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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There is _ orange on the table. It is Marys.AaBanCtheDanother2 . This training program can give you a rise at work, _ increase your pay by 40%, so youd better put some efforts into it.Aas soon asBso much asCas well asDas possible as3 . Miss Black is a friend of _. She always looks after my sister.(黑龙江龙东地区)AMarys mothersBMarys motherCMary mothers4 . -_do you visit your grandparents, Timmy?-Once a week.AHow manyBHow longCHow muchDHow often5 . Therere _ cars in the street. They use _ oil and cause pollution as well.Aso many; so muchBso much; so manyCtoo much; too manyDmany too; many more6 . I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, please call me.Awill come, comesBcomes, comesCcomes, will comeDwill come, will come7 . -How time flies! Three yearssince we came to this school,-Yes,ita good memory.Ahave passed; isBhas passed: isCpass; has beenDpassed; was8 . Lets go shopping for food and drink. We havent got any meat.Lets get _.AsomeBanyCnoDnot any9 . Please find more information(信息)_ New York Radio_ 7 p.m._ 8 pmAat; from; toBin; from; toCon; from; atDon; from; to10 . You eat too much sweet food, _ you have toothache.AsoBbutCbecauseDor11 . There _ a book and two pens on the desk.AbeBareCisDam12 . Ill go on a _ trip to Beijing with my parents tomorrow.Afive daysBfive dayCfive-day13 . He is a reporter, and he worksa magazine.AforBwithCfromDon14 . _?Star Cinema.ACan I go to the moviesBWhy do you think soCWheres Star CinemaDWhats the best cinema15 . - Have you solved your problem?-Ive kept on thinking about that matter _, but I have no idea yet now.Aat timesBsome timeCat a timeDall the time二、补全对话7选5补全对话A. But what was the weather like there?ALondon is an old city.BWhere were you last weekend?CI m looking forward to going there one day.DThey were friendly and they always helped me.EYes, they were very friendly.FI enjoyed myself in London.A. Hi! Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: 16 . AI was at the London Eye.A: Really? Did you go to the Big Ben?B: Yes. I did. It was great.A: 17 . B: It was not too hot.A: How were the people in London?B: 18 . A: What s the city of London like?B: 19 . A: How great! 20 . 三、完型填空Jane gets _at 6:00 every weekday.She _a bus and goes to school.She _there _7:10.She doesnt like to be late.Class _at 8:00.Jane has lunch at around 12:00 at school.In the _,classes are over at 4:00,and then she plays games.She gets home at 5:00.In the _, she does her _.And sometimes she _a letter to her best friend.She _at 10:00.21 . AonBinCupDto22 . AgoesBhasCtakesDgets23 . AtakesBhasCgetsDgoes24 . AonBatCinDto25 . AstartsBwantsChasDplays26 . AafternoonBnoonCdayDmorning27 . AnightBeveningCafternoonDmorning28 . AhomeworkBgamesClettersDbaseball29 . AwritesBgetsChasDworks30 . Agoes to workBgoes to bedCgoes to schoolDgoes home四、阅读单选Every school has some rules for students to follow. But what happens when students break the rules?In the UK, when students are naughty at school, they will be given a warning. But if they go on behaving badly like talking over the teacher and disrupting other students -theyll be punished. And there are a lot of ways for students to be punished! Generally speaking, there are five punishments within the school grounds: detention, isolation education unit(IEU), supervision, suspension and exclusion.If you receive a detention, youll find yourself sitting in a room with your teacher during break, lunch or even worse, after school. The longest time for a detention is two hours. Depending on how naughty youve been, you can be given a maximum of two detentions in one day!If you get IEU, youre isolated from other students and have to stay in a room by yourself all day to finish your lessons.Supervision means that you cannot take part in P.E. lessons, and in other classes, a teacher will always keep an eye on you while you sit at the front of the class. It can make students very uncomfortable.Suspension means you cannot go to school for a certain amount of time. The most extreme punishment you can ever receive is exclusion: when you are permanently suspended from school. Youll have to find another school to go to and it will be on your school record.Punishment is a good way to discipline students. If you dont want to get punished, behave well!31 . _ ways are mentioned to punish the students who break the rules.AFourBFiveCSixDSeven32 . If a student is sent to an isolation education unit (IEU), he or she will _.Ain the teachers officeBat the font of the classCin a room all day by himself herselfDat school after home time.33 . In the UK, the student has to find another school if he or she gets. _.Aa detentionBan IEUCa suspensionDan exclusion34 . The underlined word “suspension” might mean “_”.Ahave no chance to stay in this school to get education for a period of time.Bhave no chance to stay in this school to get education forever.Cgo to another school for study.Dask for advice.35 . The passage is mainly about _.Aschool rules in the UKBschool punishments in the UKCways to be a good student in the UKDbad behaviors of the students in the UKThis is a picture of a classroom. The classroom is big and clean. You can see a teachers desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too.There are books on the teachers desk. A pencil case is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case. A schoolbag is behind a chair. A ball is on the floor. The girl is Gina. She is eleven. The boy is Bob. He is twelve. They are in Class Two, Grade One. They are good friends. Their teacher is Miss Green. But she is not here.36 . What is the picture about?ABoys and girls.BDesks and chairs.CPens and pencils.DA classroom.37 . Where are the two pens?ATheyre in the pencil case.BTheyre on the teachers desk.CTheyre behind the chair.DTheyre on the floor.38 . Who is Gina and Bobs teacher?AMr Green.BMrs Green.CMiss Green.DMiss Gao.Read the passage and choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):Jonathan Finch loves his job. He eats out at restaurants every night and writes about the places and the food for a newspaper. He often eats at restaurants that are different from the usual ones and he also gets to try dishes with unusual ingredients. Once, he ate 50 metres up in the sky. They lifted the table, along with 22 diners and the chef, high above the ground. Jonathan almost dropped his knife and fork! He has also been to a restaurant under the sea. As he ate, he watched fish and other sea creatures swimming around on the other side of the glass. Another time, in America, he ate insects. They werent very tasty and he had to eat a lot because they were so tiny. One animal that he doesnt want to eat more of is crocodile. While he was on holiday in Australia, he ate crocodile and chips in the hotel restaurant. Jonathan thought the meat was too tough and didnt want to try it again. He ate at a good takeaway next to the hotel for the rest of his holiday. Jonathan has eaten around the world and tried almost every dish that restaurants have to offer, but his favourite meal is one that he can get a lot closer to home. He goes to the fast food restaurant opposite his house every Saturday and this time its not insects or crocodile on the menu, but a simple cheeseburger and chips.39 . Jonathan Finch_.Ais a restaurant ownerBis a famous chefCwrites cookbooksDwrites for a newspaper40 . He once ate at a restaurant_.Aunder the groundBhigh in the airCwithout knife and forkDwith fishes around guests41 . In America,he_.Aate some tasty insectsBwanted to eat crocodileCdidnt enjoy his mealDhad a tiny meal42 . The takeaway in Australia _.Asent food to his hotel roomBwas the worst food he ever hadCsold crocodile and chipsDwas better than the hotel restaurant43 . Once a week,Jonathan _.Aeats in a restaurant near his homeBstays at home to eatCcooks cheeseburger and chipsDtries a different restaurant44 . We can learn English from.AYang JunBLi NanCLiu Hong45 . You may telephonefor help if your grandmother is ill(生病).AYang JunBLiu HongCLi Nan46 . We can callwhen we want to take a taxi to Hangzhou Railway Station.0745-2709348C0571-703838547 . Of the four, we cant send fax(传真) to the.AteacherBdoctorCfarmer48 . If you have some questions about your childrens health, please send an e-mail to.ABLC五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一个单词。49 . Sandy likes keep _(日记) to help her remember things.50 . People usually wear_ (特别的) clothes and masks.51 . Look out! The floor is wet and _(光滑的).52 . The coat is very _ (costing not very much money). It is only 5.53 . Chinese New Year is one of my favourite _(节日).54 . We do after-school _(活动)in the afternoon after class.55 . The meat_(有的味道)good. May I have some more?56 . -Shall we help them_ (收集) things for Project Hope?57 . Lucy is a hard-working girl, she of


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