2011高中英语 ModuLe 6 TheInternetandTelecommunications学案 外研版必修1_第1页
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用心 爱心 专心 1 ModuLeModuLe 6 6 TheInternetandTelecommunicationsTheInternetandTelecommunications 学案学案 外研版必修外研版必修 1 1 因特网和电信因特网和电信 核心词汇核心词汇 1 Doctors are aiming to 集中 more on prevention than cure 2 It s impossible for me to give you a 明确的 answer 3 These exercises are 设计 to strengthen muscles 4 The thieves stole a purse 包含 banknotes 5 接近 to the papers is restricted to senior management 6 Always carry a phone with you in case you have a 故障 on the motorway 7 The main 缺点 of the material is that it fades in strong sunlight 8 Now that my sons are becoming more 独立 I have more time for myself 9 Thomas Edison was a great He a lot of things in his life and his changed the way people lived invent 10 is very important for a country s progress So we should educate the students to be able to in the future though the process is not easy create 1 Concentrate 2 definite 3 designed 4 containing 5 Access 6 breakdown 7 disadvantage 8 independent 9 inventor invented inventions 10 Creation create creative 高频短语高频短语 1 注册 注销 2 由 组成 3 也 4 作为 而出名 被称 为 叫作 5 下降 6 提出 7 从那时起 8 聚精会神 集中思想 9 与 相比 10 一系列的 1 log on off 2 consist of 3 as well 4 become known as 5 go down e up with 7 from that moment on 8 concentrate on pared with 10 a series of 重点句式重点句式 1 then became possible for universities the system 后来各大学也能使用这一系统 2 The World Wide Web the web is a computer network allows computer users from millions of websites the Internet 用心 爱心 专心 2 万维网是一种能够使电脑用户通过因特网从众多网站获取信息的电脑网络 3 Berners Lee made possible for everyone 贝尔纳斯 李使任何人 而不仅仅是大学和军队 使用因特网成为了可能 4 the total population of China the Internet 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan 与美国上网人数的 45 及日本的 15 相比 中国总人口的 2 上网 5 If you need any help to call us 如果你需要帮助 马上给我们打电话 6 Text messages are a mobile phone and you can make it the words that you use 发短信比用手机打电话便宜得多 并且通过缩短你用的词可以使它更便宜 1 It to use as well 2 that to access information via 3 it to use the Internet not just universities and the army 4 Two percent of have access to compared with 5 don t hesitate 6 much cheaper than talking on even cheaper by shortening 知识详解知识详解 contain vt 包含 包括 里面装有 含有 忍住 抑制 回归课本 P51 A CD ROM is a separate disk that contains lots of information CD ROM 是一个包含了很多信息的单独的磁盘 contain oneself 自制 be contained between 包含于 间 夹 在 间 container n 容器 集装箱 归纳总结 2010 年高考陕西卷 Many spam e mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company 很多垃圾邮件包含有计算机病毒 它能使一个公司的整个网络关闭 He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself 他激动得不能自已 The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world which contains a lot of fruit and vegetables 中国饮食被认为是世界上最健康的 里面含有 大量的水果和蔬菜 例句探源 contain include 1 contain 通常用来指某个容器中盛有某物 装有某物 还指某种物质中含有某成分或含有 其他物质 指作为组成部分而被 包含 或 容纳 在内 2 include 通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内 在句中常以 sth included 或 including sth 形式出现 易混辨析 How much water does this bottle contain Everyone here including old people took part in the fight against the flood You are included among my friends 即境活用 1 He was worried because he lost his bag his passport ID card and a 用心 爱心 专心 3 lot of money A included B including C contained D containing 解析 选 D contain 装有 与 bag 构成逻辑上的主谓关系 因此用 containing 句意 他很担心 因为他丢了装有护照 身份证和一大笔钱的包 2 Little Johnny felt the bag curious to know what it A collected B contained C loaded D saved 解析 选 B 句意 小 Johnny 摸了一下袋子 想知道里面装着什么东西 collect 收集 搜 集 contain 含有 装有 load 装载 save 节省 access n 接近 通路 接近 或进入 的方法 到达 或进入 使用 走访 的权利 或机会 vt 存 数据 取 数据 存取 访问 接近 使用 回归课本 P52 to access information from millions of websites via the Internet 通过因特网从数以百万的网站上获取信息 access to 接近 的机会 进入 的权利 have get gain obtain access to 得以接近 得以会见 得以进入 accessible adj 可到达的 可进入的 可理解的 be accessible to 易接近的 能进入的 可以理解的 注意 以上 to 为介词 后接名词 动名词 归纳总结 Across the world 1 1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water 全世界有 11 亿人无法获取干净的饮用水 The only access to that cottage is across the farmland 到达农舍的唯一通路是穿过农田 The Internet allows computer users to access information needed from the web 因特网使得计算机用户可以到网站上去获取所需信息 A manager should be accessible to his staff 经理应该让职员感到平易近人 例句探源 3 2009 年高考浙江卷 The system has been designed to give students quick and easy to the digital resources of the library A access B passage C way D approach 解析 选 A 句意是 这个系统是用来让学生更快更容易地使用图书室的数据资源 此句要 用 access 构成 give sb access to 短语 意为 使某人使用 passage 通过 通道 approach 接近 通道 即境活用 4 2009 年高考江西卷 Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be to the kids A accessible B relative C acceptable D sensitive 解析 选 A 句意是 弗兰克把药放在了最高层的抽屉中 是为了确保它不被孩子接触到 用心 爱心 专心 4 此句要用 accessible 表示 容易取得的 容易接近的 relative 相关的 acceptable 可 接受的 sensitive 敏感的 design vt vi 设计 构思 计划 谋划 n 计划 企图 设计 意图 构思 回归课本 P52 He designed the first web browser which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers 他设计了第一个 网络浏览器 可以让电脑用户从其他电脑上获取文件 归纳总结 design for 为 设计 为 拟定 be designed for to do sth 打算给 用的 目的是 by design 有意地 故意地 We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier 我们设计的所有银行卡都可以让你的生活更加便捷 The law was designed to protect abandoned children 这项法律旨在保护被遗弃的儿童 This kind of dictionary is designed for English beginners 这种字典是打算给英语初学者使用的 例句探源 I don t know whether they did it by accident or by design 我不知道他们这样做是偶然地 还是故意地 Looking forward to receiving your creative designs 期待收到大家有创意的设计 5 These exercises are develop and strengthen muscles so we all like to do A designed for B designing to C designed to D designing for 解析 选 C 由题干可知 design 与主语之间是动宾关系 所以排除 B D 两项 又因为 develop 为动词原形 排除 A 项 正确答案为 C 即境活用 6 Scientists have developed a new system to give a warning seconds before an earthquake A having been designed B designed C to design D designing 解析 选 B 句意是 科学家们已开发出一个新的系统 这个系统被设计成在地震发生前几 秒发出警报 此句要用过去分词形式 designed 作后置定语修饰 system 表示 被设计用 来 concentrate v 集中 注意力 思想等 集中于一点 汇合 回归课本 P54 Concentrate on the good things about the Internet 关注网上的好东西 concentrate on upon sth 集中精力于 全神贯注于 concentrate one s attention efforts on 把注意力 精力 集中于 concentrate oneself on 集中精力于 concentration n 专心 专注 集中 汇集 用心 爱心 专心 5 with concentration 聚精会神 concentrated adj 专心致志的 紧张的 密集的 归纳总结 I can t concentrate on my studies with the football match on 足球赛在进行 我无法专注地学习 A driver should concentrate on the road when driving 开车时驾驶员的注意力应集中在路上 He should concentrate on getting good results in mathematics 他应该集中精力提高数学成绩 牛津 P407 In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles s reign 这一节课我将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时期 例句探源 7 As a senior high student I think you should your attention on your skills of learning A spend B pay C use D concentrate 解析 选 D 考查动词辨析 spend on 花费 在 不合句意 pay attention 后接介词 to 而不是 on use 无此搭配 concentrate on 集中注意力于 即境活用 consist of 由 组成 通常不用进行时及被动语态 回归课本 P52 It consists of millions of pages of data 它是由几百万页数据资料组成的 归纳总结 Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times 生活中不仅有阳光 还有艰难困苦的时候 The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings 威尼斯的美很大程度上在于城中古建筑物的风格 例句探源 8 用适当的介词填空 1 The true wealth does not consist what we have but what we are 答案 in in 2 The United Nations Organisation consists over 160 nations 答案 of 3 His actions don t consist his words 答案 with 即境活用 as well 也 另外 而且 回归课本 P52 It then became possible for universities to use the system as well 然后 大学使用这种系统也成为可能 归纳总结 as well as 意为 和 同 连接并列主语时 谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致 还可表示 和 一样好 as well 常用于肯定句句末 表示 还 也 等意思 may might as 用心 爱心 专心 6 well 表示请求 建议 might 比 may 语气更委婉 意思是 最好 何不 不妨 等 We re going to the cinema tonight why don t you come along as well 我们今晚去看电影 你为什么不一起去 Of course I ll do some reading for fun and for knowledge as well 当然 我会读些书 为了消遣 也为了获取知识 2009 年高考重庆卷 Science can be a force for evil as well as for good 科学可以成为善的推动力 也可以成为恶的推动力 例句探源 9 the danger from another attack of earthquake people had to overcome a shortage of food drinking water medicine clothing and almost everything A As far as B As well as C As bad as D As much as 解析 选 B 句意 人们要克服的困难既包括食物 饮用水 药品 衣物等短缺 还包括再 一次地震的危险 as well as 除 之外也 即境活用 come up with 提出 想出 计划 方案等 赶上 回归课本 P52 He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland 1989 年他在瑞士工作时 提出了万维网的构想 come across 偶遇 偶然发现 come true 实现 come out 出版 出来 come about 发生 come to 来到 某地 加起来总共 恢复知觉 come up 走近 走上前 上楼 上来 从土 中 长出 被提出 被提及 when it comes to 涉及 谈到 归纳总结 You can always trust him to come up with a solution to any difficult problem 你可以一直相信他能想出任何难题的解决方法 The bus came up with the truck and tried to pass it 那辆公共汽车赶上了那辆货车并试图超过它 The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club 你首先应该构思一下你的俱乐部大致是什么样 例句探源 10 Have you some new ideas Yeah I ll tell you later A come about B come into C come up with D come out with 解析 选 C 句意 你提出了什么新想法吗 噢 以后我会告诉你的 come about 发生 come into 进入 加入 come up with 提出 come out with 发表 公布 根据句意 应为 提出 故选 C 即境活用 11 Don t bother me I m thinking of something I know you want to some topics for your project but you should have 用心 爱心 专心 7 a rest first A think B put up C come up with D turn up 解析 选 C think 后加 of out 表示 想出 想到 put up 举起 搭起 come up with 想出 提出 turn up 出现 根据句意 可知 C 项为正确答案 句型梳理句型梳理 教材原句 Berners Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet not just universities and the army P52 贝尔纳斯 李让每个人都能使用因特网成为可能 而不仅仅是大学和军队 句法分析 made it possible 属于 make 宾语 宾补 其中的宾补由名词 形容词 省略 to 的动词不定式和过去分词充当 如果宾语是不定式或宾语从句时 要用 it 作形式宾 语 把不定式和宾语从句放到句末 We must make it clear to the public that something should be done to stop pollution 我们必须使公众明白应该采取措施制止污染 I made it a rule to walk 2 kilometers a day 我固定每天步行两公里路 We thought it wrong that the child should be left alone in the house 我们认为把孩子独自一个人留在家里是不对的 I consider it no use quarrelling with him about it 我认为和他争吵这件事情是没用的 You must keep it in mind that you are a student and you should obey the school rules 你一定要记住 你是一个学生 应该遵守学校的规定 12 2010 年高考辽宁卷 The fact that she was foreign made difficult for her to get a job in that country A so B much C that D it 解析 选 D 句意 她是外国人这个事实使她很难在那个国家找到工作 it 作 make 的形式 宾语 不定式是真正的宾语 即境活用 教材原句 Our English teacher is excellent but she can t help everyone in the class in 50 minutes P56 我们的英语老师非常优秀 但她不能在 50 分钟内帮助每一个人 句法分析 1 有些表示全体意义的词与 not 连用表示部分否定 如代词 all both 以 及 all both whole every 所修饰的名词词组 包括 every 所构成的复合代词 2 有些副词如 altogether always entirely wholly quite 等 以及含有 all both whole every 等的副词词性的词组 在句中作状语 若句中含有 not 则本句 表示部分否定 而非全部否定 3 若句中有 none neither no never 时则表示全部否定 All that glitters is not gold 谚 闪光的未必都是金子 Both of the sisters don t like the film 姐妹俩并非都喜欢这部电影 Not everything went well with me 我并非事事都顺利 用心 爱心 专心 8 The rich men are not always happy 有钱的人并非总是幸福 None of the books are useful 这些书都没用 Neither of them can speak English 他们俩都不会讲英语 13 Which of the two computer games did you prefer Actually I didn t like A both of them B either of them C none of them D neither of them 解析 选 B 句意 这两个电子游戏你更喜欢哪一个 实际上我两个都不喜欢 not either 两者都不 是全部否定 相当于 neither not both 两个并不 都是 是半否定 不合语境 none 指代三者及以上 和第一句中的 the two computer games 相矛盾 D 项意思相反 即境活用 14 It was hard for him to learn English in a family in which of the parents spoke the language A none B neither C both D each 解析 选 B 句意 他在这样一个家庭里学习英语很难 因为在这个家庭里父母双方都不说 英语 根据题干中的 the parents 可排除 A 项 三者或三者以上都不 C 项指 两者都 D 项指 两者或两者以上每个人 物 由于 C D 两项都表肯定意思 也被排除 neither 指 两个都不 作文指导作文指导 并列句 什么是并列句 并列句由两个或两个以上的简单句构成 这些简单句通过并列连词或表并列关系的副词连接 有时也可以用分号连接 它们在整个句子中的地位是平等的 没有主从之分 互不依从 主要并列关系 并列句一般由三种方式连接而成 连词 连接副词和分号 一般来说 只有当两个分句之间 的关系比较明确时 才会只用分号 不用连词 连接 而大多数情况下都需要使用并列连词或 副词进


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