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精品文档 1欢迎下载 ListenListen andand interpretinterpret thethe followingfollowing conversationconversation alternativelyalternatively intointo EnglishEnglish andand Chinese Chinese A A 罗伯茨先生 很高兴再次见到您 有什么需要我做的吗罗伯茨先生 很高兴再次见到您 有什么需要我做的吗 I mI m soso happyhappy toto seesee youyou againagain Mr Mr Roberts Roberts MayMay 1 1 helphelp youyou inin somesome way way B B HiHi MissMiss Chen Chen it sit s beenbeen tenten monthsmonths sincesince 1 1 leftleft China China 1 1 wouldwould likelike toto discussdiscuss withwith youyou thethe possibilitiespossibilities ofof establishingestablishing a a jointjoint ventureventure withwith youryour companycompany toto manufacturemanufacture cordless cordless 无电线的无电线的 phones phones andand mobilemobile phones phones A A 好极了 您的投资意向是明智的 我公司也正在寻求外资 合办好极了 您的投资意向是明智的 我公司也正在寻求外资 合办 一家生产元绳电话和移动电话的制造公司 您的提议很好 罗伯茨一家生产元绳电话和移动电话的制造公司 您的提议很好 罗伯茨 先生 我还记得一年前曾同您讨论过有关外国在华投资的事情 先生 我还记得一年前曾同您讨论过有关外国在华投资的事情 That sThat s great great YourYour investmentinvestment proposal proposal 提议提议 建议建议 求婚求婚 is is a a veryvery wisewise decision decision OurOur companycompany isis alsoalso seekingseeking foreignforeign investmentinvestment inin a a manufacturingmanufacturing companycompany forfor cordlesscordless andand mobilemobile phones phones YourYour initiativeinitiative isis mostmost welcome welcome 1 1 rememberremember talkingtalking toto youyou aboutabout thethe mattermatter ofof foreignforeign investmentinvestment inin ChinaChina a a yearyear ago ago Mr Roberts Mr Roberts B B Yes Yes youyou diddid a a goodgood job job TheThe wholewhole ideaidea ofof mymy investinginvesting inin a a jointjoint enterpriseenterprise withwith youryour companycompany isis thethe directdirect resultresult ofof 精品文档 2欢迎下载 youryour wonderfulwonderful lecture lecture 演讲演讲 YourYour answersanswers werewere directdirect andand honest honest AndAnd your your explanationsexplanations werewere sinceresincere andand persuasive persuasive MayMay 1 1 getget onon China sChina s economiceconomic expressexpress traintrain andand shareshare youryour economiceconomic gains gains 是的 那次你谈得很好 其结果是触发了我同贵是的 那次你谈得很好 其结果是触发了我同贵 公司合资办企业的念头 你的回答很坦率 你的解释很诚恳 很有公司合资办企业的念头 你的回答很坦率 你的解释很诚恳 很有 说服力 现在我想搭乘中国经济快车 分享你们的经济成果 好吗说服力 现在我想搭乘中国经济快车 分享你们的经济成果 好吗 A A 当然可以 欢迎罗伯茨先生加入我们的行列当然可以 欢迎罗伯茨先生加入我们的行列 我们来讨论一下合我们来讨论一下合 资企业的事宜吧 您能告诉我您的设想吗资企业的事宜吧 您能告诉我您的设想吗 ofof course course WelcomeWelcome aboard aboard Mr Mr Roberts Roberts Let sLet s getget downdown toto thethe businessbusiness of of thisthis jointjoint venture venture MayMay 1 1 havehave somesome ideaidea ofof youryour proposal proposal B B 1 1 diddid a a lotlot ofof researchresearch inin thethe marketmarket ofof telecommunications telecommunications 通讯通讯 equipment equipment lately lately There sThere s a a potentialpotential marketmarket forfor cordlesscordless andand mobilemobile phonesphones inin ChinaChina andand elsewhereelsewhere inin thethe world world initially initially 1 1 wouldwould likelike toto embarkembark 使着手使着手 on on thisthis jointjoint ventureventure businessbusiness atat a a moderate moderate 有节制的有节制的 稳健的稳健的 rate rate withwith a a safesafe scale scale MyMy suggestionsuggestion forfor thethe amountamount ofof totaltotal capitalcapital investmentinvestment isis inin thethe vicinityvicinity ofof eighteight millionmillion USUS dollars dollars a a luckylucky numbernumber inin China China 1 1 suppose suppose A A 很好 很好 800800 万岂止是个吉利数字 我认为这对启动这家合资企业万岂止是个吉利数字 我认为这对启动这家合资企业 来说是很合适的 那么您在合资中打算占多少投资比重呢来说是很合适的 那么您在合资中打算占多少投资比重呢 VeryVery 精品文档 3欢迎下载 good good EightEight millionmillion isis moremore thanthan a a luckylucky number number it sit s thethe rightright numbernumber forfor thethe initiationinitiation ofof thisthis jointjoint venture venture asas I I understandunderstand it it ButBut howhow muchmuch wouldwould bebe youryour shareshare ofof investmentinvestment inin thisthis partnership partnership B B MyMy contributioncontribution isis 50 50 ofof thethe totaltotal investment investment includingincluding thethe constructionconstruction fundsfunds andand thethe costcost ofof allall thethe imported imported 进进 口口 equipment equipment andand thethe engineersengineers technicianstechnicians andand managementmanagement staffstaff fromfrom mymy homehome pany A A 我对你这个我对你这个 5 5 5 5 对半开的合伙投资比例很满意 这就是说 对半开的合伙投资比例很满意 这就是说 我们在经营管理和利润分配上也保持一种我们在经营管理和利润分配上也保持一种 5 5 5 5 对半开的权益关系 对半开的权益关系 1 1 likelike thethe ideaidea ofof a a 5050 toto 5050 investmentinvestment partnership partnership inin whichwhich casecase therethere willwill bebe a a 50 to 5050 to 50 distributiondistribution inin businessbusiness managementmanagement andand profitprofit share share B B You reYou re absolutelyabsolutely right right A A 接下来的问题是产品的营销接下来的问题是产品的营销 无绳电话在中国有很大的需求盘 无绳电话在中国有很大的需求盘 但是我们无法保证在国内推销但是我们无法保证在国内推销 50 50 移动电话移动电话 此外 我们需要增加此外 我们需要增加 外汇储备 外汇储备 天晴还需防雨天嘛天晴还需防雨天嘛 二我建议贵方负责向海外推销二我建议贵方负责向海外推销 65 65 精品文档 4欢迎下载 以上的移动电话 您看如何以上的移动电话 您看如何 我相信您对外汇的需求大于对人民币的我相信您对外汇的需求大于对人民币的 需求 需求 TheThe problemproblem thenthen involvesinvolves thethe marketingmarketing ofof thethe manufacturedmanufactured products products CordlessCordless phonesphones areare inin highhigh demanddemand inin ChinaChina butbut wewe can tcan t guaranteeguarantee a a 50 50 domesticdomestic marketingmarketing ofof mobilemobile phones phones Besides Besides wewe needneed toto increaseincrease ourour foreignforeign exchangeexchange reservereserve forfor thethe rainyrainy day day MayMay 1 1 suggestsuggest thatthat youyou marketmarket atat leastleast 65 65 ofof thethe totaltotal numbernumber of of mobilemobile phonesphones internationally internationally 1 1 believebelieve youyou needneed moremore foreignforeign currencycurrency thanthan ourour renminbirenminbi B B 1 1 lovelove renminbi renminbi WeWe allall knowknow itit isis oneone ofof thethe strongeststrongest currenciescurrencies inin thethe world world AndAnd 1 1 havehave heardheard thatthat thethe ChineseChinese yuanyuan willwill becomebecome a a convertibleconvertible 可兑换的 可兑换的 currencycurrency soon soon ButBut 1 1 acceptaccept youryour proposal proposal 建议建议 andand wewe willwill bebe responsibleresponsible forfor thethe internationalinternational marketingmarketing ofof two thirdstwo thirds ofof thethe mobilemobile phones phones A A 好极了 好极了 That sThat s beautiful beautiful B B TwoTwo moremore questions questions OneOne concernsconcerns thethe termterm ofof ourour partnershippartnership andand thethe otherother thethe management smanagement s structurestructure ofof thethe venture venture 还还 精品文档 5欢迎下载 有两个问题需要解决 一个问题是有关我们的合作期限 另另一个有两个问题需要解决 一个问题是有关我们的合作期限 另另一个 问题涉及企业管理人员的结构 问题涉及企业管理人员的结构 A A 至于我们的合作期限 我们可以定为至于我们的合作期限 我们可以定为 1515 年 只要双方愿意 合年 只要双方愿意 合 同期满后我们还可以续签 您意下如何同期满后我们还可以续签 您意下如何 AsAs forfor thethe termterm ofof thethe partnership partnership let slet s startstart withwith a a 15 year15 year termterm forfor thisthis jointjoint venture venture andand extendextend thethe contractcontract laterlater ifif bothboth partiesparties wishwish toto continuecontinue thethe partnership partnership WhatWhat dodo youyou saysay toto this this B B That sThat s quitequite logical logical MayMay 1 1 suggestsuggest thatthat wewe setset upup a a boardboard ofof directorsdirectors forfor thethe managementmanagement ofof thethe companycompany andand shareshare rightsrights andand obligationsobligations asas equalequal partners partners 非常合理 非常合理 我建议成立董事会来监管公司的业务运作 我们以平等的伙伴关系我建议成立董事会来监管公司的业务运作 我们以平等的伙伴关系 来分享我们的权利和义务 来分享我们的权利和义务 A A 正合我的想法 下周我们是否再举行一轮会谈 详细讨论一些正合我的想法 下周我们是否再举行一轮会谈 详细讨论一些 技术性问题技术性问题 ThatThat coincidescoincides withwith ourour usualusual practice practice ShallShall wewe holdhold anotheranother roundround ofof discussiondiscussion nextnext weekweek onon somesome technicaltechnical problemsproblems inin a a moremore detaileddetailed way way B B That sThat s fine fine 1 1 likelike toto workwork withwith you you asas 1 1 diddid before before It sIt s beenbeen a a veryvery rewardingrewarding day day 好的 同以往一样 我乐意与你合作 好的 同以往一样 我乐意与你合作 今天的收获很大今天的收获很大 精品文档 6欢迎下载 A A 收获确实很大 罗伯茨先生 祝您周末愉快 收获确实很大 罗伯茨先生 祝您周末愉快 YesYes indeed indeed HaveHave a a nicenice weekendweekend Mr Mr Roberts Roberts B B You You too too ListenListen andand interpretinterpret thethe followingfollowing conversationconversation alternativelyalternatively intointo EnglishEnglish andand Chinese Chinese A A 罗伯获先生 您在中国生活两年了 还习惯吧罗伯获先生 您在中国生活两年了 还习惯吧 Mr Mr Roberts Roberts youyou havehave beenbeen livingliving inin ChinaChina forfor twotwo years years HowHow dodo youyou likelike it it B B 1 1 thinkthink I I m m quitequite usedused toto mymy ChineseChinese lifelife here here ActuallyActually 1 m1 m thinkingthinking aboutabout settlingsettling downdown inin ChinaChina forfor good good A A 前几天我看了一部美国电影 片名叫前几天我看了一部美国电影 片名叫 美国丽人美国丽人 我没有完全 我没有完全 看懂 我也不知道这部电影为何获得了当年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖 看懂 我也不知道这部电影为何获得了当年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖 没完全看懂可能是中美两国的文化差异吧 或者叫做东西方文化差没完全看懂可能是中美两国的文化差异吧 或者叫做东西方文化差 异 异 1 1 sawsaw anan AmericanAmerican MovieMovie a a fewfew daysdays ago ago whichwhich isis entitledentitled American American Beauty Beauty 1 1 didn tdidn t quitequite getget thethe story story 1 1 don tdon t quitequite understandunderstand whywhy thisthis moviemovie wonwon thethe OscarOscar forfor thethe bestbest picturepicture 精品文档 7欢迎下载 ofof thethe year year either either MaybeMaybe thethe answeranswer isis thethe differencedifference betweenbetween thethe ChineseChinese andand AmericanAmerican cultures cultures OrOr rather rather itit isis duedue toto thethe culturalcultural differencedifference betweenbetween thethe EastEast andand thethe West West B B ThisThis isis a a goodgood topictopic andand a a broadbroad topic topic too too Let meLet me talktalk a a bitbit moremore aboutabout thethe filmfilm youyou mentioned mentioned Actually Actually I I havehave noticednoticed a a veryvery interestinginteresting differencedifference betweenbetween manymany ChineseChinese andand AmericansAmericans inin understandingunderstanding thethe titletitle ofof thethe film film A A 是吗是吗 Yes Yes B B InIn somesome OrientalOriental countries countries thethe translationtranslation ofof thethe film sfilm s titletitle goesgoes asas somethingsomething likelike A A BeautifulBeautiful AmericanAmerican LadyLady oror eveneven BeautyBeauty isis Guilty Guilty WhileWhile toto mostmost ofof thethe Americans Americans 1 1 amam afraidafraid thethe reactionreaction towardtoward thisthis titletitle isis mixedmixed 复杂 混合 复杂 混合 的 的 oror confused confused forfor theythey cannotcannot decidedecide whatwhat exactlyexactly thethe p phrasehrase 词词 mightmight indicate indicate TheThe filmfilm firstfirst andand foremostforemost 最 最 重要的 重要的 refersrefers toto a a typetype ofof roserose bearingbearing large large long long stemmedstemmed 长茎的 长茎的 purplishpurplish 略带紫色的 略带紫色的 redred flowers flowers AndAnd thethe flowersflowers usuallyusually remindremind peoplepeople ofof romanceromance love love beautybeauty inin itsits abstractabstract bstrbstr ktkt 抽象的 理论上的 抽象的 理论上的 sensesense 抽象意 抽象意 精品文档 8欢迎下载 义上的美 义上的美 andand vigorvigor 强健 强健 andand vitalityvitality 活力 活力 生气 生气 ofof a a nation nation etc etc ButBut thisthis interestinginteresting imageimage 有趣意象 有趣意象 onon thethe film sfilm s posterposter 海报 海报 hashas failedfailed toto makemake anyany sensesense toto manymany ChineseChinese viewers viewers VigorVigor andand vitalityvitality 勃勃生机勃勃生机 A A 你说的没错 至少我就没注意到这个意思你说的没错 至少我就没注意到这个意思 难道这是文化差异造难道这是文化差异造 成的吗成的吗 That sThat s right right AtAt leastleast 1 1 didn tdidn t getget that that IsIs thisthis duedue toto culturalcultural differences differences B B Yes Yes absolutely absolutely SuchSuch culturalcultural differencesdifferences arisearise fromfrom 产生于 起因于产生于 起因于 the the differencesdifferences inin region region racerace historyhistory environmentenvironment andand inin thethe levelslevels ofof economic economic scientificscientific andand technologicaltechnological development development 确实是这样 这种文化差异是由地域 确实是这样 这种文化差异是由地域 种族 历史和环境的差异造成的 也是由经济和科技水平的差异造种族 历史和环境的差异造成的 也是由经济和科技水平的差异造 成的成的 A A 您能给我举些例子吗您能给我举些例子吗 比如说 您在中国的生活和工作中发现比如说 您在中国的生活和工作中发现 什么严重的文化差异或冲突吗什么严重的文化差异或冲突吗 cancan youyou offeroffer usus somesome examples examples ForFor instance instance duringduring youryour staystay inin China China havehave youyou foundfound anyany seriousserious culturalcultural differencesdifferences oror clashesclashes withwith regardregard toto lifelife andand work work B B WeWe emphasizeemphasize efficiency efficiency competitioncompetition andand originality originality 独独 创创 whilewhile youryour managementmanagement givesgives prioritypriority toto carefulcareful 精品文档 9欢迎下载 planningplanning 严谨规划严谨规划 and and encouragesencourages closeclose cooperationcooperation andand altruisticaltruistic 无私的无私的 ltrltr stst k k dedicationdedication amongamong teamteam members members InIn dailydaily contactscontacts 在日常交往中 在日常交往中 wewe tendtend toto bebe humoroushumorous andand casualcasual whilewhile somesome ofof youyou appearappear moremore seriousserious andand formal formal InIn AmericanAmerican schools schools discussiondiscussion isis givengiven toptop prioritypriority andand seminarseminar 讨论 讨论 isis thethe usualusual wayway ofof class class GoodGood teachersteachers areare thosethose whowho possesspossess flexibleflexible 灵活灵活 and and adaptableadaptable 适应的 适应的 talentstalents andand areare ableable toto respondrespond instantaneouslyinstantaneously nstnst n ten te n n slsl 即刻 突如其来地 即刻 突如其来地 atat anyany momentmoment toto anyany questionsquestions thatthat mightmight arisearise amongamong thethe students students 优秀教师具有灵活应变的才能 能随时回答学生可能提出的各种问优秀教师具有灵活应变的才能 能随时回答学生可能提出的各种问 题 题 ThatThat kindkind ofof capacitycapacity makesmakes a a popularpopular teacherteacher inin thethe UnitedUnited States States ButBut ChineseChinese teachersteachers likelike toto lecturelecture inin class class andand a a lotlot ofof themthem areare obsessedobsessed b sestb sest 着迷 着迷 withwith examinations examinations theythey spendspend longlong hourshours planningplanning andand preparingpreparing lessons lessons andand writingwriting consistentconsistent 一致的 一贯的 一致的 一贯的 连续的 连续的 andand standardizedstandardized teachingteaching plans plans AllAll tootoo oftenoften they rethey re happyhappy withwith bringingbringing upup 培养 培养 identicalidentical 完全同样的 完全同样的 andand standardizedstandardized talents talents 而中国教师喜欢讲课 喜欢考试 花许多而中国教师喜欢讲课 喜欢考试 花许多 时间去备课 编写千篇一律的标准教案 培养整齐划一的高才生 时间去备课 编写千篇一律的标准教案 培养整齐划一的高才生 A A 我感到美国人太看重个人主义 太看重个人利益 这样可能会我感到美国人太看重个人主义 太看重个人利益 这样可能会 精品文档 10欢迎下载 牺牲集体的利益 影响群体之间的和睦 牺牲集体的利益 影响群体之间的和睦 甚至会损害社会的和谐 甚至会损害社会的和谐 1 1 thinkthink AmericansAmericans givegive tootoo muchmuch importanceimportance toto individualismindividualism andand personalpersonal gains gains soso muchmuch soso thatthat itit mightmight sacrificesacrifice collectivecollective benefits benefits hurthurt thethe agreeableagreeable relationshiprelationship amongamong groupgroup membersmembers andand eveneven bringbring harmharm toto thethe harmonyharmony ofof thethe society society B B Yes Yes inin manymany cases cases you reyou re right right AmericanAmerican workingworking ethicethic seemsseems toto bebe moremore individual orientedindividual oriented WeWe oftenoften valuevalue thethe resultsresults andand accomplishmentsaccomplishments ofof workwork moremore thanthan itsits process process CentralCentral 核心的 核心的 toto AmericanAmerican political political economiceconomic andand socialsocial thoughtthought isis thethe conceptconcept ofof individualindividual moralmoral 道德 道德 autonomyautonomy t t n n m m 自治 自治 美国政治观 经济观以及社会观的核心是个美国政治观 经济观以及社会观的核心是个 人道德自治观人道德自治观 IfIf 1 1 amam notnot mistaken mistaken traditionaltraditional ChineseChinese philosophicalphilosophical f f l l s s f f klkl 哲学上的 哲学上的 systemssystems areare basedbased onon ConfucianismConfucianism 儒家学说 儒家学说 whichwhich singssings highhigh praisespraises forfor individualsindividuals toto upliftuplift themselvesthemselves forfor thethe benefitbenefit ofof communalcommunal 社会的 公共的 社会的 公共的 harmony harmony ThatThat is is communalcommunal harmonyharmony takestakes precedenceprecedence overover individualindividual freedom freedom A A 可以这样说 应该说是部分正确吧 尽管我们有如此多的文化差可以这样说 应该说是部分正确吧 尽管我们有如此多的文化差 异 全球化浪潮正使世界变得越来越小 文化交流也随之变得越来异 全球化浪潮正使世界变得越来越小 文化交流也随之变得越来 精品文档 11欢迎下载 越广泛 越广泛 YouYou maymay saysay so so 1 1 shouldshould saysay you reyou re partiallypartially correctcorrect onon that that InIn spitespite ofof soso manymany culturalcultural differences differences globalizationglobalization hashas broughtbrought thethe worldworld increasinglyincreasingly closer closer Likewise Likewise culturalcultural exchangesexchanges havehave becomebecome moremore andand moremore extensive extensive B B Yes Yes TheThe globalglobal integrationintegration ofof economyeconomy andand thethe speedingspeeding informationinformation revolutionrevolution havehave broughtbrought thethe worldworld closercloser thanthan everever before before ChineseChinese learnlearn English English AmericansAmericans learnlearn Chinese Chinese wewe drinkdrink tea tea youyou drinkdrink coca cola coca cola wewe exerciseexercise KungKung Fu Fu youyou gogo bowling bowling wewe enjoyenjoy beijingbeijing Duck Duck youyou likelike KFC KFC TitanicTitanic sailedsailed intointo China China TheThe PeonyPeony Pavilion Pavilion 牡丹亭牡丹亭 hashas beenbeen performedperformed onon Broadway Broadway 百老汇百老汇 Nowadays Nowadays easternerseasterners andand westernerswesterners areare walkingwalking sideside byby side side talkingtalking faceface toto faceface living living workingworking andand studyingstudying inin harmony harmony 东西方人肩并肩走东西方人肩并肩走 路 面对面交谈 和谐地生活 工作和学习 路 面对面交谈 和谐地生活 工作和学习 TheThe wholewhole worldworld isis becomingbecoming increasinglyincreasingly beautifulbeautiful duedue toto culturalcultural exchanges exchanges A A 是的 是的 中国丽人中国丽人 和和 美国丽人美国丽人 走到了一起 我想这个话题还有走到了一起 我想这个话题还有 许多值得我们探讨的地方 由于时间关系 我们今天暂且谈到这里 许多值得我们探讨的地方 由于时间关系 我们今天暂且谈到这里 以后我们再接着聊吧 谢谢 以后我们再接着聊吧 谢谢 Yes Yes Chinese Chinese beauty beauty andand American American beauty beauty areare walkingwalking together together 1 1 believebelieve there sthere s stillstill muchmuch roomroom


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