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人教版九年级上学期期末模拟英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you like some more_, Jack? Fruits are good for health.Ok, thank you, mum.AhamburgersBstrawberriesCnoodles2 . People were in great hurry to the bricks and stones .Amove awayBbe awayCgo awayDwash away3 . Ken is going to _ a hobby like playing chess.Alook upBtake upCget upDstand up4 . -Im not feeling well.I have a cold.-_.Youd better see a doctor.ANo problemBNever mindCSorry to hear thatDSounds good5 . What will you do if you have to_an invitation to a party?I think l will say sorry and tell the reason at the same time.AdeleteBmakeCrefuseDbelieve6 . _ you ever _ to England?ADo goBHave beenCHave goneDHave went7 . Happy birthday, Tom. Ive got you a present. _AThe same to you.BHave a good time!CThank you.DGood luck!8 . Tom, your father went to Hong Kong last week. Do you know ? Next month.Awhen will he come backBwhen he will come backCwhere will he come backDwhere he will come back9 . I still like the good old songs I often listen to myself in my spare time.AenjoyBenjoyingCto enjoyDenjoyed10 . _ moving moment it was to hear the old father reading the letter to his son!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an11 . Jacks math is not so good. I can help him _ it.AstudyBstudyingCstudies12 . My father drives _ than he did a month ago.Amore much carefullyBmuch more carefullyCcarefully more muchDmore much careful13 . I dont know when he_, if he _here, Ill call you at once.Awill come;arrivesBwill come;will arriveCcomes;arrivesDcomes;will arrive14 . -Have you found enough information about Jackie Chan _ you can use for your report?-He is so famous that Ive easily got plenty on the Internet.AwhereBwhichCwhatDwho15 . The boy has been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his_.AattentionBsafetyCactionDgrowth16 . Have you finished drawing your picture , Tom?Certainly, Mum. I have drawn it . Can I go out for a walk now?Ayet; yetBalready; alreadyCyet; alreadyDalready; yet17 . ABC18 . You must work hard, _ you will fall behind.AandBbutCsoDor二、补全短文5选5One day, as I opened the garage door, I saw a large moth (飞蛾) on the wall. 19 . There were two bright red “tails” on swings, which made it more like a butterfly than a moth. 20 . There is a window on the ceiling (天花板). The moth tried its best to get out through the invisible (看不见的) “wall” of the window.I raised the garage door wider to help the moth to escape from the garage. However, it tried to fly higher and farther from door and got trapped (受困) in a spiders web. Worrying that the beautiful moth would become the spiders dinner, I picked up a broom (扫帚) to help it get out of the spiders web. However, it became even more frightened. 21 . , the moth pumped (扇动) his wings hard and ran into the glass. But no matter how hard it tried, the moth remained in the cage of the garage. 22 . I thought by simply turning his focus to one side, he could escape the garage through the door.23 . ALuckily, the moth finally escaped from the terrible garage.BAfter it got away from the webCSometimes, people need to choose the right way before applying effort.DI left the garage with the door open.EPerhaps because of the sound of the door opening, the moth started to fly around.FIt was a very beautiful moth that was spreading its big brown wings.三、完型填空Mr. and Mrs. King live in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. Theyre _ to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often _ the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So therere many young men in their shop. Of course people like them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and talk with them. We can always hear their rooms are full of _ and quarrel.It is a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King are going to have a picnic on the island the next _. It is a little far from our town. So they have to get up earlier than usual to catch a six oclock train. After _ a few friends come to see them while they are cooking some food and drinks for the picnic. Mr. King and his wife have to stop it. They talk a lot and few of them look at the _ on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King are anxious (焦急) but they cant tell the visitors about it. The woman thinks for a few _ and has an idea. She says to her _, “Oh, its eleven oclock! Youd better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to _!Mr. King hears this and stands up and says _ to the visitors and they leave soon.So you see, sometimes telling a lie(谎言) isnt a bad thing.24 . AniceBcoolCcoldDcareful;25 . AhelpBhurtChitDwatch26 . AcryBshoutCnoiseDlaugh27 . AmorningBafternoonCeveningDnight28 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDmeal29 . AphoneBphotoCclockDpicture30 . AminutesBdaysCweeksDmonths31 . AvisitorBhusbandCbrotherDfather32 . Ago homeBgo to bedCgo shoppingDhave a rest33 . AhelloBgoodbyeCsorryDnothing四、阅读单选The journey to and from school is a major reason for stress throughout the worldAnd the journey can even make you sickYet one city has found a way to make its train journeys more comfortable while offering enjoyable reading at the same time,just like in a libraryOn two train lines in Beijing,the underground cars(车厢)have been turned into libraries,but theyre not traditional librariesInstead of real copies of books,the underground cars provide ebooksWhen passengers get into the cars,they can see pictures of different book covers on the walls and even doorsPassengers can browse(浏览)the books just like in any other libraryOnce theyve made their choice,they can use a mobile phone to scan the QR code(扫二维码)on the cover of their chosen bookThe QR code leads to an ebook app,on which the passengers can read the ebook for freeAnd they can still enjoy the book on the app even after leaving the trainThanks to the undergrounds idea,passengers can discover new stories every time they take a rideIn this way,the journey will not be boring any longer,and passengers will not complain about the journey eitherInstead,they can benefit(受益)a lot from itReading ebooks can really make the journey more enjoyableits one of the things that successful passengers usually doIn fact,in this kind of special library,the books can go on forever!34 . How do passengers usually feel about their journeys to and from work?AComfortableBEnjoyableCPainfulDCheerful35 . Which statement is TRUE about passengers in paragraph 3?AThey read paper books on the trainBThey can browse the QR code to buy the booksCThey can scan the QR code to buy the booksDThey can enjoy the book on the app after the ride36 . What does it refer to in the paragraph 4?AThe journeyBThe storyCThe passengerDThe underground37 . Which is the best title for the passage?AThe Best Train RideBThe Enjoyable JourneyCThe Future LibraryDThe Moving LibraryOur family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what an experience (经历) it was!When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore(探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp.Tom wanted his father to chase(追赶,驱赶) him away. His father said, “No, its dangerous to chase a bear. And dont let him chase you.” Susie said, “What should we do? Maybe we should climb a tree.” Tom said, “No, we have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent.” “Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat.” Susie suggested(建议). Then I said, “How are you going to get the honey? Its in the tent.”We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset(翻倒,弄翻) everything inside. “Its foolish of us to try to chase him away.” said my husband, “Leave him alone and wait for him to come out.” we waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.38 . Tom wanted to go to the park to see _.AtigersBwolvesCbearsDhoney39 . Who do you think saw the bear first?ATom.BThe father.CThe writer.DSusie.40 . What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent?AThey chased the bear away.BThey stayed outside the tent and did nothing.CThey put some honey outside for the bear to eat.DThey climbed a tree.41 . What did the bear do in the tent?AHe ate the honey.BHe slept.CHe messed everything up.DHe chased the people away.Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill. They may give us something to take. The medicine often makes us well again.But sometimes the doctors medicine doesnt work. A sick person does not get well. The pain doesnt go away. There was such man. He was in hospital, but he wasnt well. Then he found a new “doctor” inside himself. This “doctor” was his own sense of humor(幽默). He saw funny films. He read funny books. And he liked to learn something interesting. Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able to sleep and rest. His own happy feeling helped him to feel well again. And he told his story in a book. He said that laughing was his best “medicine”. His doctor thought so, too.Another man was ill, and he had a terrible pain in his back. The doctors could not stop it from hurting. So the man began to “picture” his pain. In his head he “drew” a picture of a dog. He imagined(想象) it as a real dog. And it was biting(咬) his back. It was hurting him. Then the man talked softly to the dog. He put his hand on the dogs head. He made friends with the dog. And his pain went away!These stories may surprise you. But more and more people are getting well in this way. So call on the “doctor” inside your own head. And stay happy and well!42 . The medicine given by doctors_.Anever works wellBalways tastes terribleCdoesnt work sometimesDalways makes patients feel worse43 . In the second paragraph “a new doctor inside himself” meansAhis own doctorBhis optimism(乐观主义)Cthe doctor in his homeDthe medicine made by himself44 . The second patient felt well again because of.Agood medicineBthe doctorsChis sense of humorDthe “dog” in his head45 . We can stay happy and well by.Avisiting the “doctor” inside our own headsBdrawing a picture of a dogCgoing to see a doctor as often as possibleDtaking more medicine46 . We should believe that.Adoctors can heal all patientsBno one can help patients but themselvesConly medicine can make patients feel betterDsometimes a patient can help himself in his own way.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词47 . 她昨天说话太多了,现在嗓子疼。She talked _ yesterday and has a _now.48 . 他昨天感冒了,因此没有去上学。He _ yesterday. So he didnt go to school.49 . 护士要来给你量一下体温。The nurse is coming to_.50 . 他们不得不下车等待下一辆公交车。They had to _ and wait for the next bus.51 . 汤姆是如此小以至于他不能去上学。Tom is _ young _ he cant go to school.六、填写适当的句子补全对话完成句子(5分)52 . 第一次世界大战于1914年6月28日爆发。World War on 28 June 1914.53 . 太空充满了奥秘。Space ismystery.54 . 海伦打算去看电影,不打算看电视节目。Helen is going to see a filmwatching TV programmes.55 . 令她吃惊的是,那个男孩很快解决了那道题。her, that boy solved the difficult problem quickly.56 . 他看起来很难过,因为昨晚有人闯入他家拿走了他的电脑。He looks very sad because someonehis house and took away his computer last night.七、填空Would you lk e to learn English well?4 weeks Monday (18:30-20:00)English ClubPhone NO.62258Do you enjoy learning to ues the computer?3 weeks Tuesday( 19:30-21:00)Internet ClubPhone No.62279Would you like to be an artist?For drrawing beginners only8 weeks Thursday (19:00-20:30)Art ClubPhone No.62537Fancy taking photos?Bring your camera with you!6 weeks Saturday (9:00-10:30)Photo ClubPhone No.62587Are you good at swimming?7 weeks Sunday (100:00-11:30)Swimming ClubPhone No.61852Are you animal lovers?5 weeksWednesday (14:00-15:30)Nature ClubPhone No.61866There are 57 . clubs here for people to choose from.People go to all these clubs58 . a week.Only drawing59 . can go to Art Club.60 . Club and61 . Club last for less than one month.If you are free on ly in the afternoon .you can go to62 . Club.People in Photo Club must bring a63 . with them.If you lke animals , you can call on64 . 65 . Club is the longest and 66 . Club is the second longest.八、多任务混合问题If your ears are working well, you hear sounds all the time. You cant switch(关掉) your ears off, even when you are asleep.ListeningWhen you really want to listen to something, you tell your brain to focus on that sound. If your ears are healthy and are both working well, they can turn down other sounds while you focus on what you want to hear. If one ear isnt working as well as the other, they cant do this. If your hearing cells(细胞) have been damaged by too much noise or music, what you want to hear can get mixed up and lost in the other sounds around. With_healthy_ears_you_can_choose_what_you_want_to_listen_to,_but_you_cant_choose_what_you_hear.UnderstandingYour brain deals with the received sounds and tells you what they mean. Some people have problems understanding what they are hearing because their ears dont work well and they dont hear all the sounds. The brain does not get enough information to understand the messages or they may be mixedup.Selective(选择的) hearing Lots of mums and dads think that kids have this “problem”. They think that the kids select what they are going to hear and what they cant hear! Many mums say that dads do this, too. In fact, this is something we may all do to try and make our lives a bit easier. Some children wrote what they liked to hear and what they didnt like to hear.31题完成句子;3233题简略回答问题;34题写下本文的主题句;35题将文中画线句子译成汉语。67 . If one ear isnt working as well as the other,_.68 . What does your brain do when you are listening? _69 . Which of the suggestions do you think is the most important for you? Why?(Please answer within 25 words.)_70 . _71 . _九、英译汉:整句(B)阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。Five things to do before you are 18Camp out in the gardenGo into your garden or your friends. Two or three friends, a small tent, sleeping bags, food and drink are necessary. When it gets dark, tell thrilling stories, play games and eat your sweets. You will need a torch or you wont be able to see sweets, and it might get a bit too scary.Learn to swimSeriousl


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