991年调查结果)。 Margat 强调,要改善一 些使用地下水泵的国家的水的使用数量和质量。他调查的前15 个国家每年的使 用量如下:印度 150 立方公里,美国 101立方公里,中国 74.6 立方公里,前苏 联

42、45 立方公里,巴基斯坦 45立方公里,伊朗 29立方公里,墨西哥 23立方公里 , 日本 13.1 立方公里,意大利 12 立方公里,德国 9.5 立方公里,沙特阿拉伯 7.4 立方公里,法国 7立方公里,西班牙 6.3 立方公里,土耳其 5 立方公里和马达加 斯加 4.9 立方公里。今天主要威胁地下水安全的是污染源扩散。 因此,地下水水质的保护是工业 化国家的水资源政策的关键问题。 许多对地下水风险的来源分析表明, 对地下水所讨论的研讨会,大多为欧盟国家举办。RIVM和RIZA( 1991)总结了相关问题和威胁地下水资源来源。 当前的做法是, 所有欧盟国家的做法导致地下水系统不 可持续的利

43、用。 更戏剧性的是, 都柏林声明强调不可持续利用的地下水, 那么人 类的健康和福利, 食品安全, 工业发展和它们所依赖的生态系统都在风险, 除非 水和土地资源的管理在本世纪的几十年及以后的比他们已经在过去的更有效地 利用。、地下水资源开发与可持续发展可持续发展意味着什么?事实上, 我们要考虑的仅仅是是否我们明智地使用 了生活所需资源。欧盟国家环境研究院研讨会讨论的结论是,许多国家的饮用地下水和工业, 生态等用水的可持续利用功能正受到威胁,尤其是在欧盟农业和工业的核心区 域。可持续发展必须能满足他们目前的需要而又不损害子孙后代的利益。 过度开 发可能会在一段时间内, 更好地使用其他资源, 或者其

44、他技术的发展。 不受控制 的开发含水层容易导致更为广泛的含水层开采,甚至导致过度开发的严重形式。三、含水层的开发与可持续发展Margat (1993)谈到在对含水层的不足时,谈到了 Malthusian 地区的探明 和开发的。而 Custodio 研究意见表明( 1993 年),集约开发含水层是财富的来 源,它促进区域发展, 并有助于保证水的供应, 直到其他来源的到来以支撑当地 形成经发达济体。地下水的过度开发具有消极后果, 例如增加水的成本, 环境变化, 一系列的 环境问题(如湿地,土壤盐度问题) ,盐渍化和水质量的损害其他水源减少的问 题已经出现。 最然而终的结果可能是积极的或是消极的。

45、积极的成果, 可能出现 在区域水平上,但负面结果可能触发像过度开发 Malthusian 地区而导致严重后 果那样的警钟。另一方面, 深度开发或透支的主要观点, 指的是集约使用地下水, 如提高环 保认知,新闻媒体和广大公众的关注, 并提高对不利或有害的方面的重视。 因此, 为了评价地下水的开采, 不仅要考虑负面影响, 而且还必须考虑积极因素, 否则 可能得出有偏见的评价。 一般来说, 实践经验告诉我们, 最有利的方面起决定作 用。根据作者的观点, 对含水层开采最严重的后果源于盲目的开发, 并疏忽了进 行生产需要的水文地质条件和经济形势的正确数据。 另一种有害的后果是不负责 任的向水力行政主管部

46、门过度反应消极因素, 特别是当他们不熟悉或缺乏必要的 科学技术和技能以正确地评估当前的问题之前就将问题反映给上级部门。 最重要 的行动是为了解决问题, 所以也就没有必要在下定义方面浪费时间和精力。 任何 水力资源不是以综合的方式管理资源的开发的, 同时只考虑到目前和未来几代人 的需要,会把水资源置于危险之中。那么,这种发展就是不可持续的发展,摒弃 要。四、有关含水层过度开采的监督管理问题引言列出了几个最近关于含水层的过度开采会议。 在会议记录内, 也不存在 单一对过度开发的定义。西班牙的立法(皇家法令849/1986 )定义文章中下列用语的 171.2 它:“一个含水层如果在超过或非常接近储备限度或超过平均每年 的补给量来开采的话, 会导致在水的质量严重恶化, 应当被认为是过度开发, 或 危险物。根据 Dijon and Custodio (1992) 提出的, 超过了可再生资源的限制并不 一定是过度捕捞。 相反,在相同的限制, 并不一定意味着住所有的不良后果正在 避免产生有利的影响增强。Llamas (1992) 建议要么取消使用要么限制地下水。总之,他定义过度抽取 地下水的所有具有影响(物理,化学,经济,生态和社会) ,它将在现在或未来 对人类的生活产生影响。 过度开采应该避免道德方面的谴责。 基于提取地下水资 源的开发已经超过了含水层的平均补给。在第 23 届国际


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