



音乐知识竞赛词汇Stages:1. 音乐词汇必答(每人1词,每组7-8词)第一、二组唱歌2. 连线题(每组共4题)必答(音乐家、国籍、作品搭配;主要是古典音乐家)第三、四组唱歌3. 列举题必答(四种类型的乐器及现代音乐风格)第五、六组唱歌4. 听歌复述 2句(每组1题) 必答 (部分曲目来自我们课上介绍过的歌曲)(第七组)唱歌5. 选择题(共10题)抢答(音乐常识及著名歌手、乐队等)6. 听曲说曲名(共15题)抢答(古典名曲和现代流行英文歌曲)Vocabulary:1. symphony交响曲a long piece of music written for a large orchestra.2. lullaby摇篮曲a gentle song that you sing to help a child to go to sleep3. march进行曲a piece of music played with a regular beat in time with marching feet.4. waltz圆舞曲a piece of music with a rhythm of three beats for an elegant dance with a partner5. nocturne夜曲a piece of music related to the night, esp. a soft beautiful piece of piano music.6. serenade小夜曲a piece of music played at night by a lover outside the window of the woman he loves7. sonata奏鸣曲a piece of music written for the piano, or for another instrument together with piano8. rhapsody狂想曲a piece of music in one extended movement, usu. emotional in character9. ballade叙事曲a short lyrical piece of music, esp. for piano10. concerto协奏曲a piece of music for an orchestra with one instrument playing an important part11. orchestra管弦乐队12. staff五线谱13. score乐谱14. tune曲调15. note音符16. melody旋律17. pitch音高;为定音调18. meter节拍19. timber音色20. finale终曲21. solo独奏,独唱22. hymn赞歌,颂歌23. choir唱诗班24. vocalist歌唱家,声乐家25. ensemble合奏26. trio三重奏27. duet二重奏曲,二重唱曲28. aria咏叹调29. conservatory音乐学院30. suite组曲,套曲31. overtune序曲32. recital独唱/奏音乐会33. rhythm节奏34. prelude前奏曲35. fingering指法36. B-flat降B大调37. scale音阶38. syllable音节39. sight reading视唱40. encore加演41. philharmonic交响乐团体的;爱好音乐的42. segment片段43. rest休止符44. debut/premiere首演45. anthem国歌46. accompanist伴奏/唱者47. audition试听,试音48. violin小提琴49. viola中提琴50. cello大提琴51. double bass低音提琴52. guitar吉他53. mandolin曼陀林54. harp竖琴55. lyre七弦竖琴56. horse-head fiddle马头琴57. piano钢琴58. electric piano电子琴59. accordion手风琴60. saxophone萨克斯风61. trumpet小号62. trombone长号63. French horn圆号64. cornet短号65. bagpipe风笛66. panpipe排箫67. flute长笛68. piccolo短笛69. clarinet单簧管,黑管70. oboe双簧管71. bassoon巴松管,大管72. drum鼓73. drum set架子鼓74. gong锣75. cymbals钹76. chime编钟77. marimba马林巴78. dulcimer扬琴79. xylophone木琴80. triangle三角铁81. tom-tom手鼓82. snare drum小军鼓83. jazz爵士乐84. rock music; rock & roll摇滚乐85. R & B (Rhythm & Blues) 节奏布鲁斯86. country music乡村音乐87. Disco迪斯科88. rap说唱乐89. Hip hop快板音乐90. heavy metal重金属91. Punk朋克摇滚乐92. gospel福音音乐93. stringed instrument弦乐器94. keyed instrument键盘


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