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Answers To全新版大学英语综合教程 第二版预备级重排本UNIT ONEText A:Reading ComprehensionI. 5, 1, 7, 11, 2, 4, 6, 9, 8, 10, 3II. 1. a freshman 2. to others that she was not 3. make a timely entrance4. Freshman manuals5. American Literature6. she was in the right classroom7. had stepped on a piece of cheese8. no one had noticed9. decided to go back to the cafeteria to eat10. bad fate would only fall on her11. silly12. popularityIII. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. T From Reading To Speaking (Left out)Vocabulary And Sentence PracticeI. 1. arise2. advised 3. come to their feet /arise 4. determines 5.left 6.show up7. made her way8. in no time9. no matter how 10. went out toII.1. a. pitilessb. pityc. pitifuld. pitifully2. a. safeb. safec. safelyd. safety 3. a. soundb. soundc. sounds d. soundly4. a. popularityb. popularize c. popularly d. popularIII. 1. A. 我只想能顺顺当当地找到自己的宿舍B. He wanted nothing more than to help her.2. A. 无论我自以为有多么成熟,我还是觉得有些像一年级新生似的。B. No matter how hard I tried, I could not change his mind.3. A. 我花了整整一下午的时间摸清了我所有要上课的教室的位置,这样我就可以在每节课之前掐准时间走进教室B. They spent the whole evening preparing the classroom so that the party would be held just as planned.4. A. 我正朝色拉供应台走去,却不料一脚踩到了一块奶酪上。B. We were reading in the library when the electricity went off.5. A. 也许三天的时间足以使全校的人把我给忘记了B. This dictionary is good enough for you to study English.6. A. 这时我才意识到之前自己太当真了。B. Dont take the failure too seriously; you will have other chances later.IV. 1. B. my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lotC. All the other boys went to play basketball after class, leaving John studying in the classroom.2. B. With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set off in the direction of my dorm.C. With his hands in his pockets, he stood there, looked at the children, and gave orders.3. B. Freshman manuals advised sitting near the front.C. The teacher advised reviewing the lessons every day.4. B. How nice it would be if no one had noticed.C. How nice the trip would have been if it had not rained.5. B. I looked up to see that another student had met the fate Id thought would only fall on me.C. The girl returned to the store to find that the dolls had been sold out.6. B. Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in the class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture?C. Who cares where you go or what you do after work?Text BReading ComprehensionI. 1. B2. B3. C4. A5. D6. DII. 1. B 2. A 3. B4. A5. A6. B 7. B8. AIII. (Left out)IV. (Left out)Vocabulary WorkI. a. 7b. 10c. 5d. 1 e. 11f. 16g. 2 h. 4 i. 12j. 3 k. 8 l. 9II. 1. B2. A 3. D4. B5. CIII. 1. ACADEMIC 2. OBVIOUS 3. SURPRISE4. ADVICE 5. EXPLORE 6. FOCUS 7. INVENTUNIT TWOText A:Reading ComprehensionI. A comparison between the stepfather and the real fatherStepfatherReal fatherPersonality25Feelings for family members89Sense of responsibility34Parent-child relationship71Family activity106II. 1. the authors real father 2. there was lots of sun3. have a barbecue4. Mothers flower garden and Leos trees 5. driving her 6. going shopping together with the family7. angry, cruel, violent and unloving8. the authors brother9.all loved him and took him as their father10. he would deny it if she said soIII. 1.T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6.T 7.T 8. F 9.F 10. F 11.T From Reading To Speaking (Left out)Vocabulary And Sentence PracticeI. 1. experience 2. put down roots3. glance 4. intense 5. in time6. relieve7. touches8. resembling9. unique 10. remarkedII.1. a. specially b. specialty c. specializesd. special e. specialists2. a. uniquelyb. uniquec. uniqueness 3. a. delights b. delightful c. delight d. delightedly 4. a. unavoidable b. avoided c. Avoidance d. avoidableIII. 1. A. 起初,他在我的生活中并不是什么特别的人,后来他成了我的朋友。最终我觉得他也是我的父亲。B. A first, the subject is nothing special to me. Then gradually I became interested in it. In time, I found myself in love with it.2. A. 开始时,我们家的草地只是一个土堆,上面零星地长着些荒草。B. Above us there is a bright moon, with some scattered stars.3. A. 你妈妈喜欢花。这里阳光充足,她可以在这里栽些花。B. You can park the car here, where there is a parking sign.4. A. 我开始知道有一个父亲意味着什么。B. Up till now she still doesnt understand what it means to be a mother. 5. A. 但因为我小时候都是看着别的家庭进行这些日常的活动,所以当我现在做这些事的时候,共感到非常地开心。B. They spent the whole afternoon watching the football players training on the sports ground.6. A. 我们刚搬到郊区不久,一位新邻居就向我做了自我介绍。B. After he entered the office, the young man introduced himself to us.IV. 1. B. He was no one special in my life.C. Such a small loss is nothing special to the rich businessman.2. B. And in the backyard, Id like a barbecue.C. In the afternoon many English people would like a cup of tea.3. B. Little touches- my mothers flower garden, Leos trees-made our house unique.C. The recent failure didnt make the young man disappointed.4. B. Having a father drop you off may have been something my classmates for granted.C. Working for the nation has always been something the scientist takes for granted.5. B. We learned that my “real” fatherwanted to see us again, on a regular basis.C. The professor said that he would help the student with his studies on a regular basis.6. B. Since my brother was then 17 years old, he didnt have to follow family-court provision.C. Since he was a quite experienced man, you dont have to give him so many orders.Text BReading ComprehensionI. 1. T2. F 3. T4. F5. F6. F7. T 8. F9. T10. F11. TII. 1. A 2. B 3. B4. A5. A6. B 7. BIII. (Left out)IV. (Left out)Vocabulary WorkI. 9, 10, 8, 7, 12, 1, 4, 11, 6, 5, 2, 3II. 1. B, D2. A 3. C4. D5. CIII. 1. AWARD2. GROCERY3. WHISPER4. EMOTION 5. FORTUNE 6. OFFER 7. GAZE UNIT THREEText A:Reading ComprehensionI.Main idea: Thoughts need only to be believed in order to succeedBackground:The author was _1_.The results:a. _3_b. _2_Professor Fines encouragement:The author had _5_.The results: a. _4_b. _6_Conclusion: If you believe _7_!II. 1. create failure or success in your lives 2. three times3. psychology4. pass statistics 5. short man with thinning hair6. read his transcript7. encourage the author8. his attitude toward statistics9. fought for a front row seat and asked many questions10. he had gained the confidence built on the teachers encouragement and had worked really hard on the subjectIII. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. T From Reading To Speaking (Left out)Vocabulary And Sentence PracticeI. 1. eventually2. held up 3. lookin the eye 4. looking forward to5. determination6. ran into7. despite 8. applying for 9. paid off 10. gave up 11. junior12. Shortly afterII.1. a. acceptb. Acceptablec. acceptance 2. a. amazed b. amazement c. amazes d. amazing3. a. confuseb. confusedc. confusion d. confusing4. a. affected b. affectionc. affectionate III. 1. A. 可是我拿到学位却有一个小障碍-统计学,这是三年级必修的一门实验课,每周四学时。B. Something stands between me and the reward-the physical test. It is a test I have to pass in m y second year.2. A. 你所有的决心从此都将得到回报。B. This is where I found that book.3. A. 我从未梦想能做的如此出色。要不是费恩教授的鼓励,我也许根本不可能有如此成绩。B. Had it not been for your help, I wouldnt have caught the train on time.4. A. 尽管教授是这么说的,但整个课程还是非常辛苦,必须专心致志偶尔还需向朋友求助。B. Despite what his wife had said, he still worked till late into the night. 5. A. 不久我碰到费恩教授以前的一个学生。他对我说, “恭喜你!费恩教授总是为那些特别迟钝的学生讲他的第二种头脑的故事。”B. Last week, I ran into one of my former middle-school teachers, who said to me, “Congratulations! Finally you got into college.IV. 1. B. Thoughts dont have to be “real” or “true” to create failure or success in our lives.C. You dont have to get all As to be accepted by this college.2. B. After hearing all the horror stories about statistics, I felt panic all over.C. Before opening the box, I felt curious.3. B. Professor Finesat on the front of his desk with his feet dangling over the floor.C. The teacher came into the classroom with the student following him.4. B. This is where all of your determination pays off.C. This is where I left the book in the morning.5. B. For two years, I looked forward to taking statistics. C. For my whole childhood, I looked forward to going to Beijing.6. B. I asked so many questions that I was often called a pest.C. Before the vacation, I felt so excited that I could not go to sleep.Text BReading ComprehensionI. 1. C2. C 3. C4. C5. A6. D7. AII. 1. B 2. B 3. B, B4. A5. B6. B III. (Left out)IV. (Left out)Vocabulary WorkI. 1. actually2. smart3. value4. contains5. automatic6. honor7. personal8. earn9. effort10. nervous11. discuss12. opinionsII. 1. D2. C 3. B4. D5. CIII. 1. AUTOMATIC2. SEMINAR3. EXTREMELY4. ENROLL5. SMART6. ACTUALLYUNIT FOURText A:Reading ComprehensionI. 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 4, 9, 8, 7II. 1. prescribe a placebo 2. make people well3. fools itself4. not work 5. hope that will give them a stronger will to get better6. trust7. seasickness, coughs, colds, and pain after an operation8. nothing at all; a placebo; a real drug9. the same effect as10. a bad reaction to the placeboIII. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T 11. T From Reading To Speaking (Left out)Vocabulary And Sentence PracticeI. 1. trust2. In a way3. open up 4. heal5. reacted6. instead of7. came away with8. prescribed9. rests with 10. reassuranceII.1. a. harmfulb. harmedc. harmless d. harm2. a. living b. live c. living d. life e. live3. a. mindsb. mindc. mindful d. mindless4. a. operatesb. operativec. operation d. operational e. operator f. operatingIII. 1. A. 知道会得到些药,这使你感觉好些。B. It made him work harder to hear he would get a raise in salary.2. A. 虽然这些东西本身不含药物,但它们却似乎能使人们康复。B. Even though he has no supermans power in him, Mr. Lee is always able to make people happy.3. A. 这就像我们每个人体内都有一个医生。B. It is as if you were sitting in a plane that is taking off.4. A. 他们说安慰剂使得身体好转的愿望变为现实。B. The story tells us that hard working makes the wish to get rich become reality. 5. A. 这种治疗的成功似乎在很大程度上取决于病人和医生之间的关系。B. The success of the play rests with the performance of all of us.6. A. 人们做了一个实验以检验安慰剂是否有助于老年人保持健康和长寿。B. An experiment was done to see if regular exercise would help people stay healthy.IV. 1. B. Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well.C. All the children demand is protection from the government.2. B. The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself.C. The study of the planet opens up new information about how the earth was formed.3. B. But it is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body.C. The engineers have not yet found out what caused the failure of the machine.4. B. They were put in three groups with 50 people in each group.C. The children were divided into six groups with five in each group.5. B. If patients expect a bad reaction to medicine, then they will also show a bad reaction to the placebo.C. If children are believed to be likeable, they will behave in a likeable way.6. B. Would you be pleased that you had been able to heal your own body just by believing that you could?C. I am happy that I have been able to overcome much of my sadness by just believing tomorrow will bring something better.Text BReading ComprehensionI. 1. F2. F 3. T4. F5. F6. F7. FII. 1. A, A2. B 3. A4. B5. B6. A 7. B 8. A9. B10. BIII. (Left out)IV. (Left out)Vocabulary WorkI. a. 6b. 3c. 8d. 9 e. 1f. 10g. 4 h. 2 i. 5j. 7 II. 1. D2. D 3. A4. A5. CIII. 1. VICTIM2. PROTEST3. YELL4. FRAGMENT5. SCAR 6. REACTUNIT FIVEText A:Reading ComprehensionI. 2, 6, 9, 7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 4II. 1. a millionaire by the time he was 20 2. 31, the richest man in America3. the entire World Book Encyclopedia4. science and math, thinking 5. social skills6. skinny and left-handed, big feet and a squeaky voice7. perfect his essays or organize his books and papers8. at the age of 13, large and awkward9. complex computer languages10. all of his years in secondary school11. math 12. software, getting computers to carry out instructions13. DOS 14. humble and ordinaryIII. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. F 11. T 12. TFrom Reading To Speaking (Left out)Vocabulary And Sentence PracticeI. 1. efficient2. boasted3. energetic 4. question5. Before long6. was named after 7. perform8. criticized9. tease 10. regardas11. playing with 12. come alongII.1. a. energyb. energizesc. energetic2. a. favorb. favorable c. favor d. favorite e. favorites 3. a. Scienceb. scientistsc. scientific4. a. successfulb. successc. succeeded5. a. criticizeb. criticismsc. critical d. CriticIII. 1. A. 十几岁的时候比尔盖茨就夸下海口,要在20岁时成为百万富翁。B. As president of this multi-national company, he has designed the development plan for the company for the next 20 years.2. A. 他9岁时便完完整整地读完了世界百科全书。B. We had studied the entire English book by the end of last year.3. A. 他虽然很聪明,但社交能力却有所不足。B. Although he has retired, he proves to be an influential figure.4. A. 若果说被人嘲弄使比尔内心不胜烦恼的话,他却从没有表现出来。B. If your often being late for school has affected your classmates, you should apologize.5. A. 操作者在使用机器之前必须先学会复杂的计算机语言。B. All passengers are required to show their tickets before entering the railway station.6. A. 与一些对电


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