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2020年高中入学考试英语考试(不包括听力材料)第一,听简短的对话,回答问题。1.Who will go shopping finally?A.山姆。B.安娜。C.海伦。2 .A.at 7:0。B.at 73336930。C.at 8:0。D.at 83336930。3 .A.shehas a headhache .B.shehas a stomachache。C.she is not hungry。D.shehas much work to do .4 .A.in a clothes shopB.in a restaurant。C.at school。D.at home .5.What did Gina find in the library?A.a key。B.a school id card。C.a watch .第二,听句子或对话,选择图片6 .A.B.C.7 .A.B.C.8.What is Betty doing?A.B.C.9 .A.B.C.10 .A.B.C.第三,听句子并回答。11 .A.he is tall。B.he is cute。C.he is 11 years old .12 .A.Im twelve。B.Im OK。C.Im from beijin。13 .A.very good。B.thanks。C.of course。14 .A.Id like some juice。B.I like meat。C.I like my brother。15 .A.what do you do?B.how do you do?C.Im a student。第四,听长时间的对话,回答问题。听下面的长对话,回答下面的小问题。16.Whats the matter with the boy?A.he has a sore face。B.he has a toothache。C.he has a headhache .17.What should the boy do?A.躺下休息。B.put a bandage on it。C.get an X-ray。第五,听短文,回答问题。听一篇短文,回答以下小问题。请根据随笔的内容选择正确的答案,完成信息记录表。露西Parentsagi波蒂_ _ _ _SubjectHow to teach on the InternetArt history地点_ _ _ _纽约市For what they go on learningNot to lose her job_ _ _ _18 .A.波蒂B.塞维提C.eighty19 .A.纽约市B.波士顿C.Washington20 .A.恩乔伊泰姆斯尔维斯B.learnmoreC.meet people all over the world六、单一主题21._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fun it was to have a trip to the zoo!A.howB.whatC.whataD.whatan22.must I finish the homework right now,mum?-no,you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ but you must finish it before 9p . m.A.mustntB.may notC.needntD.cant23.- Excuse me。Is there anear here?I want to buy some drinks.-是。go along the street and it s on your left .A.赵国B.schoolC.supermarketD.museum24.the TV program keep running is very popular _ _ _ _ _ the middle school students。A.阿蒙B.之间C.overD.for25.would you like to go to Shanghai Disney land with me?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.it doesnt matter。B.盖斯瓦特?C.dont mention it .D.that sounds great。-mom,I dont want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,but I broke your favorite glass by mistake。-it doesn t matter . be careful next time。A.make you exitedB.make you downC.put you downD.let you down27.baskeball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by a Canadian doctor _ _ _ _ _ _ James nais mith。A.was invented,nameB.was invented,namedC.invents,namedD.is invented,named28.my brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ English for ten years。he can talk with foreigners in English freely。A.studiesB.stuiedC.has stuiedD.will study29.where is the MP3 was bought last week?-on the table over there。A.卫生组织B.itC.thatD.this30.dont watch too much TV,your eyes will hurt。A.andB.butC.orD.so31._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the war lasts,the more the people there will suffer。A.长整型B.the longC.朗泽D.the longer32.I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my home work while my parents _ _ _ _ _ TV at 9 last night。A.didHave watchedB.had doneWere watchingC.was doingWere watchingD.would doWere watching33.声音和女孩,I will tell you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,and you can finish it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.what to doOn your ownB.what to doBy yourselfC.how to do itBy yourselfD.how to do阿隆34.Ive run out of money to buy a new bike。-哦,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you have to walk。A.thats rightB.go aheadC.thats too badD.exuse me35.the film was wonderul。thank you for inviting me。-。Im glad you like it。A.I agreeB.dont mention itC.you are rightD.thank you all the same7,选择全部短文7 5营养Suggest that we should eat least five different kinds of vege tables and fruit a day . they are very nec neceary forthey can help reduce the risk of getting ill。there are a lot of vege tables and fruit to choose from and they tasks delicious . 36 .its easy to buy our food from the local super market,so why do we go to the trouble of growing our own?Here are several good reasons:37.you can pick and eat it at once。when you have tried it,you will agree that vegetables and fruit that are eaton straight from the garden tasks better than anything you can buy inyou may want to cut down on your food miles -the distance that a product has traveled before it reaches your kitchen .many food packages are flown halfway across the earth .38.home grown food is likey to be healthier。food producters offten use fertilizers and pesticides Which can end up in your food。if you grow your own,Things are different . 39 . you might also choose to grow some traditional vege tables and fruit。these often have more of the vitamins,minerals and protein that keep you healthy。40.阳台上的and you can grow your own even if you only have a small backyard or a balcony。some food can grow well in pots,including lettuce,tomatoes,Potatoes and carrots。you can recycle plastic botles and cups to grow something。just make sure there are holes for drainage(倍数)and a small plate under them to catch drops of water .幸福的加德林!A.best of all,you can grow your own!B.but where to grow your own is a problem。C.thats not so good for you,or for the planet。D.food that you grow your self is always fresh .E.if you have a large garden,growing your own is easy。F.you can control what goes on and into the food you eat。G.so its better to eat more vege tables and fruit in our daily life。八、clozeWhen I was young,my father told me that little acts of kindness may give one great happines。since then I have always tried to help people in _ _ _ _One hot summer afternoon,I was


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