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EPC 工程总承包合同实施细则 中英文 DETAILED RULES OF EXECUTION OF EPC Table of Content 目录 1 0 INTRODUCTION 简介 2 0 HEALTH the General Contractor shall fully cooperate and co ordinate with these inspectors and control authorities on the quality of the Works 为确保工作的质量 会派一个代表执行质量检验的工作 也会聘用国内的质量管理单位来 实施质量监管 总包在质量检查方面全面合作和配合他们的工作 Items of work not in accordance with the requirements of this Contract shall be made good by the General Contractor at his own expense until the specified standard is achieved 按照本合同 不符和要求的工作 总包应自行出资改进直到满足既定的标准 5 0 PROGRAMME AND REPORTS 施工组织设计与报告 Programme and weekly reports 施工组织设计与周报告 The General Contractor shall submit to Symantec and Symantec s Project Manager for approval a detailed programme showing his intended method sequence stages and order of proceeding with the Works together with the period of time he has estimated for each and every such stage of progress The programme and method statement are to be submitted with the Tender provision and approval of such a programme will be a condition precedent to the acceptance of a Tender G and 熟练自身工作 有经验及有领导能力并能对相应工程给予正确指导的技术及管理人员 及 b Such skilled semi skilled and unskilled labour as is necessary for the proper and timely execution and maintenance of the Works 正确并准时执行和维护本工程所需的技工 半技工和不熟练的工人 Symantec shall be at liberty to object to and require the General Contractor and any Sub Contractor to remove forthwith from the Works any person employed by the General Contractor or by a Sub Contractor who in the opinion of Symantec misconducts itself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties or whose employment is otherwise considered by Symantec to be undesirable and such person shall not be again employed upon the Works without the written permission of Symantec 有权反对及要求承包方及任何分包人调离渎职或不称职或疏忽大意或 认为其雇用是不恰当 的人员 未有 书面准许 不可再用此等人员 Any person so removed from the Works shall be replaced as soon as possible by a competent substitute approved by Symantec 任何人员调离后 必须尽快由得到 批准认可的称职人员替代 The General Contractor s Project Manger shall be approved by Symantec through Symantec s Project Manager 总包方的项目经理的人选须经 的项目管理公司报 批准 Keep a competent Project Manager and General Foreman literate in Chinese and English capable of speaking Putonghua and English constantly on the Works 总承包方须时刻在工地留有一名称职的项目经理和工地总管 具有中英文读写能力 并会 流利使用普通话和英语 Workmen living on site 在工地住宿的工人 No workmen shall be allowed to live on the site within the site safe zone and will only be allowed to live adjacent to the zone with the express permission of CDHT and Symantec through Symantec s Project Manager 任何工人均不允许在现场安全区内住宿 仅在得到成都高新区和和 xxxx 通过其项目管理公 司表示的同意之后才允许在安全区附近住宿 Watching 看守 Keep efficient trained and sober watchmen on duty to guard and watch the Works day and night 24 hours and provide all necessary temporary lighting guards accommodation barriers and all safeguards for the prevention of fire accidents and losses 保证得力和清醒的看守负责日夜 24 小时 守卫和看管 并提供一切所需的临时照明 住 宿 栅栏和防护装置以防火灾 意外和损失 The General Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety from damage or theft of all materials plant machinery tools and scaffolding and also for all contractors fixed and unfixed materials goods etc delivered to site 总包方对工地上所有工程 物料 机械 工具和脚手架等的损坏或失窃负全责 并且须对 所有承包方的安装和未安装以及运送到工地的材料 物料负责 Protection and cleaning of all trades 所有工程项目的保护和清洁 The General Contractor is to amply protect all finished Works including electrical and sanitary fittings built in fixtures metal work glass tiles and other wall and floor finishing and will be responsible for any damage caused by carelessness and negligence in this respect 总包方须细心保护所完成的工作 包括电气和卫生器具 嵌入设施 金属工程 玻璃 瓷 砖 墙面和地板 并且须负责因疏忽导致的任何损失 Protection and cleaning of all works 所有工作的保护和清洁 Regularly during the works and on the completion of the Works the GC shall 在工作中和工作完工之后 总包方应 a Clean up after all trades and remove all marks stains finger prints and other soil or dirt from all finished surfaces ease and adjust all doors windows drawers etc check and oil all hardware cut out cracks in plastering and make good clean all wall linings floors and glass inside and out touch up all painted and polished work and clean out all gutters and channels 清理所有工程项目 并从完工的表面除去一切标志 指纹 污迹和其他的油污和脏物 挪 动和调整门窗 抽屉等 检查并润滑五金器具 切开开裂的抹灰层并对其进行修补 清扫 墙面 地板 以及室内外的玻璃 修饰所有油漆和打磨工程并清理所有的沟渠和下水道 b Clean surface of work to normal clean condition expected for a International Grade A facility with a well thought out building cleaning and maintenance program Comply with all manufacturers instructions for cleaning operations Following are examples but not by way of limitation of cleaning levels required 工作面清理符合优质工程清洁维护所期望的正常清洁标准并期望达到国际 A 级标准 遵守 产品生产厂商的的清洁要求 以下仅为几个例子 不做为对清洁标准的限制 1 Remove labels which are not required as permanent labels 清除所有临时的商标 标 签 2 Clean transparent materials including mirrors and window door glass to a polished condition removing substances which are noticeable as vision obscuring materials Replace broken glass and damaged transparent materials 对透明材料进行清洁 使镜子 门窗的玻璃光亮 擦掉可以看到的污物 对打破的玻璃和 透明材料进行更换 3 Clean exposed exterior and interior hard surfaced finishes to a dirt free condition free of dust stains films and similar noticeable distracting substances Except as otherwise indicated avoid disturbance of natural weathering of exterior surfaces Restore reflective surfaces to original reflective condition 对暴露的室内外硬装饰面进行清洁 达到无灰 无污物状态 彻底清理任何的包装膜等能 看到的东西 除另有说明外 须避免室外饰面受到自然气候的损坏 将反光面复原到原来 的反光状态 4 Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment clean including elevator equipment and similar equipment remove excess lubrication and other substances 擦拭干净包括升降机和类似的设备机械和电气设备的表面 清理多余的润滑油等物质 5 Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces including roofs plenums shafts trenches equipment vaults manholes attics and similar spaces 清理任何狭窄空间内的废屑和浮灰 包括屋顶 吊顶空间 管道井 设备间 人孔 阁楼 以及类似的空间 6 Clean concrete floors in non occupied spaces broom clean 用扫帚对不使用空间的混凝土地面进行清扫 7 Vacuum clean completed surfaces and similar soft surfaces 用吸尘器对完工的饰面的或类似的柔软装饰面进行清洁 8 Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition free of stains including those resulting from water exposure 清洁上下水设备达到卫生标准 包括清除任何锈迹和水渍 9 Clean light fixtures diffusers and lamps so as to function with full efficiency and are free of dust scratches dirt and marks of any kind 清理灯具 灯盘和灯泡达到无尘 无划痕和无其它标识的目的 以满足其高效运行目的 10 Clean Site including landscape development areas of litter and foreign substances Sweep paved areas to a broom clean condition remove stains petro chemical spills and other foreign deposits 对现场以绿化区域内的垃圾和外来的杂物进行清理 打扫铺设的路面 清除任何污迹 油 迹和外来的垃圾 c Except as otherwise indicated or requested by Owner remove temporary protection devices and facilities which were installed during course of work to protect previously completed work during remainder of construction period 除业主另有指示或要求 须清理在施工期间为保护已完成的工作部分安装的的临时保护措 施 d Clear away from the Site all plant surplus building materials earth and rubbish and leave the premises clean and fit for occupation to the entire satisfaction of Symantec 清理和移走现场所有的机械 设备 多余的建材 泥土 垃圾 对场地进行清洁 达到 xxxx 满意的使用和入住条件 Fire protection 火灾的预防 The Works shall be kept free from fire hazard and the General Contractor shall take all possible precautions and provide all necessary temporary fire fighting equipment and properly trained staff including the provision of 24 hour fire marshals 工程应防止火灾的危险 总承包方须采取一切可能的预防措施及提供一切必需的灭火设备 及受过训练的员工来防止可能在 24 小时内出现的火情 Damage by erosion 腐蚀的损害 Please refer to LEED Contractor Package 请参见 LEED 专业文件 Precautionary Works in case of typhoon or heavy rain 台风和暴雨的预防 The GC shall monitor weather forecasts and take all necessary measure to avoid damage and loss to the people and property as a result of bad weather 总包方应注意天气变化并尽一切所能防止由于恶劣天气带来的人员和财产损失 Clearing away rubbish during the progress of the works 在工程进行期间清除垃圾 The General Contractor shall remove all rubbish crates wrappings surplus materials etc from the Site as soon as is possible and at frequent intervals during the progress of the Works so as to maintain unhindered access to and easy inspection of all work The General Contractor shall construct rubbish chutes connected to all floors and shall provide proper bulk bins of adequate size at the Site for storage of rubbish which shall be removed to disposal grounds in accordance with the regulations of any Authority having jurisdiction with regard to the Works 在工程进行期间 总包方须尽快并经常地从工地上清除一切垃圾 不用的支撑 板条箱 包装材料 多余物料等 使之不阻碍工程通道并方便对工作的检查 总包方须搭设连接到 地面的垃圾倾泻槽 串桶并且须提供大型的垃圾箱并遵从当地相关部门指示将垃圾运到垃圾 处理厂 If in the Symantec through Symantec s Project Manager s opinion the General Contractor fails to provide the proper bulk bins or remove rubbish from the Site Symantec reserves the right to employ outside labour to remove rubbish and deduct all costs and expenses incurred fr


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