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1 武冈展辉国际实验学校武冈展辉国际实验学校 2011 20122011 2012 学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 PartPart I I ListeningListening ComprehensionComprehension 30 30 marks marks SectionSection A A 22 5 22 5 marks marks Directions In this section you will hear six conversations between two speakers For each conversation there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A B and C Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question You will hear each conversation TWICE ConversationConversation 1 1 1 What did the girl do in the PE class A She ran around the track B She played football C She did breathing exercises for five times 2 What is the weather like A It is cold B It is cloudy C It is sunny ConversationConversation 2 2 3 How will the man go to Guilin A By air B By train C By bus 4 What will the woman do A Go traveling with the man B Have a good rest at home C Help the man with his work ConversationConversation 3 3 5 Why is the woman looking for a house A To live near to her children s school B To stay together with her husband C To spend the holiday 6 How many people are there in the woman s family A Three B Five C Six ConversationConversation 4 4 7 What does the man think the weather will be like tomorrow A Cloudy B Fine C Windy 8 What does the man tell the woman specially to bring A A hat B Food C Drinks 9 Where are the speakers going to meet A At the beach B In the woods C At the school gate ConversationConversation 5 5 10 Where is the woman from A France B Spain C America 11 How much does a student pay per year A 4 200 B 2 040 C 2 400 12 What does the man do most probably A A teacher B A student C A typist ConversationConversation 6 6 13 What will the man do after class this afternoon A Go swimming with the woman B Go to work at a bookstore C Meet Mary at the libray 14 How often did the man go swimming A Three or four times a week B Three or four times a month C Seldom 15 How many hours does the man work a week A About3 B About 30 C About 13 SectionSection B 7 5marks B 7 5marks Directions In this section you will hear a short passage Listen carefully and then fill in the 2 numbered blanks with the information you have heard Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS You will hear the short passage TWICE Road 16 in Great Britain Cause of accidents Careless ness Keep to the 18 side of the road Before crossing the road stop and look both ways Help small children very old people or 19 to cross the road How to make the road 17 Don t 20 or text messages while you are crossing the road PARTPART LANGUAGELANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE 5555 marksmarks SectionA SectionA FillFill inin eacheach blankblank withwith oneone word word TheThe firstfirst letterletter oror thethe ChineseChinese meaningmeaning ofof thethe wordword hashas keenkeen given given 21 On the first day of a new term all the students and teachers have to attend an a 22 Mind your b and be a good student when you are in a new school 23 Among all the s I like English best 24 The parents are looking for the m boy here and there 25 He has been teaching for more than twenty years He is an e teacher 26 The museum will have to close if 额外的 money isn t raised 27 Happiness doesn t come from the money you have but comes from your 满意 with life 28 In order to 取得 high grades in the mid term exam he works hard every day 29 It looks as if she is ashamed of her 体型 30 Before the exam the students are suffering great 压力 SectionSection B B Directions Directions BeneathBeneath eacheach ofof followingfollowing sentencessentences therethere areare fourfour choiceschoices markedmarked A B CA B C andand D D ChooseChoose thethe oneone answeranswer thatthat bestbest completecomplete thethe sentence sentence 15marks15marks 31 It s my that every one is waiting for me I was caught in a traffic jam A harm B effect C fault D loss 32 this regard students should devote themselves study A On at B At on C In on D In to 33 The man whom we were following stopped from time to time he was too tired to walk A even if B as if C so that D except that 34 What do you think made Mary so upset her new bicycle A Because she lost B Lost C Losing D Because of losing 35 Mother is the person you can get countless love and care A from whom B from which C from that D from who 36 Amy 7 kilograms in the last two months but sometimes she doesn t feel so energetic A had lost B has lost C lost D will have lost 37 The boy along with his parents seen playing near the river last time A was B were C had been D be 38 Let s go and watch the football match Yes let s go A could we B shall we C won t you D will you 39 As nobody knows what is wrong with the machine we must send for an engineer to the problem 3 A raise B rise C face D handle 40 I shall never forget the years I worked in the village school has a great effect on my life A that which B when which C which that D when who 41 The teacher insisted that I wrong and that I punished at once A was was B was be C be was D be be 42 the exams to worry about I have to work really hard this weekend A With B Besides C As for D Because of 43 Did Mark fix the computer himself No he because he didn t know much about computers A has it fixed B has fixed it C fixed it D had it fixed 44 I don t want to be a person that always cries but today I A will do B have C do D am 45 It s hard for him playing against me I ve got nothing to play for but for him he needs to win so A far B well C little D badly SectionSection C C 1818 marksmarks Directions Directions ForFor eacheach blankblank inin thethe followingfollowing passagepassage therethere areare forfor wordswords oror phrasesphrases markedmarked A A B B C C andand D D FillFill inin eacheach blankblank withwith thethe wordword oror phrasephrase thatthat bestbest fitsfits thethe context context Emily Bronte was born in Thornton Yorkshire on July 30th 1818 She was the 5th 46 of Reverend Patrick Bronte and his wife Maria When Emily was three years old her mother Maria died of cancer Then her aunt moved in to 47 the children They lived in Haworth with the moors 草 原 of Yorkshire close by They 48 a hard life there When Emily was six years old she went to a school Where her old sisters Maria Elizabeth and Charlotte were 49 The school was run with the purpose of punishing the pupils 50 to save their souls The students were kept hungry cold tired and often ill The sisters especially Maria were treated 51 at school In 1825 Maria and Elizabeth both died of tuberculosis 肺结核 The sisters Charlotte and Emily were taken home later but they would never forget the 52 life at school The school life made Emily very 53 and she no longer wanted to go back to school In 1835 Emily taught at school at Roe Head 54 she suffered from homesickness 思乡病 and returned home after a few months In 1837 she 55 a tutor 家庭教师 at Law Hill near Halifax where she spent six months In order to set up a school for girls Emily and Charlotte Bronte went to Brussels in 1842 to learn foreign languages and school management She found she was unable to 56 being away from home and returned in the same year to Haworth Emily Bronte lived out her lonely 57 in the moors And her experiences contributed to the novel Wuthering Heights a lot 46 A son B student C child D member 47 A get along with B take care of C do with D look for 48 A left B stayed C played D lived 49 A teaching B visiting C educating D studying 50 A bodies B hands C arms D minds 51 A differently B friendly C badly D truly 52 A normal B hard C meaningful D splendid 53 A confused B embarrassed C unhappy D excited 54 A However B Besides C Somehow D Anyhow 55 A invited B became C found D employed 56 A mind B enjoy C finish D tolerate 57 A life B work C job D age SectionSection D D 1212 marksmarks 4 Directions Directions CompleteComplete thethe followingfollowing passagepassage byby fillingfilling inin eacheach blankblank withwith oneone wordword thatthat bestbest fitsfits thethe context context Many people who smoke say that it helps them to think better 58 I am afraid I can not agree with them I am strongly against smoking First smoking is bad for 59 health People 60 smoke often develop and even die from many different illnesses and diseases 61 smoking pollutes the air People can not work or study 62 in a room full of smoke Third smoking wastes money Every year millions of dollars are spent treating diseases caused 63 smoking As we can see smoking does more harm 64 good and we students should not pick up 65 habit of smoking PARTPART READINGREADING COMPREHENSIONCOMPREHENSION 3030 MARKSMARKS Directions Directions ReadRead thethe followingfollowing thethe followingfollowing fourfour passagespassages EachEach passagepassage isis followedfollowed byby severalseveral questionsquestions oror unfinishedunfinished statements statements ForFor eacheach ofof themthem therethere areare fourfour choiceschoices markedmarked A A B B C C andand D D ChooseChoose thethe oneone thatthat fitsfits bestbest accordingaccording toto thethe informationinformation givengiven inin thethe passage passage A A One day a rabbit ran into an elephant Hello said the rabbit Fine day isn t it The elephant stopped to look down at the tiny creature and shouted Leave me alone I don t have the time to waste on someone so small The rabbit was surprised by the elephant s word Then he decided to ask the whale what she thought about the elephant s rudeness But the whale laughed at this small animal The rabbit said You think that I am weak but in fact I am strong I can beat you at Tug of War 拔河比赛 The whale looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter Very well little one Go and get a rope she said The rabbit ran off to find a strong and thick rope Then he went to the elephant Elephant I will beat you at a game of Tug of War The elephant laughed loudly but agreed to challenge the tiny animal He tied the rope around his huge waist The rabbit took the other end and ran away He called back to the elephant When I say Pull you start pulling The rabbit took the other end of the rope to the whale Tie this to your tail and when I say Pull you swim The whale tied the rope to her tail after laughing at the rabbit s foolishness Then the rabbit called out PULL The elephant and the whale began pulling After a while they were too tired to continue The elephant and the whale never knew how such a small creature could beat them But from that day on they said hello to the little rabbit with great respect whenever they met 66 Why did the rabbit want a game of Tug of War A He wanted to show he was the best B He knew that he could do well in this game C He wanted to get respect from the elephant and the whale D He wanted to prove he wasn t the tiniest animal 67 What do you think of the rabbit according to the story A Smart and brave B Tiny and stupid C Pride and naughty D Poor and weak 68 Why did the elephant and the whale lose the game A They didn t prepare for it B They were not as strong as the rabbit C They were too impolite to the little rabbit D They actually fought with each other but the rabbit 69 Which statement is TRUE according to the passage A The elephant was pleased to talk to the rabbit at first B The whale suggested having a game of Tug of War C The rabbit was stronger than both the whale and the elephant D The whale and the elephant began to respect the rabbit from then on B B June28 2010Ms Rebecca Winston2595 Dewdrop Circle Unit No 29Birmingham AL35233Dear Ms Winston The purpose of this letter is to express to you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience 不 5 便 you may have experienced last month Please accept my apology for being unable to give you an answer to the installation 安装 of your Internet high speed service in time I just returned from vacation this week and found your letter in my letter box As soon as I reviewed your case it was clear that your May 20th request for a change in service had not been read by anybody We have recently had a number of key employees changed which might have resulted in your letter being ignored Anyhow I have directed our installation group to contact you by the end of this week They will call you to set up a time convenient for you After that they will go to your house and install your new router 路由器 In order to express our thanks to you as our customer we are going to provide you with first three months of high speed service for free Therefore your account will not be billed until October of this year We will continue to provide you and all of our customers with the highest standards of service in the industry If you have any questions please call me at 754 9785 Yours in service Paul Cordero Manager Customer Solutions 70 From Paragraph 2 we can infer that A the author will go for a vacation this week B the author found the letter in his office C Ms Winston asked for a change one month ago D other employees didn t want to deal with this case 71 In which of the following months will the woman s high speed service be for free A April B May C August D December 72 Why did the author write the letter A To apologise to a customer and offer a solution B To ask Ms Winston what her problems are C To introduce the service of his company D To tell Ms Winston her account will not be billed C C Yogiraj Bolra Choudhury has set up Yoga College of India Born in Calcutta in 1946 Choudhury began yoga at the age of four with India s most famous physical culturist Bishnu Ghosh Choudhury practiced yoga at least four to six hours day at Ghosh s College of Physical Education in Calcutta In 1959 he won the National India Yoga Championship 冠军 At fourteen he called himself Yogi Raj King of the Yogis At seventeen his knee was injured 受伤的 during a weight lifting accident and his leading European doctors predicted 预测 that he would never walk again Not believing them he went back to Bishnu Ghosh s school for he knew that his teachr Ghosh could help to cure his knee Six months later his knee had completely recovered Ghosh was the first to use yoga to cure long term physical illnesses and cure the body Choudhury was asked by Ghosh to start several yoga schools in India The schools were so successful that at Ghosh s request Choudhury traveled to Japan and opened two more Combining 结合 eastern training methods and western medicine Choudhury perfected his yoga system which he said was suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness Choudhury arrived in the United States in 1973 at the invitation of President Nixon He quickly became a famous yoga teacher in the west as celebrities 名人 athletes and others began to flockflock to his school Since that time he has been teaching thousands of students at his school in Los Angeles and traveling the world spreading the philosophy 哲学 and practice of Bikram yoga to millions of students around the world 73 Choudhury insisted on going to Bishnu Ghosh s school when his knee was injured because A his leading doctors were there B he wanted to have a good rest C he wanted to teach yoga to students D he believed his teacher could help him 6 74 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A People recognized Choudhury as Yogi Raj B Bishnu Ghosh doesn t believe in western medicine C Choudhury was the first man to use yoga to cure physical illnesses D Choudhury won the National India Yoga Championship when he was 13 75 What does the underlined word flockflock mean in the last paragraph A skip B gather C devote D donate 76 From this passage we can infer that A people whose knee is injured should not practice yoga B most American presidents have practiced yoga C Ghosh probably offered a lot of guidance to Choudhury on his career D Choudhury is much more famous in the West than in the East D D In the past degrees 学位 were very unusual I remember the day when my uncle graduated and we had a huge party For many years my mother called him the genius Today five of my brothers and sisters have degrees However today some people think this increased chances of education is devaluing 使 贬值 degrees In this essay I will discuss whether further education is important People have several arguments against the need for degrees They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree People lose respect for the degree holder It is also thought that education has become a a ratrat racerace with many graduates competing for the same job Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible 不灵活的 Employers prefer more flexible workers However I feel strongly that having more education is a positive development In the past education was the only way to be rich and powerful Now almost everyone has a chance to receive education and this will have many advantages for the country and the people First of all it is impossible to be overeducated The more people are educated the better the world will be because people will b e able to discuss and exchange ideas much more easily A further point is that people with degrees have much more opportunities They can take more kinds of jobs and do what they enjoy doing In conclusion although there are some problems with increased levels of education I feel strongly that the county can only progress when all the people are educated 77 The underlined words in Paragraph 2 are closest in meaning to A ability B competition C necessity D achievement 78 What can we learn from Paragraph3 A People couldn t discuss or exchange ideas well in the past B The author believes it is possible to be overeducated C The author thinks degrees can help people take more jobs D People can do whatever they enjoy doing today 79 The author mainly wants to tell us that A increased chance to education is devaluing degrees B people have the same opinions on the need for degrees C studying leads to learners becoming inflexible D education is necessary for the development of the country 80 The author towards further education is A favorable B disagreeable C indifferent D cold PARTPART WRITINGWRITING 3535 marksmarks Direc


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