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外文翻译纺织材料外文翻译纺织材料 Textile materialsS H Tong J E Beard1 definition The fiberis afilament formmaterial of the naturalor artificialsynthesis the dope dyed fiberrefers tousing the fiber of the clothof textile 2 dope dyed fibercharacteristic The dope dyed fiber has goodphysical performancesuch ascertain length detailed degree elasticity and bruteforce Also havebetter chemicalstability for example Cotton wool silk hemp thosenatural fiberare theideal dope dyed fiber 3 the dope dyed fiberis classified Natural fiber and chemical fiber Natural fiberincludes plantfiber animal fiberand mineralfiber A Plant fiber for instance Cotton hemp and fruitfiber B Animalfiber for instance Wool rabbit silk C Mineralfiber for instance Asbestos The ch emicalfiberincludes regenerationfiber synthetic fiberand inorganicfiber A Regenerationfiber for instance Viscose fiber acetate fiber B Syntheticfiber for instance Nylon Polyamide Polyester Spandex elastic strec lycra Ammonia blacksilk ribbon polyvinyl alcoholfiber polypropylene Fiber etc C Inorganicfiber for instance Glass fiber metallic fibered 4 the textileperformance of the mondope dyed fiber Wool Pick upthe moisture elasticity take performanceto befine able to bear damage by worms not rightto bihe dyestuffswith themetal whilebeing acid Silk Hygroscopic ven tilative gloss andtake ofgood performance applicable andacid anddirect dyes Cotton Ventilative and picking upthe moisture take ofgood performance be abletobearbeing damagedbyworms reduced evennitrogen alkaline media sulfide reactive dyestuffs Viscose fiber Hygroscopicity getting ventilativeand fine color bright raw materialsources widewith lowcosts properties areclose tonatural fiber applicable dyestuffsthe sameas cotton Dacron Fabric very fortable protecting shapekind wear resisting size steady easy towash andquick drying applicable todisperset dyestuffs heavy nitrogendisperses dyestuffsand solubilityreduces dyestuffs Polyamide fiber Wearability very good ventilative differences applicable toacid dyesand distributedyestuffs Fine blacksilk ribbon It is good tobe flufflyand havingfur senses disperse dyestuffsand cationicdyestuffs applicably The milktextile fiber use theprotein whichseparates by the milkas thebasic rawmaterial results in the regeneratedprotein fiberafter chemistryprocessing and the machine finishing system The proteinin the milk thereason thatcan bee the fiber because ithas thefiber highpolymer basiondition 1 the macromoleculeis linear The proteinmacromolecule hastwo kinds One isthe chainshape namely linear calls fibrin another isspherical calls globulin The proteinin themilk isthe casein which isa striation it canbeethefiber but thehemoglobin isa globulin and thencannot beethefiber 2 Has thecertain flexibilityand theintermolecular force The proteinmainly posedbythecarbon the oxygen the hydrogen the nitrogen the sulfur in someprotein alsocontains phosphorus iron andso on such asthe caseinincludes phosphoruselement After ultimateanalysis in dryprotein the element contentfor H6 0 7 0 C50 55 O20 30 N15 17 S0 3 2 5 From19 century s ends at thebeginning of20th centurythe foreigncourtiers namelyhave startedto researchthe regeneratedprotein fiber In1935the Italianscientists in1938English ICICorporation in1939Corn ProductRefining Corporationonce separatelydiscussed towithdraw theprotein fromthe cow s milk the peanutprotein the corn the soybeanbean cake then carriedon thespinning In theearly1940 s America England havedeveloped thelabara In1945America England havestudied the Soya protein textile fiber In1948the USGeneral Motorshas withdrawntheSoyaprotein textile fiber fromthe beancake but mostlybecause thetextile fiberperformance ispoor which unableto carryon thetextile processingbut tosever the research Recently aJapanese textilepany developedthemilkproteintextile fiberhasrealized theindustrialization production because100kilograms milksonly couldwithdraw twokilograms protein caused the production costexcessively high also thetextilefiber thermal stabilitywas bad Above120dry heatis easyto have theeyellow spot the force dropped therefore itstill unablemassively topromote the use untilnow In August 2000 One day Li Guanqiaompaned withSuzhou Universityprofessors WangHua s tobring the soybean egg albumin fiberwhich throughten yearspainstaking caredevelops entered thenational spinningand weavingindustry bureaufor thefirst time Until now only morethan twoyears if letsus turnthe headthese twoyears trail during thattime wecan discoverthe originalnational spinningand weavingindustry bureau presently theChina textileindustry associationfor the soybean egg albumin fiberpromotion andapplication directlyorganised coordinated participated bigscale seminar the trainingclass the pressconference the appraisalconference andso on each kindof activityunexpectedly reachesten abovetime At presentparticipated in the soybean egg albumin fiberthe product developmenttextile enterprise the universities colleges andinstitutes the scientificresearch institutealready reachesabove hundred theproductdevelopment scopehas involvedto eachdomain such asthe cottonand kapok the wool the hemp the silk the knitting printing all of theseprotectedand moistenedthe growthofthesoybean egg albumin fiberin theindustrial weaktime Invented byLi Guanqidevelops thesuessful soybeanegg albuminfiber torewrite Chinaintheapplication textilefiber domainoriginal creativetechnology forthe zerorecord after hundredand thousandof engineersand technicians the expertsparticipated intheresearchofthesoybeaneggalbuminfibertheproductdevelopme nt and the correlationcraft technologybreakthrough willcertainly bringthe brightprospect forthesoybeaneggalbuminfiber industrialproduction the mercialization The soybeaneggalbuminfiberusethe beancake whichfries inoil andthesoybeanleaching asthe rawmaterial theusebio engineering newtechnology withdraws purelythe beancake inglobulin through helpsthe medicinalpreparation the biologicalenzyme function causes thedepuration theglobulin changespatial structure then increasesthe hydroxylandthecyano highpolymer pounds thecertain densityoftheprotein spinningfluid after theripening creates the greentextilefiber with theaqueous methodspinning system it bothhas thefine performanceofthenatural silk and hasthe machinecapability ofthe syntheticfiber also hassatisfied thepursue ofthe peopleto fortablenessandtheartistic also conformsthe tidalcurrent tothe clothingexempt burnsand maywash whichputs on The affinityisgoodbetween soybeaneggalbuminfiberandhuman body also includesthe humanbody tohavetheamino acid joined thequota remarkablyinthespinning craftthe sterilizationsterilization Chineseherb the drugefficacy islasting has raisedthe underweareffect tide In thispaper theoptimal designof spline or key profiles forthree differentdesign criteriais presented The methodof calculusof variationis used to determineprofile functionsfor maximumvalue Analytical resultsare suessfullyobtained It showsthat thesplines withinvolute profileslead touniform deformationon thehub in additionthey cancarry themaximum transmissionload capacity On theother handradial straightprofiles resultin optimumtransmission efficiency We believesimilar approachcould beusedtodetermine otherspline profileswhen newperformance criteriaare imposed 译文纺织材料 1 定义纤维是天然或人工合成的细丝状物质 纺织纤维则是指用来 纺织布的纤维 2 特点纺织纤维具有一定的长度 细度 弹性 强力等良好物理性 能 还具有较好的化学稳定性 例如棉花 毛 丝 麻等天然纤维是理 想的纺织纤维 3 分类天然纤维和化学纤维 天然纤维包括植物纤维 动物纤维和矿物纤维 A植物纤维如棉花 麻 果实纤维 B动物纤维如羊毛 免毛 蚕丝 C矿物纤维如石棉 化学纤维包括再生纤维 合成纤维和无机纤维 A再生纤维如黏胶纤维 醋酯纤维 B合成纤维如锦纶 涤纶 晴纶 氨纶 维纶 丙纶等 C无机纤维如玻璃纤维 金属纤维等 4 常见纺织纤维的纺织性能 羊毛吸湿 弹性 服用性能均好 不 耐虫蛀 适酸性和金属结合染料 蚕丝吸湿 透气 光泽和服用性能好 适用酸性及直接染料 棉花透气 吸湿 服用性能好 耐虫蛀 适直接还原偶氮 碱性 媒介 硫化 活性染料 黏胶纤维吸湿性 透气性好 颜色鲜艳 原料广 成本低 性质 接近天然纤维 适用染料同棉花 涤纶织物 挺 爽 保形性好 耐磨 尺寸稳定 易洗快干 适 用分散染料 重氮分散染料 可溶性还原染料 锦纶耐磨性特别好 透气性差 适用酸性染料 散染料 晴纶蓬松性好 有皮毛感 适用分散染料 阳离子染料 牛奶纤维是以牛奶中分离出的蛋白质为基本原料 经过化学处理和 机械加工制得的再生蛋白质纤维 牛奶中蛋白质之所以能成纤 是因为它具备成纤高聚物的基本条件 大分子是线型的 蛋白质大分子有两种一种是链状的 即线型的 称之为纤维蛋白 另一种是球状的 称之为球蛋白 奶中蛋白即酪蛋白是线状的 可以成纤 而血红蛋白是球蛋白 则 不能成纤 具有一定的柔性和分子间力 蛋白质主要是由碳 氧 氢 氮 硫5种元素组成 某些蛋白质中还 含磷 铁等元素 酪蛋白中即含有磷元素 经元素分析 干燥蛋白质中元素含量为 H6 0 7 0 C50 55 O20 30 N15 17 S0 3 2 5 国外从19世纪末 20世纪初即开始对再生蛋白质纤维进行研究 1935年意大利科学家 1938年


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