1 ModuleModule 4 4 LanguagesLanguages ofof thethe WorldWorld 话题导入话题导入 语言是人类特有的和最重要的交流工具 是人类区别于动物的重要标志之一 也是人 类划分为不同民族的主要依据 语言同民族的关系十分密切 它是民族的四要素之一 背景知识背景知识 英语是怎样成为世界通用语言的 英语是怎样成为世界通用语言的 一百多年前 一位波兰人以超人的智慧和满腔的热情发明了超越民族界线的世界通用 语言 世界语 希望世界上的各民族将来使用同一种语言 促进各民族的文化和经济交 流 消除民族间的猜疑和敌意 实现和保持地球上各善良民族渴望的和平 一百多年过去 了 世界语没有成为世界通用的语言 甚至被人遗忘 与此形成对照 一个曾经是民族语 言的英语却被越来越多的国家和人民使用 在国际间的经济 文化 学术 军事和政治交 流中成为通用的语言 在今天 世界上以英语为母语的国家有十余个 包括美国 加拿大 英国 爱尔兰 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非和几个加勒比国家 以英语为官方语言的国家超 过七十个 其中包括尼日利亚 加纳 印度和新加坡 这个数字目前还在增加 如 1996 年 卢旺达宣布给予英语国家官方语言地位 在各国的外语教学中 英语享有的优先地位超过 法语 德语 俄语 西班牙语和汉语 在 100 多个国家中 英语被列为外语教学中的第一 外语 还有更多的国家准备将英语列为外语教学中的第一外语 一个具有象征意义的例子 是 1996 年 曾为法国殖民地的阿尔及利亚开始用英语取代法语作为外语教学中的第一外 语 据统计 90 年代后期世界上有近四分之一的人口 即 12 至 15 亿人能讲流利的英语或 能熟练使用英语 这个数字超过了中国 11 亿能使用汉语的人口数字 现在 在世界五大洲 均有讲英语的国家和人民 在国际交往中 英语的地位更是其他语言望尘莫及的 英语正 在成为或已经成为世界通用的语言 引入型阅读引入型阅读 Endangered languages What is an endangered language Endangered languages are languages that are on the brink of extinction much like endangered species of plants or animals Languages are considered to be nearly extinct when only a few elderly speakers are still living The world faces enormous challenges in maintaining language diversity 多样性 Of the more than 6800 languages half may be in danger of disappearing in the next several decades And at least 10 of the world s living languages are now spoken by fewer than 100 people Why do languages die Some of the forces that contribute to language loss are the impact of urbanization 都市化 Westernization global communication discrimination war disease hunger and population movements These forces diminish the self sufficiency 自负 and self confidence of small and traditional communities As a result parents do not pass their language to their children because they feel that speaking the majority language better equips their children for success in the majority culture than speaking their own language Why try to preserve endangered languages Wouldn t the world be simpler if there were fewer languages Why care if languages die out The truth is that a people s identity and culture are closely tied to their language Each language is unique No one knows what riches may be hidden within an endangered language We may never learn about the cultures whose languages have disappeared We all share the responsibility of ensuring that no language will disappear and that as many 2 languages as possible will be maintained and handed to future generations Fill in the blanks 1 The world now has languages of which are in danger and at least of them only have less than native speakers 答案 答案 1 more than 6800 half 10 100 2 Urbanization Westernization global communication war and population movements lead to the disappearing of languages 答案 答案 discrimination disease hunger 3 We can learn about a and through its language 答案 答案 people s identity culture 课前导引课前导引 一 词汇扫描一 词汇扫描 根据句意及各题后括号中所给的汉语意思 从下面的方框中选择合适的单词或词组 用其适当形式填空 digest crafty infect definition affectation inquiry extract distort enthusiasm expand 1 The announcement was so 使失真 that I couldn t understand what was said 2 His little 装模作样 irritated her 3 In answer to your recent 询问 the book you mention is not in stock 4 The proposal aroused little 热情 热心 in the group 5 Have you 理解 吃透 the report yet 6 She 摘录 passages for the students to translate 7 释义 should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define 8 Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter 感染 影响 the whole class 9 He s a 精明的 old fox 10 Why don t you 扩大 发展 your story into a novel 答案 答案 1 distorted 2 affectation 3 inquiry 4 enthusiasm 5 digested 6 extracted 7 Definitions 8 infected 9 crafty 10 expand 二 句型聚焦二 句型聚焦 观察下列句子 试着归纳其画线部分所包含的句型结构 1 It is estimated that more than 375 million people speak English as a first language with possibly another 375 million speaking it as a second language 答案 答案 with n pron 宾语补足语 2 As well as in Spain Spanish is spoken in almost every country in Latin America 答案 答案 as well as 3 Russian is not only spoken in Russia but also in nearby countries such as Belarus Kazakhstan and Ukraine 3 答案 答案 not only but also 不但 而且 连结两个并列成份 4 No matter how many adults use the language if it isn t passed to the next generation it cannot survive 答案答案 FF1A No matter 疑问词 引导让步状语从句 三 语法平台三 语法平台 观察下列句子中的画线部分并将其译成汉语 1
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