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PEP小学英语六年级上册 Unit 6 How do you feel?第一课时教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy.2、学会在自然的情景中运用句型“He is/She is/Im/Theyre ”来描述人物的心情。3、学会歌曲“If youre happy, clap your hands.”重点 :掌握PartA的四会单词和四会句子。难点:学会在自然的情景中运用句型“He is/She is/Im/Theyre ”来描述人物的心情。教学准备:1、单词图片2、PPT一、 自主学习:1、学生听录音,跟读Lets learn部分的内容。教师放录音,学生看图选择正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知主要句型。我能快速读出下列单词:angry afraid sad worried happy2、I can read quickly.我能快速地朗读。(不会的马上做记号,向同伴们、老师求助。)3、I can teach.(我能当小老师领读词组检查同学是否读得快、语言正确、熟练程度高,我还能够把自己的好方法告诉我的同学。)二、 合作探究:1、播放歌曲(If youre happy,clap your hands.)用歌曲来引出新授单词happy的教学。边唱边做动作。教师做出“开心”的样子对学生说:You are happy. I am happy, too. Look at myface.is a happy face.然后在黑板上画“happy face”和“sad face”。教师指着sad face问学生:Is it a happy face?以此教学单词sad。教师可让学生同桌之间一人做表情,另一人画脸,再描述如:He/She is happy/sad.用简笔画的形式教授其他单词:angry, afraid, worried.2、认真观察“”中的五幅图片,在小组内进行讨论,使用恰当的形容词描述图中人物的心情。看看哪组完成得又快又准确。3、教师放课文录音,之前向学生提出问题:“Why is the cat angry with the mice? Listen carefully”学生听后回答问题。4、学生跟读Lets talk录音,然后两人一组练习对话。三、 展示:1、组内展示朗读单词。2、小组内读对话。3、班级大展示:(1)What is missing?教师出示几张表情图片,给学生看半分钟。然后随意拿出一张,让学生判断哪一张少了,将缺失的单词报出来并做出相应的表情。(2)Look for your friends.将全班分成几大组,把所需操练的单词angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy等拆分成字母,如grany, das,aridaf, apyph, rwrioed分发给组里成员或班里的同学。当教师或指定同学读到这个单词时,手上持有这个单词的同学必须在最短的时间内按照字母顺序报出该单词,反应最快的同学为胜。(3)小组选代表展示Lets talk。四、 达标测评:1、完成导学案。2、在横线上写出正确的单词。He is _.(生气的) She is _.(害怕)I am _.(难过的) He is _.(高兴的)They are _.(担心的;发愁的)第二课时教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写词组:see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten.2、学会在自然的情景中运用句型“Im ” “Dont be ”“What should I do?”“You should ”。教学重点 :掌握PartA的四会单词和四会句子。教学难点:学会在自然的情景中运用句型“Im ”“Dont be ”“What should I do?”“You should ”。教学准备:1、单词图片2、PPT一、 自主学习:1、教师播放第62页“Read and/span”,师生共同随着录音跟读。2、让学生按小组读单词,组内互教互学。3、把不会读的词句用红笔圈出来。二、 合作探究:1、 让学生对新句型在听觉上有所感知,完成听音的练习。2、 学生听录音,完成听音选图练习,教师给出正确答案,反复播放强化对新句型的听觉感知。3、教师放课文录音,之前向学生提出问题:“How does Sam feel?What should he do? Listen carefully”学生听后回答问题。4、学生跟读Lets talk录音,然后两人一组练习对话。5、教师事先准备一些打乱顺序的单词卡片,让学生读词后迅速拼成正确的句子或者空出四会句子当中的某些短语或单词,只给出打头的第一个字母作提示,让学生填充句子,最后再让学生书写四会句子。三、 展示:1、组内展示朗读单词。2、小组内读对话。3、班级大展示:(1)准备一些形容词卡片:cold, angry, ill, worried,两人一组,一人抽取卡片,另一人根据对方抽到的卡片内容给出合理的建议(参考词汇:see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten)。(2)小组选代表展示Lets talk。(3)表演自编对话。四、 达标测评:1、完成导学案。2、翻译:(1)你应该去看病。_(2)你应该做更多的运动。_(3)你应该穿暖和的衣服。_(4)你应该深深吸一口气并数到十。_第三课时教学目标:1、能够听说认读Read and/span部分,并能回答短文后的问题。2、能够理解Story time的故事。3、完成Lets check。教学重点 :能够听说认读Read and/span部分,并能回答短文后的问题。教学难点:能充分理解并大致讲述Lets read的故事。教学准备:1、单词图片2、PPT一、 自主学习:1、课件播放Lets chant,要求学生边唱边表演。Lets chant:Happy,happy, happy, Were happy.Sad,sad,sad, she is sad.Angry,angry,angry, he is angry.Afraid,afraid,afraid, I am afraid.Worried,worried,worried, he is worried.Happy,happy, happy, Were happy.2、拼词比赛,复习上节课单词和短语,教师说汉语,每组派一个学生到黑板上来写单词。看哪个组又快又对就获胜。生气的_害怕_难过的_高兴的_担心的;发愁的_做更多的运动_看病_穿暖和的衣服_深深吸一口气_数到十_二、 合作探究:1总结好的对话内容,加以拓展,广泛推广给其他小组并记忆。2对话操练。3 Pair work让学生结合自己的实际情况在同桌之间结对交流。4、Lets check播放录音,让学生按照录音内容做练习。三、 展示:1同桌做对话2我会表演对话。四、 达标测评:1、完成导学案2、连词成句。(1)cat, is, with, the, them, angry(.)_(2)father, ill, your, is(.)_(3)a, doctor, should, see , he, morning(.)_(4)be, dont, sad(.)_(5)afraid, are, they, him, of(.)_(6)wrong, is, what(?)_Unit 3 How do you feel? (period 4)Topic: feelingsLanguage aims:Using predicative adjectives to describe feelings.e.g. Im thirsty and tiredUsing formulaic expressions in contexte.g. I have an idea.Ability aims:Students can retell the story.Emotional aims:Different situation, different feelingsKey points:Understand the story Difficult points: Students can retell the story with their own wordsMaterials:Students Book 4A( P15)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationRhyme.Daily talk.1. Say the rhymn on page 162. Focus on the phrases and the new words ice-cream-cream strawberry-berry-berries lemon-lemonade a bottle of lemonade a large bottle of lemonade1. If you have a super bicycle, how do you feel? If you are happy, what do you want to do? If your father has a super car, what does he feel?1. Students try to say: My father is _ if he has _. My mother.I 在学生会吟诵的基础上让学生了解与学习其中的一些单词与词组开放性问题拓展学生思维,训练学生语言II. While-task procedureIII. Post-task activitiesNew word:CrowRead a storyDescribe the storyFill in the blanks1. Show the crow puppet. Learn the word: crowHow is the crow?What can the crow do?Do you like it?Introduce the crowe.g. This is a crow. Its black. Its wings are big. It can fly.2. Questions:How does the crow feel?What does it want?Show a bottle with a long and thin neckHow is the bottle?3. Read the story by themselvesRead, choose and write4. Learn the word: pebblesI have an idea greatIm so happy. so5. Questions:Can the crow drink the water?What does it do?What do you think of this crow?6. Read the story again1. Describe the story with your words (group work)2. Try to have the students role-play the story If the students have difficulties, you may act as the narrator yourself3. Have the students complete the following summary of the story A thirsty crow.Then encourage them to retell the storyIt is a _ day today. There is a _ in the forest. The crow flies and flies. He is _ and _. Then he sees a _. There is some _ in it. The crow wants to _ the water, But the bottle is too _ and _. The crow cannot drink the water. He can _ some _. He puts the pebbles into the bottle. One, two, three,There are many pebbles in the bottle now, and the crow _ drink the water. How _ the crow is!时刻以问题贯穿故事阅读,启发学生发现故事的道理对于有一定难度的描述故事环节,用小组活动形式降低难度,从中发挥学生集体的力量,互相学习用短文填空的练习检测学生对故事的理解程度,并为写话作业提供帮助IV. Assignment1. Copy the new words and phrases2. Read P15 after tape and write the story in six sentences at least.分层作业,适合所有学生板书:a cake with cream and berriesa large bottle of lemonadecrow - thirsty and tired bottle - long and thin pebble-pebbles an idea great so happyUnit 3 How do you feel? (period 5)Topic: feelingLanguage aims:Using the key words and sentences to talk and write about feelingsIdentifying the pronunciation of -st in words such as toast, postman and lamp post e.g toast, postman, lamp postAbility aims:Students can talk and write about feelingsEmotional aims:Different situation, different feelingsKey points:Students can identify the pronunciation of -st in wordsStudents can write several sentences to describe peoples feelingDifficult points: Use the new sentence patters to write down peoples feelingMaterials:Students Book 4A( P16)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationRhymeReview the words1. Read the words and phrases2. Have the students recite the rhyme1. Look at the cards and try to say the rhymne.g. Happy, happy. I sing and danceHungry, hungry. He wants some noodles.Tired, tired. I go to bed.Sad, sad. She cries and cries.2. Look at the cards and answer the question. How do you feel? How does he/she feel? Are you hungry? Is he happy?儿歌的教学分散在本单元各个课时新课标第一网用儿歌的形式对单元重点内容作一个整体的复习II. While-task procedureCheck the homeworkExercise1. communicate the story what they write about text with the partners2. Read the best story to class1. Have the students do the exercises on page


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