初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 2 SectionB (2a-2e).docx_第1页
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初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 2 SectionB (2a-2e).docx_第4页




How often do you exercise? Section B (2a-2e)郑州市郑东新区九年制实验学校 刘芳芳教学目标:1. 学生通过快速阅读课文,能准确圈出课文中的百分比并会用百分比描述课本2b中的饼状图。2. 学生通过阅读课文1-3遍,能用scanning, skimming等阅读策略,90%的学生能准确完成课本2b, 2c及2d的练习。3. 学生通过小组讨论,能用百分比制作饼状图及谈论自己的生活习性并培养健康的生活方式。重难点:重点1. 学生通过阅读课文,能用百分比制作饼状图及谈论自己的生活,编写简单的调查报告。2. 学生通过本节课的学习,意识到锻炼的重要性,培养健康的生活方式。难点:学生通过阅读课文,能用百分比制作饼状图及谈论自己的生活,编写简单的调查报告。教学过程:Stage 1 Greet students.T: teacher Ss: studentsT: Good afternoon, boys and girls!Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Liu.T: Are you happy to see me?Ss: Yes! T: Im so happy to hear that! And are you ready for todays class?Ss: Yes!T: Great! Sit down, please!Ss: Thank you!T: You are welcome!Stage 2 warming-upFree Talk1. Show students some pictures and ask them to say anything they want according to the pictures. The teacher should give the students an example. For example: I exercise once a week. I like exercising very much and I think it is good for my health. Then give students 30 seconds to think or discuss with their desk mates.2. Then invite 5-6 students to express their ideas. The teacher should give the oral assessment in time.(设计意图: 调动课堂氛围,回顾频度副词,引出本节课学习的内容)Stage 3 Pre-reading Step 1 New word1. Write the key word: percent (%) on the blackboard. First, ask students read the word after the teacher. Next the teacher teaches the students how to read the percentages on theblackboard. Then the teacher asks a group students to read the percentages one by one to have a check. 2. The teacher writes the sentence: 50% of the students in our class _(are/ is) girls. Underline the words: students and girls and then ask students to complete the sentence by choosing a word. Step 2 The way to find a key sentence. Show students a paragraph and show them how to find a key sentence. Tell students that if they want to find the main idea of a paragraph, they need to find the key sentence. The key sentence is usually the first sentence or the last sentence in the paragraph. (设计意图: 学习百分比的读法及用法,展示寻找段落主旨大意的方法,为下面的阅读扫除障碍,做好准备。)Stage 4 While- reading Step 1 Fast reading (Skimming)1. Give students three minutes to read the article quickly, circle the percentages in the article and match the main ideas with paragraphs. Paragraph 1 The result of watching TV.Paragraph 2 The best way to relax.Paragraph 3 The result of exercise.Paragraph 4 Doing a survey by asking students some questions.Paragraph 5 The result of the use of the Internet.2. Check answers. First check the answers to the percentages. Ask students to answer in this way: In paragraph 2, twenty percent, fifteen percent, . Then ask a group to match the main ideas with the paragraphs one by one.3. Analyze the structure of the article for students. Help students find the key words of paragraph 2- paragraph 4: exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV.Paragraph 1 Doing a survey by asking students some questions.(Begining)Paragraph 2 The result of exercise.BodyParagraph 3 The result of the use of the Internet.Paragraph 4 The result of watching TV.Paragraph 5 The best way to relax.(Ending)(设计意图: 学生运用skimming完成练习,学习文章大意,分析文章结构。) (达成目标一) Step 2 Careful reading (Scanning) Activity 1. Read paragraph 2- paragraph 4 and complete the pie charts.1. Invite a student to read paragraph 2 and ask students to complete the pie chart of exercise in 2b. Then ask students to check answers. Ask students to check answers in a whole sentence. For example: Fifteen percent of the students exercise every day.2. Invite a student to read paragraph 3 and ask students to complete the pie chart of using the Internet in 2b. And then check answers.3. Invite a student to read paragraph 4 and ask students to complete the pie chart of watching TV in 2b. And then check answers. (达成目标二) Activity 2. Give students five minutes to finish 2d. According to the article and the pie charts, write sentences with the percentages using always, usually or sometimes.1. Show students the example. Ask students to pay attention to the two points. Firstly, they should find the percentages in the pie chart. Secondly, they should write the sentences using one of the three words: always, usually or sometimes. 2. Give students five minutes to finish 2d. The teacher should give students help in time if they need.3. Choose two students to write their answers on the blackboard. Then ask all the students to check the answers together. (达成目标二) Activity 3. Finish 2c. Read the article loudly and answer the questions. Questions: 1. What percent of the students do not exercise at all? 2. What percent of the students use the Internet every day? 3. How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch? 4. What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why? 5. Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy? Why or why not? 1. Analyze the questions by reviewing the structure of the article. Help students understand that they can find the answers to question 1 and question 2 in the pie charts in 2b. Students can find the answers to question 3 by readingparagraph 4 and the answers to question 4 by reading paragraph 5. 2. Give students 5 minutes to finish 2c and ask students to read loudly. 3. Ask a group of students to check the answers one by one. (达成目标二)Stage 5 Post- reading Step 1 Finish 2e. Give students 8 minutes to finish 2e. Choose one of these free time activities or think of your own. Then ask your classmates how often they do this activity and make a pie chart. Show the pie chart to your class.play the computer gamesread booksgo shoppingdraw picturesplay sportsHow often do you ?Names 1-3 times a week4-6 times a weekevery dayStep 2 Invite a few students to be the reporters of their groups to report the results of their group by using the percentages and show their pie charts.For example: There are four students in our group. 25% of the students in our group read books 1-3 times a week. 25% of the students read books 4- 6 times a week. 50% percent of the students read books every day. I think its good for our mind. (达成目标三)Stage 6 Summary Make a summary by


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