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第 1 页 共 13 页 鲁教版七年级上学期英语阶段考 三 试卷鲁教版七年级上学期英语阶段考 三 试卷 B B 卷卷 一 一 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 1 1 分 完形填空 Mr Black and Mrs Black have a 1 and a daughter They are Tom and Mary 2 are students They go to school 3 seven 4 the morning and 5 home at five in the afternoon 6 Monday 7 Friday they have lunch at school 8 on Saturday and Sunday they have lunch at home Mrs Black comes home at 5 30 Mr Black comes home late They have 9 at seven After supper Tom and Mary watch TV Their father 10 some English books Their mother listens to the radio What a happy family 1 A dog B cat C friend D son 2 A He B She C They D We 3 A at B in C on D with 第 2 页 共 13 页 4 A at B in C on D with 5 A come B comes C coming D is coming 6 A In B On C Come D From 7 A with B in C to D on 8 A Or 第 3 页 共 13 页 B But C So D With 9 A breakfast B lunch C supper D drink 10 A sees B looks at C read D reads 二 二 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 1515 分分 2 3 分 2019 九上 福田期末 阅读理解 Dear Mrs Brown I ve known that you are wondering how to deal with your child s behavior problems The following are my opinions If there are lots of behaviors you want to change start by focusing on one or two of the most terrible ones at first Don t try to make too many changes at once Let your child make some decisions by giving him acceptable choices For example ask Do you want some bread or eggs for breakfast or let him choose between the red and blue clothes Have some stated rules and explain the reasons behind them Let your child understand the 第 4 页 共 13 页 results of breaking the rules Direct your child and help him find a better place to do what he is trying to do For example if he wants to write on the wall with pencils give him a piece of paper and let him write on it or let him write on the sidewalk with chalks Notice your child s good behavior and tell him you have noticed it rather than praise him For example describe what you see Wow this room is so clean and everything is in order rather than praise him like You re a good boy Good job Being a mother is not easy Remember to treat your child with great patience and love and then you ll find that your child will become better Best wishes for you and your family 1 Why did Mrs Brown write the letter to Mrs Green A Because she needed help to deal with her students problems B Because she was troubled by her child s behavior problems C Because she hoped to get some methods to be a better teacher D Because she wanted to learn how to deal with the teaching problems 2 What should a mother do if her child has lots of behavior problems A She should try to change one or two most serious ones at first B She should try to help him change all of the problems at once C She should make some stated rules and explain the reasons D She should try to let her child make some decisions on his own 3 What should a mother do if her child wants to write on the wall A She should let him go out to play with other children B She should give him a piece of paper and let him write on it 第 5 页 共 13 页 C She should give him some colored pencils and draw pictures D She should let him go out and draw on the sidewalk with pencils 4 What is the sixth paragraph mainly about A How to clean a child s room B How to find a better place for a child C How to be a patient mother D How to praise a child s good behavior 3 3 分 2019 七下 莘县期中 阅读理解 One day a little boy runs into u shop and says to the shop assistant 店员 I want to buy twelve exercise books of 6 cents each and nine pencils of 10 cents each How much are those altogether 总共 The shop assistant writes these numbers down on a piece of paper and thinks for a minute Then she says One dollar sixty two cents If I give you ten dollars how much money will I get back You will get eight dollars thirty eight cents change Here you are These are the things you want No thank you I don t want to buy anything n the boy looks at the piece of paper and says politely 有礼貌地 This is my maths homework Thank you very much Can I take it away 1 The story happens A in a shop B in a library C in a supermarket D at school 2 The little boy comes to the shop for 第 6 页 共 13 页 A nine pencils B some books C nothing D his homework 3 The underlined word change in the second paragraph in Chinese means A 零钱 B 交换 C 改变 D 金钱 4 The little boy is A bad B naughty 淘气的 but clever C stupid 愚蠢的 D hard working 5 At last the shop assistant may feel A tired B happy C funny D sorry 4 4 分 阅读理解 Hi I m John I study in a middle school Every morning I get up at half past six and I go to school at seven Lessons begin at eight We have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon English is my favourite lesson because we often play games in the English class 第 7 页 共 13 页 I have lunch at school I like the school lunch and I always have rice with meat and vegetables After lunch I often talk with my classmates In the afternoon lessons start at one o clock and finish at four o clock I play games with my friends after school and then go home at half past four I work hard every day In the evening I do my homework and read books At nine o clock I go to bed I m really busy every day but I like it 1 What time does John go to school A At 6 30 a m B At 7 00 a m C At 8 00 a m D At 8 30 a m 2 What lesson does he like best A English B Maths C Chinese D Music 3 What does he often do after lunch A Playing games B Chatting with his classmates C Having a rest D Playing balls 4 Where does he do his homework A In the classroom B In the school 第 8 页 共 13 页 C At home D At his classmate s home 5 5 分 阅读理解 There are many colours in nature But do you think that colour has weight I think you ll say No But I m afraid you are wrong If you don t believe it you may do a small experiment 实验 First put two objects with the same weight into two boxes Then cover the boxes Then rap 包裹 one box with a red piece of paper the other one with a white piece of paper OK Now hold the boxes with your hand one by one It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier Why do you think so A scientist found that different colours have different weights in man s mind That is to say every colour has its own weight in our mind The scientist told us that colours also have smell Can you smell the colour Of course not Then why did the scientist say so That is because every colour stands for 代表 a kind of light with a certain wavelength 波长 It reaches our brain through sense organs According to this discovery scientists say that people accept the colours they like and refuse the colours they hate So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colours you like Or you ll be nervous or even get ill For example you like blue and hate red If you stay in a room with red windows wallpaper and furniture 家具 for two hours you ll feel you have been there for four hours you ll fed you have been there for four hours But if the room is blue you I1 feel you have been there for only an hour And if a person walks out of a blue room and into a red room his temperature will rise That means our body temperature will change with different colours 1 From the experiment we know that A the two boxes have the same weight B colours can change the weight of an object C the red paper is heavier than the white paper 第 9 页 共 13 页 D colours have different weights in people s mind 2 From the fourth paragraph we can infer 推断 A the smell of colours is changeable 可变的 B people can sense the light from colours C people can smell the colors through the nose D all the colours have the same smell for the blind 3 Which of the following is TRUE A White colour is heavier than red colour B People may get ill if they refuse the colours they don t like C People can stay longer in red rooms than in blue rooms D People s body temperature will change with different colours 4 We can infer from the last paragraph that A red colour is bad for our health B people may get nervous in a red room C blue colour can raise 提升 our body temperature D colours can influence our mood 情绪 and health 5 The passage is probably A a short novel B a news report C a science report D an advertisement 三 三 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 第 10 页 共 13 页 6 5 分 2019 青岛 根据短文内容 从选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项 选项中有一项为多 余选项 A I m going to go to the store soon B I m going to make a big cake C It s a tradition that makes people very happy D We like to surprise people on their birthdays E We re going to eat them together F We always eat fairy bread on our birthdays E We always like to eat them There is something different in this week s blog Let s look at some birthday customs around the world Harry Baker Perth Australia It s my birthday next Wednesday I m going to be 10 years old in my country My mom s going to make me a huge plate of fairy bread It s a snack We make it with bread butter and colorful sugar called Hundreds and thousands Jim Dixon Montego Bay Jamaica I love birthdays They are a lot of fun Here in Jamaica we have an old custom Guess what we do We throw flour 面粉 at our friends It s my best friend s birthday tomorrow I m going to buy a lot of flour to throw at him Victoria Smith London UK My grandmother is going to be 100 years old in June She s very excited because she s going to get a special letter from the Queen The Queen sends a letter to every person who reaches 100 Jiang Li Beijing China In my country we celebrate birthdays with a special type of the food Noodles are a sign of 第 11 页 共 13 页 long life for us This year I m going to make some long life noodles for all my friends a


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