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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末考(一模)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The manager was angry _ Morris because he sent e-mails to the wrong customer again.AatBtoCwithDfrom2 . Amy finished her homeworkthan John, but John mademistakes than Amy.Afaster; moreBmuch quicker; moreCmore quickly; lessDfaster; fewer3 . -Did you do _ interesting yesterday? -Yes, _.Aanything, I didBanything, I wasCsomething, I didDsomething, I was4 . Look! These clips _ your favourite T-shirt.AmatchesBmatchCmatchingDmatches with5 . - Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?- Just a minute. Ill ask Bob _ you to your room.AshowBshowsCto showDshowing6 . Youll have to _ the books because there arent enough for everyone.ApackBsellCchooseDshare7 . _ interesting story it is ! Tom has read it three times so farAWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow8 . Im sorry I broke your coffee cup._. I have another one at home.AYoud better notBMy pleasureCIt doesnt matterDIts too bad9 . Jack _ a math problem with his friends when I got there.AdiscussesBdiscussedCis discussingDwas discussing10 . Volunteers are raising money to set up a special hospital for _ old and sick. What _ unbelievable idea theyre coming up with!Aan; anBthe; aCan; theDthe; an11 . -Wow, you are cool!-Thank you. I_ wear my school uniform, but my mother washed it yesterday and it is still wet now.AmightBshouldCcanDmay12 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?AThere is no reason for him to refuseme.BThe little girl in red is socute.CDont judgea person by his clothes.DYou canuse my computer if you want.13 . Thesinger made us. We enjoyed the whole concert.Aexcited; excitedBexcited; excitingCexciting; excitedDexciting; exciting14 . -My computer doesnt work. Can you do me a favor?-_.AYou are rightBNo problemCThank youDIt doesnt matter15 . This kind of car _ in Japan.AmakesBmadeCis makingDis made16 . We clean the classroom_ Friday afternoon.AonBinCatDto17 . We didnt enjoy the day_ the weather was so bad.AifBthoughCbecauseDtill18 . _.No, Im not.AWhat do you do ?BWho are you ?CAre you a teacher ?DWhere do you work ?19 . Does your mother have a hobby?No,_ you call shopping a hobby.AunlessBuntilCbut20 . When shall we have a picnic,Tuesday or Wednesday?_is OK. I am free this week.ANeitherBEitherCBothDAll二、完型填空Good morning, _. Nice to _ you all (全体). _ am _ new teacher. My name is _, A-N-N. You can call (称呼) _ Miss Brown. Here is a _ game. Now please _ to me. I say “1”, you should (应该) _ your book. I say “2”, you should put up your _. I say “3”, you should sit _. OK? Now I say “3, 2, _”. Wow. Thats _. Lets _ it _. Now I say “1, 2, 3”.21 . AteacherBboyCgirlDclass22 . AlookBseeCmeetDcall23 . AIBYouCHeDShe24 . AyouBmyCheDyour25 . ACarlaBAnnCTomDSam26 . AmeByouCsheDI27 . AclassBfriendCnumberDtelephone28 . AcloseBlistenClookDgo29 . AbuyBopenCputDstand30 . AbooksBbagsCchairsDhands31 . AupBinCdownDat32 . A1B6C5D433 . AoldBnewCgoodDsorry34 . AsitBputCsayDplay35 . AafterBagainCalsoDtoo三、阅读单选I have a lovely daughter, whose name was Eloise. She is only nine years old. I picked her up from school and went to the supermarket for a few things. I was hoping to be in and out quickly.I found a short line with just one person ahead(在前面) of me. It was an elderly woman, and she was paying for her things with only change(零钱). It took a long time. After a whole day at work, I began to lose patience.But then I watched the young clerk(职员). He helped her count her change, ever so tenderly(体贴地) taking it from her shaking hands. I listened to him repeatedly say to her, “Yes, madam.” When she asked the clerk if she had enough money to buy a bag, he told her she did. Then he went two lines over to get one for her. Never once did this clerk get annoyed(生气的) or roll(滚动) his eyes. He was patient and kind.As I was watching him, I saw Eloise was, too. I realized that my daughter was learning an important lesson from a complete stranger.After the woman was finished, the clerk began ringing up my things and thanked me for my patience. I thanked him, too.I found the manager and told him about the clerks kindness and patience.Then we left the supermarket with a full cart(手推车), but also with a heart full of thankfulness for such an important lesson. Sometimes just one act of kindness is all it takes to encourage others to do the same. Being kind to others can also make you feel good.36 . What does the writers daughter do?AA clerk.BA student.CA manager.DA teacher.37 . At first, the writer was _ with the elderly woman.AangryBpleasedCcarefulDimpatient38 . From Paragraph(段落) 3, we can infer(推断) that the elderly woman _.Alived a comfortable lifeBmight not too have much moneyCwas a friend of the clerksDdidnt want to pay for her things39 . The clerk rang up the writers things _.Aafter I found the managerBbefore I counted my changeCafter the elderly woman finished shoppingDbefore the elderly woman was finished40 . What was the important lesson the writer referred to(指)?ABe kind and patient with others.BIts hard to be a good clerk.CWe should learn from strangers.DDont look down on anyone.四、句型转换句型转换41 . I like English best in the school. (改为同义句)English is my _ in the school.42 . Linda often helps her mother with the dinner. (改为同义句)Linda often _ her mother _ the dinner.43 . They sometimes go to the movies on Friday. (改为一般疑问句)_ they _ to the movies on Friday?44 . (易错题) My father always watches TV in the evening. (改为否定句)My father _ TV in the evening.45 . Lucy goes to the movies once a week. (对画线部分提问)_ Lucy go to the movies?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with proper words(用所给单词的适当形式填空)46 . When I compare Judys life with _, I find we live a similar life. (me)47 . Work hard, or you wont achieve your own _. (ambitious)48 . Tim is really _ because he always tells us the same thing whenever he meets us. (bore)49 . If you study the plan they have made, youll know it was a complete _. (fail)50 . My grandpa was very angry because you spoke _ to him. (polite)51 . Doing _ exercise regularly is the best way to keep healthy. (physics)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文短文填空。从下面方框分钟选出10个单词,用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。complete cross develop fair include otherspleasant recently regard silence those wellDogs are friendly and they love humans to be with them. Your dog will always wait for you by the door, face smiling, mouth open and tail wagging, ready to play with you, his best friend in the world.It seems that theres a good reason why dogs 52 . as mans best friend. Scientists have found that dogs are the only animals 53 . can read emotion (情感) in faces much like humans. The finding suggests that like an understanding friend, dogs can see you are happy, sad, 54 . or angry. When youre feeling blue, your dog will remain by your side 55 . comforting you. When youre happy and excited, your dog will leap around you and share in your joy.When humans look at a new face, their eyes usually look56 . the left, falling on the right hand side of the persons face first. A possible reason for this is that the right side of the human face is 57 . at expressing feelings.Scientists have now shown that pet dogs also have “left gaze bias (左视偏好)”, but only when looking at human faces. No58 . animal has been known to do like this before. Dr. Kun Guo with his team showed 17 dogs the pictures of human, dog and monkey faces as well as something else. The dogs eyes and heads show a strong left gaze bias when the animals see human faces. But this did not happen when they were shown other pictures, 59 . those of dogs.Guo guess that over thousands of years living with humans, dogs may 60 . the left gaze bias as a way to guess our emotions.“61 . studies show that the right side of our faces can show feelings better than the left. If true, then it makes sense to see the right side of a face first.”七、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。We all know that a good nighs rest helps us stay helthy. Atfer we sleep for7 or8 hours in bed and62 . up next moming,our mind is better prepared to memorize and learn something.But what about getting a rest during the middle of the day?Scientists say,“Short periods of sleep, napping(小睡), may help learning and memory.Napping can help young children leam better. It can63 . help older people remember longer. ”Take China as an example. Chinese people are used to napping after lunch.Recently researchers made a survey among nearly 3, 000 Chinese people over 65 years old. The researchers asked them64 . they napped and for how long. They found that about 60 percent of them took a nap and they napped for 60 to 90 minutes. The research shows that napping for about an hour is the best.However, these are the findings for those65 . the age of 65. Doctors say that napping for about an hour may be too66 . for young and healthy people. And they believe that half an hour is enough to67 . young and healthy pcople from feeling tired. By doing so,68 . will help them stay awake.Doctors also say, If you have trouble falling asleep at69 . , take a daytime nap for less than 45 minutes and dont nap after 3 p. m. in the aftemoon.”八、多任务混合问题阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务。_.But life is no longer difficult when


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