高一英语 单元单词短语句型知识梳理 Unit1 大纲人教版第一册_第1页
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Senior Book 1 AUnit 1-Unit 2提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 1单词honestloyalwisesmartarguefondmatchfrysawropemoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntsharelieadventureerror短语hunt forin order tocare aboutdrop sb.a lineargue about sth.even thoughas.as possible句型1.so或neither (nor)引导的(倒装)句型2.so.that3.should have done sth.Unit 2单词closetpronouncebroadrepeatmajoritytotalequalsituationtradeinternationalorganizationgovernmenttourismcommunicateexchangeservicesignaltidy standindependentpublishexpressioncompare短语make oneself at homein totalexcept forstay upend up witha great manythe number ofmore and morebring in句型句型1.强调句型及其各种结构2.with名词或代词宾语补足语Unit 1理解:要点诠释单词1.argue讲:v.争论;辩论;力劝例:This is the subject about which we might argue for a long time.这是一个我们会争论很长时间的话题。The two sides are arguing the case.双方正在辩论这个案子。链接拓展(1)argument n. 争论;论据(2)argue with sb.about/sth.同某人辩论某事(3)argue for sth.为而辩论(4)argue against sth.为反对而辩论(5)argue o.力劝某人干(6)argue sb.out of.力劝某人不干练:Do you know what the old man is _ arguing ?A. with them about B. with themC. to them about D. to them提示:句意为:你知道老人正在同他们辩论什么吗?argue with sb.about/over sth.是固定搭配,意思是“同某人辩论某事”。答案:A2.match讲:v. 与一致;和相似;和相配(称);匹敌过;比得过n.火柴;比赛;相配作动词用时,match主要搭配形式为:matchn.to/withn. 把和搭配起来/调和起来;matchn.in/forn.与匹敌;是的对手;势均力敌。例:Sometimes his inner thoughts and his outer actions do not match.有时他的内心想法与行为不一致。Please match each picture with the correct sentence.把每一幅画与正确的句子搭配起来。No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.在古典音乐方面没有人比得上她。The cap is a match for the coat.这帽子和上衣很相配。I was his match at tennis.打网球我跟他难分上下。链接拓展(1)be no match for 敌不过I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。(2)match up to 与相当;符合标准The trip failed to match up to her expectations.这次旅行令她很失望。练:No matter how much money you have, it cannot _ a healthy body.A. match B. fitC. defeat D. compare提示:match意为“与相比/匹敌”。全句意为“无论你有多少钱,它都不能与健康的身体相比”。答案:A3.share讲:n.一份;股份v. 分享;共有;分配;分摊例:He shared his money out among his six children.他把钱分给了六个孩子。Ill share the cost with you.我将与你分摊费用。Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.明年我们希望获得更大的市场份额。I own 12 shares in an oil company.我拥有石油公司的12个股份。链接提示(1)share sth.(out)(among/between sb.)分给;分配;分派(2)share sth.(with sb.)和别人分享;和别人合用;分给别人(3)share in sth.分摊;共同承担练:In a way I can see what you mean, even though I dont _ your point of view.A. permit B. share C. agree D. recognize提示:share one s point of view 与某人有共同观念。句意为:尽管我与你没有共同观点,但在某种意义上我还是能理解你的意思。答案:B4.lie讲:n. 谎言;谎话 v. 说谎;躺着;位于;处于;保留;保持(某种状态)例:When I entered ,he was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.我进去时,他正和衣躺在床上。These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.工厂关闭以来,这些机器就一直闲置着。Thompson is lying in the fourth place.汤姆森名列第四。You could see from his face that he was lying.从他的表情你可以看出来他在说假话。He told a lie/lies in order to ask for a leave.为了请假他撒谎了。链接拓展(1)lie v. 撒谎lied,lied,lyinglie v. 躺;卧;坐落lay ,lain,lyinglay v. 放;置;产卵;下蛋laid ,laid ,layingHe laid down his book and lay down.他放下书,躺下了。(2)lie down 躺下(休息或养病)Ill go and lie down for a bit .I m a little dizzy.我去躺一会,我有点头晕。(3)lie with(责任等)在于The fault lies with me.错误在我。(4)give the lie to sth.证实是虚假的;证明不实;揭穿谎言These new figures give the lie to the belief that unemployment is going down.这些新的资料表明失业率在下降的看法是不真实的。练:In Switzerland,six miles west of Geneva _,a collection of laboratory buildings.A. lie B. are lying C. lies D. lays提示:句意为:在瑞士日内瓦以西六英里处,坐落着不少试验楼。a collection of laboratory buildings是主语,需要用单数谓语,故选C。答案:C短语1.care about讲:该短语意为“ 关心;爱护;在乎;在意”。例:I dont think you care about what will happen to him.我想你不会关心他会出什么事的。They dont care about the expenses.他们对费用并不在意。She is very selfish .She doesnt care about other people.她很自私,不关心别人。链接拓展和care有关的短语: care for 关怀;照顾care for 或care to do喜欢;愿意with care 当心;仔细地take care 注意;当心练:Mr.Brown was devoted to _ the sick and the wounded.A. cared about B. care off C. caring ofD. caring about提示:be devoted to后应该接动名词,首先排除A、B两项;依据句意确定答案为D。答案:D2.as.as possible讲:该短语意为“尽可能地”。例:We will mend your car as soon as possible.=We will mend your car as soon as we can.我们将尽快把你的车修好。Ill go to see you as often as possible.=Ill go to see you as often as I can.我将会尽可能经常地去看你的。You should try to be as friendly as possible to each other.你们彼此之间应该尽可能地友好些。链接提示as.as possible 是as.as it is(was)possible的省略,其中的possible用作表语,不可用副词possibly替代。练:The train leaves at 5:00 a.m.We should get to the station _ .A. as early as possible B. as possible as we canC. as possibly as we can D. as early as possibly提示:as.as possible意为“尽可能”,句意为:火车凌晨五点开,我们应该尽可能早点到。答案:A句型1.so 或neither(nor)引导的(倒装)句型讲:注意观察下面两个教材原句:Rock music is OK ,and so is skiing.摇滚乐很好,滑雪也不错。I don t enjoy singing ,nor do I like computers.我不喜欢唱歌,也不喜欢计算机。(1)“so系动词(情态动词或助动词)(与前句不同的)主语” 表示前句中的肯定情况也适用于另一人或物。so代替上文中的动作或概念,表示“也是这样,也是如此”。注意:两句中应使用同类助动词且时态应一致。(2)“neither/nor系动词(情态动词或助动词)(与前句相同的)主语”表示连续的否定。例:She can speak French and so can her husband.=She can speak French and her husband can speak French ,too.她会讲法语,她丈夫也会。I have lost a bike and so has he.=I have lost a bike and he has also lost one.我丢了一辆自行车,他也丢了一辆。I dont know where he has gone ,nor do I care about.我不知道他去哪里了,我也不关心。链接拓展(1)“so(与前文相同)主语do(be ,will ,have ,can)”表示对前文提及的情况表示赞同,意为“某人(物)确实如此,确实这样”。She can speak French.她会讲法语。So she can.(=You are right .She can speak French.)她确实会讲法语。(2)“主语do/didso”表示该句中的主语确实做了前文的动作。He said he would go to play basketball and he did so.他说要去踢足球,他真去了。(3)“neither/nor系动词(情态动词或助动词)(与前句不同的)主语”表示前句中的否定情况也适用于另一人或物。He won t go to school tomorrow Nor will I.他明天不去上学,我也不去。练:(2020东北三校一模)Mother told me to play with our little guest. _,though unwillingly.A. So did I B. I didntC. So I did D. Neither I did提示:“so主语助动词”表示对前文提到的情况表示赞同。答案:C2.so.that讲:请观察教材原句:Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.查克是个商人,他太忙了以至于很少有时间与朋友交往。so adj./adv.that.表示“如此以至于”,that可省略;当so和它所修饰的形容词或副词放在句首时,主句倒装。例:So interesting is the book that I want to read it again.=The book is so interesting that I want to read it again.这本书太有趣了,我想再看一遍。链接拓展在so.that句型中也可以使用名词,结构如下:(1)sofew/many可数名词复数that(2)solittle/much不可数名词that(3)soadj.a(n)名词that=sucha(n)adj.名词thatIt was so cold a day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick.=It was such a cold day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick.天气太冷了,河里的冰有将近两英尺厚。There was so much water in the river that we couldnt swim across it.河里的水太多了,我们游不过去。练:So seriously _ in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once.A. he was wounded B. was he hurtC. he did injury D. did he hurt提示:so和它所修饰的形容词放在了句首,主句应该倒装。答案:B3.should have done sth.讲:教材原句:He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.他还明白了他以前应该多关心朋友。should have done表示“过去本应该做某事,而实际上没做”,含有责备或后悔的意味。例:You should have come here yesterday.你昨天应该到这里来。Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.明天我将告诉玛莉她的新工作。You should have told her last week.你上周就该告诉她。链接拓展shouldnt have done表示“过去不应该做某事,而实际上做了”,也含有责备或后悔的意味。He shouldnt have gone without telling us.他不应该不告诉我们就走了。I shouldnt have yelled at you that way.我不该那样对你大喊大叫。练:(2020辽宁大连双基测试) Why are you late again?I got caught in the traffic .Anyway I here on time.A. would have been B. muse beC. could have been D. should have been提示:“情态动词have done”结构表示与过去事实相反,should have done表示“(过去)本该做某事而没做到”。答案:D辨析1.match,suit,fitmatch多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。fit多指尺寸、形状、合适,引申为“吻合”,协调。即时练习:(1)His clothes dont _ his age.(2)Does the time _ you?(3)The new coat _ her well .It is neither too big nor too small.(4)Which day _ you ,Saturday or Sunday?答案:(1)match(2)suit(3)fits(4)suits2.alone,lonely(1)词性:alone可以作形容词和副词;lonely只能作形容词。(2)用法:作形容词时,alone只能作表语,有时作宾补,不能作定语;lonely可以作表语和定语。alone不能用very修饰,而要说much alone,或very much alone。(3)词义:作表语时,alone的意思是“独自一人”,指的是客观情况;lonely的意思是“寂寞”,指的是主观感觉。(4)固定结构:leave/let sb ./sth .alone 听任;别打扰;let alone更不用说。即时练习:(1)He feels _ though he has two brothers.(2)The old man lives in a _ house in the forest _.(3)When he woke up ,he found himself _ in the room.(4)Though he is _ at home ,he doesnt feel _,for he has many things to do.(5)The baby can t walk ,let _ run.(6)Leave the machine _ .Its dangerous.答案:(1)lonely(2)lonely;alone(3)alone (4)alone;lonely(5)alone(6)alone3.although,though(1)一般情况下,两者可换用(although多用于句首)。(2)所引导的让步状语从句放在主句前,从句中用部分倒装时,用though(=as)。(3)只能说as though(=as if);even though(=even if)。(4)though可用作副词,放在句末或句中,表示“然而、不过”,although不可。即时练习:(1) _ they tried hard ,they didnt finish the work on time.(2)They didnt stop to have a rest _ they were tired.(3)He speaks English as _ he were an Englishman.(4)Even _ he didnt tell me anything about it ,I knew the whole thing.(5)Child _ he is ,he knows a lot about computers.(6)He said he would help me with my English;he didnt, _.答案:(1)Although/Though(2)though/although(3)though(4)though(5)though(6)though诱思:实例点拨 【例1】(2020全国高考)Mary never does any reading in the evening, _.A. so does John B.


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