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地道英语句典地道英语句典 A Z 281 290 地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇 把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径 地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇 把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径 某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯 请读者原谅和自行选择 某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯 请读者原谅和自行选择 他说 我对这方面的看法 1是假如你 穿着吻合你的角色 2来 投射 3那 专业人士 4的 精细 5和 详尽 6 形象 7 跟你有 来往的人 8 会赏识的 9 He said The way I look at it 1 is people dealing with you 8 will appreciate it 9 if you dress your part 2 in projecting3 that meticulous5 and scrupulous6 image7 of a professional4 川川 waterway 平 flatland abbreviation for Sichuan province 盘 expense allowance 她说 在上海我 耗尽 ditto 1 携带 2给这个 旅程 3的 盘川 4 但 仍然 5 我不能够找到工作 6 She said In Shanghai I exhausted used up 1 the spending money 4 I took along 2 for the trip3 but still5 I wasn t able to find a job 6 chu n 船船 watercraft 帆船 sailboat 轮船 steamboat 渔船 fishing boat 汽船 motorboat 船坞 dock 船首 bow 船尾 stern 水翼船 hydrofoil craft 气垫船 hovercraft 救生船 lifeboat 造船厂 shipyard 拖网渔船 trawler 远洋轮船 ocean liner 宇宙飞船 spacecraft 小船儿 小划子 艇仔 small boat sampan 他问道 下一班渡轮船 1几时 离开 2 He asked What s the departure 2 time for the next ferry 1 她说 这个 圣诞节 1我将会 参加 2一个去南太平洋 游船河 3 She said I m going to take2 a South Pacific cruise3 this Christmas1 他问道 从广州来的轮船 什么时间 1a 几点钟 ditto 1b 靠岸 2a 抵达 ditto 2b He asked When 1a What time 1b is the boat from Guangzhou going to dock 2a going to arrive arriving 2b 一艘 水警 1 巡洋舰 2 进行 3 一个搜索 4 发现 ditto 5十个 偷渡者 6在一艘 摇晃 ditto 7的 货轮 8 船上 9 A coast guard1 cruiser2 conducted3 a search 4 that turned up found discovered 5 ten stowaways6 onboard aboard 9 a rickety wobbly 7 freighter8 她问道 你的弟弟还跟同一个女孩子 约会 1吗 她的朋友说 不是 他 脚踏多只船 跟好几个女孩子约会 ditto 2 She asked Is your brother still going out 1 with the same girl Her friend said No he has been playing the field has his fingers in many pies has been dating many different girls 2 去年我们公司的 全年最佳员工 1 收到 2a 被奖赏 2b 加勒比海游轮 3两张 头等舱船票 4 Last year the Employee of the Year 1 of our company received 2a was awarded 2b two first class cabin tickets 4 on a Caribbean cruise 3 几个从 沉船 1的 船难逃生者 2被 放逐 3到一个 荒芜岛屿 4 好几天 5他们才 被拯救 6 Several castaways2 from the shipwreck1 marooned3 on a deserted island 4 for days 5 before they were rescued6 他说 我 不是免于晕船 ditto 1a 很容易晕船 1b 一个 在海上旅行 2的 长途航程 3对我来说是 折磨多于乐趣 4 He said I don t have sea legs am not immune to seasick 1a get seasick easily 1b and a cruise2 voyage3 is more torture than pleasure 4 to me 那 售票出纳员 1说 那去中心岛屿的 四十分钟 2 渡轮乘坐 3a 轮船乘坐 3b 每小时 4从那边的 码头 ditto 5 出发 6 The ticket cashier1 said The forty minute2 boat ride 3a ferry ride 3b to Center Island departs6 from the pier wharf dock 5 over there every hour 4 传传 傳傳 递 transmit 播 spread 讯 to summon 情 express feelings 真 fax 说 legend 他 计划 1 当他退休时 2把 家族生意 3 传给 4 儿子 5 He plans to 1 pass on 4 the family business 3 to his son5 when he retires 2 在 除夕 1的 大家庭团年晚饭 2是 世袭遗留 3的 传统 4 A big family reunion dinner 2 on Chinese New Year s Eve 1 is a time honored3 tradition4 习俗上 1a 传统上 1b 中国人用 筷子 2而不是 餐具 3来吃 Customarily 1a Traditionally 1b Chinese eat with chopsticks2 and not cutlery3 多元族裔体制 1是像 母亲 2和 苹果馅饼 3一样是美国的 传统 4 一部分 5 Multiculturalism1 is as part of 5 America s tradition4 as mom2 and apple pie 3 吃 动物脑子 1 使你更聪明 2只是 没有可信科学证据支持 3的 民间传说 4 Eating animal brain 1 makes you smarter 2 is only an old wives tale 4 not supported by credible scientific evidence 3 我们 找办法 1去令我们的 信息传递 2a 资产的使用 2b 达到最佳的效果 3 We find ways 1 to optimize3 our information flow 2a asset utilization 2b 流传 1那 曾是 2 世界上最大的汽车制造商 3将会 走进 4a 宣布 4b 破产 5 The word on the street 1 is the once2 largest automaker in the world 3 would go into 4a declare 4b bankruptcy5 两个学生被 突然发觉 1在 一个期末考试 2 互相 3 传小抄 傳貓紙 4后被 驱逐出中学 5 Two students were expelled from high school 5 after they were caught1 passing crib notes 4 to each other 3 in a final exam 2 微笑 1是 有传染性 ditto 2 如果我们 经常微笑 3我们一定 有更美好的世界 4去 生活 5 Smiling1 is infectious contagious 2 and we ll have a better world 4 to live in 5 if we smile often 3 高级时装 1 衣服 2是 逐一 3 用手缝制 4a 用手制造 4b 而不是经过 传送带式 5的 生产 6 High fashion1 clothing2 is individually3 hand sewn 4a hand made 4b and not through the conveyor belt type 5 of production6 他 以自身的资格 1使他有成为 模范市民 2a 星级人物 2b 天才 2c 传奇人物 2d He s a model citizen 2a star 2b talent 2c legend 2d in his own right 1 这个 股票权威的 1 所谓 2 内幕秘密消息 3 不可以尽信 4因为它们 来自 5 传闻 6而不是 可靠源头 7 This stock guru s 1 so called2 insider stock tips 3 should be taken with a grain of salt 4 because they come from 5 hearsay6 note not hearsays and not reliable sources 7 一些 科学家 1说那 难以捕捉的 2和 神话传说中的 3 青春源泉 4可能就是 正正在你身体里面 5某些 荷尔蒙 6 Some scientists1 say the elusive2 and mythical3 fountain of youth 4 may just be those certain hormones6 right inside your body 5 他说 上 周末 1我被 款待 2一些 好味道 ditto 3的 菜肴 4从我女朋友 家庭 5 经过多世代传下来 6的 食谱 7 准备的 8 He said Last weekend1 I was treated2 to some appetizing delicious scrumptious delectable 3 dishes4 prepared8 from recipes7 that had been passed down through generations 6 of my girlfriend s family5 一些 移民 1认为经由 淡化 2他们 与生俱来的传统 3他们在 主流社会 4可能会成为 没有那么突出 5a 更为接受 5b Some immigrants1 think by downplaying2 their indigenous heritage 3 they would become less conspicuous in 5a more accepted into 5b mainstream society 4 她说 喂 1 不要射杀传递讯息的人 2 我只是把关于 暂时解雇 3 坏消息 4 叙述 5给你 你不用对我 大声尖叫 ditto 6 She said Hey1 don t shoot the messenger 2 I m only relating5 the bad news 4 to you about the layoff3 and you don t have to scream your head off yell your head off 6 at me 月圆之夜 1人类 变为 2 人狼 3于 邻近地区 4 潜行觅找受害者 5的 故事 6a 信念 6b 只是个 城镇虚构的传说 ditto 7 The story 6a belief 6b that werewolves3 are transformed2 from humans on a full moon 1 to prowl5 the neighborhood4 is only an urban myth urban legend 7 他说 我在 发高烧 ditto 1 我应该吃什么 她说 如果你 相信 2 传统迷信的治疗法 3a 传统迷信的信念 3b 所说 伤 风要吃发烧要饿 4 你 一小会儿 5 应该完全什么也不吃 6 He said I m running a temperature having a fever 1 What should I eat She said You shouldn t be eating anything at all 6 for a little while 5 if you believe2 in old wives note not wife s remedy 3a old wives tale 3b that says Feed a cold and starve a fever 4 在 办公室 1每一次 惯用诡计摆弄他人的 2 秘书 3 遭遇到 4一些她不想 做的事 她便会 假作 5那 有专利的 6 小女儿 7和 无助的 8 做作 9好使她能够 把那不要的它传递 10 给其他人 11 In the office1 every time the manipulative2 secretary3 comes across 4 something she doesn t want to do she would put on 5 that patented6 girlish7 and helpless8 act9 so that she can palm it off 10 to someone else 11 尽管 1所有的 大肆宣传 2和 公众喧哗 3 那从 最畅销小说 4 改编成的 5 电影 6 不是正如人们所说那么好 7a 不是人 们所说的一半那么好 7b 没有达到广告所说的预期 7c 是个巨大的失望 7d Despite1 all the hype2 and hoopla3 the movie6 that is adapted5 from the best seller 4 isn t all it s cracked up to be 7a isn t half as good as people say it is 7b doesn t live up to the billing 7c is a huge disappointment 7d chu n 喘喘 pant 哮喘病 asthma 他仍然 记得 1祖父 最后喘的几口气 2的 痛苦 ditto 3一切 细节 4 He still recalls1 all the tormenting excruciating painful 3 details4 of his grandfather s last gasps 2 他于 马拉松赛跑后 1 在终点 2 气喘吁吁 气喘如牛 ditto 3 He was wheezing puffing panting out of breath gasping gasping for breath short of breath 3 at the finish line 2 after the marathon run 1 股市 1上个月 上扬 ditto 2八个百分点 增长 3 快速得气也喘不过来 4 The market1 has grown3 breathlessly4 in the last month with a climb a gain an increase 2 of 8 经过 跑步 1十里后 累得气也喘不过来 ditto 2a 累死了 ditto 2b 沉重地喘息 2c After jogging1 for 10 miles I was out of breath out of wind 2a beat dead tired zonked out worn to a frazzle 2b heaving hard 2c 年纪 1是 残酷的 ditto 2 现今这个 老年人 ditto 3每次 比较平常 4 多走几步 5便会 喘 ditto 6 Age1 is unsparing cruel merciless 2 and nowadays this senior old man 3 would gasp for air get winded experience a shortage of breath 6 every time he walks a few more steps 5 than usual 4 这 小市镇 1在 喘着最后几口气 2跟着它的 命脉 3 一个 铁矿石矿场 4 已经关闭 5并且几千个工人的 生计 6随着它 蒸 发 7 This small town 1 is at its last gasps 2 after its lifeblood3 an iron ore mine 4 closed down 5 and the livelihood6 of thousands of workers evaporated7 with it 昨天 猛冲的牛市 1 喘一口气 2 损失 3a 下跌 3b 十点但今天 回复 4它的 上扬激增 5a 向上冲力 5b 牛气冲力 5c 在 第一个交易小时 6 高升 ditto 7了接近两百点 Yesterday the charging bull 1 took a breather 2 with a 10 point loss 3a drop 3b but resumed4 its upward surge 5a upward momentum 5b bullish momentum 5c today gaining shooting up soaring skyrocketing rising 7 close to 200 points in the first hour of trading 6 chu n 串串 stringed 通 collude 演 role play 一串钥匙 a bundle of keys 这队伍的胜利是在短时期内一连串的 ditto 1 The team s wins come in streaks The team is streaky in wins 1 一 连串 ditto 1 不理想的 2 盈利报告 3 压低 4 股市 5 A rash string 1 of disappointing2 earnings reports 3 depressed4 the stock market 5 那 年轻女孩子 1 吐出 2 一连串快速 3会使 码头工人 4a 海员 4b 面红 5的 辱骂 6 The teenage girl 1 unleashed2 a barrage of 3 abusive remarks 6 that would make a longshoreman 4a sailor 4b blush5 他在那 电影参与名单上有名 1不是因为 扮演 2任何 重要角色 3而是 有短暂的客串露面 4 His name was on the credit of the movie 1 not for playing2 any major role 3 but for making a cameo appearance 4 最近在这个 高罪案率 1 邻居 2有 一连串 ditto 3 入屋爆窃 ditto 4 蓄意破坏 5 和 持枪打劫 6 There has been a rash wave 3 of break ins burglaries 4 vandalisms5 and holdups6 recently in this high crime1 neighborhood2 两个 老表 1是 坚持不变的对敌 2每次相见他们都会互相 尽情发泄 3a 大声叫骂 3b 连串侮辱 4直至 事情失控 ditto 5 The two cousins1 are sworn rivals 2 and every time they meet they would unleash 3a hurl 3b chains of insults 4 at each other until things get out of hand things get out of control 5 诉讼 1 宣称 2 工会头儿 3跟 资方 4 谈判下达成 ditto 5 工资让步 6的 串谋优厚条件协议 7 换取 8 暗下的 9 赠品 10和 金 钱 11 The lawsuit1 alleged2 the union boss 3 cut negotiated 5 a sweetheart deal 7 with management4 on wage concession 6 in return for 8 under the table9 gifts10 and cash11 今晚当我们的 球队 1跟 城市另一边 2 最大对敌 3 对垒 4a 作赛 4b 希望 5 串起来 6 第二场连续胜仗 7a 连续第十场 胜仗 7b Our team1 hopes5 to string together 6 two consecutive wins 7a ten straight wins ten wins in a row 7b tonight as we take on face 4a play against 4b our arch rival3 from across town 2 秘书 1说 我们 困难下做到 2 取得预算费 3给 圣诞节 4 午饭 5和 幸运抽奖礼物 6 他 开玩笑地 7说 做得好 8 既然 你一连串办事极好 9 你也可以 要求 10 下午不用上班 11吗 The secretary1 said We managed to 2 get a budget 3 for Christmas4 lunch5 and lucky draw gifts 6 He said jokingly7 Well done 8 and since you re on a roll 9 can you ask10 for the afternoon off 11 as well chu ng 窗窗 window 窗子 窗户 window 铝窗 aluminum window 天窗 skylight sunroof note for cars 凸窗 bay window 纱窗 screen window 窗帘 curtain blind drape window shade 百叶窗 blind shutter venetian blind 八角窗 bay window 一扇窗户 a window 屋頂天窗 dormer 玻璃落地窗 French window 靠窗口的 座位 位子 window seat 两个 驾驶者 1 把窗子摇下 2 向对方尖叫 3 The two drivers1 rolled down their windows 2 and screamed at each other 3 他说 我们对 创造 1 诱人的 2 橱窗陈列 3来 强调 4 号召的货品 5是 不计花费 6 He said We spare no expense note not expenses 6 to create1 enticing2 window displays 3 in highlighting4 our featured merchandise 5 创创 創創 wound 当他 提及 1她的 失婚 2 打开她的旧创伤 3 He opened an old wound 3 when he touched on 1 her failed marriage 2 他说 我们很多 业务对手 1 尝试 2 使我们重创 3但没有人 成功 4 He said Many of our business rivals 1 have been trying2 to cut us off at the knee 3 but none has succeeded4 创口 1是 血淋淋 2和 可怕 ditto 3需要 六针 4来 把它缝合 5 The wound1 was bloody2 and gruesome horrifying ghastly 3 and it required six stitches 4 to close it up 5 受精神创伤 1 之际 2 最佳的支持 3是 表示 4 同情 ditto 5和 体贴 ditto 6 The best support 3 in times of 2 trauma1 is to show4 compassion sympathy 5 and tenderness caring kindness 6 他跟了别一个女人的 背叛 1对他的 妻子 2来说还是 创伤犹新 3a 没有康复的创伤 3b His betrayal1 with another woman is still a fresh wound 3a an open wound 3b to his wife2 疮疮 瘡瘡 abscess 疥疮 癩 itching sores chu ng 床床 bed 床单 bed sheet 蹦床 trampoline 吊床 hammock 水床 water bed 沙发床 sofa bed davenport studio couch 帆布床 foldable cot 婴儿床 crib 单人床 single bed 双人床 double bed 特大床 queen size bed 超级大床 king size bed 床头板 bedhead 床垫 牀褥 mattress 床盖 床罩 bedspread 两张配合的单人床 twin bed 上下床 双层床 碌架牀 bunk bed 昨天我 大概 1九点钟 上床睡觉 ditto 2 Yesterday I turned in for the night went to bed 2 at around1 9 00 p m 那母亲对女儿说 去 收拾床铺 1才 外出 2 The mother said to the daughter Go and make your bed 1 before you go out 2 我还 记得 ditto 1 祖母 2告诉我的那些 床旁故事 3 I still recall remember 1 all those bedside stories 3 that my grandmother2 told me 在这小国家 传统上 1 建筑行业 2是 贪污 3的 温床 4 Traditionally1 the construction business 2 in this little country is a hotbed4 for corruption3 那母亲对她 两岁儿子 1说 睡眼蒙松者 2 是时候 起床 3了 The mother said to her two year old son 1 Sleepyhead2 it s time to wake up 3 经过 晚上一觉好睡 1a 几天在床病了 1b 他 起床到处走动 ditto 2 He is up and around is up and about is out of bed and walking around 2 after a good night sleep 1a a few days sick in bed 1b 每天 早晨 1他的妈妈 把他的床整理得好好和齐整 2随着他晚上 把它弄成一团糟 3 His mother makes the bed nice and neat 2 every morning1 after he has made a mess of it 3 during the night 漫长一天工作 1后 他说 现在没有比较 跳上床 ditto 2a 上床 ditto 2b 有一晚好睡 3 我会更喜欢 4a 令我更高兴 4b After a long day s work 1 he said Right now there s nothing I would like more 4a that pleases me more 4b than to hop into bed jump into bed 2a get in bed get into bed 2b and have a good night sleep 3 我 理想的假期 1是花 懒洋洋的日子 2在 棕榈树荫 3下的 吊床 4 摇荡 5 啜饮 6着有 细小雨伞 7的 高杯热带饮品 8 并 看着白云飘过 9 在这世界上 10 没有一点儿关心的事 11 My ideal vacation 1 is to spend a lazy day 2 swaying5 in a hammock4 under the shades of palm trees 3 sipping6 a tall tropical drink 8 with a tiny umbrella 7 and watching clouds drift by 9 without a care 11 in the world 10 母亲说 甜心 1 是时间 2 关掉电视 3 去上床睡觉 4a 去睡觉 4b 孩子说 妈妈 5 给我片刻 6 我 一定 ditto 7要 找出 8 在这套电影 9 谁是杀人犯 10 The mother said Baby1 it s time 2 to turn off the TV 3 and go to bed 4a go to sleep 4b The child said Mom5 give me a moment 6 I have to must 7 find out 8 who the killer is 10 in this movie 9 幢幢 banner 古 waving shadow 月光 1 投射 2 风中的 3 灵异怪诞 4 树影憧憧 5 The moonlight1 cast2 eerie4 shadows of trees wavering 5 in the wind 3 chu ng 闯闯 闖闖 intrude 劲 exuberance 在 to experience 祸 instigate trouble 上月他的屋子被 非法闯进 1和 爆窃 2两次 His house was broken into 1 and burglarized2 twice last month 这星期已有 许多 1 闯入屋子 ditto 2在 邻居 3 This week there have been numerous1 break ins break and enters forced entries into homes home invasions 2 in this neighborhood3 这个 电脑高手儿童 1能够 非法闯进 2并 操纵 3很多 电脑 4 包括那些 有火墙装备的 5 This computer whiz kid 1 can hack2 into and take control 3 of many computers4 including those that are equipped with firewalls 5 大学后他跟 非常富有 1的 家族 2 脱离关系 3要 为他自己 4a 只靠自己 4b 闯出名堂 5 After college he cut ties 3 with his ultra rich1 family2 and wanted to make a name 5 for himself 4a on his own 4b 他说 我没有 被带领到 1a 来到 ditto 1b 这世界 诞生在富有家庭 2的 好运气 3 所以我需要 自己闯出道路 4 He said I did not have the good fortune 3 of being ushered to 1a arriving at coming to 1b this world with a silver spoon in my mouth 2 and so I have to blaze my own trail 4 这天早晨 不是第一次 1他的 坏脾气 2女朋友 像突击军队般 3 闯进 4他的办公室导致 大吵大闹 ditto 5 This morning was not the first time 1 that his ill tempered2 girlfriend barged into 4 his office like a storm trooper 3 and caused a fuss commotion 5 新加入者的 1 攻击性的 2 减价 3来 闯进市场 4被 已建立的 5a 现有的 5b 参与者 6 强烈地 ditto 7 还击 8 The newcomer s1 push into the market 4 through aggressive2 price cuts 3 was countered8 vehemently vigorously 7 by established 5a existing 5b players6 那 占大多数股权的股东 1 鲁莽地干扰 2a 闯进 2b 怒气冲冲地闯进 2c 董事会 3 对为什么他没有被邀请 4 要求 5 解 释 6 The majority shareholder 1 barged in on 2a burst in on 2b stormed into 2c the Board Meeting 3 and demanded5 an explanation6 on why he was not invited 4 美国 市场 1 闻名是 2 对外国零售商 3是 难以成功的东西 4a 难以闯入的一个 4b 它也不是 一些人可能想象 5那么 有 利可图 6 The U S market1 is known to be 2 a hard nut to crack 4a a difficult one to break into 4b for foreign retailers 3 and also it is not as lucrative6 as some may envision 5 chu ng 创创 創創 initiate 他是公司的 创办人 1a 建造者 1b 他 把它一切组织好 2并 使它奏效 3 He s the company s founder 1a architect 1b who put it all together 2 and made it work 3 刊物平面造型设计 1的 创作性工作 2有 很多 3 就业机会 4 There are plenty of 3 job opportunities 4 in the creative work 1 of graphic design 2 创业 1 成为你自己的老板 ditto 2a 控制你的命运 2b 有很多 利害因素 3 去考虑 4 There are many pros and cons 3 to consider4 in starting your own business 1 and being your own boss becoming your own master 2a controlling your own destiny 2b 出奇地 1那 几十亿万块钱 2的 发明 3是 单独一个 4 正在萌芽的 5 科学家 6之 创作构想 7 Surprisingly1 the multi billion dollar 2 invention3 was the brainchild7 of a single4 budding5 scientist6 当他 开始 ditto 1他的 事业 2他 选择 3去 自创机会 ditto 4代替 参与 5 家族的 6 亿万块钱生意 7 When he started out in set out on began 1 his career2 he chose3 to create his own road blaze his own trail 4 instead of getting involved 5 in his family s6 billion dollar business 7 那些 相信法术可能性 1的 富创作性头脑的人 2 不害怕 3 进入新领域 ditto 4那里别人不会 胆敢去 5a 甚至梦想过 5b Creative minds 2 that believe in the possibility of magic 1 are unafraid3 to break new ground venture into uncharted territories 4 where others would not dare to go 5a even dream of 5b 他说 如果我 逗留在现有的工作 1我 想象 2在二十年后 我的事业会是怎样 3下 害怕 4 在回顾中 5 会后悔 6 当我还年 轻时 7 不冒险去创业 8 He said If I stay with my existing job 1 I envision2 what my career would be like 3 in 20 years time and fear4 that I would look back 5 with regret 6 about not taking a chance to start my own business 8 when I was still young 7 新毕业生的 1 没有计划冲动行事 2对一间公司 运作 3的 创作力 ditto 4a 原创性 4b 幻想力 ditto 5和 热情洋溢 ditto 6 作出贡献 7a 做成结果 7b New college graduates 1 spontaneity2 contributes to 7a leads to 7b creativity creativeness inventiveness ingenuity ingeniousness 4a originality 4b imaginativeness imagination 5 and exuberance enthusiasm 6 in a company s operation3 创新 1 需要 2 高级行政阶层 3 的 了解 4和 专致 5 因为这些 倡议 6一定 不能避免地 7 导致 8 失败 ditto 9多于 成功 10a 突破性的发现 10b Innovation1 requires2 understanding4 and commitment5 from top management 3 since such initiatives6 will inevitably7 result in 8 more failures crashes 9 than successes 10a breakthroughs 10b chu 吹吹 blow 牛 exaggerate 告 fail 那 开始失败的 1公司对 投资者 2 吹嘘 3新总裁是一个 天才 4和 救星 5 The faltering1 company has been trumpeting3 to investors2 that the new CEO is a genius4 and a savior5 用吹风机吹干头发 1会 导致 2你的 头发 3 变得 4 脆弱 5和 卷曲 6 Blow drying1 can cause2 your hair3 to become4 brittle5 and frizzy6 母亲对儿子说 避免接触 1 吹冷风 ditto 2 不然 ditto 3你 可能 4 着凉 5 The mother said to her son Stay away 1 from chilly wind cold wind 2 otherwise or else 3 you could4 catch a cold 5 多年后的 1 恶毒态度 2和 争吵 3那一对夫妇的 婚姻 4 终于 5 告吹 吹了 ditto 6 After years of 1 acrimony2 and fighting3 the couple s marriage4 is finally5 finished ended over 6 在 拍卖会 1如果你 不受竞投的鼓吹影响 2只付 理智的价钱 3买 好质量的货品组别 4你可能会 偶然 5买到 真正便宜货 6 At auctions1 if you don t get caught up in the hype 2 and only pay sensible prices 3 for good quality lots 4 you may get real bargains 6 every once in a while 5 曾经一度 1被 嘲笑为 2 资本主义 3 吹擂行为 4的 股票市场 5现在成为很多 发展国家 6 个人 7 视为 8 致富速成的 9 正 当 10 机会 11 例子 12 The stock market 5 once1 sneered at as 2 an example11 of capitalism3 charlatanry4 is now viewed as 8 a legitimate10 get rich quick9 opportunity11 for individuals7 in many developing countries 6 他说 她是我的 女人


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