高一英语Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 语言点学案牛津译林版(通用)_第1页
高一英语Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 语言点学案牛津译林版(通用)_第2页
高一英语Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 语言点学案牛津译林版(通用)_第3页
高一英语Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 语言点学案牛津译林版(通用)_第4页
高一英语Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 语言点学案牛津译林版(通用)_第5页
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模块二 Unit1 Language points1. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missingP2 Lines1-4 a fifteen-year-old boy复合形容词常见的构成法: N N Nadj -N-ed(有) adj -V-ing (主动) adj -V-ed (被动)num. adv adv1) N-Nedbaby-faced (娃娃脸的), horse-faced (马脸的)2) adj-Nedgood-mannered (有礼貌的) , narrow-minded (心胸狭窄的), absent-minded (心不在焉的) old-fashioned (过时的), quick-witted(机智的), bare-footed (赤脚的), hot-tempered(急性子的,short-sighted(近视的), simple-minded(头脑简单的)3) num. -Nedfive-sided (五个边的), two-storied (两层楼的),one-sided(单方面的), one-legged(独脚的)4) N-Vingpeace-loving(爱好和平的),English-speaking(说英语的), time-saving(省时间的)5) adj-Vingeasy-going (随和的) ,ordinary-looking(相貌平平的),nice-smelling(闻起来香的)6) adv-Vinghard-working (工作努力的), fast-moving (快速移动的),best-selling(畅销的)7) N-V-edheart-broken (伤心的), hand-made (手工的), man-caused (人为的), home-made(家制的), flood-stricken areas(受洪水袭击的地区)。8) adj-V-edplain-spoken (坦白说话的)9) adv-V-edout-spoken (直言的), well-balanced(很平衡的), well-behaved (守规矩的), well-written(写得不错的),well-known(著名的),,newly-published(刚出版的)另外还有:10) adj-n. 如:low-cost(低价的), high-quality(高质量的), fast-food(快餐的)11) n.-n. 如:day-care(白天代人照顾小孩的),12) n.-adj. 如:fat-free(低脂的), duty-free(免税的), world-famous(世界有名的)13)num.-n(-adj.): five-minute ; 8-meter-long , one-way (单行的) 注意:复数时,单位名词仍不加S。2. People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lightsP2 Lines 4-7 interest: n.兴趣,爱好;利益;利息 v. 使感兴趣have /find/feel/show/take (an/no) interest in 对有/无兴趣develop (ones) interest in 培养对的兴趣arouse/stimulate ones interest in 激发对的兴趣lose interest (in) (对)失去兴趣the interest rate 利率be/become interested in sightU n. 看;看见;视力;视野;情景;景象;pl. 名胜v. 看见;瞄准sighting n.at first sight 乍看一下、初看起来;at the sight of 一看见;in sight 可见,看得见;out of sight 看不见;lose ones sight 失明;have good/poor sight 视力好/差; near/short-sighted 近视的; catch sight of / come into sight 看到,发现;a sad sight 一副凄惨的景象; the sights of London 伦敦的名胜;3. Justin Foster, a high school student, went missing last Friday night. P2 Lines 10-13同位语:一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰、限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。1) He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor.2) They each have an English-English dictionary. 他们每一个人都有一本英英字典。3) He always works hard even if he knows the fact that he is not in good health.他工作总是很努力尽管他知道他身体不好。4) His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time.他的失败是因为他很长时间没锻炼了。5) Mary, monitor of our class, (我们班的班长)was invited to the party too.(用同位语合并下列句子)1) Mr. Smith is our new English teacher. He is very kind to us.Mr. Smith, our new English teacher, is very kind to us.2) Yesterday I met Tom. Tom is a friend of my brothers.Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brothers.3) Mr. James is my English teacher. Yesterday I talked to him.Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr. James.4) We are Chinese people and we are brave and hardworking.We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.5) He didnt work hard. He failed in the exam.He failed in the exam due to the fact that he didnt work hard.4. At first, Justins mother, who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache, thought that the teenager was spending the night with a friend. P2 Lines13-20这是一个复杂句,句中who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache作Justins mother的定语,而that the teenager was spending the night with a friend则是一个宾语从句。5. Mr. Foster , who was working that night, was surprised that his son did not tell everyone that he was staying out late. P2 Lines20-22这是一个含有三个从句的复杂句,who was working that night是定语从句,that his son did not tell everyone是宾语从句,that he was staying out late也是一个宾语从句。6. I heard him put on his favorite CD. P2 Lines 39-40 put on穿上, 戴上;增加,添上;表演,上演;使(视听设备)开始播放put on a coat (穿上); put on weight (增加);put on a record (使开始播放); put on performances (表演,上演)7. Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with P3 Lines50-53 (这是一个倒装句)=Lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with were standing inside. 本句倒装句结构是:表语+ be+主语 (全部倒装)1) Sitting /Seated at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.2) Also present at the meeting was a professor from Peking University. (出席会议的是)3) 那个湖周围种着各种各样的树。Growing around the lake are trees of different kinds.4) 中国贫油的时代一去不复返了。 Gone are the days when China was poor in oil resources. 倒装句常见句型归纳:1) 表示地点或方位的副词或介词短语+谓语(vi)+主语 (全部倒装)Here comes the bus. 但代词不倒。 eg. 他来到这。 Here he comes.South of the city lies a big shoe factory.山上有座庙。 On the top of the hill stands a temple.2) (半)否定词+助动词/be+主语(半)否定词如neither; nor; not until; not onlybut also; never; seldom; hardlywhen; no soonerthan; at no time; by no means; in no casee.g.直到昨天我才知道这个消息。Not until yesterday did I get the news.之前Mrs. Jackson 从来没见过Miss Smith 看起来如此不高兴。Never before had Mrs. Jackson seen Miss Smith look so unhappy.我刚进门就听到电话铃响了。No sooner had I entered the room than I heard the telephone rang.3) so+助动词/be+主语(也这样);Mary works hard and so does her partner.4) only+状语+助动词/be+主语 (部分倒装)only + 副词 Only then did I realize I was wrong.only + 介词短语 Only in this way can students make great progress in their studies.Only by doing so can we achieve our goal.only + 从句 Only taken according to the directions will the medicine work well .Only when everyone is aware of the importance of protecting the environment can human beings live in harmony with nature.8. The aliens took me away so that they could do research on me. P3 Lines63-65 research vt.&vi& n. 调查;研究1) research (into/on) sth; do/ carry out /make research into/ on 对进行研究2) He has done a good deal of research on that subject. 对那个学科他做了很多的研究。3) They are carrying out a research into / researching (into)the cause of cancer.他们正在研究癌症的原因。4)There is clearly a need for further research on this topic.很明显需要对这个课题进行更深入的研究。.9. Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities. P3 Lines73-75 本句中but前后为并列成分,that Justin was taken by aliens做the possibility的同位语, 是一个同位语从句。 possible adj. possibly adv possibility n. 可能性,可能1) It is possible that 2) There is possibility of doing sth; There is possibility thatIs there any possibility of our getting there in time? 我们有可能及时到那里吗? rule out 把排除在外,不考虑我们不能不考虑遇到坏天气的可能性。We mustnt rule out the possibility of bad weather. look into 调查,检查=investigate or examine我们将一起调查这件事。Well look into the matter together.Consolidation1. The police _ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.(D)A. was searching B. were searching C. was searching for D. were searching for2. Meat _ bad very soon in summer. (C)A. turns B. becomes C. goes D. falls3. Those _ the companies are to blame for the decrease in sales. (A)A. in charge of B. in the charge of C. in charge D. take charge of4. The price of eggs _ by 10% since last month. (C)A. increased B. is increased C. has increased D. had increased5. _ of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it.A. Convinced B. Convincing C. To convince D. Having convinced (A )6. It was not _ she took off her glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star. ( B )A. when, that B. until, that C. until, when D. when, when7. _at the failure in the math exam, John would not like to talk about it to his parents. ( B )A. Disappointing B. Disappointed C. To be disappointed D. Having disappointed8. The _ look on her face suggested that she _ it.A. puzzling; hadnt expected B. puzzled; hadnt expected ( B )C. puzzling; wouldnt expect D. puzzled; shouldnt expect9. When I return to the classroom, I found my pen _. ( C )A. going B. losing C. missing D. missed10. Kate cried out in a _ voice at the _ of a rat. ( B )A. frightening; scene B. frightened; sightC. puzzled; sight D. puzzling


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