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人教版2019-2020学年八年级3月联考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A lot of famous doctors gatheredsave the soldier.Aso thatBin order toCin order thatDas a result2 . I cant wait for you _.Ano longerBno moreCany longerDno time3 . I usually _ sunglasses outside in the sun.Aput onBputting onCwearDwearing4 . He has never visited the Great Wall in Beijing, _?Ahasnt heBhas heCdoes heDdoesnt he5 . The firementhe fire at last.Aput onBput awayCput upDput out6 . I really cant what he said. Since last time I was cheated (欺骗)by him,I have no longer him.Abelieve; believeBbelieve in; believedCbelieve in; believed inDbelieve; believed in7 . The little boy _stop playing computer games_ his father came back.Adoesnt; untilBnot; untilCdidnt; untilDdont; until8 . Its polite to _.Aspeak loudly in public Bsmoke on the busCdrop litter everywhere Dsay “Thank you” when someone helps you9 . Pleasewhen the train will leave.Afind outBlook afterClook forDask for10 . He likes _ orange juice .AdrinkBhaveCto drinkDhas11 . - Do you know him well?- Sure. We _friends since ten years ago.AwereBhave beenChave becomeDhave made12 . He fed little sheep on the farm,? , he was good at his work.Adid he; YesBdoes he; NoCdidnt he; YesDdoesnt he; No13 . _ does your sister have _ breakfast?Chicken and tomatoes.AWhat; forBWhat; /CHow; forDHow; /14 . (题文)I left my keys in the room yesterday, I had to get in _the window.AinBthroughCoverDto15 . Andy, with his parents, _ to Hong Kong, and they will stay there for a week.Ahave goneBhas beenChave beenDhas gone二、完型填空完形填空.(共10小题;Yoga(瑜伽)is a kind of sport. Its very_around the world now. Everyone can do yoga. Its good_both men and women.Why do more and more people_yoga? Its hard to say. The short answer is that yoga helps you_fit. For many people, this answer is enough,_if you have an interest in it,theres more.People want to live a long life. They also want to be_It is a good way to exercise. So more and more people like this kind of_Yoga is a Sanskrit(梵文)word and it meansto join together. There are_parts(部分)in yoga: exercise, breathing, and thinking. If you do_in yoga, it can_you peace(平和)and help you feel less stressed(有压力)16 . AeasyBsurprisingCpopularDinteresting17 . AinBforCwithDat18 . AseeBlikeChateDmake19 . AtakeBmakeCturnDkeep20 . AsoBbutCorDbecause21 . AstrongBwarmCbusyDpoor22 . AsportBmeetingCtripDmovie23 . AmanyBtwoCfewDthree24 . AgoodBwellCbadDnice25 . AtakeBbringCfindDGet三、阅读单选Little Mary is a good girl.Shes in Grade 2 now.Her home is not far from school,but she is often late for class because she likes watching TV,listening to music in the evening and she goes to bed very late.So she cant get up on time in the morning.This term Mr.White,Marys uncle, works in her school.He teaches Grade 2 history.He often tells Mary to follow the school rules and come to school on time.Today Mary gets up late again.When she comes to school,it is 8:15.Her uncle is waiting for her at the school gate.“You are ten minutes late for the first class,”Mr.White says angrily(生气地),“Why are you often late for class?”“Every time when I get to the street corner(街角),I always see a sign(标志)It says,SCHOOLGO SLOW(慢行)!”says Mary.26 . Mary is often late for school.Which reason(原因) is NOT TRUE?AShe likes watching TV.BShe likes listening to music.CHer mother isnt at home.DShe cant get up on time in the morning.27 . Mr. White teaches _.AEnglishBChineseCmathDhistory28 . The first class begins at _.A8:10B8:00C8:05D8:1529 . The sign on the street corner is for _.Adrivers(司机)BMaryCstudentsDteachersStudents Dormitory (寝室)Attentions:1. Dinner time: 17:30 pm. 19:00 pm.2. Self-study at night: 19:3021:30 in the classrooms.3. Light out: 10:30 pm. from Monday to Friday.Rules: Keep quiet in the bedrooms at any time;Keep your rooms and toilets clean and tidy;No beer, or smoking in the rooms;No dangerous things in the dormitory;Open fire isnt allowed;No parties or entertainment activities in the dormitory; No friends or family members staying for the night; Low Carbon Life (低碳生活)Its a duty for us to save energy, protect our Mother Earth and make our lives better.Notes:Come to school by bike or bus instead of by car;Use shopping bags instead of plastic bags;Turn off the tap in toilets after using it;Recycle (循环利用) water as possible as you can;Use paper on both sides;Walk upstairs in the teaching buildings instead of using the lifts.Turn off the lights before leaving the classrooms;Fewer easy-boxes in the school yard to reduce white pollution.School Electric LibraryOpen time: 18:0021:00 on school nights;8:00 am22:00 pm. on weekends. Library cards: 1 for once, 20 for a month, 150 for a year.Donts: No foodphone mute No photosNo runningNo climbingNo fire No smokingNo litterNo petsDont make noise 30 . Self-study at night in the classrooms lasts forat school.Ahalf an hourBan hourCone and a half hoursDtwo hours31 . There are attentions for us to have a low carbon life.AfourBfiveCeightDten32 . What can we do in the school electric library?ATo take pets into it.BTo surf on the Internet.CTo talk with others.DTo bring food and drink.33 . What can we know from the posters?AWe should pay 40 for a library card for two months.BThere arent any lifts in the school teaching buildings.CStudents can have a birthday party in the dormitory.DWe can use our smart phones to take photos in the library.Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it.People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?34 . The underlined word They in the second paragraph refers to _.AvillagesBanimalsCcitiesDpeople35 . When factories were built, _.Amore people live near the factoriesBpeople began to live in the factoriesCmany people began to work in villagesDmany machines appeared in big factories36 . In what order did people do the following things?a.Worked in villages b.Lived near the factories. c.Learned to grow food.d.Built factories. e.Began to live near each other.Ad, b, a, e, cBe, a, c, d, bCc, e, a, d, bDa. c. d. e. b37 . We can learn from the passage that _.Apeople like to work only in big citiesBsome people dont like to live in big citiesCthere will be no small towns in the futureDit is better to live in cities than in villages38 . The best title of the text should be _.ACities or VillagesBBack to TownsCHow Cities GrewDPeople and AnimalsLike many people, I have no clear idea about heroes. Maybe sometimes we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world have much in common. They all give us courage and make us want to learn from them.A hero has a special story to tell and people are interested in it. But a hero is not just the person with great fame(声誉).A hero has to experience life with new and further meaning. So if you want to live like a hero, you have to know what or whom you serve. If you serve only your own fame, you may be just famous persons instead of heroes.A hero considers more than common people. He is able to make people moved and create new chances.Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain. Without Martin Luther King, Jr., Americans might take different buses, eat in different restaurants, go for walks in different parks, and shop in different stores because of the different colors of their skin.There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of change would be quite slow Thanks to heroes in history, they make the society develop so rapidly.39 . According to this passage, a hero always.Agives us courageBlooks up to othersCtells others funny storiesDlearn from others40 . If you want to live like a hero, you should.Aexperience a common lifeBtry to be famousCserve your own fameDknow what or whom you serve41 . Black people in America used tobefore Martin Luther King, Jr.Ashop at the whites storesBtake the same bus with the whiteCtake walks in the whites parksDeat in restaurants without the white42 . We learn from the passage thatAwe dont need heroes anymore in modem society nowBheroes are different in different in culturesCheroes arent able to move people or create possible chancesDour society has developed faster because of heroes in history四、填写适当的单词补全句子43 . 把下面短文中的I都换成Tony,注意动词和其他部分的变化On weekdays I get up at six oclock. I have breakfast and go to work. I like to ride my bike. I like music so I often buy CDs. I usually send friends cards for birthday.I come back at five. I have dinner and watch TV.I usually go to concerts but I dont go to the cinema on Sunday.On weekdays Tony 1 up at six oclock. Tony 2 breakfast and 3 to work. Tony 4 to ride 5 bike. Tony 6 music so Tony often 7 CDs. Tony usually 8 friends cards for birthday.Tony 9 back at five. Tony 10 dinner and watches TV.Tony usually 11 to concerts but Tony 12 go to the cinema on Sunday.五、填空When we talk about how teenagers are getting worse and worse now, most young people dont agree. Teenagers always say they are growing up. They can have part-time jobs. They can drive cars. And they can even get married when theyre a little bit older.Their parents say, Our children are very good. They like pop music, but they play it in their own rooms. They help in the house. You know they feel bored sometimes because theres nothing interesting nearby, no clubs and no sports. They have nothing to do.A teacher says that he believes most young people are very kind. He thinks that its not bad for young people to like loud music because it can give them lots of energy and makes them feel excited. Also, a lot of young people study very hard at school, and they can get good work later.Lewis, a sixteen-year-old boy said, I have passed all my exams, but I cant get a part-time job because older people always think Im lazy.In my opinion, a lot of teenagers are very kind. They belong to community work groups. They help old people, and they are also willing to work in local hospitals or primary schools to help look after patients and younger students.44 . todayThe45 . teenagers can do Have part-time work. 46 . cars. Get47 . when they are a little bit older.The reason why they feel48 . There isnt49 . interesting


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