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高一英语高一英语 Unit 7 8 小测试小测试 第 I 卷 共 85 分 I 听力 略 II 单项选择 共 15 题 每小题 1 分 从下面的四个选项 A B C D 中选出最佳选项 1 First I learned to speak French and then I myself Spanish A went on to teach B went on teaching C kept on teaching D went on with 2 Be sure the lights when you leave the classroom A to turn off B shut off C shut D to turn on 3 We do not allow in the lecture hall so you are not allowed here A smoking to smoke B to smoke smoking C smoking smoking D to smoke to smoke 4 What a nice bike How long have you it About half a year A bought B got C taken D had 5 When my father was young he often late at night reading books A kept B stayed up C lasted D waited 6 American Indian words were used in their country A A plenty of B A good many C A great many of D A great deal of 7 Have you moved into the new house A Not yet The rooms are being painting B Not yet The rooms are paining C Not yet The rooms are being painted D Not yet The rooms are painted 8 Those not only from books but through practice will succeed A who learn B who C who learns D that 9 we have today A How a fine weather B How fine a weather C What a fine weather D What fine weather 10 The train travels the boat A 6 times as fast as B 6 times faster as C as 6 times fast as D faster than 6 times 11 Your baby is badly ill You d better a doctor at once A to bring B take C to send D fetch 12 Bamboo can be made many different kinds of things Such as baskets and sticks A into B of C from D out of 13 All is needed is more time A which B that C where D 14 Do you know the girl No I don t A whom he often talk to B to who he often talks C to that he often talks D he often talks to 15 Bob went to see his mother A every two years B every other year C every second year D all of the above are right III 完形填空 共 20 题 每小题 1 5 分 阅读下面两段文章 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A BBC English is 16 people who want to improve their English It broadcasts all kinds of programmes 17 change from month to month There is a special grammar programme 18 difficult grammar points There are programmes about 19 in Britain There is also a programme about the differences 20 written English and spoken English English lessons are 21 22 on the radio with explanations in English and other languages They are the easiest 23 For example BBC English broadcasts programmes for China with explanations in Chinese It is not difficult to find out information about the programmes You can write to BBC English and 24 any information 25 16 A to B for C of D with 17 A B those C that D they 18 A for explanation B for telling C for explaining D to tell 19 A life B the life C the lives D the living 20 A in B between C among D both 21 A broadcast B broadcasting C broadcasted D broadcastted 22 A everyday B every day C any day D every day 23 A of following B to be followed C for following D to follow 24 A ask B ask for C request D request for 25 A needing B need C needed D to need B Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant and its owner did not know 26 The food in his restaurant was 27 but nobody seemed to want to eat there Then he did something that changed all that and after a few days his restaurant was always full of men with their lady friends 28 a gentleman came in with a lady a smiling waiter gave 29 a beautiful menu 菜谱 The menus looked exactly the same on the outside but there was an important difference inside The menu that the waiter gave to the 30 gave the 31 price for each dish and each bottle of wine 32 the menu he gave to the 33 gave a much 34 price So when the man calmly 35 dish after dish and wine after wine the lady thought he was much more generous 慷慨 than he really was 26 A how to do B what to do C how to do with D what to do with 27 A cheap and bad B expensive and good C cheap and good D expensive and bad 28 A As B Then C While D When 29 A them both B both of them C every of them D each of them 30 A man B eater C lady D other 31 A wrong B high C right D unusual 32 A while B as C and D like 33 A eater B other C lady D man 34 A low B lower C high D higher 35 A needed B ate C wanted D ordered IV 阅读理解 共 20 题 每小题 2 分 阅读下面几段文字 理解文章大意 并从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A It is said that Jefferson who had brought with him no servant once stopped at a main hotel in Baltimore got off the horse and with a whip in his hand entered the hotel and tried to find a room for the night The owner looked at him up and down for some time concluded that he was a farmer of not much importance and told him coldly We have no room for you sir Jefferson appearing not to have heard this repeated his request and got the same answer He then turned around called for his horse and left Soon after that a rich gentleman entered the hotel and told the owner that the man who had just left was Thomas Jefferson Vice president of the United States Dear me what have I done cried the owner And then he ordered his servant to catch up with Jefferson and tell him he could have the best of everything in his hotel The servant finally got Jefferson in a hotel in another part of the town and gave him the owner s message Tell him that I value his kindness highly but if he has no room for a dirty farmer he shall have none for the Vice president said Jefferson 36 Why did the owner of the hotel refuse to receive Jefferson for the night A Because Jefferson had a whip in his hand B Because the hotel was already full at the time C Because Jefferson appeared to be almost in rags D Because Jefferson looked like an ordinary farmer 37 When he was given a cold welcome Jefferson A left the hotel at once B was too angry to say a word C didn t lose control of himself D made up his mind to teach the owner a lesson 38 When he was told who the man that had just left was the owner A regretted what he had done B wondered what he should do next C was too surprised to say anything D was afraid that he would be punished because of that 39 What kind of person would you say the owner of the hotel was A He judged a person by his looks B He acted as foolishly as a blind man C He was not good at managing a main hotel D He was always ready to correct his mistakes 40 The underlined phrase called for here means A went and fetched B demanded C ordered D needed B People who are selling things usually put out advertisements 广告 about their articles in newspapers and magazines and on radio and television Advertisements tell us what we can get to buy and they can help us to get what we want If you look at the page of classified 分类的 advertisements in a newspaper you will see many advertisements that give you just useful information about goods But since we always have to choose what to buy with our money every advertiser 广告商 tries to make us think that his goods are the best ones or are very good ones The advertiser uses different ways to get us to choose the things he is advertising How can we judge what to believe and what not to believe before we spend our money The answer is by learning to see through the tricks some advertisers use so that we do not get fooled very easily First we have to know people can be persuaded to make a certain choice if someone promises them something they want We all have certain wishes needs feelings and weakness as human beings A person who suggests that a need will be satisfied will have us ready to do what he wants us to do unless we can find out what his aim is Samuel Johnson a famous writer once said Promise large promise is the soul of an advertisement 41 The first paragraph tells us that A people are tired of classified advertisement in any kind of media 新闻媒介 B people who are buying things always get what they want C people use advertisements to help sell goods D people enjoy reading advertisements in newspaper and magazines 42 The underlined word articles in the first paragraph means A goods to be sold B pieces of writing C useful things D a piece of paper 43 In the second paragraph the writer advises people A how to put out advertisements B who to believe C not to be fooled D how to choose goods 44 The most important thing of advertisements is A how it is classified B how people can be fooled C that it can find out people s weakness D that it makes promises C The northern part of America gets very cold in winter It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes below 0 But the north eastern and north central areas have been financial and industrial centers and they are heavily populated Recently people here have begun to take a vacation 度假 during the winter They go to the states where they find deserts It has been common today for older people to move south Perfectly they sell their houses and begin a new life there The south and the south western parts of the country are growing faster than any other part Business and industry have opened many offices and factories California is already the most welcome state in the country Texas and Florida are growing fast too They may soon replace such states as New York and Pennsylvania in population 45 Florida is when the northern part is in winter A very cold B snowy C pleasant D windy 46 The population of Texas and Florida are than that of New York and Pennsylvania A richer B larger C smaller D poorer 47 Many old people today go south to there A make a living B work C take a vacation D settle 48 California A has developed greatly in recent years B is in the north of America C has the largest population in all American states D has been the industrial center of America D Dear Sir You may remember that last week I was a guest at your hotel When I arrived at the hotel I put my raincoat in the cupboard in my room Number 6 and did not take it out again even once during the whole of my stay in Upton as the weather was so beautifully fine When the time for me to leave for home on Saturday I m afraid I left my raincoat behind Since my return to Leeds the weather here has got worse and worse and I need the raincoat very much so I ask you to kindly send it to me as quickly as possible at my expense of course I am sorry to cause you this trouble but I should be very thankful if I could have it soon While I am writing there is one other thing I must tell you As I was leaving the hotel the door boy asked me for money I refused and he then shut the door behind me so hard that it knocked me down the steps and a small hole appeared in my trousers I had no time to tell you about this as I was hurrying to catch my train but I should be glad to hear what you are going to do about this rude behavior 行为 of one of your employees I should like to say that in all other ways my stay at your hotel was a very pleasant one and I m ready for a second holiday at Upton on Sea Yours truly John Hogg 49 John Hogg left his raincoat behind because A he was staying in a hotel B he didn t use it at Upton on Sea C the weather got worse and worse D he had forgotten he would leave Upton on Sea 50 Hogg said he A enjoyed his stay except for some impolite behavior B enjoyed his stay except for some bad weather C hadn t enjoyed his stay because of some impolite behavior D hadn t enjoyed his stay because of bad weather 51 In the sentence I m sorry to cause you this trouble this trouble means A bad weather B paying for the raincoat C sending the raincoat to Leeds D doing something about the rude behavior 52 The door boy shut the door hard because A There was a hole in Hogg s trousers B Hogg was rude to him C Hogg wouldn t give him any money D Hogg refused to shut the door E Moscow Russia Space News The computer is a better chess player insisted Viktor Prozorov the loser It seemed as if it were laughing after every good move I know I should have beaten it for the sake of mankind but I just couldn t win he announced 宣布 and shook 摇 his head sadly Prozorov s disappointment 失望 was shared by several grand masters who were present some of whom were so angry that they shouted at the machine The computer walked or rather rolled always with 5000 dollars in prize money and limited its remarks to a set of noises and lights 53 After winning the game the computer A laughed B felt disappointed C shouted D gave out some lights and sounds 54 How did some of the grand masters feel about the chess game between


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