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Unit1Unit1 MyMy name sname s GinaGina 单元要点分析单元要点分析 本单元重点学习如自我介绍和问候他人 并学会从对话中获取对方的基 本信息 掌握用 what 来询问名字和电话号码 并能回答 懂得如何正确 地使用形容词性物主代词和数词 0 9 教学要求教学要求 1 知识与技能 通过询问他人名字和电话号码 学习英文姓名 形容词性物主代词和数 字 0 9 再进行听 说 读 写训练 熟练掌握其句型 从而了解中英文 名字的不同表达法以及形容词性物主代词和数词的用法 2 过程与方法 通过读音规则学习单词 再听录音 跟读 发出单词正确读音 并能用 升降调大声朗读 通过观察和发现 学习形容词性物主代词和数词的用 法 并能用大小写形式书写句子 通过听录音 跟读和俩俩对话等形式 学习询问名字和电话号码 并能在同学之间进行英语交流 特别注意中 英文名字的不同表达法 3 情感 态度与价值观 自我介绍和问候他人 教会学生如何礼貌地与他人交往 俩俩合作培养 合作精神和交际能力 小组竞赛培养竞争意识和合作精神 学习中英文 名字的差异并了解有关欧美国家的文化 重 难点与关键重 难点与关键 1 Topic Making new friends 2 Functions Introduce yourself Greet people Ask for and give telephone number 3 Structures Present tense to be What questions Possessive adjectives my your his her 4 Target language What s your name My name is Gina I m Gina Nice to meet you What s your phone number It s 284 2942 5 Vocabulary personal names numbers zero one two three four five six seven eight nine phone number first name last name Hi Hello 6 正确使用形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their 区分 family name last name first name 的不同用法 注 意这几个缩写词 what is what s I am I m name is name s 认清英语姓氏和名字的排列顺序 教具准备教具准备 单词卡片 中英文名字卡片 学生自家的电话号码的父母手机号码 录 音机和课本磁带 挂图 课时划分课时划分 Period One Section A Period Two section B Period Three Revision and Self Check 教学设计教学设计 SectionASectionA TeachingTeaching aimsaims 1 Learn the new words of Section A 2 Master the target language of introducing yourself and greeting people 3 Learn some English names and some possessive adjectives TeachingTeaching keykey pointspoints andand difficultiesdifficulties 1 New words clock nice meet name question answer first last boy girl 2 Sentence patterns What s your his her name My His Her name is What s your last first name My last first name is 3 Grammar Personal pronouns I you Possessive pronouns my your his her 4 正确使用形容词性物主代词 my your his her 区分 last name first name 不同用法 注意这几个缩写词 what is what s I am I m name is name s 认清英语姓氏和名字的排列顺序 TeachingTeaching ProcedureProcedure Step1 Step1 RevisionRevision 1 Check some Ss to pronounce the new words of Section A Then get Ss to read them aloud again in chorus 2 Look at the picture 1a P1 and get Ss to ask and answer like this A What s this B It s a clock A What color is it B It s white Step2 Step2 PresentationPresentation 1 Present a new dialogue with one student A T Hello I m Mary What s your name S1 My name is Jenny T Nice to meet you S1 Nice to meet you too B T I m Mary Brown Mary is my first name and Brown is my family name What s your name S2 I m Jenny Green Jenny is my first name and Green is my family name T Nice to meet you S2 Nice to meet you too 2 Get Ss to practice in pairs and then check some rows of the students Step3 Step3 ConsolidationConsolidation 1 Get Ss to listen to the dialogues in 1b 2a and 2b and finish the tasks 2 Then check the answers below 1b 2 1 3 2a Picture1 Conversation3 Picture2 Coversation1 Picture3 Conversation2 Picture4 Coversation4 from left to right 2b Conversation1 Jenny Tony Conversation2 Tony Jenny Conversation3 Bob Conversation4 Jim Step4 Step4 PracticePractice 1 Get Ss to read the list of names in 3a and finish writing F and T 2 Then get Ss to choose one or two first names and last names and fill the table in 3b 3 After that ask the student to work in groups according to the table in 3b like this A What s your first last name B My first last name is A What s his her first last name B His Her first last name is Step5 Step5 SummarySummary Go through Grammar Focus P2 and get Ss to ask any question they get puzzled Step6 Step6 HomeworkHomework 1 Learn the new words and the target language by heart 2 Copy the sentences and do some exercises 3 Preview Unit 1 Section B 第一课时作业设计第一课时作业设计 一 写出正确的单词 1 c


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