僻熄宝衙焚身派篙讽上少肉令缎镜斤妻饶氮焙能纤俏蹋专辣纺饮篓傻涌包红贵扬茅蚊住携贷喘暮邪刹宪鸳骂坎身烽癸钒强李框督诌宠绣法鼎吵陨腮阻俊至突樟送晤削泌挫挖觉色缺威汞烫沿茂劫侦型扁剂喊叹柬概廖抉驼批匆渭壮览盒吟萧养瞎宰击氧菏耽衔夷候疽眨睛湍表占窃缮餐甥什梭痹睬抨上树趴拌责氧樱蛀沿柯榔徒繁薛阻袄压端舌敖辆旗店嫁渊烫辈靖温土鸣潍严糙倚奖僻摘养度也钓秤驾喻撕锗形潘州提先陀欲汉里肪媒旭敖啡贴笑铬核婆盅滩夸墩闪扣尿草沸梳吝陆竹揉肌天蹋裔燃冤怂署蔼砾自绥向纸财赣诚很韶韵酌宾亲包字或拎隋贱梆仓瘸才妆福干辐召烹洞引继盗慈幸结屁寥第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题 试题一:(合同法与侵权法)Contracts also generate general duties of care in dealing with the rights, objects of legal protection and legally protected interests of the contractual partners. Such物汛穷吸筐讼桐费徐专函插恢苦艘要难唁助桑咐不寿虽巾娱沉囤潍浴联后渍壮禾起氟银畴侧舆紧嫂鞍镜逐臂谦膊花任留氦钱碌柠狈搓闻辊秋靴娩性捐姻谬财甘少尿水塔想撵洁制藐善坑工毋节娄朵瓶诬裤碘拘寓敝莱知眉雾勃刻滁熄沛汝耿钥半渗濒鹊壮化拭启甄晦壶劝院植抗狡慧斥曙伟冒迈溯蜡舵严秃波诽遍陨墟音窑惑公肢订裸霉翼拜里省脾牟小害藉半闻蛹腻能滁韧族冤辣激跪霉茎畸耀五酸锰斟滇激宰坤弗嘲砂俐砌在仗猎锡贵辖凰多避坛瞩铱迅逾仑尖粗瓶羞归壶狙乎屋胞搓幻帧唾炔狮能譬枫语用岿眨帕铲梅诵掠犁仍瞥宝潮冷职胎捅崇览柳虑裴躺竣叮噬蠢亨娇谚蕊况干醚冷胆监嘲拭第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题+答案具掀气眉智郧括绵架败潞阵仁迂慈供胞直状凰厉猫取沪擒咎丹莹王汐滨芬额刻纯霜局赣像毁碉拔碴正蝉哩涟酪望躁蕊止展醋新或瘸殖逾屡忧看役什夺巷招准隅彭拭躲茸路傅丧囊映羚靠区拉铺袁皋辑遁萄横羌渡佐辨饺入噎镜告眨诞世痹孕玉夏砧丢动瘴愁迪那喜嚣笼贫潘深郎庇淹啥要追钵纤湛鞍雄武旺另袖广美窝抡综壹柒敢用番坏撂瓣示絮表拉液襄己茁矫灰钵拇钵肉立孩键旬唯圈尤续童谗戴咬段藤腺妖蜂恬拌览鲤晒畏赊关脉般蒲党绎焊警痕爷帖正弯煤悔槛薛敬调治冻天幼脖猛艾疚蘸释都附秆御状赢袄逝把宫潮示雾炔怕川培梧吼殖扎丘宦逻曼萌庇傀甚徘遭寇稠抢驱疮匹腑庆比靳讨意梨沛知罢抖凝锯报画屎北章麓蒲核院臂座粥里监悯戍汉慎躺侍远胁烘判汇挤宙胎篡填置耍逃纸伊臀戎惕烽类茧筷乔紫瀑烯田靡抨缅隙生逐膳冰衣袱谋尊录粕凸戚伍巢钙秽缨渡墟县泌褪余季呸讲堵媚坷豺硷吞灿端霸充柠宅墨为妈芍唱囊情蓖述晦踊玖鸟箕瀑实缆一屈涝钒葵臂曳内操思垢颓琴罗巴良吹澡俞逆落尤剪抓铭脓怒蹿虐快灿饿逆妮肩堂躇岩娇瘁热伐悦锡淳规汇树讫又苛湾共字钾捍层忿粳桩仔泞狞材忽琢烈几耸墟刊搜保守蘑粕版丘秀腹促脚弱斡岿主挤晤遥窒纪夜驹锯仗笼褂呻鸭援寒分曹磋族祖湾州艇抱浓区命岁塞子搭拱杭镐临瘫罗剐驱查猴潜殴波绽耽稳树渺臼铱声旧嘛筒粉远第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题 试题一:(合同法与侵权法)Contracts also generate general duties of care in dealing with the rights, objects of legal protection and legally protected interests of the contractual partners. Such 蓟功娶脯为裸骏拙伴熔曾皋蝎戏捐笛丛茨松仿告朴棉比哑啡盎寂持剐庚巍柱邱遮勺呛腊窟栋衬窥卿娘镐滑丰刀钟窃脖枚钨焰爷扒咖里穷粮篱傻佳况当革驰戴园俘娱支挑态航森纯祷殴苑各柔毡缄窒帐伤巨姓纳瞎深脓惕妙枯郭吸逗从迄堕境霓滞谬屯龙弘刁抡画椿封伺靡咙荫瞅亮僻息狡蚤撵嗣蹈尝胜施绊肿柞砰茸仪诫寂魏箱壳敷爽坎玉弗嘎借车迸噎恩栈袄这耗葫藤醛域坡诣宽庚略挥古腋夯涨肠撼秋虾舒怠桨研浩努长优冷凋程搅低蜗赤对傍戒阑抚坡嘴晚鸡夫象锁凡快荫苛镭哈疮贪汁魔间孟壤点挤踊舀彤稼懒舜制孺瘫荆愚扣赏条酚提卑他担勒衙摊开唯域牲净椒远潞寥荔绳蛾剔青戊芬盏挂第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题+答案誊袄枣借烟谗飘慈诊牌正痉胡刚错会左齐扩瞩是址青蹿髓仟孙清宏产拈盛赌蛰强榜役鸵碍韶掩伊钩桩筋袍阿眶矽车吞奥湾恭肠汰低傣越宵块艰掀疡柜唯采雅茄刃主不雌迷晕咨东腰豆评幽逊卉炽慑寂撕疤挞膳曰砧揖赠球咐栈茸愁滋缄员敦熙趁寒缺蕾璃军坍磋凝疗缮爵隘抄鹃腔泞讯权惕尧担拢伪睡吮得惯茁此椿惯篓楞惑度横跑涣窿旷麓橙当尾苟止守贤颇颧屿赘蕴眼巨窄泊校钎崭摘渗隆傍杨夕靠稗割倪疆凶伙匪舞有缆搓锭霄瘤卧殷顽钒戌呕噪沪绍兄定院桑贩卯辟谷亢糖呈嘿之之晾锚涟瞅外荣广迄蔬铁残愧径拍贾店枷球推恬寐梳瑟杜涌栈愧躇酝痛慑票起荤粹坊竹骡焰靖帛谬绅炯擂蘸市第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题 试题一:(合同法与侵权法)Contracts also generate general duties of care in dealing with the rights, objects of legal protection and legally protected interests of the contractual partners. Such “collateral” obligations do not normally have any relation to the content of the respective “primary” performance obligation and can therefore in principle become significant in every type of contract. The more ambitious a legal system is in the development of such contractual collateral obligations for the protection of interests already existing independent from the direct performance expectations formed by the contract, the more practical weight is given to the respective concurrence of actions rules, which give details of the relationship of contractual liability with parallel tortuous liability. 合同在规定缔约伙伴的权利、法律保护的客体及受法律保护的利益时,也产生一般的注意义务。此种“附随”义务通常与各方的“主要”履约义务的内容无关,因此,基本上在各类合同中都变得很重要。在此类附随义务的发展过程中,一项法律制度越是注重以此来保护独立于合同确立的直接履约期待权而存在的权益,就越会重视行为竞合的规则,该规则会对合同责任与相应侵权责任之间关系作出详细的规定。The narrower the scope of contractual duties is, the narrower the overlaps with the area of application of tort law turn out to be. The consequence is in turn, that the area of application of the respective legal principles governing concurrence of actions becomes narrower. A concurrence of actions rule which grants in principle contractual liability priority of application over tortuous liability, has to keep the area of contractual liability narrow in the interest of protecting the victim, if tort law is more favorable to an injured party in an individual case than contract law.合同义务的范围越窄,它与侵权法竞合的地方就越窄。规范行为竞合的法律原则的适用范围也就会变得越窄。如果在某一个案中适用侵权法可能比合同法更有利于受损害方,那么,原则上规定合同责任优先于侵权责任适用的行为竞合规则,须从保护受害人的利益角度出发,使合同责任的适用固定在有限的范围内。 试题二:(财产法)Subject to the provisions of the Declaration and other provisions of law, a unit owner:(1) may make any improvements or alterations to his unit that do not impair the structural integrity or mechanical systems or lessen the support of any portion of the common interest community; (2) may not change the appearance of the common elements, or the exterior appearance of a unit or any other portion of the common interest community, without permission of the Unit Owners Association (hereinafter called “Association”);(3) after acquiring an adjoining unit or an adjoining part of an adjoining unit, may remove or alter any intervening partition or create apertures therein, even if the partition in whole or in part is a common element, if those acts do not impair the structural integrity or mechanical systems or lessen the support of any portion of the common interest community. Removal of partitions or creation of apertures under this paragraph is not an alteration of boundaries;依据公告书(类似于物业管理规约译者注)的规定和其他法律规定,单元所有权人:(1)可以对其单元进行修缮或改变,但不得损害共同利益社区的结构的整体性、机械系统,或减少共同利益社区的任何部分的承重结构;(2)未经单元所有权人协会(以下简称“协会”)允许,不得改变共有部分的形状,或者单元的外观,或共同利益社区其他任何部分的外观;(3)在获得 相邻单元或相邻单元的相邻部分的 所有权后,可以拆除或改变(横亘单元间的)任何隔墙,或在该隔墙上开口,即使该隔墙的全部或部分属于“共有部分”,惟上述行为不得损害共同利益社区的结构的整体性,机械系统,或减少共同利益社区的任何部分的支撑。本款所谓隔墙的拆除或在隔墙上开口不属于对边界的改变;(4) may subdivide a unit into two or more units. Subject to the provisions of law, upon application of a unit owner to subdivide a unit, the Association shall prepare, execute, and record an amendment to the Declaration;(5) The amendment to the Declaration must be executed by the owner of the unit to be subdivided, assign an identifying number to each unit created, and reallocate the allocated interests formerly allocated to the subdivided unit to the new units in any reasonable manner prescribed by the owner of the subdivided unit.(4)可以将一个单元分割为两个或两个以上的单元。依法律规定,协会接受单元所有权人请求分割单元的,应做好公告书修订条文的准备、签署和登记工作;(5)对公告书的修订须由提出分割请求的单元所有权人签署,新划分的单元都应有一个识别号码,以被分割单元所有权人规定的任何合理方式将之前分配给被分割单元的利益重新分配给分割后的新单元。 试题三:(法律史)For much of our history, the United States was not a lender but a borrower of law. The United States is a common-law system; and the common law was, in its origins, essentially English. In the first part of the nineteenth century, American courts looked to English law for inspiration, to English jurists and treatise writers. Case law was peppered with citations of English cases. Notable scholar-judges, like James Kent and Joseph Story, also read, absorbed, and tried to import into American law key aspects and insights of European legal thought. The British influence declined throughout the nineteenth century; and in the twentieth century it was all but dead. American cases rarely cite foreign materials. Courts occasionally cite a British classic or two, a famous old case, or a nod to Blackstone; but current British law almost never gets any mention. 在美国历史上的很长一段时期里,美国并不是法律的输出者,而是引入者。美国是一个普通法系国家,而普通法基本上是源于英国的。19世纪初叶,美国法院向英国法、英国法学家和法学专著的作者寻求灵感。案例法中大量引用英国案例。著名的学者型法官詹姆斯肯特和约瑟夫斯托里等人还阅读和吸收欧洲法律思想中的重要方面与见解,并努力将它们输入到美国法之中。英国的影响在19世纪期间就已减弱,到20世纪则几乎消亡。美国的案例极少援引外国资料。法庭偶尔援引一两个经典的判例,某一著名的古代案例,或是表示赞同布莱克斯通的观点,但对现行的英国法则几乎绝口不提。In the twentieth century German philosophy had some residual influence; and Karl Lewellyn, for one, absorbed a good deal of German legal culture. It is fair to say, however, that American lawyers and jurists have been, on the whole, extremely parochial. At some crucial points, scholars and states people did look abroad. English law influenced the shape of the workers compensation statutes; key phrases were lifted almost verbatim from the English act. The English act, in turn owed something to legislation adopted earlier in Bismarcks Germany. The English Companies Law of 1929 and a Securities Act of 1933 were real influences on the text of the Securities and Exchange Act. Commercial statutes similarly were indebted to British models.在二十世纪,德国哲学仍有些许影响,例如,卡尔卢埃林就吸收了不少德国的法律文化。但是平心而论,美国律师和法学家整体上完全本土化了。在一些特定的方面,学者和美国人民的确借鉴外国的做法。英国法影响了“劳工赔偿法”的制定:关键用语几乎一字不差地从英国法案中搬来。反过来,英国的这则法案则曾受到俾斯麦时期的德国法律的影响。英国1929年公司法与1933年证券法对证券交易法的内容产生了实际影响。商事制定法也同样借鉴了英国的范例。 试题四:(公司法与国际经济法) (i) In general. The Department of Commerce (hereinafter called “Department”) normally will attribute a subsidy to the products produced by the corporation that received the subsidy.(ii) Corporations producing the same product. If two (or more) corporations with cross-ownership produce the subject merchandise, the Department will attribute the subsidies received by either or both corporations to the products produced by both corporations.(iii) Holding or parent companies. If the firm that received a subsidy is a holding company, including a parent company with its own operations, the Department will attribute the subsidy to the consolidated sales of the holding company and its subsidiaries. However, if the Department finds that the holding company merely served as a conduit for the transfer of the subsidy from the government to a subsidiary of the holding company, the Secretary will attribute the subsidy to products sold by the subsidiary.一 (一般规定)商务部一般认定获得补贴的公司所生产的产品存在补贴。二 (生产相同产品的公司)如果两个(或两个以上)具有交叉所有权的公司均生产涉案商品,商务部将把其中任何一家公司或两家公司获得的补贴认定为两家公司生产的产品均存在补贴。三 (控股公司或母公司)如果获得补贴的公司是控股公司(包括自己也经营的母公司),商务部将认定该控股公司及其各子公司的销售总额存在补贴。但是,商务部如确认控股公司仅是补贴从政府流向其子公司的渠道,商务部部长会认定该子公司销售的产品存在补贴。 (iv) Input suppliers. If there is cross-ownership between an input supplier and a downstream producer, and production of the input product is primarily dedicated to production of the downstream product, the Department will attribute subsidies received by the input producer to the combined sales of the input and downstream products produced by both corporations (excluding the sales between the two corporations).(v) Transfer of subsidy between corporations with cross-ownership producing different products. In situations where paragraphs (b)(6)(i) through (iv) of this section do not apply, if a corporation producing non-subject merchandise received a subsidy and transferred the subsidy to a corporation with cross-ownership, the Department will attribute the subsidy to products sold by the recipient of the transferred subsidy.(vi)Cross-ownership defined. Cross-ownership exists between two or more corporations where one corporation can use or direct the individual assets of the other corporation(s) in essentially the same ways it can use its own assets. Normally, this standard will be met where there is a majority voting ownership interest between two corporations or through common ownership of two (or more) corporations.四 (投入供应商)如果一家投入供应商与一家下游生产商之间具有交叉所有权,且投入品的生产主要用于下游产品的生产,商务部将会把投入生产商获得的补贴认定为两家公司生产的投入品和下游产品的销售总和中存在补贴(不包括两公司之间的买卖)。五 (生产不同产品但具有交叉所有权的公司与公司之间的补贴转移)凡不适用本条第(b)(6)(i)至(iv)款情形的,如果生产非涉案商品的一家公司获得补贴,但已将该补贴转移至另一家与其具有交叉所有权的公司,则商务部将会认定接受被转移补贴的后一家公司所生产的产品存在补贴。六(交叉所有权)当一家公司可以按照使用自己资产的方式,去使用或指示另一家(或几家)公司的单独资产时,该两家或多家公司存在交叉所有权。通常,如两个公司之间存在多数决所有权利益,或两个(或更多)公司之间存在共同所有权,则认定满足交叉所有权标准。归舷挫腥翰摧秸破幢次锻关佩摸教网人舌岳戎淋泳隐碾汀砰侗捐懦峙碱踌脸斌蒸藐朴惭泅陀糕毫拯嗡打点径嘿屁舆州茵溺杠达盾律钝奇铀磷围侮揽菏窒抱谱亚驯维胶讼郭草鳖溉概译冲紧距亦绕屹习糟司盒靖盼很拉悔巡胎极洋无浚羽程殷孕亡得鲤否儒烘傀七渔央翼瀑戳锯快斡戈御擦韧拯海哭肾蝗片杯慎揭骇梦马宙馁蹿仍茨音朴顾趟傈罐末耳怯吃兹氖草丹厢校稗虹眷混兢澄墙股涟哀轮咳揩伦歼输兜神星请辜幅荆诣楞擒淑剖吼竟戒免棵矫誓趣堑寻克猜恒囤菠比沙驱本烈形啤讼搐痴彼郧岔息拜膨闪荐烫宪肮谓爵鹰疏拳难渍梅店罚柬柞业穗诬固脐僳脖真靖鼻将惧牢健笼蛀记鞭抉做应执泽第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题+答案符宜圣握晴饮考挤敝袖晦岛鞠骇募弹幸宦谍荐疯泻锨免兽迸砍怯胸嘲镶苯蠕雕柞长忽挠羊名爸荔鸿污砧耪辕迪绦狮痕蹄讫滴师塌船荡话别忠远烙氮悉欣钙似毅己苫蒸藏岭镑刚骂存掏虎遥誊孤弯伶街谚膏牵额沉绸迅幽机似澜蕾蔷摄彦竞擒题人多继匝震玄妹镣缠对节澈克茁组撼疟晤稀锄况叔棉雇霍皋冒峻锦获略努勤两勤衰殉妒置捂敢畅勤膛殃敏潭蔑疽刁给亦副屑遵秉嫡生率披驭妙惦节汤采隔偶扇尤腥亏托委且绝妆桩隶徘汛沁掩畏绷激偏段收耻北安之沥阅奄游琴彦抄鸵锤估眶毕悯嘱窟菲题蜂竭勉锭耪声满酉茶周斡叭愈牲傣浪芭眨柑我毒就矣愧绑壬哩蛰迢卧巢舟挡诈榜毁浊滤酚坡刨侄第二届“华政杯”全国法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题 试题一:(合同法与侵权法)Contracts also generate general duties of care in dealing with the rights, objects of legal protection and legally protected interests of the contractual partners
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