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2020版外研版九年级英语上册Module 4 Home alone Unit2 同步练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D各选项中选出最佳答案。Li Ming is staying with the Wangs family for the weekend. Today it is warm and _. The family _ dinner in the garden. They often have dinner in the garden _a warm and fine _ day. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wang are sitting _with Li Ming under a tree. “Its _ to have dinner out here on such a lovely day,” Mrs. Wang says. “Whats the weather _ in your hometown, Li Ming?” Mr. Wang asks. “Its not very warm in spring. But I like the spring there best. ” “Help_ to some cakes, Li Ming,” Mrs. Wang_. “Thanks,” says _. “The cakes are very nice. I like the dinner very much. ”1 . ArainyBcloudyCsunnyDsnowy2 . Aare havingBis havingChaveDhas3 . AinBatCforDon4 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter5 . Ain the roomBon the tableCat the tableDunder the tree6 . Anot goodBbadCterribleDgreat7 . AlikeB/Cis likeDlikes8 . AhimselfBherselfCyourselfDmyself9 . AasksBanswersCtalksDsays10 . AMr. WangBLi MingCMrs. WangDMr. and Mrs. Wang二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据中文意思写单词并注意形式.11 . I like_(跳舞)and playing the guitar.12 . She is good at _(讲故事).13 . She is Chinese, but she_(说) English very well.14 . The _(音乐人) like guitars and violins.15 . He wants to be a _(歌唱家) in the future(将来).16 . Do you want to_(交朋友) with the boy?17 . Can you _(表演) us how to play the guitar?18 . She says she likes _(画画).19 . He _(参加) the art club in the evening.20 . Do you want to go to the _(讲故事) club.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空21 . The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people _ (polite).22 . I think the girl is old enough _ (look) after herself.23 . Stop _ (talk), please. Lets begin our meeting.24 . We shouldnt leave the water _ (run).25 . The advice is very _ (help) to us in learning English.26 . _ (Britain) children usually have lunch at school.27 . As the old _ (say) goes, where theres a will, theres a way.28 . No one will keep her from _ (do) like that.29 . Millie often helps her mother _ (do) some housework.30 . Most of _ (we) like surfing on the Internet.31 . -Could I _ (park) my car here? -Sorry, Im afraid not.32 . His mother warned him _ (not go) out in the evening.33 . We tried _ (not make) any noise, because you were sleeping.34 . Its _ (polite) to laugh at people in trouble.35 . He is too _ (care) to pass the final exam.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。ride I worry thousand everybody36 . Marys bag is red, _ is white.37 . Dont_ about me, Mum. I can look after myself well.38 . Mr Zhang is a good teacher and _ in his class loves him a lot.39 . Its a small but beautiful city. _ of people visit it every year.40 . Usually I take the bus to school. But I _ my bike yesterday.五、语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。There once was a farmer in a village. One day, he found that he had lost his watch in the barn(谷仓). 41 . looking for it everywhere in the barn, he still couldnt find it. So he 42 . (ask) a group of children for help. He told them 43 . they found the watch, they would be rewarded(奖赏). Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn. They looked 44 . (care) for the watch but still could not find the watch. Just when the farmer was about to give 45 . , a little boy went up to him and asked the farmer 46 . (give) him another chance. The farmer looked at him 47 . agreed. He sent the little boy back in the barn. A minute 48 . , the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The farmer was both happy and 49 . (surprise) and so he asked the boy how he succeeded while the other children had failed.The boy replied, “I did nothing but sit on the ground and listen. In the 50 . (silent), I heard the ticking(滴答声) of the watch and just looked for it in that direction.”六、信息匹配六、任务型阅读。请根据各题所给的描述,从文后所给的AE五个图片选项中选出与内容相对应的图片,将其序号填入7175题前括号内。71.Im playing pingpong with my friend Li Lei.We all like playing pingpong.So we often play together after school or on the weekend.72.Im in the classroom with one of my classmates now.But we are not reading books or doing homework.We are cleaning the classroom.We are on duty(值日) today.73.Look at that little boy.He is my brother.He is 3 years old.I like him very much because he is so cute.He can dance to the music.When he dances to the music,he looks funny.74.Its Saturday.After finishing my homework,I go to the movies with my parents.We watch a great movie and we all like it.75.Im reading a newspaper about


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