



九年级英语总复习-人机对话专题情景问答根据情景提示,回答所提问题(每题1分)1. 这瓶牛奶变质了,我上周六买的。 It has gone bad.1)Whats wrong with this bottle of milk? Last Saturday.2)When did you buy it?2. 我家离学校大约5公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。1)How far is it from your home to your school? About five kilometers.2)How do you usually go to school? By bus.3. 我去过香港一次,在那呆了两周。1)How many times have you been to Hong Kong? Once.2)How long have you been there? For two weeks.4. 我在听天气预报,明天有雨。1)What are you doing now? Im listening to the weather report.2)Whats the weather like tomorrow? It will be rainy.5. 城市的空气污染越来越严重,我们出行应该经常乘坐公交车。1)What do you think of the air in our city? It has become more and more polluted.2)What suggestion can you offer? We should take the bus more often.6. 我更喜欢旅游,旅游让我们身心放松。1)Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? Going on a trip.2)How do you feel when traveling? I feel relaxed.7. 我想买一双鞋,穿6码的。1)What can I do for you? I want to buy a pair of shoes.2)What Size do you want? A size 6.8. 爸爸送我一台电脑,它很方便很有用。1)What present have you got? My father sent me a computer.2)How do you find the present? Its useful and convenient.9. 去医院应该沿着这条街走,在第一个拐角处向左拐。从这里大约要10分钟。1)Which is the way to the hospital?Walk along the street and take the first turning on the left.2)How far is it from here? Its about ten minutes walk from here.10. 我的电脑出故障了,我明天会请人修一下。1)What has happened to you? My computer is broken.2)How will you deal with the problem? I will have it repaired tomorrow.11. 现在我的手表显示是10点30分,火车10点45开。1)Whats the time now by your watch? Its half past ten.2)When does the train leave? It leaves at ten forty-five.12. 今天是9月9日,明天是教师节。1)Whats the date today? Its September 9th.2)What festival is it tomorrow? Its Teachers Day.13. 我喜欢看电影,每个月去看两次电影。1)What hobby do you have? I like watching films.2)How often do you go to the cinema? Twice a month.14. 单词”panda”的意思是“中国四川一种吃竹子的动物”1)How many letters are there in the word “panda”? Five letters.2)What does the world mean? It means a kind of animals that eats bamboo in Sichuan, China.15. 我喜欢英语,因为和外国人交谈很有趣。1)What subject do you like best? English.2)Why do you like it so much? Because it is very interesting to talk with foreigners.16. 我想去海南旅游,那的海滩很美丽。1)What are you going to do this summer holiday? Im going to Hainan on holiday.2)Why do you want to go there? Because the beaches there are very beautiful.17. 我们班有50位学生,其中三分之二的学生喜欢画中国画。1)How many students are there in your class? There are fifty students in my class.2)What do two-thirds of them enjoy doing? They enjoy drawing Chinese paintings.18. 我星期天去买花,送给英语老师。1)What did you do on Sunday? I went to buy some flowers.2)Why did you buy flowers? I wanted to send them to my English teacher.19.我喜欢阅读,尤其是关于中国历史的书籍。1)What is your hobby? I like reading.2)What kind of book do you prefer? I prefer books on Chinese history.20. 春节是我们国家最重要的传统节日,那时我们会走亲访友1)Which is the most traditional festival in your country? Chinese new year./ Spring Festival.2)How do you celebrate it? We visit relatives and friends at that time.21. 我的宠物狗很聪明,它知道回家的路。1)How do you like your dog? Its very clever.2)Why do you think so? It knows the way back home.22. 我经常饭后散步,它有利于健康。1)What do you usually do after supper? I usually take a walk.2)Why do you do that? Because it is good for health.23. 她的圣诞礼物是一张明信片,上面有一张可爱的大熊猫、1)What is your Christmas gift? It is a post card.2)What does it look like? There is a panda on it.24. 昨天你去市中心逛街,买了本字典。1)Where did you go yesterday? I went shopping I the city centre.2)What did you buy? I bought a dictionary.25. 我是九年级一班的学生,家在学校的南边。1)Which class and which grade are you in? I am in Class One, Grade Nine.2)Where do you live? I live( to the ) south of the school.26. 奶奶患了重感冒,她打电话向医生求助。 1)What happened to Grandma? She got a bad cold. 2) Who did she ask for help? She asked the doctor for help.27. 格林先生的钱包被偷了,他没钱只好走路回家。 1)What happened to Mr. Green? Mr. Greens wallet was stolen. 2) How did he go home? He went home on foot.28. 五天前发生了一起车祸,马克受伤被送进了医院。 1)What happened five days ago? A car accident. 2) What happened to Mike? He was sent to hospital.29. 昨天玛丽和她姐姐在一家餐馆吃午饭,他们点了汉堡包和两杯牛奶。 1)Who had lunch in a restaurant? Mary and his sister. 2) What did they have for lunch?Hamburgers and two glasses of milk.30. 汤姆的生日即将到来,他爸爸打算给给他买个篮球。 1)Whose birthday is coming? Toms. 2)What will his father buy for him? A basketball.31. 琳达在杭州西湖度假,她喜欢划船。 1)Where did Linda spend her holiday? In the West Lake. 2)What did she enjoy doing there? She enjoyed rowing boats.32. 你们学校将于6月16日举行运动会,你将参加跳高比赛。 1)When will your school sports meeting be held? On June 16th. 2)Which sport will you take part in? In the high jump.33. 李磊在操场上打篮球,他看见很多女生在打排球。 1)What is Li Ming doing? She is playing basketball on the playground. 2)What are the girls doing? They are playing volleyball.34. 你们学校将组织去动物园春游,你准备了披萨和果汁。 1)Which place will your school go on a trip to? To the zoo. 2)What are you going to take? We are going to take pizza and juice.35. Jane在卧室里听CD,她妈妈在打扫厨房。 1)Where is Jane? She is in the bedroom. 2)What is Janes mother doing? She is doing some cleaning in the kitchen.36. 上周六,Jim和父母去了公园,他玩了很多游戏。 1)When did Jim and his parents go to the park? Last Saturday. 2)What did he do there? He played many games.37. 劳动节那天天气多云,我们班同学去公园浇树。 1)What was the weather like on Labour Day?Is was cloudy. 2)What did the classmates do on that day? They watered the trees in the park.38. 上周日,艾伦去爬山,回来的路上遇见了他的朋友亨利。 1)What did Alan do last weekend? He climbed the hill. 2)What happened when he got back? He happened to meet his friend Henry.39. 怀特夫妇坐汽车去巴黎,并在那里停留了一周。 1)How did Mr. and Mrs. White go to Paris? They went to Paris by bus. 2)How long did they stay there? They stayed there for a week.40. 今天贝蒂上学迟到了,因为她的车坏在半路上了。 1)Who was late for school this morning? Betty. 2)Why was he late for school? Because her bike broke down halfway.41. 比尔上周来到青岛,他非常喜欢喝啤酒。 1)When did Bill came to Qingdao? Last week. 2)What does he like about Qingdao? He likes beer very much.42. 去年圣诞节,米莉和朋友们举办了一场晚会,他们准备唱歌跳舞。 1)What did Millie and her friends have last Christmas Day? They held an evening party. 2)What did they do at the party? They sang and danced.43. 艾米丽不会骑自行车,所以每天她妈妈都是送她上学。 1)Who cant ride a bike? Emily. 2)How does she go to school every day? Her mother drives her to school.44. 今天海伦把英语字典忘在家里了,遇到不认识的单词只好问老师。 1)What did Helen leave at home? The English dictionary. 2)Who did she turn to for help? Her teacher.45. 妈妈牙疼已经一个月了,但是她依旧每天坚持上班。 1)How long has Mum had a toothache? For almost one month. 2)What does she keep doing? She keeps going to work every day.46. Tom的XXL号的毛衣很好, 却不到1050元。 1)What size of the sweater can Tom wear? Size XXL. 2)How much did it cost him? It cost less tha


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