



Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Period 2 Section A (3a-3c)班级: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】1.能掌握以下单词:happening, noise, policeman, wolf, uneasy2. 能掌握以下句型:(1) There be sth/sb doing sth. (2) tooto 3. 培养给短文概括标题、用英语解释英语单词的能力。4. 会熟练运用情态动词表推测。【学习重点】会熟练运用情态动词表推测。【学习难点】培养给短文概括标题、用英语解释英语单词的能力。【学习过程】一、 目标呈现1. 创设情境(收集一些学生的学习用品和书,放在一个托盘里,让学生判断这是谁的)S1: Whose book is it?S2: It must be Jims. His name is on it. S3: Whose is this pen?S4: It could belong to Lily.2. 导入话题,解读目标二、 自主合作学习任务一:掌握本课时的5个单词1.自查预习 发生v. n. 噪音 n. adj. policeman pl. wolf pl. uneasy(同义词) 2. 组内检查,看谁记得又快又准。学习任务二:完成3a,3b & 3c1. 浏览短文,给短文选出最好的标题。看谁又快又准并能说明理由2.读短文,找到有下列意思的单词。独立完成、组内核对。3. 细读短文,完成3c的表格,班级展示。4. 完成短语并熟记(1)曾经非常安静_ _ (2)不寻常的某事_ _ (3)被采访_ _ (4)奇怪的响声_ _(5)玩的开心_ _ (6)报警_ _ (7)隔壁邻居_ _ (8)开始_ _ (9)不确定_ _ (9)太而不能_ _(11)在我们的附近_ (12)不知道_ _(13)离开_ _ (14)制造恐惧_三、展示质疑1.独立思考、小组讨论、班级展示解疑、教师点拨(1) It used to be very quiet. used to do sth 曾经,过去常常(现在不做了)be used to do sth. (=be used for doing sth.) 被用来做be used to doing sth 习惯于做eg. Jim used to late, but now he is used to early.(get up ) Pens are used to (write).= Pens are used for .(2) One woman in the area saw something running away. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事( 强调动作正在发生)see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事 (强调发生的整个过程) e.g. When I got home ,I saw mom in the kitchen(cook). Lucy said she often saw me the housework(do).(3) The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.have fun doing sth. 做某事玩得愉快。= doing sth.(4) There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.There be sth/sb doing sth. 有某人/某物在做某事Eg. There is a girl (sing) in the next room. There are many robots (work) in the factories now.2. 小组内复述短文3. 竞赛背诵短文四、巩固构建完成句子:1. 也看不见其他的东西。 I couldnt see _ _ _, _.2. 期初,他在邻里周围制造恐惧。 _ _ he created in _ _ _.3. 他起床太晚而没有搭上早班车。 He got up _ late _ _ the early bus. 4. 那个年轻的男警察说:“它可能是一只熊或者一匹狼。” That young _ _ said,“_ _it was a bear _ _a _ _. 5.一定有东西在公园制造噪音.There _ _ something _ _ in the park.6.Where are you going this month?We _ go to Xiamen, but were not sure. (neednt; must; might; mustnt) 7.How was your weekend, Jeff?I had a great _ watching a football game. (interest; time; fun)8.This bag of rice is_ heavy for Tom to carry.Lets go and help him. (too; so; very)用适当形式填空9. If you find something _ _ ( usual), you must tell your teacher about it.10.You cant _ _(simple)answer my question , youd better think it carefully.11. His bank card was lost, so he felt_ _(easy) in class.12. We are having fun _ _(learn) and speaking English.13. There are some boys _ _(swim) in the river. 用适当的情态动词填空1.The notebook _ _ be Mings. It was on her desk.2. The homework _ _ be Carols. She wasnt at school today.3. The soccer ball _ _ be Johns or tonys. They play soccer


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