



1、UNIT17 1. The theatre has very good access for the _ (残疾人). 72. We test your _(视力)before giving you a driving license. 73. I couldnt have done it without your _ (鼓舞). 74. Tom is an old lady of great _ (尊贵的). 75. Tom is studying _ (政治)at university. 76. One of her a _ is to become a doctor. 77. She w

2、ent on holiday aloneshes very i_. 78. She took a years leave of a_ from her job. 79. The tale of Two Cities is one of the great works of English l_. 80. He g_ from high school and went to college last year.UNIT21. WhenIbegantosing,helaughedandmademee_.2. They get _(离婚)two years ago3. The minister wa

3、s _ (陪伴)by his secretary to the US.4. My sisters wedding _(典礼)took place at 12 sharp.5. I _(宣布)at the meeting that I did not support him.6. .The only _(解释)for his behavior is that hes mad. 7. .With the teachers help, she s_ away all the difficulties she had met. 8. .My mother was _(担心的,害怕的) when I f

4、ell over. 9. We had an _(可怕的)earthquake here last year. 10. .I dont think the chair is f_ enough to stand on. UNIT31. This material absorbs the sound, and doesnt r_ it. 2. The gate is n_ than a car; well have to walk through. 3. Is this garment made of p_ wool, or of wool mixed with nylon(尼龙). 4. He

5、aring that the famous star was about to appear, the fans y_ and cheered. 47他突然意识到他对英语的了解相当肤浅。(be aware,shallow) 48我们有可能捉前完成这项任务。(ahead) 49喜欢坐哪儿,就坐哪儿。(where)UNIT41.她把座椅调到适合她孩子的高度(adjust)2.她捐出了1 000美元(make a donation to)3.我渴望得到一架钢琴。(be dying for) 4.你收到你哥哥的信了吗?(hear from )5.The manager_(捐赠)$5,000 to a

6、local school.UNIT51.All of us should be concerned with public _(事务)to make our society a better one. 2.Nowadays people have to pass various tests for professional _(证书) so that they can be qualified for a well-paying job. 3. He may be good at football, but he is very _ (笨拙)on the dance floor. 4. Whe

7、n human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy and e_. 5. The foundation would like to launch programs for providing _ (援助) for poor areas and for disease control and prevention in Africa. 6. I hope we will have the strength to bear the difficulties and disapp

8、ointments and bear them with _ (尊严) and without self-pity. 7.He is a well-edacuted man and behaves _ (高雅). 8. Do you believe that the photo - electric reader be capable of s_ characters at the rate of two thousand a second? 9.Not everyone think it is ridiculously _ (荒谬的)to predict that the sun will

9、not rise tomorrow. 10. It is reported that a couple who separated after 40 years of m_ split their house in two. 选修8UNIT11.I was in half the way when it suddenly _(想到) to me that I had left my notebook home.2. The _ (移民) lead a happy life in this new city. 3. You have to have your _ (行李) checked bef

10、ore boarding.4. To my surprise, I found my_ (侄子) dressed in a girls skirt. 5. The oil market is enjoying a _ (繁荣). 6. You must_ (抓住) this opportunity.7. 棉花吸水。(cotton take in)8人们通过音乐来表达感情。(by means of)UNIT21.当汤姆因为迟到而被老板解雇时,他很沮丧2. 你下了这么大工夫,考试绝对没问题Youve done so much work - you _ pass the exam3.他要还清所有的债

11、务需要五年的时间。.4.The law f_ the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16. 5. We have worked out a new set of p_ for using this machine. 6. No one o_ when the manager said it was time to go home. .7. Every servant will r_ from his position at the age of 60.Unit31.请在今天下午三点给我打电话。 Please at 3 this af

12、ternoon. 2.进入高三以后我们还是偶尔见面, 但不像以前那么经常了。 We see each other_ in Senior Three but not as often as we used to 3.我们着手打扫房子。 We set _ the house.4.We found her greatly _ (change). 5.What made them so _ (frighten)? 6.He wont like such questions _ (discuss) at the meeting. 87The _ (pollute) air and water are h

13、armful to peoples health.Unit41. Irritated by the factorys failing to pay their wages for months, the d_ workers decided to go on a strike. 2. Dont get distracted by _ (relevance) facts. Only by adhering to the focus of our research can we achieve success. 3. You really shouldnt doubt about his _ (c

14、ompetent). Just have a look at the sales record, and you will know he has exceptional talent. 4. As a famous book critic, she is hugely _ (influence). Whatever has been recommended by her will soon come to the list of “best sellers”. 5. M_ by the devotion to charity course, Jacky Chan announced that

15、 he would donate all his money to charity instead of leaving it to his son Jaycee Chan.选择合适的短语填空 missed out on dry out in an effort to .will take on In contrast 6. It seems to take years for the paint to _. Painted last week, it is still wet now. 7. Having been trapped in the traffic jam for almost

16、an hour, Jane got to the theatre late and _ nearly half of the play. 8. With promotion, she _ greater responsibilities, which means even less time can be spent with the family for her. 9. Identical twins as they are, Zoe and Tina differ greatly in preferences. Zoe tends to be quiet, introverted and

17、prefers classical music. _, Tina finds great interest in associating with people and cannot even live without rock-and-roll. 10. Philips has been engaged in an endless round of restructuring _ make itself more competitive. Unit566. Living conditions in the camp were pretty _(原始) 67 We must stop him

18、seeing her _(以某种方式). 68. A stream marks the _ (分界线)between the two farms. 69. After another glass of whisky I began to feel _(眩晕). 70. Pay attention to the _ (标点符号)of this sentence. 71 After a few years, she became very _ (有技巧)at drawing. 72. B_ is scientific study of plants and their structure. 73

19、C_ is a class or group of things in a complete system of grouping. 74. When I walked along the shore, I picked up several _ (贝壳).75. 75. One metere is equal to 100 c_. 答案UNIT11. disabled 2. eyesight 3. encouragement4. dignity 5. politics 6. ambitions 7. independent 8. absence 9. literature 10. gradu

20、atedUNIT21.embarrassed 2.divorced 3.accompanied 4.marriage 5.declared 6.explanation 7.smoothed 8.alarmed 9.awful 10.firm UNIT31. reflect 2. narrow 3. pure 4. yelled 4. He was suddenly aware of his shallow English. 5. We are likely to finish the task ahead of time. 6 Please sit where you like. UNIT41

21、.She adjusted the seat to the height of her child2.She made a donation of a thousand dollars.3.Im dying for a piano4.Have you heard from your brother?5.donatedUNIT51. affairs 2. certificates 3. clumsy 4. encouragement 5. assistance 6. dignity 7. elegantly 8. scanning 9. absurd 10. marriage 8uint11.occurred 2. imm


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