



学园乐英语培训中心 看听学 Christine 形容词性物主代词 同学们 你们在使用形容词性物主代词时 必须做到 两个三 I 三注意三注意 1 形容词性物主代词与形容词一起修饰名词时 其顺序是 形容词性物主代词 形 容词 名词 如 my new bike 我的新自行车 her young son 她年幼的儿子 2 形容词性物主代词所修饰的名词可以是单数 也可以是复数 如 my pen 我的钢笔 his books 他的书 3 在汉语中 形容词性物主代词有时可以省略 而在英语中则不能省略 如 We are doing our homework 我们正在做作业 our 不能省略 He has a ball in his hand 他手里有一个球 his 不能省略 II 三不准三不准 1 形容词性物主代词不能单独使用 它后面必须跟名词 即在名词前作定语 如 这是我的钢笔 误 This pen is my 正 This is my pen 学园乐英语培训中心 看听学 Christine 2 当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时 不能再用冠词 a an 或 the 来修饰名词 如 那是我的自行车 误 That is my a bike That is a my bike 正 That is my bike 3 当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时 不能再用指示代词 this that these 或 those 来修饰名词 如 他们的电脑在这儿 误 Their those computers are here 或 Those their computers are here 正 Their computers are here 同学们 学会了这 两个三 形容词性物主代词就不会用错了 形容词性物主代词及人称代词的练习题 一 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 is a boy Do you know name he 2 is a parrot name is Leo it 3 father is an English teacher is my friend name is Kitty she 4 Lily and are in the same class number is eleven I 5 Where is teacher do know you 6 Are Japanese friends No aren t they 学园乐英语培训中心 看听学 Christine 7 This is a cat but I don t know name 8 I m a Chinese boy name is Ma Weiping 9 Look at that man Can you spell name 10 I know that woman bike is very old 11 Mr Ye is not here Where s 12 What is this in English Is a dog 13 Are Mrs Read Sorry am Mr Black 14 Excuse is a Japanese car 15 are a new student 学生 What s name 16 Hi Jack This is friend name is Sam 17 This is not desk My desk is over there 18 Can you spell name Harry Sorry 19 Tom and Jack are brothers This is room 20 We are in the same class classroom is very nice 21 Mrs Green is my teacher I m student 22 Tom is in the room This is pencil box 23 Mike is this picture Yes it is 24 Can we put coats here Yes you can 25 Mum they are classmates Rose and brother David 26 Jack where are socks 二 人称和物主代词专练 1 你 I don t know what s name can tell me 学园乐英语培训中心 看听学 Christine Look at that picture Is that and father 2 我 These are boxes put them over there Jack and are good friends English name is kitty 3 他 is an American boy and is a student mother is a Chinese woman but father is an American man 4 她 I have a good friend name is Lucy is twelve and I are in the same class parrot is very nice 5 它 What is name is MiMi What s seven plus six is thirteen 6 你们 Are names Lucy and Lily Yes we are Are twins Yes are right 7 我们 Are all here


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