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1 中学英语语法专项训练中学英语语法专项训练 6 6 介词介词 中学英语介词讲解 1 介词的含义 介词 虚词 不能在句子中独立充当成分 它总是用于名词 代词 或相当于名词的其它词类或短 语活从句前 中考需要掌握的 11 个介词 in on at to from by with for about after before 表示时间的介词 A 典型例题 1 in 1996 in 2002 in 1847 年份 2 in October in February in March 月份 3 in spring in summer in autumn in winter 季节 4 in a week in a year 在 1 周 年中 5 in the morning in the afternoon in the evening 在上午 下午 晚上 in those days 在当时 in no time 立刻 in the daytime 在白天 in the future 在将来 in one minute 在 1 分钟内 最后 in the end 表示较长时间 长于一天或短于一天 如 年 年份 月份 季节 周 上午 下午 晚上以及一些习 惯用法中要用介词 in B 典型例题 1 at ten o clock at seven thirty 表示某一钟点 2 at noon at night at midnight 在中午 晚上 半夜 一天中相对短暂的时间 3 at the age of twenty at the age of thirty five 表示某一年龄 4 at that time 在那时 at the moment 这时 那时 此刻 at first 首先 at last 最后 in the end at once 立刻 马上 at on the weekends 在周末 在一年中的这个时候 at this time of year 在 开始 结束时 at the beginning end of 表示时间的某一点 或表示某时刻 如 钟点 年龄或其它的习惯用法中要用 at C 典型例题 1 on Monday on Tuesday on Wednesday on Friday 2 on January 1 on April 18 on May 31 3 on January 1 1988 on April 18 2002 on May 31 1977 4 on Monday morning on Tuesday afternoon on Wednesday evening 5 on a winter morning on a summer evening on a autumn afternoon 6 on the morning of May fifth 7 on my birthday on that day on New Year s Day on the first two days on Christmas Day 8 值日 on duty 准时 on time 表示某一天或者特定 某一天上下午 的时间用介词 on D 典型例题 1 for two hours for three days 2 for hundreds of years 3 for the last three years for the past three years 4 for a while 表示持续一段时间用介词 for for 段时间 E 典型例题 1 from 9 o clock to 11 o clock 2 from February to April 2 3 from 1980 to 1990 4 from then on 从那时候起 用于一般过去时 from now on 从现在起 用于一般将来时 from time to time 时不时地 表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用介词 from to F 典型例题 1 during the week 2 during those three months 3 during my visit 4 during the holidays meeting 5 during the spring 表示 在 的期间 要用介词 during during 表示在特定的时间里 其后的名词前要用定冠词或者 表示特定意义的代词 G 典型例题 1 since 1986 since 1977 2 since last summer since last week since last month 3 since then 从那时以后 4 since he came here 自从他来了以后 表示 自 以来 表示从过去某一时刻到现在 用介词 since since 点时间 主句常用现 在完成时 巩固练习 1 since 7 o clock 2 since last Monday H 典型例题 1 The park is open till 5 p m 2 He didn t leave the park until 4 p m 表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止 用介词 till until I 表示时间介词的比较 1 典型例题 1 The train leaves at 8 o clock so you d better be there by 7 50 火车八点钟开 所以你最好八点五十以前赶到那儿 2 He left Shanghai at the end of last year 去年年底他离开了上海 过去式 3 By the end of last year he had finished the work 到去年年底 他已经完成了工作 at 表示事件发生在某一时间点上 by 表示事件发生在某一时间点前 at the end of 时间 地点 表示时间时 一般用于一般过去式 by the end of 时间 表示时间时 一般用于过去完成时 in the end at last 最后 2 典型例题 1 He finished the work three days ago 2 He said he had finished the work three days before 3 He will finish the work in three days 4 Three days later he finished the work three days ago 表示从今天算起三天前 three days before 表示从过去某个时间开始算起的三天前 in three days 表示从今天算起的三天以后 Three days later 表示从过去某个时间开始的三天后 ago 用于一般过 去式 before 用于过去完成时 in 用于将来时 巩固练习 1 Four days later he came back from Beijing 3 典型例题 1 before 2 o clock the meeting lunch 1990 before 后通常跟表示一点的时间 或特定的时间 表示在某个时间之前 3 National Day 2 after 2 o clock the meeting lunch 1990 after 后通常跟表示一点的时间 或特定的时间 表示在某个时间之后 National Day 由 before 和 after 构成的时间介词短语都不能用于现在完成时 after 的习惯用法 after work after school after class 巩固练习 1 after 8 o clock 2 after breakfast 3 after a while 过了一会儿 4 the day after tomorrow 5 before supper 6 before class 7 the day before yesterday 8 before long 不久前 4 典 型例题 one night this month that summer last year next week the day before yesterday the week after next 再 下一周 由 one this that last next 等修饰的表示时间的词组前不需要用介词 表示方位的介词 A 典型例题 1 在树上 in the tree 在同一个班 in the same class 在北京 in Beijing 2 在世界上 in the world 在河里 in the river 在城市 in a city 3 在阳光下 in the sun 在北方 in the north in China 在中国 4 在第五中学 in No 5 Middle School 5 在 的前部 in the front of 在 前面 in front of 6 在 中间 内部 角落 in the middle corner of 7 固定用法 住院 in hospital 在露天 in the open air 躺着看书 read in bed 8 站成行 stand in line 处于危险中 in danger 处于麻烦中 in trouble 惊奇地 in surprise 9 用英语 in English 穿红色的 in red 以 方式 in way of 表示大地方 表示空间 地域或者物体内部应用 in 或表示在 范围之内 B 典型例题 1 在 的尽头 at the end of 在大门口 at the gate 在第二个十字路口 at the second crossing 2 在公共汽车站 at the bus stop 在校读书 at school 在家 at home 3 在医院诊所 at the doctor s 在 头部 脚下 at the head foot of 4 at the station airport zoo post office 5 at the front door at the cinema supermarket meeting party the crossroad 6 固定用法 stay at home at work at table 在吃饭 表示较小的地方 表示空间的某一点 出入口等 选 at C 典型例题 1 在墙上 on the wall 在 的另一边 on the other side of 在左边 右边 on the left right 2 在左 有手边 on the left right hand side 在火车上 on the train 4 3 在电视 收音机 电话 网上 on TV the radio the telephone the Internet 4 固定用法 访问 on a visit to 展览 on show 5 在去 的路上 on the way to 6 on my head nose 表示附着在表面上 覆盖等 表示接触的面上 边上 线上 用 on 比较 a hole in the floor wall There are many apples on the tree There are many birds in the tree 几组表示位置关系的介词比较 D 典型例题 1 Japan is in the east of Asia 2 Japan is to the east of China 3 Korea is on the northeast of China 巩固练习 1 B is in the east of A 2 D is to the east of A 3 C is on the east of A 中学英语语法专项习题中学英语语法专项习题 6 介词介词 1 1 Children get gifts Christmas and their birthdays A on on B at on C in in D in on 2 There is nothing tomorrow afternoon is there No We can have a game of table tennis A on B in C out D up 3 A lot of students in our school were born March 1981 A in B at C on D since 4 tie suddenly returned a rainy night A on B at C in D during 5 My grandfather was born Oct 10 1935 A on B in C at D of 6 The train is starting five minutes A in B at C for D still 7 Mike does his exercises seven the evening A on to B at in C by of D at on 2 1 The population of the world has grown very fast four hundred years A for past the B in the pass C in the past D for past 2 We returned to our hometown A next week B in the last week C last week D for a week 3 Great changes have taken place A in the last few year B in the last few years C last year D on the last year 3 1 Children wake up very early the morning of Christmas Day A in B on C for D at 2 a cold winter morning I met her in the stfeet A In B On C At D For 3 It happened to be very cold the morning of our sports meet A at B on C with D of 4 Why did you get up so early this morning A on B C at D in 4 1 He went to Shanghai September 3 1991 and came back a cold morning last year ABDC east south west north 5 A in on B on in C on on D in ia 2 Lucy was born the night of May 12 1984 A on B in C at D to 3 Mrs Brown came to China 1996 A on B of C to D in 4 the morning of November 20 1915 the workers came to Chicago to show their mourning Joe Hill A On to B In of C On for D At for 5 Ann moved Hangzhou September 1992 A in B to in C to on D in in 6 They started off an autumn afternoon A during B at C in D on 5 1 He often goes school six thirty the morning A for to in B to at in C to for at D for at to 2 He arrived Shanghai 9 30 March 5 A at in at B to on at C in on at D in at on 3 The English teacher told me to get there half past ten A in B at C on D of 4 The children get up 6 o clock A at B on C during D in 6 1 The doctor worked five hours a rest A for with B on without C about having D for without 2 I worked on the problem a long time and I worked it out myself last A for by at B in with on C on by in D for for at the 3 A new factory will be set up a year lotae A for B in C after D on 4 Two years he began to write another story book A after B later C in D late 5 We will finish the picture a day A in B on C after D on 6 The workers had been strike almost a month A on in B at in C on for D on during 7 Mr Brown had lain the ground four hours before they finally found him A on for B at in C on after D in during 7 1 The teacher is coming back an hour A after B for C in D before 2 She lived in the mountain village the years 1940 1950 A between B during C in D since 3 Miss Wang will come to Beijing two days A after B in C on D before 4 The American Civil War lasted four years before the North won the end A by B at C in D on 8 7 Mary had finished her homework the time I got home A until B by C at D when 2 We stayed at the lab our teacher returned A till B by C during D while 3 They didn t leave the station they get on the train A until B by C after y D at 9 1 Don t worry He will return A before long B long before C long long ago D long ago 2 There lived an old man fishing at sea A long before B before long C long time ago D soon 3 It was not they came back A long before B before long C long time before D long after 4 I was told that his uncle had gone to France A long before B shortly after C before long D long ago 10 1 Tom gets up at five in the morning A Sometime B Sometimes C Some time D Some times 2 I remember we met each other last year A Sometime B some times C some time D sometimes 3 Mary and I have been to the Great Wall A sometime B some time C sometimes D some times 4 He studied English for in London and then he went to America A sometimes B sometime new B some time B some times 11 1 I don t like to sit Tom s right I would like to sit the back row A on in B in on C on at D at on 2 There is a brook red flowers and green grass both sides A of with B with on C of at D with in 3 There are many trees of the road And of the trees is growing larger and larger A on both side a number B on each sides a number C on both sides the number D on every side the number 12 1 The plane is flying A in the sky B in the air C in space D in sky 6 2 There is a sweet smell A in the air B in the open air C in the sky D in the space 3 We held an interesting party A in the air B in the sky C in the open air D in space 4 Seen from the earth appears to be a big blue ball A the space B space C a space D this space 13 1 Tom sits the classroom while John sits the room A in front of at back of B in the front of at the back of C in front of at the back of D in the front of at back of 2 Lucy sits the third row Jim s left A on on B in at C at in D in on 3 Jiangsu is the east of China but Japan is the east of China A to in B in to C on to D to on 14 1 Can I look up a word your dictionary I haven t got me A into about B in with C at in D on on 2 1 like mooncakes meat them A in on B with on C in the D with in 3 When you are trouble please ask help us A in from B in for C on from D on of 4 The shopkeeper said they had sold out the shoes your size A about B in C to D of 5 I saw him hurry at the moment A in a B in C on D on a 15 1 He put up a map the back wall because there was a hole it A on on B at in C on in D on at 2 There is a door the wall A on B to C of D in 3 This kind of VCD is made China A in B from C at D on 4 Any man eyes his head can see that he s exactly like a rope A with on B with in C on with D in with 16 1 There are some birds singing the trees A in B on C at D from 2 Don t read the sun It s bad your eyes A in to B under for C with to D in on 3 The woman a blue dress is my teacher A in B on C of D at 4 There are so many apples that tree A in B on C at D from 17 1 The boat is passing the bridge A through B below C under D across 2 Two planes are flying the city A through B over C on D below 3 We can see a river running to the east the hill A under B below C over D on 4 Do you see the kite the building A over B cross C on D above 18 1 The United States is the south of Canada and the east of Japan A to in B on to C in beside D at on 2 My hometown lies the city I often go to the city by bike A 50 miles in the east However B to the east 40 miles of But C in the east 45 miles from But D 35 miles east of However 3 The man stood the window watching the boys playing outside A in B by C with D to 4 Japan lies the east of China A on B to C in D with 19 1 Is the street too narrow for the bus to go A through B across C on D in 2 A mother camel was walking her son the desert A without along B with through C next to pass D beside through 3 The river runs the city A across B through C over D from 4 It took us over an hour to walk this street A from B through C over D across 20 1 Uncle Wang arrived No 14 Middle School half an hour ago A at B in C to D 2 Did your friend send you something the end of last week A at B by C in D to 3 The monument those heroes stands the foot of the mountain A of at B to on C for by D to at 4 My uncle lives 88 Beijing Street A to B of C at D on 5 They are waiting a bus the bus stop A for in B on at C with at D for at 7 21 1 Wood is of ten made paper A by B from C of D into 2 research the universe scientists have put a lot of information computers A With over at B On at to C In about into D For with through 3 When a piece of ice is taken a warm room it gets smaller and smaller until the end it disappears completely A in in B out of at C into in D to by 4 A woman fell the boat the water A off into B at below C down under D away in 22 1 The tables in the restaurant are so close together that there s hardly any room to move them A among B between C in the middle of D at the centre of 2 English is widely used for business different countries A between B to C for D on 3 Is there any difference these two sentences A for B in C among D between 4 We visited him at his workplace the young trees and ask him about his work A in B among C between D at 5 There is the difference Chinese food and American food A from B at C between D by 6 The police station is the clothing shop the post office A between and B among and C near of D on right 7 He is the greatest scientists in the world A among B between C in D of 23 1 There is a book store our house A at B through C across D near 2 Our headmaster showed the visitors our school A to B for C around D near 3 The moon is the to the earth A closed B near C nearest D close 24 1 We have classes every day Sunday A beside B besides C except D except for 2 Nobody knew it me A but B beside C besides D without 3 What do you spend your time on work and study A except B besides C but D without 4 Do you know any other foreign language English A without B beside C besides D except 5 We need fifteen more people the twenty of us to do the job A besides B and C except D without 6 No one knew where Mr Smith lived his daughter A besides B and C only D except 25 1 the help of the teacher Tom has made rapid progress his studies A For at B Of for C By on D With in 2 The children are interested this subject A to B with C in D at 3 His mother often helps him English so he does better English than others A with in B on in C in with D with at 4 I ve lost my interest physics A in B on C at D for 5 He drove away the direction of London A in B at C to D for 6 The letter was written ink A with B in C by D at 26 1 the money she bought a new coat her father A With for B With to C For with D To with 2 Wei Hua gets on well her classmates A with B in C to D at 3 There is something wrong my bike A at B in C on D with 4 They are filling their bags books and other things A in B with C of D by 5


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