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小学英语教学设计与评议表课题 See how they growRead and write课型读写课执教者武当路小学郝辰宇教材分析本课内容是Sarah的日记,主要记录小猫的成长过程。学生经过月份学习和日期的表达后,通过日记的形式来记录生活中有趣的事情。本课以小猫咪为例,为小朋友展示了小动物从孕育到出生,从出生到长大的整个生命历程,渗透生命意识和亲情教育。本节课教学重点在于阅读方法的指导、表达的训练,如何从文中获取有效信息。通过学习,能了解日记的格式,并模仿着写,记录有意义的事情。教学目标知识、能力目标:1. 能够听、说、读、理解kitten,fur, still 和make noises 等生词。2. 能读懂并理解日记,能按意群正确地朗读日记。3. 能根据图片想象,在阅读中尝试捕捉关键词,寻找答案。4. 能在学习过程中感受日记的格式及表达方法。情感态度目标: 1.能理解小猫咪的成长过程,进而了解更多动、植物的成长,增长见识。教学重、难点重点:读懂Sarah的日记;阅读和表达策略的培养。难点:对小动物、植物从孕育到出生,从出生到长大的生命历程有一定的背景了解。教具准备课件 句子卡片等设计意图教学过程评议分析通过简单的交流拉近师生的距离,同时为后面的学习做好铺垫。播放图片,对本课的主题成长稍有了解。由小动物,植物到婴儿,最后引入Sarah由日记引入日期的表达看图说一说。完整呈现第一则日记并在理解的基础上了解日记的书写格式。主要以问题的形式推进日记的学习。听音说一说。通过学一学猫叫辅助理解make noises同时也为枯燥的阅读活动增添趣味。读一读,排序,并让学生积极思维。Sarah以挂照片的方式为大家呈现完整的日记内容也就是小猫咪的成长过程。检测对课文的理解和从文中获取信息的能力。能够通过学习,学以致用,以拼图的方式学会日记的基本流程。介绍一些相关的绘本了解更多的科普知识。1. Greetings(课前)相互聊天增进了解Now , it is spring, Whats the date today? How are you? How old are you? April 14th. What do you usually do in April?Look at the screen. What do you see? There are many animals. Do you like animal? Whats your favourite animal? Whats it like? What can it do ? Do you have a pet? T: I love animals ,too. Lets enjoy a song about animals.Step1: Warm-up and lead in.1.The Baby Animals SongT: What animals do you see? Can you remember?S: I see theT: We can see many animals and baby animals, we call the baby dog puppy, we call the baby cat kitten. Puppy will grow up into dog. Lamb will grow up into sheep. Kitten will grow up into cats. Today ,our topic is about growing. See how they grow. Lets enjoy some picturtes. Lets see, how 学生跟读。How did you grow? First, you were small babies. Me, too. Look at this baby. Who is it?She is Sarah.Sarah is our friend in our book. How did Sarah grow? In 2015, she was 10 years old. Now it is 2017, she is 12. Step2: Pre-reading1.Lead-in T:She likes animals very much. She has a cat. The cats has two babies. How do we call baby cats?S: Kittens.T: Sarah likes kitten very much. So she keeps diaries about them.2. About diary(1)Know the diary and read the date. T: These are Sarahs diaries. They are diaries because there are dates on them. Can you read ?S: April 15th, April 21st, April 26th, May 3rd.3.Arrange the photos.T: And Sarah often takes photos .For every dairy, there is photo. Can you arrange them?S: ADBCT: Why ? Maybe you are right. Step3: While-reading1.The first diary. 1) Imagine and say.T: Look at the first photo. Whats the date? S: April 15th.T: Yes, on April 15th. what are they like? S:On April, they are small/ cute/ young/ .引导性问题T: How old are they? Are they big? What colour are they?T: Can you imagine what they can/cant do ?S: They can/ cant 2.Read the diary.T: You have good imagination. Maybe Sarah has the same opinions. Lets look at Sarahs diary. Lets read follow her.S:T: Can they see? Why?S: Because they are young.T: Yes, because they are still too young, their eyes are closed. They still cant see. 2. The second diary (Listen and say)(1). Listen and sayT:After some days, they grow up. How old are they? S:They are 6 days. T:Can they see now?S: No, they still cant see.T: What are they like then? And what can they do? Listen and Look at the diary.S: (1) (2). white furWhat colour are they now? They are white now. Because they have white fur.(nurse)Animals have fur. But we have hair. (3)make noisesThey still cant see. But they make noises.(播放猫叫吵闹声)Do you know how kittens make noises? Let me show you.教读make noises Can you make noises like kittens? How do babies make noises?When do kittens make noises? S: When they are hungry.T: When will kittens make noises, too?S: They make noises when they are.(4) Time to read the diary.1. The third and the fourth diary. (1) T: Time flies, the kittens are growing and growing. Look, their eyes are open. And they can do some things. Please read the third and the fourth diary by yourself. And tell me : What colour are their eyes? What can they do on May 3rd.S: 默读找答案并回答。校对答案。Look at the photo. Where are they? Why?(2)Can you remember Sarahs diary? 学生口头填空并跟读。Lets try to complete Sarahs diary.2. Enjoy how two kittens growSo these are Sarahs diaries about her kittens, do you like her diary? Choose one and read it. 让学生自由地读一读故事,注意语音语调。选择一则日记声情并茂地读一读。Step4: Post-reading and Consolidation1.Let us judge these sentences.(1)Tick or cross(2)Match and writeT: Acrroding to Sarahs diary, can you say more?T: I have a question, when can they run?S: They can run in _. On _.3.Kittens grow upT: They grow fast, I think they can run some days later after May 3rd. Look at the calendar. Kittens are growing up.日历在翻动T: What are they like on July 28th? What can they do then?_ on July 28th._on April 14th in 2015. Tomorrow is their birthday. Can you write a diary for Sarah. T:These are Sarahs diaries about her kittens. Lets enjoy more about growing.The others friends also write some diaries. Do you want to have a look?Now you know what diary is , and how to write dairies about growing. Can you write your own diary? What do you want to write about?S: I can write about.S: I want to write some diar


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