



人民教育出版社 PEP 小学英语三年级下册 Unit 6 How many 第四课时 Part B Let s learn Let s play 岐岭镇孔目小学 郭丽云 2017 年 6 月 Unit 6 How many Teaching content Part B Let s learn Let s play Teaching aims 1 听说认读单词 16 20 use them in real life 2 会听说 认读句子 How many cars do you have We have twenty 3 To know the instructions of Let s play Teaching main and difficulty 1 To grasp the numbers from 16 20 2 The pronunciation of the words eighteen twenty Teaching aids 1 The word cards of the numbers 2 PPT 3 The tape and recorder Teaching steps 一 一 Warm up 1 Get students to say the numbers 1 15 quickly 2 Let s chant T How many do you see S I see 二 二 Presentation 导入 出示美羊羊图片 T I want some fruit Let s go shopping together 1 T How many grapes do you have 和学生一起数数 1 2 3 4 16 学习数字 sixteen The same way to present seventeen eighteen nineteen and twenty 2 Have the students point read and spell the words 3 Game To touch the numbers quickly while listening to the teacher Then make orders by themselves in groups 4 学习句子 How many cars do you have We have twenty 三 三 Practice 1 除害虫 快速说出被灭害虫数 PPT 出示数字 20 17 15 16 等 学生说对一个消灭一个数字 2 看图说话 PPT 出示问句 How many do you have 学生用 I have 回答 3 数学计算考考你 出示加法算式 What is 数字 and 数字 It s 数字 乘法算式 What is 数字 times 数字 It s 数字 4 说一说 7 9 8 10 12 7 2 8 3 6 4 5 4 Conclusion 1 数字 16 至 20 2 句子 How many 可数名词复数 do you have I have 数字 5 Homework 1 听录音并书写单词 5 遍 2 Use the numbers to count something 板书设计 板书设计 Unit3 How many B Let s learn


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