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湖北武汉市2020高考英语阅读理解基础训练(12)【2020高考复习】阅读理解Finally,I entered the university.Because of my careful savings,I did not have to work during the school years.Then,summer came and it was time to work harder than ever.I continued working as a waitress at night,instructed tennis camps several mornings a week and worked as a secretary for a few hours in the afternoons.I even decided to take a class at a community (社区) college.This class at the community college saved me $650.It was an extremely tiring summer and made me anxious to return to my relatively easy life at the university.During my second and third years of undergraduate schooling,I decided to work about five hours per week in the campus (校园)admissions office answering phones.This provided a little spending money and kept me from drawing my savings out.The overall situation looked hopeful as I approached my senior year as long as I could make as much money as I had the previous summer.I wanted to go to Israel to study for 3 weeks,but I hesitated in making this decision because it would cost me $1,600 more to get the credits in Israel.About two weeks later my mom called to tell me that I had $1,600 in the bank that I had forgotten about!One of my concerns about this trip was not only the cost,but the loss of time to make money;however,I made as much that summer in the ten weeks when I was at home as I had made during the fourteen weeks when I was at home the summer before.The way everything worked together to make this trip possible was one of the most exciting things that have ever happened to me.This experience has shaped me in many important ways.The first thing that I learned was the importance of a strong work ethic (道德准则)Working long hours did a lot to develop my character and helped me learn the value of a dollar.It also made me learn how to search for creative ways to settle difficult situations.【语篇解读】作者非常勤奋地做着各种兼职工作,既锻炼了自己,又挣到了钱,为以后自我的发展奠定了良好的基础。1Where did the writer probably work parttime before attending the university?AIn a restaurant.BIn the tennis camps.CIn a company.DIn the campus admissions office.解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I continued working as a waitress at night”可知,作者上大学前在饭店工作过。答案A2The writer took a class at a community college mainly because_.Ashe wanted to save moneyBlife there was relatively easyCsummer time was tiringDit was required by the university解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“This class at the community college saved me $650.”可知,作者是为了省钱。答案A3The writers major concern about the trip to Israel was that_.Aher mother would not give her approvalBshe would fail to get credits in IsraelCa wellpaid summer job would be lostD$1,600 couldnt be drawn out in time解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“One of my concerns about this trip was not only the cost,but the loss of time to make money”可知,作者主要担心没有时间赚钱了,一分高薪的暑假工作失去了。答案C4The passage is mainly about how the writer_.Amade money on the college campusBmanaged to make full use of her vacationCwas forced to support herself by her motherDwas shaped by working parttime through college解析主旨大意题。通读全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了作者通过做各种兼职工作,学到了很多东西,塑造了自己的性格,懂得了金钱的价值。答案D阅读理解。Beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to be met and many decisions to be made. Your future begins here.However, you will find college life is different from your previous school environment. Many of us can be easily overwhelmed(压垮) by the details of running a well-balanced life. While some of us may have the know-how, I guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the experiences of other who have walked the college halls before you.The following you may find of use about life on campus.1. Plan well. There are so many new things to do at a new college or university, social and academic(学术的). Give yourself time to make new friends and become familiar with the campus, but dont forget why you are there. Give some time for social activities and manage your time wisely.2. If you dont have a “system” for planning your time now (like a day time, a computer date book), get one. Most of all, dont depend on your memory.3. Dont miss the guidelines, restrictions, rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found in your student handbook. Consider them well-balanced food for thought. What dates are important? What pieces of paper need to be handed in? What can/cant you do in your student residence(住处)? Who has authority for what? What do you need to complete to graduate?4. Write the word “STUDY” on the walls of our bedroom and bathroom, and maybe it will help to write it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone, TV and the kitchen table. Consider this you are paying thousands of dollars for courses. You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.1. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To offer advice on college life.B. To explain why college life is exciting.C. To describe the importance of college life.D. To persuade you to go to college 2. From the passage, we can know .A. one will have more freedom at collegeB. one will make more friends at collegeC. one prepares for ones future career and life at collegeD. professors at college will provide you with many new ideas3. What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “know-how” (in Paragraph 2)?A. An understanding of how things are going at college.B. A practical knowledge about how to behave and what to do at college.C. College halls where rules and regulations are presented.D. An environment completely different from the one youre used to.4. According to the passage, college students .A. neednt learn from those who went to college before themB. should spend as much time as possible on social activitiesC. should have a “system” for planning their timeD. are supposed to repeat or replace at least one course【参考答案】14、ACBC2020高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Two new studies suggest that modern running shoes could increase the risk of injuries to runners.One study involved sixty-eight healthy young women and men who ran at least twenty-four kilometers a week. The runners were observed on a treadmill machine (跑步机). Sometimes they wore running shoes. Other times they ran barefoot (赤脚).Researchers from the JKM Technologies company in Virginia, the University of Virginia and the University of Colorado did the study.They found that running shoes create more stress that could damage knees, hips and ankle joints than running barefoot. They observed that the effect was even greater than the effect reported earlier for walking in high heels.The study appeared in the official scientific journal of The American Academy of Physical Medicine.The other study appeared in the journal Nature. It compared runners in the United States and Kenya. The researchers were from Harvard University in Massachusetts, Moi University in Kenya and the University of Glasgow in Scotland.They divided the runners into three groups. One group had always run shoeless. Another group had always run with shoes. And the third group had changed to shoeless running.Runners who wear shoes usually come down heel first. That puts great force on the back of the foot. But the study found that barefoot runners generally land on the front or middle of their foot. That way they ease into their landing and avoid striking their heel.Harvards Daniel Lieberman led the study. He says the way most running shoes are designed may explain why those who wear them land on their heels. The heel of the shoe is bigger and heavier than other parts of the shoe, so it would seem more likely to come down first. Also, the heel generally has thick material under it to soften landings.But the researchers do not suggest that runners immediately start running barefoot. They say it takes some training. And there can be risks, like running when your feet are too cold to feel if you get injured.The study was partly supported by Vibram, which makes a kind of footwear that it says is like running barefoot. The findings have gotten a lot of attention. But the researchers say there are many problems in the way the press has reported in their paper. So they have tried to explain their findings on a Harvard Website.1. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Walking in high heels could cause less serious effects than running barefoot.B. Two new discoveries encourage people to run in high heels.C. Running in shoes is partly good to runners.D. Two new studies prove running without shoes is beneficial to runners in most cases.2. Which part of our body could be injured if we run in running shoes?A. Toes.B. Hips.C. Feet.D. Legs.3. What can we learn from the passage?A. The way that we run by landing on the front or middle of our foot could avoid damaging our heel.B. We should start running barefoot in no time.C. Running in modern running shoes could cause more serious effects than running in high heels.D. We wont be injured if we run barefoot.4. What is the writers attitude towards the use of the modern running shoes?A. Persuasive.B. Negative. C. Objective.D. Supportive.参考答案14、DBAC【2020高考复习】阅读理解“Reconstituted” families are more and more common in the UK.Steve and Debbie got married in 2001 and had two children,Lily and Alex.Unfortunately,Steve and Debbies marriage didnt work out and they got divorced in 2020.The children live with Debbie.In 2020,Debbie remarried.Her new husband,Martin,has three children from his previous marriage and they visit Debbie,Martin,Lily and Alex at weekends.In addition,Debbie is pregnant with her third child.Shes expecting a boy who will be a halfbrother to Lily and Alex and also to Martins three other children.Confused?Debbies family arrangements might have seemed strange 30 years ago but nowadays this kind of “reconstituted” family is increasingly common in the UK.Almost half of all marriages in Britain end in divorce and over 40% of marriages are remarriages.More than 10% of all British children live with one birth parent and a stepparenta parent who isnt their biological mother or father.The traditional “nuclear” family of two parents and their children is not so traditional any more.What does all of this mean for parents in these “reconstituted” families?“There are difficulties and challenges,” says Debbie.“Different families have different routines and it can be difficult for children to move between their two families.Birthdays and holidays can be tricky.Where do the children go?Who should they spend their time with?Also,when my children are naughty it can be difficult for Martin to tell_them_off.Things that might be simple in a traditional family can be a bit more complicated.”And how about the children?Martins eldest child,Ella,is 12.“I like my two families,” she says.“I live with my mum but visit my dad quite often and Im happy that my mum and dad get along OK.Theyre not married any more but its good that they can still be friends.” Of course divorce and separation are never easy but many families in the UK are finding ways to make family life work in new ways.【语篇解读】本文介绍了英国出现越来越多的重组家庭这一社会现象。5Why did Steve and Debbie get separated?AThey couldnt support the children.BThe


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