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雕爷阿芙精油的营销秘诀2006年,阿芙成立,开始仅做线下2009年9月11日,阿芙“触网”2011年,阿芙做到精油品类全网第一2012年“双11”电商大战期间,阿芙精油与京东发生龃龉,撤店2013年2月,阿芙爆京东拖欠百万货款2013年11月,阿芙涉嫌虚假宣传自2009年“上网”以来,阿芙精油就成了淘宝的经典案例,雕爷也因他独特的个性吸引了不少关注,最近又把心思放到了新项目“雕爷牛腩”身上,也做的风生水起。这里我们讲讲阿芙它独到的营销策略。“AFU阿芙”到目前已覆盖二十余个城市的近三百多家高档商场,根据2011.12013.8“数据魔方”精油类目统计,AFU还是淘宝全网精油销量第一,销量超过第二至十名的总和,真正的精油护肤领先品牌。如何做好品牌营销,阿芙精油的创始人有自己的一套方式。以下内容根据雕爷在不同地方的演讲整理:消费者出现在哪儿,就去哪儿作为品牌商,我们有独立网站,但我们的网站是为了展示商品或者是为了定制设计的一个网站,因为这个功能是淘宝没有办法提供的。我们那些奇奇怪怪的定制的服务,就淘宝目前的功能来说,没有办法实现,所以需要有一个独立的网站。但是真正投放的广告,比如在新浪投的广告,落地都是天猫的店。我自己在开店之前有两年的时间是淘宝的买家,是四黄钻的买家,买了两年,有需要的东西我几乎都在淘宝上买,所以我是一个标准的淘宝用户。但是在这两年网购生涯当中,我几乎从来不在一些独立的B2C上买东西,因为最简单的一点,淘宝上涵盖的服务很全面。那些独立的B2C提供的鞋子,淘宝都有。如果一家店有信用,也有好评,买的东西十有八九是OK的。在这种情况下,我为什么要去一个新的网站?又要注册,又要输入一些密码,而且隔两个月不去,密码就忘了。我当消费者的时候,别的B2C我从来不去。对一家网站来说,其重点在于你给消费者提供了什么样的产品或服务,让他不得不去你的独立网站,如果你能创造价值,那消费者会来这里;如果没有,消费者会追求规模,愿意去大的平台。但有些商品是无法在淘宝上购买的,比如说眼镜。眼镜是一样奇怪的东西,只要有细微的差别,戴起来感觉就会变得不一样,甚至同样的框往上高一点或者低一点,脸形就会跟着变。这种微小的差别看图片是没有办法解决的,目前也解决不了。如果我开家眼镜店,我有各种眼镜品牌,我先给开模,喷上漆,戴在消费者的脸上,那么就可以清晰地知道戴在其脸上是什么样的。消费者从我这里买眼镜,我不但给他寄眼镜,还会给他十款眼镜模型,这样创造出来的网站价值,就弥补了淘宝在这方面的缺憾了。这样的独立的B2C就可以生存下去。再举个例子,我那个时候打游戏,天天在5173买金子、银子,这种东西淘宝不可能完成,所以5173能够存在下去。因为你要进入游戏,然后去交易、看装备、买装备,这种活儿淘宝完成不了,这时候独立的B2C就有意义了。如果你提供的价值跟淘宝差不多的话,其实你会赔钱,因为你没有给消费者提供新的价值和意义。而这个时候,最关键的一点在于流量成本,如果你在全网做售卖,转化率天然低。因为淘宝本来是一个超大型的购物广场,进来的人很多。所以官网展示、天猫成交是临门一脚,消费者在哪儿,你就应该出现在哪里。很多人都叫我们电商品牌,其实我们是独立的品牌,消费者出现在哪里我们就应该出现在那里,在那里进行销售。淘宝提供了全套的设施,评价系统、支付宝担保交易系统,甚至如果出现了问题,淘宝“小二”还可以介入,充当第三方裁判的角色,使整个交易过程让人放心。所以最后的成交环节,一定要放在淘宝上或者是天猫上,但是整个营销要走出淘宝,是全网营销甚至是全平台营销。举个例子,比如我们在地铁站投放广告,我们也写上天猫,因为这就符合了那些天然喜欢在天猫上买东西的人的心意。所以在现在的环境下,就应该把思路变得真正务实一点,成交放在淘宝,品牌商展示所有产品的展示和沟通放在独立的平台,消费者出现在什么地方,你就应该出现在什么地方。命中需求,才能实现溢价淘宝上著名的裂帛,如果它的店开在商圈里,一天卖五件就不错了,因为产品太怪异了。但是在淘宝上一天就能卖五千件,这是因为它能够把个性的东西充分定制出来,把规模做出来。我们偶尔能够看到穿裂帛衣服的人,但是比较少,因为它比较个性化。在消费者端,如果产品没有个性,消费者就不会买;在生产方,如果没有规模化,就不会赚钱。所以这两者一结合,裂帛就可以活得非常滋润、非常好。其实化妆品本身没有办法定制,因为人的皮肤就是干性、油性、混合性,洗面奶、水也就是那样了,所以化妆品不太存在定制。但最重要的一点,如何在化妆品类目里面创造出全新的价值。XX出去了,他曾经每天搬箱子,但是由于他所创造的消费者价值太少了,所以消费者不肯为其搬箱子付出更多的溢价,这是一个根本。我们现在在探讨的,如何像曾教授说的,真正在这一端产生定制,比如阿芙之前做的几米系列,就是营销定制。如果找到喜欢几米的人,效果非常好,因为当你找准了受众群体的时候,转化率会非常高,因为现在转化率能够做到2%3%就很好了。但是如果找准了人群,转化率就会很高,流量成本就会变得很便宜。再比如我们即将推出的猫,很多人可能没有看到这个猫,对于猫这样音乐剧的巡演,每次抓一万消费者就够了,但是每次一万消费者的流量成本算下来转化率非常高。但是如果是对一个品牌而言,每次都一万一万地去抓消费者,每次营销都是定制化的,价值就会源源不断地被创造出来。但必须有个前提,就是有像淘宝这样超大型的平台,因为上面有无数的数据,有这些数据,我们就有无数的方法找到这些精准的人群,只要他们喜欢音乐剧,我们就有理由相信这些人喜欢猫,这时候转化率非常高。而对于品牌这样一万一万去积累,会比投放超大规模广告的效果好很多。因为其最大的关键点在与,能够培养顾客忠诚度。我们自己的感受,找王菲或找陈绮贞是会有差别的,陈绮贞粉丝忠诚度比王菲粉丝忠诚度高100倍。乔布斯的言论,也是苹果公司的言论,就是消费者都是“傻瓜”,消费者只有抽象的需求,具像的满足一定要靠商家或者企业家实现。消费者只知道抽象,我要快,我要美,我买的衣服要漂亮。什么叫衣服漂亮?这是抽象的需求。比如像裂帛,这么独特的审美,做出这么小众的东西,会满足一部分消费者个性化的审美需求。如果你问消费者需要一件什么样式的衣服?消费者自己会很难回答。他只知道简单的抽象的东西,所以艺术家有无中生有的能力,是创造出来的。而所有的企业家,是把这些艺术家创造的美好,制作成商品卖给消费者。过程一定是这样的,就是消费者一定不知道怎么想要什么,只要你把它拿出来,买不买用脚投票或者用钞票投票。做营销要坚持360天不间断营销要想成功,少不了坚持。品牌商必须要做到360天不断的施肥,每天都做一件小事情,连续不断的做,你会发现你的营业额会高于你的竞争对手。全网营销永远都是冰山一角,当顾客看到了这么一角,当他再看到促销的时候,他们有可能就会买。雅诗兰黛就是360天做得太棒了,它是全平台无所不在的营销,所以在做平台销售的那一刹那,永远是名列前茅的。忽略短期效益,敢于试错三年来,我的营销思想没变过,“全网营销,淘宝成交,独网试错”。对于渠道商而言,他们最关注的就是ROI,而品牌商恰恰要忽略短期内的效益,品牌拼的是试错。品牌不能把秒杀和打折挂在嘴边,否则不会受到良好的品牌溢价。做品牌商要看长期的目标,种品牌就像种庄稼一样,我从来不在乎淘宝ROI是几块钱买几个关键字,营销是品牌商不断试错的结果。进行市场区隔定位北京、上海的消费设施超过了欧洲发达国家的水平,而小城镇的消费能力很低,所以很难把它当成同一个国家,我觉得更像欧洲分散成了的多个国家,有穷有富。如果你把它当成独立的国家,怎么针对中国做营销?因为差异太大了,但是我也认为这充满了无数的机会,如:你可以专门针对三四线做营销。我们把淘宝虚拟成一个国家,平时有一亿人在淘宝购物,一个亿当成一个国家来看的话,阿芙是一个强势品牌。但如果在13亿人群当中,阿芙仍然是一个二线品牌,有时候做市场区隔之后的定位是非常重要的。你不要把它定义为国家通杀,你把淘宝作为一个国家的话,就不一样了。“全网营销,淘宝成交”我们不但四处叨唠,更亲身实践:刚刚近百万签了新浪首页的底通Banner,全流量。广告文案中写淘宝,落地也在淘宝。有人奇怪我们给淘宝引流量干嘛?废话,转化率能高三倍,当然选淘宝商城落地。雅诗兰黛打那么多广告,还不是入驻大型商场开专柜,没抽疯到自己经营购物中心一、没人能通吃产业链,苹果自建的零售店,其实也是以拉升品牌形象和拓展体验为第一要务,换句话说,关闭自建零售店苹果依然热卖;做品牌的核心能力,与做零售的核心能力,完全不同。但为何有些品牌商喜欢自建渠道?二、苹果最牛X了吧,不照样把零售店开在人流量最大商圈?没听说品牌强大,就可以跑郊区闹鬼的荒山开旗舰店的。而互联网上的西单、陆家嘴购物人流最集中的地方,目前就是淘宝。品牌商扎堆儿凑热闹,没必要当地产商。苹果的竞争对手是安卓,不是三里屯。三、通常来说,品牌商拼的是如何把东西卖贵,而渠道商拼的是把东西卖便宜这是两种截然相反、相互冲突的武功。既是产品品牌又是渠道品牌,貌似全世界唯一成功的案例是“宜家”。但普通人练,很容易走火入魔:勇于自宫,却没成功四、品牌驱动型的传统企业,比如雅诗兰黛吧,依靠杂志、电视、路牌的广告,提高品牌势能。然后在终端,依靠渠道的促销来释放品牌势能比如他们也搞圣诞大促而互联网广告,居然可以在同一幅广告,同时提升势能和释放势能,但力道不均,则容易杀鸡取卵透支未来。Fu was founded in 2006, began to do offline onlyOn September 11, 2009, fu netIn 2011, fu the oil cut in the first category11 2012 double electric business war, fu the essential oils with jingdong squabbling, removed from storeIn February 2013, fu the jingdong millions of payment in arrearsIn November 2013, fu the alleged false propagandaInternet since 2009, the essential oil became a classic case to taobao, carving ye also because of his unique personality attracted many attention, recently put idea on the new project carved ye flank, are also popular. Here we talk about fu its unique marketing strategy.Fu o AFU so far has covered more than 20 cities nearly more than three hundred upscale department store, according to 2011.1 2013.8 data cube oil category, AFU or taobao cut oil sales first, the second to the sum of ten, sold more than the real essential oil skin care leading brand. How to do a good job in brand marketing, the founder of fu the essence of life has its own set of way.The following content according to carving the ye in different parts of the speech to sort out:Consumers appear where, where toAs brands, we have an independent website, but our website is to show commodity or to custom design a web site, because this function is taobao cant provide. We taobao those strange custom service, the current function, there is no way to realize, so you need to have an independent site. But the real advertising, such as the advertising of sinas cast in, fall to the ground are all day the cats shop.Myself two years before the opening time is taobao buyers, buyers is four yellow diamonds, bought two years, has the need to nearly all of the things I buy on taobao, so I am a standard taobao users. But in online career over the past two years, I almost never on some independent B2C shopping, because it is the most simple, on taobao covers the service is very comprehensive. The independent B2C provide shoes, taobao has. If a store credit, and the high praise, to buy things nine times out of ten is OK. In this case, why should I go to a new web site? To register again, want to type your password again, and every two months not to go, the password forgot. I when consumers, other B2C I never go to.For a web site, its focus is to provide consumers with you what kind of products or services, let he had to go to your independent website, if you can create value, the consumer will come here; If not, the consumer will pursue scale, large platform. But cant on taobao to buy some items, such as glasses. Glasses is a strange thing, as long as there are subtle differences, wear up feeling will be different, even the same frame up a little higher or lower, face will follow. The difference of the tiny pictures is no way to solve, also wont solve at present. If I open a store, I have all kinds of brand glasses, I first to open mould, spray paint, put on the face of the consumers, we can clearly know what wear on its face. Consumers from my here to buy glasses, not only to send his glasses, I will also give him ten glasses model, this site was created value, will make up the drawback of taobao in this respect. So independent B2C can survive.For example, I at that time to play the game, every day in 5173 to buy gold, silver, this stuff taobao cant be done, so 5173 is able to survive. Because youre going into the game, then go to deal, see equipment, buy equipment, this kind of work, taobao should not be completed at this time independent B2C is meaningful. If you provide value just like taobao, in fact you will lose money, because you did not give consumers provide new value and significance. And this time, the key point is that traffic cost, if you do sell the entire network, the conversion of natural low. Because taobao is a very large shopping plaza, there are too many people came in. So the website display, clinch a deal the cat is finishing, where consumers, where you should appear. A lot of people call us electrical goods brand, in fact we are independent brands, consumers appear where we should be there, there. Taobao offers a full range of facilities, evaluation system, pay treasure to guarantee deal, even if there is a problem, taobao small 2 can also be involved in, ACTS as the role of third party umpire, make the whole process of trading reassuring. So finally clinch a deal the link, must be put in taobao, or on the day the cat, but the whole marketing to get out of taobao, is the entire network marketing and even the whole platform. For example, for example, we advertise in the subway station, we also write cat heaven, because it is accord with the natural like to buy things on the day the cat peoples mind.So in the current environment, you should put ideas become truly pragmatic, clinch a deal on taobao, brands to show all the products display and communication in independent platform, consumers appear where, where you should appear.Accuracy requirements, to achieve a premiumTaobaos famous LieBo, if its stores in the business circle, a day to sell five pieces is good, because the product is too weird. But in taobao can sell five thousand pieces a day, this is because it can be fully customized out what personality, the scale. We can see the occasional LieBo clothes, but is less, because it is more personalized. In the consumer side, if the product has no personality, consumers wont buy; In the production side, if there is no scale, wont make money. So a combination of the two LieBo can live very moisturizing, very good.Actually cosmetics itself has no way to customize, because a persons skin is dry, oily, combination, cleansing milk, water also is so, so custom cosmetics dont exist. But most important, how to create new value cosmetics category. XX is out, he once every box, but because he created by consumer value is too little, so consumer is not willing to pay more for their trunks premium, it is a fundamental.We are now in discussion, how like professor once said, true customization, in the end do before a few meters series, such as fu is customize marketing. If found like a few meters, the effect is very good, because when you get the audience, conversion rate is very high, because now the conversion can achieve 2% 3% is good. But if the alignment with the crowd, conversion rate is very high, traffic will be cheap.Our upcoming cats, for example, many people may not see the cat, for cat such a musical tour, each time to grasp ten thousand consumers is enough, but every time the flow of ten thousand consumers cost down conversion rate is very high. But if it is for a brand, one hundred million and ten thousand every time to catch the consumer, every marketing is customized, the value will continually be created. But must have a premise, that is, to have a very large like taobao platform, because it has a myriad of data, with these data, we have countless ways to find the precise crowd, as long as they like musicals, we have reason to believe that these people like cats, this time the conversion rate is very high. And for one hundred million and ten thousand to build brand, will effect is much better than on the large scale advertising. Because of its biggest point with, can cultivate customer loyalty. Our own feelings, to find faye wong or find cheer Chen is distinct, more than 100 times the faye wong loyalty fans cheer Chen fan loyalty.Jobss speech, is also apples speech, is that consumers are fool, only the abstract demand, the satisfaction of representational implementation must rely on business or entrepreneur. Consumers only know abstract, I want to fast, Im going to the United States, I buy clothes to be beautiful. What is a beautiful clothes? This is the abstract demand. Such as LieBo, so unique aesthetic, to make such a small thing, will meet some consumer personalized aesthetic demand. If you ask consumers need what style of clothes? Consumers themselves is very difficult to answer. He only know simple abstract things, so the artist has the ability to out of thin air, was created. And all the entrepreneurs, it is the artist to create fine, to make goods to sell to consumers. Process must be like that, is what consumers do not know how to want, as long as you take it out, to buy it to vote with their feet or use money to vote.Marketing to 360 daysMarketing to be successful, must adhere to. Brands have to do 360 days continuous fertilization, do a small thing every day, continuous do, youll find that your sales are higher than your competitors. Entire network marketing will always be the tip of the iceberg, when customers see the corner, so when he saw the promotion again, they may will buy. Estee lauder is doing great for 360 days, it is full of ubiquitous marketing platform, so at the moment do sales platform, will always be second to none.Ignore the short term, dare to trial and errorOver the past three years, havent changed my marketing thought, the entire network marketing, taobao clinch a deal, alone the net trial and error. Distributors, for their part, are the most attention is the ROI, and brands just to ignore the short-term benefit, brand spelling is trial and error. Brand cant hang the kill and discount in the mouth, otherwise will not be a good brand premium. Branding business depends on long-term goals, a brand like crops, I never dont care about the taobao ROI is a few dollars to buy a few keywords, marketing is the brand the result of trial and error.Conducting market segregationThe consumption of Beijing, Shanghai facilities more than the level of the developed countries of Europe, and the spending power of small towns is very low, so it is difficult to see it as the same country, I think more like scattered into several countries in Europe, there are poor are rich. If you think of it as a separate country, how to do marketing for China? Because of the difference is too big, but I also think it is filled with countless opportunities, such as: you can do it for three or four line marketing.We put the taobao virtual into a country, there are one hundred million people in taobao shopping at ordinary times, a million as a nation, fu is a strong brand. But if people in 1.3 billion, is still a second-line brand, o sometimes do after the market segmentation of positioning is very important. You dont define it in the nations kill, you put the taobao as a country, are different.The entire network marketing, taobao clinch a deal, we not only DaoLao around, more hands-on practice: millions just signed the sina home page at the bottom of the Banner, all traffic. AD copy written in taobao, and fall to the ground in taobao. Someone strange we give taobao led traffic? Nonsense, of course, conversion rate can be up to three times, choose taobao mall. Estee lauder advertise on so many, not just in shopping malls counters, not insane to their business shopping center. www.bjbh


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