



六年级上册英语第一单元复习一、请用听写本翻译下面单词及句子。(限时10分钟)1、脚 2、怎样 3、火车 4、到达 5、停 6、飞机 7、公共汽车 8、自行车 9、 上学 10、 交通规则 11 乘 12、等 13、交通灯 14、地铁 15、船 16、你怎样上学的? 17、我经常坐公车上学 18、有时走路上学 19、我的家离公园很近。 20、看交通灯 21、 遵守交通规则 22、红灯停 23、黄灯等24、绿灯行 25、我能坐飞机去上海吗? 26、当然可以,只要你喜欢。阅读短文,判断下面的句子的正误,相符的打“”,不相符的打“X”。 Hello, I am Fiona. I live in the north China. I like spring, because it is warm. I can go hiking and fly kites. We usually go by bus. Summer is hot, but its my favourite season. I can swim with my parents. I usually go to the beach by car. My father has a new car. In fall, its sunny and cool. I often climb mountains with my classmates. We also have a picnic in the nature park. We go there by bike. Its a good exercise. In winter, its cold and snowy. I like making snowman with my friends at school. I go to school on foot. My home is near.( )1. Fionas favourite season is spring. ( )2. Fiona goes to school by car. ( )3. Fiona has a picnic with her parents by bike. ( )4. In summer, they swim in the lake. ( )5. Fiona lives in Guangzhou.(II) 阅读短文,选择正确的一项。 I am Amy. I am a new student. I have been to Hong Kong by train this summer holiday. And I think it is a beautiful city. The streets are very clean. The people is very nice. In HK city, I usually go by subway. Because its very fast. But I go to the Peak by bus. Its one famous(出名的) mountain in HK. I can see all the HK city from there. I also go to Dayushan(大屿山) by ship. I have a very nice trip. ( )1. HK is in _ A. GuangDong B. China( )2. In HK, go out by subway is _. A. fast B.trouble( )3. Amy goes to the Peak _. A. by subway B. by bus( )4. How does Amy go to Dayushan?A. She go by bike B. She goes by ship.( )5. Does Amy happy in HK? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt.根据答句写出问句。(10分)1. _? I go hiking by bus.2. _? Because I can skate in winter.3. _? We can go at the green light.4. _? Yes, I do. I know the traffic rules.5. _? You can go to the park by No.15 bus. 请你介绍一下你自己的名字,你是否是一个学生,你通常是怎样上学的,为什么,有时候你会用什么交通方式,为什么?等等!不少于5句。_补全对话。(选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整, 将字母编号填在横线上,每条横线2分,共10分。)A: When is your birthday? B: Is your birthday in May?C: How do you go to work? D: What do you do?E: Why do you go to work by car? F: Do you go hiking with your friends?G: What do you do on the weekend?A: Hello, John! _?B: No, my birthday is in October.A: _?B: I am a doctor.A: _?B: I usually go to work by car.A: _?B: Because I have a car.A: _ ?B: I usually go hiking on the weekend.A: Thats healthy for you!(yellow,go, wait, stop, drive, on, by, three, two, lights, rules, right, left) If we go _ foot, by car or _bike, we must know the traffic _. We must look at the traffic _. There are _ lights i


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