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1、国家开放大学管理英语2边学边练参考答案Unit 1 Building RelationshipsListening and Speaking 1听一听Melinda和 George关于招聘秘书岗位基本要求的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。Qiaoxiang Community Service Center is going to launch a physical exam program for the staff this year. On behalf of the Community Service Center, Melinda will discuss the matter w

2、ith John, who is the representative of Sunshine Medical Center.Melinda: Hello, I'm Melinda, from the(Administration)Department of Qiaoxiang Community Service Center. Nice to meet you!John: Hi, I'm John Waters, the representative of Sunshine Medical Center. Nice to meet you too!Melinda: Our c

3、enter is going to launch a physical exam program for the staff this year. We've(heard)very much about your good services.John: It's a great(honor)for us to have the chance to work with you. Our center will try our best to(provide)good service for your center.Melinda: Could you suggest what p

4、hysical exams we need to(consider)?John: The physical should include examination of the heart and(Stomach)as well as X-rays.Melinda: What else should we consider?John: It also could include a look at the lungs, blood pressure and blood(sugar).Melinda: Do you have any suggestions before our staff hav

5、e their physical exams in your center?John: Well, we will(prepare)a notice for everyone before they have the exam in our center.Melinda: That would be helpful. Thank you very much. Then how about the price for each person .Listening and Speaking 2复习一下刚才学习过的材料,看看能不能针对以下问题选出最佳答案。1. Melinda and her col

6、leagues will send thank-you cards to their business partners .A.to celebrate the New YearB.to express thanks for their cooperationC.to apologize for their carelessness2. How do the colleagues react to sending cards?A.They agree with Melinda's idea.B.They don't care at all.C.They disagree wit

7、h Melinda's idea.3. The task of sending thank-you cards is .A.stressful and tiringB.very interestingC.quite relaxing4. What information does Melinda want to know first when they decide to send cards?A.The numbers of the enterprises and organizations.B.The names of the enterprises and organizatio

8、ns.C.The products of the enterprises and organizations.5. Which statement is NOT true according to the dialog?A.They have already booked some cards.B.Melinda's colleagues will help her.C.Different sentences will be written on each card.6. The working atmosphere in Melinda's office is.A.dullB

9、.excitingC.FriendlyReading 1选词填空,学习关键词汇的用法。turn into deliver considerate emotional mutual1. What he has told us is an(emotional)story.2.Marx was a loving, gentle and(considerate)father.3.One day, our dream will(turn into)reality.4.They soon discovered a(mutual)interest in music.5.John was asked to(d

10、eliver)a speech on the graduation.6.She behaved foolishly but with good(intent).再读一读短文,回答下列问题,看看你对文章了解了多少。1. Information can be presented_through poor communication.A.exactly and clearlyB.wrong and discouraginglyC.understandingly and correctly2. What are the incorrect steps for good communication sk

11、ills?A.Go on talking without stopping to listen to others.B.Know the content and the way of communication.C.Listen carefully and get to understand each other.3. Which is the proper way of communication when you finish your talking?A.Try to argue with your partner.B.Wait for your partner's opinio

12、ns and understanding.C.Present more information to your partner.4. When you face different suggestions, you should do the following things EXCEPT_.A.considering and appreciating different opinionsB.refusing any changesC.being open-minded to different views5. Which of the following statements is TRUE

13、?A.Before speaking you need take time to consider your position.B.Don't pay much attention to others'body language.C.Open-mindedness will not gain you more understanding and cooperation.Reading 2再读一读上面的文章,看看下面的表述是否正确。1.The only way to build a good relationship is by understanding its feature

14、s.(×)2.In a good relationship, if one side is willing to change, then their relationship will be perfect.(×)3.In a good relationship, both sides admit the faults they make and correct them together.()4.In a good relationship, both sides are willing to understand their partner's positio

15、n after trying to be understood.(×)5.Changing others is as difficult as changing oneself.(×)6.If you want to have a good relationship with your partner, you should start with changing yourself first.()Writing回想一下生活或者学习中,谁帮助、关心和支持过你,你最想感谢谁呢?为他她写一封感谢信吧。Dear(Smith),I am writing to extend my s

16、incere gratitude for(taking such good care of me) (感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in(to give me academic guidance) (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been(without what I've achieved)(没有对方帮助时的后果).Every one agrees that it was you who(a loving teacher)(给出细节).Again, I would like t

17、o express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely(此处换为自己真实姓名的拼音)(你的姓名)Unit 2Recruiting EmployeesListening and Speaking 1听一听Melinda和 George关于招聘秘书岗位基本要求的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。1. Which department wants to recruit a secretary?A.The Marketing Department.B.The Human Resources Departm

18、ent.C.The Accounting Department.2. What qualification does Melinda put as the first requirement for a good secretary?A.Interest.B.Hard work.C.Degree.3. George thinks the following skills should be taken into account for a good secretary EXCEPT _.A.communication skillsB.organization skillsC.finance m

19、anagement skills4. What does George think is the first impression people have of the company?A.The secretary's ability.B.The secretary's family background.C.The secretary's professional demeanor.5. What will Melinda do after the conversation?A.Go over interview questions.B.Prepare a recr

20、uitment advertisement.C.Telephone all candidates for the interview.Listening and Speaking 2听一听Melinda和 George关于招聘秘书岗位基本要求的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。Melinda is talking with Helen about selecting candidates for interview.Melinda: Helen, how many candidates have(submitted)their résumés?Helen: There&#

21、39;re 20 altogether. Anything wrong?Melinda: Nothing. Today is the deadline for accepting applications. We have to (examine)the résumés and(make a shortlist)so that we can arrange interviews.Helen: Right. Can you(remind)me what we are looking for in applicants?Melinda: Sure. The qualificat

22、ions include a degree, communication skills, computer skills and professional demeanor.Helen: I see. Let's check the applications(one by one). I'll review the first half and you check the second half.Melinda: OK.Helen: There're five qualified résumés here in my pile. What did y

23、ou get?Melinda: I've got five too.Helen: Good. Shall we(inform)the ten candidates to(prepare for)an interview?Melinda: Yes. You call to tell them(when and where)to have the interviews. I'll prepare for them.Helen: OK. Let's do it.Reading 1复习一下刚才学习过的材料,看看能不能针对以下问题选出最佳答案。1. Why does the wr

24、iter say hiring the right employee is a challenging process for a company?A.Because it costs a lot of money.B.Because it provides many chances for the employees.C.Because it can make or break a business.2. How can an advertisement be more effective to attract most suited candidates?A.It offers candi

25、dates a high salary.B.It gives candidates a clear job description.C.It guarantees recruitment to all candidates.3. The “candidate profile” in Para. 4 may include the following EXCEPT_.A.the most relevant experienceB.the most important skillsC.the most interesting pictures4. What is true about the pu

26、rpose of background checking?A.It helps know every candidate's family background.B.It helps improve all candidates'quality.C.It helps confirm information found in an employment application.5. What's the theme of the passage?A.Hiring the right Employee.B.Importance of Employee Recruitment

27、.C.Benefits of Hiring the Right Employees.匹配题词义匹配,熟悉招聘的相关词汇。candidate profile(求职者简况)offer letter(录用通知函)job analysis(职位分析)background checking(背景审核)job description(岗位描述)Reading 2再读一读上面的文章,看看下面的表述是否正确。1.This passage tells applicants how to relieve tension in an interview.()2.The author thinks you can&#

28、39;t be employed if you just get 85 in an interview.(×)3.You will succeed in an interview only if you imagine success.(×)4.Taking a deep breath is an effective way to lower anxiety.()5.Failure in this interview will win you another chance for a better job.(×)匹配题汉译英。控制焦虑(keep anxiety u

29、nder control)熟能生巧(Practice makes perfect)降低焦虑程度(lower levels of anxiety)想象成功的画面(visualize success)克制激发焦虑的思绪(counter anxiety-provoking thoughts)制定有效的对策(develop effective countermeasures)Unit 3Training StaffListening and Speaking 1再听一听他们的谈话,选择正确的词填空。Melinda:Mike, our department will hold(an on-the-job

30、 training)session. Shall we discuss the budget now?Mike:Yes. How much have you(budgeted)for it?Melinda:In total, it should be about 15,000 RMB for(the three-day training).Mike:Could you tell me exactly where the money is going?Melinda:Of course. The wages of a trainer and his assistant trainer are(8

31、,500RMB).Mike:That's reasonable. Which of our staff will be eligible to attend?Melinda:All staff members(are required to)attend it.Mike:How about the fees?Melinda:A(medium-sized)conference room will cost 3,600 RMB for three days.Mike:What else?Melinda:I have budgeted 25 RMB per person per day fo

32、r(food expenses). That total is another 1,500 RMB. And for training materials, I have estimated about 400 RMB.Mike:Well, where is the rest of the money?Melinda:That's my buffer I wanted to leave(a little room)in the budget, just in case.Listening and Speaking 2在听对话之前,请排序,了解岗位培训计划的实施步骤。A. Learnin

33、g StyleB. BudgetC. Communication of TrainingD. Learning ObjectivesE. Measuring EffectivenessF. Needs AssessmentG. Delivery StyleH. Content Development(F) (D) (A)Delivery Mode(B)(G)Audience Consideration (H)Time lines(C)(E)再听一遍短文,选择听到的内容,学习交流培训的效果。1.Everything is going smoothly.()2.The lessons have g

34、iven them a basis for setting goals for improvement.()3.I cannot take all the credit.()4.Training activities can affect the work attitude of our employees.()5.This is a win-win situation we'd like to encourage.()6.I couldn't agree with you more.()Reading 1再读一读短文,回答下列问题,看看你对文章了解了多少。1. PPHC an

35、d Gooseneck want Elaine and Mark to.A.visit different familiesB.be responsible for the community managementC.make contact with and provide services to new parents2. What degree does Elaine have?A.A physiology degree.B.A sociology degree.C.A psychology degree.3. Which of the following statements is T

36、RUE according to the passage?A.Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training.B.Mark knows his training comes to an end.C.Elaine has done this type of community work before.4. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work?A.He is told his duty and responsibility on his first day at work.B.He

37、is asked to see the families that he is going to provide services.C.He is taken to see the families together with experienced colleagues.5. What is the main idea of the passage?A.The importance of training.B.Elaine's and Mark's work experience.C.Different training ways.Reading 2再读一读上面的文章,看看下

38、面的表述是否正确。1.Cross training is training an employee to do a different job in a different company.(×)2.Cross training is beneficial not only for managers but also for employees.()3.Cross training can apply to almost any position and almost any industry.()4.When you prepare cross training plans, th

39、e only consideration is the company benefits.(×)5.You can decide which employees to be cross trained according to their age. (×)Writing学习了上面的内容,试着将小标题与任职资格中相对应部分进行匹配。A. Skills B. Characteristics C. Experience D. EducationJob QualificationsSubtitles1. Bachelor's degree required.D2. Prio

40、r experience with an HRIS systems Familiarity with federal and state laws.C3.Strong writing and verbal communications skills Excellent interpersonal skills, tact and diplomacy Well-developed organizational and time management skills Proficient in MS Word, Excel and Outlook required.A4.Strong attenti

41、on to detail Ability to prioritize tasks A self-starter, willing to take the initiative A team player as well as able to work independently Ability to work effectively under pressure positive attitude.BUnit 4Planning EventsListening and Speaking 1再听一遍对话,选择合适的答案。1.What event is Melinda going to plan?

42、a.A lecture.b.A wedding.c.A birthday party.2.Who is the event for?a.Experts.b.Children.c. Adults.3.There will be next month according to the dialog.a.World Health Dayb.World Peace Dayc.World Environment Day4.What is going to be the topic for the event?a.Waste sorting.b.Children Protection.c.Water po

43、llution.5.What information is NOT mentioned about the event?a.The date.b.The place.c.The speaker.Listening and Speaking 2再听一遍短文,判断下列说法是否正确。1.They think the 15th anniversary is important.()2.The event will have a topic of life in the past.()3.They will advertise the celebration on TV.(×)4.They h

44、ave some information on the website.(×)5.There isn't any future plan in the celebration.(×)Reading 1再读一读短文,回答下列问题,看看你对文章了解了多少。1.Why does the writer say successful and memorable events don't just happen?a.Because they cost much money.b.Because it is too hard to hold events.c.Because

45、 detailed planning is needed.2.According to the passage, what is the key factor to make your event successful?a.Details.b.Leadership.c.Plenty of planning time.3.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?a.To know your limits means you should know the audience size.b.To ch

46、eck the calendar carefully will avoid time conflicts.c.To know your listeners first helps you plan your event better.4.What does the underlined sentence mean in Para. 3?a.Your target audience may be able to help you with the event you are planning.b.To know your target audience will help you make ot

47、her decisions.c.Format, content, prices, etc. can be decided by your target audience.5.What's the theme of the passage?a.Planning successful events.b.Successful events details.c.Successful and memorable events.Reading 2选词填空,了解活动策划师的主要工作内容。plan write moniter meet makeEvent managers mainly:1.(meet

48、)with clients to understand the purpose of the meeting or event2.(plan)the event, including time, location, and cost3.(make)changes if clients find the event plan is not so realistic4.(moniter)the event to ensure that every detail meets the client's requirements5.(write)a report about the eventW

49、riting学习了上面的内容,试着将下面的活动策划方案翻译成英文吧。活动策划方案活动名称:2017 圣诞晚会方案活动时间:2017年12月25日20点至24点活动组织:首都师范大学活动目的:师生联谊参加人数:200人活动地点:学院剧院活动预算:1万元Event Planning ProposalName:(2017 Christmas Party Event Planning Proposal)Date:(20:00 -24:00, Dec. 25th, 2017)Organizer:(Capital Normal University)Purpose:(To strengthen frien

50、dship between teachers and)Place:(200)Attendees:(The College Theatre)Cost:(RMB10,000)Unit 5Designing QuestionnairesListening and Speaking 1听一听对话,选择合适的答案。1.What suggestion does Melinda want Wendy to give?a.How to design the new food market.b.How to determine the question order.c.How to design the que

51、stionnaire.2.Melinda and Wendy want to collect the residents'opinions on _.a.the food safetyb.the new food marketc.the community services3.What is Wendy's suggestion to Malinda?a.We should keep the questionnaire simple.b.We should try to keep the questions easy to answer.c.We should decide w

52、ho to ask.4.How can Malinda hold the respondents'interest in filling in the questionnaire?a.Keep the questions brief and easy to understand.b.Provide variety in the type of questions.c.Keep the questionnaire short and simple.5.What else did Wendy suggest considering when designing the questionna

53、ire?a.Prepare small gifts for respondents.b.Keep the questionnaire brief and concise.c.Leave enough space for respondents to make comments.Listening and Speaking 2再听一遍短文,试着回答下面的问题吧。1.What did Melinda and Helen ask about?a.The staff member's service.b.The respondents'comment.c.The community t

54、raining.2.What was the respondents' comment on the service provided by the community center?a.Bad.b.Not so good.c.Good.3.The respondents made such a comment because the staff member was_?a.not clear about what he was doingb.very familiar with the proceduresc.rude and very slow in what he was doi

55、ng4.Was the staff member familiar with his duties?a.No.b.Yes.c.Not mentioned.5.What action will the community service center take in the future?a.They'll employ more staff members in the future.b.They'll organize more staff training in the future.c.They'll hold a meeting in the future.Re

56、ading 1再读一读短文,你来判断下面的描述是否正确。1.There are more advantages than disadvantages for questionnaires.()2.Compared to questionnaires, face-to-face interviews are more expensive for collecting data from a large number of respondents.()3.Questionnaires are easy to analyze with the help of computer software.()

57、4.It's difficult for everyone to respond to questionnaires.(×)5.The respondent is usually the same person you sent the questionnaire to. (×)Reading 2再读一读短文,回答下列问题,看看你对文章了解了多少。1.What is necessary to write a good questionnaire?a.A lot of money and time.b.A lot of skills and experience.c.A lot of skills and study.2.The following are good skills except when designing questionnaires .a.keeping the questions brief and easy to understandb.making sure the questions are in the right orderc.using many open-ended questions3.In order to ke


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