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高 考 动 词 短 语 涂 兴 仁 113高 考 复 习 新 编 涂兴仁 2010年8月 高 考 动 词 短 语 A abandon oneself to 放纵, 沉溺于 abandon doing sth 放弃 addict oneself to 沉溺于absent oneself from 缺席be absent from 缺席 (absence from 缺席, 不在; 没有 the absence of sb/sth 缺席,不在; 没有)accompany sb to a place 陪伴 accompany sb on the piano 伴奏 keep sb company 陪伴account for 导致, 说明, 对做出解释占比例(make up) take sth into account/consideration 考虑 allow for 考虑 (regardless of 不考虑)act as 充当; 起作用(serve as , work as) act for 代理, 代为处理(sb) stand for (符号)代表, 表示; 支持, 主张act on 依据(sbs advice);对起作用(react on) act out 表演(perform)(对话, 故事)adapt for/to 改编 adapt (oneself) to 适合, 适应 adjust (oneself) to 适应 adjust sth to 调节 be accustomed to 习惯于 accommodate oneself/sth to 使适应 apply (sth) to (使)应用到 be fit for 适合 be suitable for 适合 be suited to/for 适合add in 加进, 包括(sth)add to 增加, 增强, 增添(sth)add to 把加到(be added to)add up vt., vi. 加起来add up to 总计(amount to)admit into/to 允许进入 admit of 容许, 有余地(allow of) admit to (doing) sth 承认(acknowledge)agree to 同意(计划/安排/建议) agree with 同意 (sb / “video”/what/sth) 相一致(fit in with); 适合(sb) (“video”: view/idea/decision/opinion) agree on/about 双方同意(sth) agree with sb about sth 同意aim at (doing) sth 目的是 aim to do sth be aimed at sth 目的是be aimed to do sth 意图做allow for 考虑进去(consider) allow of 容许(sth)answer for 对(后果)负责任appeal for 恳请, 呼吁(sth) appeal to 恳请(sb for sth) 上诉(a court against sth)吸引, 使感兴趣(sb) 求助于, 诉诸于(force)apply for 申请apply to 向申请(sb for sth)apply () to 应用, 适用 apply oneself to 致力于, 专心于 make an application to sb for sth 申请appoint sb as / to do sth 任命, 委派approve of sth 赞同, 同意 approve sth 批准argue with sb 辩论 argue about/over sth 辩论 argue for/against 据理赞成/反对 argue sb into doing sth 说服某人做 argue sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做 argue that 主张arrange (for) sth 安排 arrange sth for sb 为安排 arrange to do sth 安排做 arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做as follows 如下ask for 请求(sth); 询问路(sb) beg for 恳求 call for 要求; 需要; 邀约 ask out 约会(sb)ask after 问候(enquire after) look after 照料 run after 追赶 take after 长得像assist in/with sth 帮助, 协助associate with 与联系attach to 附着, 贴, 连接 be attached to 喜欢(take to);属于(belong to) attach importance to 重视attend to 专心, 注意; 处理; 对待 attend on 服侍, 侍候(wait on) tend to do 往往会,倾向于 tend (to) sb/sth 照料,照管,护理; 招待,侍候 tend to/towards sth 倾向于 B base A on B 以B为基础, 以B为根据 be based on B 以B为基础, 以B为根据be a matter of sth 只不过是 be about to do sth (when ) 正要做(突然.) = be on the point of doing sth (when )be absorbed in 专心于be active in 活跃, 积极 take an active part in 积极参加 play an important role/part in 起重要作用be addicted to 上瘾, 热衷于 addict oneself to 使沉溺于 abandon oneself to 放纵 be devoted to 专心于be allergic to 对过敏, 对反感, 厌恶 be sensitive to 对过敏be angry with sb 生气 be angry at sth 生气be anxious about/for sb/sth 担心 be worried about 担心be anxious for sth 渴望be thirsty for 渴望long for 渴望be dying for 渴望be dying to do 极想, 渴望be itching for 渴望be concerned about/for sth 担心, 忧虑 be concerned with 与有关 be concerned about/with sth对感兴趣/关切be around 活跃, 突出 have been around 有见识, 有阅历be/become aware of 知道, 意识到, 明白 be conscious of 注意到, 意识到 beware of 小心, 当心, 谨防, 提防be back on ones feet (困境后)恢复,完全复原be bound to do 一定做, 注定做be busy with 忙于 be engaged in 忙于 be involved in 专心于 be occupied with 忙于, 专心于 apply oneself to 致力于, 专心于 be absorbed in 专心于be devoted to 专心于be careful about/of/with 谨慎, 小心(sb/sth)be cautious about/of 谨慎, 小心(sb/sth)be concerned about/for sth 担忧,烦恼,关心,挂念 be concerned with 与有关 be concerned in sth 与有牵连be worried with 担心be related with/to 与有关as far as sb is concerned 就而言be considerate towards 体谅be covered with/by 被覆盖 be surrounded with/by 被包围be/grow crazy about 狂热, 热衷 (like crazy 非常, 及其)be curious about 好奇be decorated with 装饰be diagnosed with 被诊断be doomed to do 注定be dressed in 穿着(状态)put on 穿上,戴上(动作);上演;长胖(weight)have on 穿着(状态)pull on 穿上, 戴上(手套,袜子,裤子) (动作)be wearing 穿着, 戴着(状态)be embarrassed about/with/at 尴尬be enthusiastic about/over sth 热心be equal to 胜任; 相等, 平等 be equipped with 装备有be armed with 装备有be furnished with 备有家具be marked with 有标记be filled with 装满 be full of 装满be satisfied with 对满意be content with 对满足be faced with 面对 be up against 面对, 面临be famous for 以著名, 以出名be noted for 以著名, 以出名be familiar with 熟悉, 与熟悉起来 be familiar to 为所熟悉be fashionable with 受欢迎 be popular with 受欢迎 welcome to 欢迎到be fed up with 厌恶(be tired of)be fond of 喜欢 be into sth 非常喜欢go in for 爱好; 从事 be free from 不受.影响 be freed from 解脱, 摆脱be guilty of 犯罪 feel guilty about/at sth 内疚be happy with/about/in/over sth 感到高兴 be happy with sb 感到满意be home to 是发祥地; 是产地 be the home of 是发祥地; 是产地 feel at home 不拘束 make yourself at home 别拘束 at home and abroad 国内外be honest with sb 对诚实 be honest in (doing) sth 做事诚实be included in 包括进去be/become/get infected with 感染上 get contracted with 感染上 pick up 染上(流行病/坏习惯)be interested in 感兴趣 be interested to do sth 喜欢做be involved in 从事, 忙于 be engaged in 从事, 忙于 be involved in/with 有关联 be related to 有联系be likely to do 很可能, 有希望be lined with 排成一行be located in/at/on/to/off 位于 be situated in/at/on/to/off 位于 lie in/at/on/to/off 位于be loyal to 对忠诚/忠实be mean with/about 小气的, 吝啬的 be generous with 大方的, 慷慨的be modelled after 模仿, 仿造be much of 了不起 be not much of 不怎么了不起be occupied with 忙于be out to do sth 力求, 旨在 be aimed at / to do sth 目的是 be intended for / to do sth 打算, 意图 be designed for / to do sth 打算, 意图be packed with 挤满, 塞满 be crowded with 挤满, 塞满be patient with 对有耐心 be popular with 受欢迎 be disappointed with 对感到失望be opposed to 反对 be against 反对 be for 赞成be positive about 对有把握, 确信 be sure of 确信 assure sb of 使确信 ensure sb sth 保证 guarantee sb sth / sth to sb 担保, 保证insure sb from/against 保险be rich in 富有 be abundant in 富有be satisfied with 对感到满意 be/feel content with sth 对满足 be content to do sth 乐意做be willing to do sth 愿意做be scared to death 吓死be sceptical of/about 怀疑 be suspicious of 怀疑be secure from/against 安全于be serious about 严肃, 认真 take sth seriously 严肃, 认真be similar to 与相似 the same as 跟一样be skilled with sth 熟练 be skilled in/at doing sth 熟练be/keep spellbound 入迷, 出神, 着魔be strict with sb 对严格 be strict in sth 在方面严格 be hard on sb 对苛刻be stubborn in 固执于be subject to 受约束be/get tired of 厌恶(be fed up with) be tired with/from 因疲劳be tired out 筋疲力尽 be worn out 筋疲力尽 give out 用完, 筋疲力尽be typical of 是的特点(sb/sth)be upset about 心烦, 不安be vital for 及其重要 be important to 重要become of 结果怎样(What became of sb ? What has become of sb ? What had become of sb ?) happen to 发生( Sth happens to sb .) 碰巧(Sb happens to do sth . It so happened that .) come about 发生, 引起 bring about 使发生, 引起begin with 以开始(start with) (to begin with 首先to start with 首先 firstly 首先 in the first place 首先; 起初) believe in 信任(trust); 信仰; 相信有好处 have faith in 信任; 有信心belong to 属于 belong in/on 位于benefit from 得益于 benefit 对有好处/益处make for 有助于; 向移动 contribute to 导致, 引起; 有助于block out 挡住(光线); 封闭blow away 吹走 blow up 给充气; 炸毁; 放大(照片) carry away 拿走, 叼走; 使入迷clear away 消除, 消散 die away 逐步消失drive away 赶走give away 赠送; 泄露 pass away 去世 put away 收拾好; 储蓄 send away 打发走 take away 拿走; 带走; 夺走throw away 扔掉 turn away 回绝; 打发走wash away 冲走wear away 磨损; 消耗do away with 废除 break away from 摆脱; 改掉 get away from 走掉 keep away from 避开run away 跑掉break away from 脱离; 改掉break down 毁掉, 打破, 破坏(车,船,机器)坏了(精神, 健康)跨了; (化学)分解; 中断, 终止, 失效break in 闯入; 插话(on sth with sth) break into 破门而入, 闯入; 突然开始break into tears 突然哭起来 burst into tears 突然哭起来 burst into laughter 突然笑起来, 大声笑出来break out crying 突然哭起来 burst out crying 突然哭起来 burst out laughing 突然笑起来, 大声笑出来break off 停止说话; 折断, 断绝 break out 爆发, 突发 break through 突破 break up 打碎; 拆散, 散伙; 驱散 (物理)分解; 散会; 分手(with sb)bring about vt. 引起, 造成 come about vi. 发生, 引起 become of 结果怎样(What becomes of sb ? )bring back 归还, 送回; 使想起(sth) bring back to life 使复生, 使复活 bring back to health 恢复健康 bring back in view 使重新浮现 bring down 使倒下;打垮,击败;使减少 bring in 带进; 引进; 赚(钱) bring forth 引起; 提出bring forward 提前; 提出 come up 被提出 come up with 提出 bring on 帮助提高(sb);导致,引起;促进生长 bring out vt. 拿出(take out); 生产(produce); 出版(publish); 提出,使清楚表现 come out vi. 出来; 出版; 开花; 结果 bring up 抚养, 培养, 教育; 提出 bring up against 使面对 be up against 面对 bring to light 发现,让知道; 揭露,披露 come to light 为人所知; 暴露build up 逐渐增强; 建立; 开发 burn away 烧光, 烧完(burn out)burn down 烧毁 burn out 烧光, 烧完(燃料)burnto the ground 全部焚毁, 夷为平地 burn up 烧掉, 烧毁; 烧旺起来 Ccall at 拜访(a place) drop in at 顺便拜访(a place)call on 拜访(sb); 号召,恳求(sb to do sth) drop in on 顺便拜访(sb)call back 回电话(ring back)call for 要求(ask for); 需要(require); 去邀call forth 引起call in 电话请进bring in 带进; 引进; 赚(钱)call off 取消 cancel 取消 abolish 废除; abandon遗弃, 抛弃; quit停止;stop 停止; give up放弃 call out 大声叫喊call up 给打电话(ring up)calm down (使)平静下来, (使)镇定下来 cool off/down 变凉; 平静下来cant stand / bear 不能忍受 live with 忍受 put up with 容忍 tolerate 容忍care about 在乎; 关心; 忧虑, 惦念 care for 喜欢; 关爱, 关照, 关怀 take care of 照料come about vi. 发生, 引起 bring about vt. 发生, 引起go about 忙于; 着手做 get about 四下走动(vi.); 流传开,传播开(vi.)说服(sb); 解决,克服(sth); 抽时间来做(to sth/doing sth) knock about 漫游; 常与交往(with); 接连敲击; 粗暴对待 set about 着手做carry on 继续, 坚持 carry out 执行, 完成cast down 使沮丧, 使不愉快; 使泄气catch sb out 难住, 使显出错误 catch up with 赶上 keep up with 跟上 keep pace with 紧跟, 同步 keep track of 记下; 跟踪了解 catch sight of 看见, 瞥见cater for sb/sth 提供饮食, 承办宴席 cater for/to 迎合, 投合, 满足需要centre (sth) on 作为重点, 作为中心 concentrate (sth) on 专心于, 专攻 focus on 以为重点change ones mind 改变主意 never mind 不必担心 make up ones mind(s)下决心, 决定(to do sth) be determined to do sth 决定做charge sb with sth 控告,控诉,起诉; 指责,谴责 accuse sb of sth 控告,控诉; 指责,谴责 curse/blame/scold sb for sth cheer up (使)感到兴奋/感到高兴; 加油,喝彩choose to do sth 愿意做 choose from 从中挑选 choose 挑选clean up 清理, 打扫clear up 清除; (天)放晴close down 关闭, 倒闭(shut down) close up 暂时关闭 shut up 闭嘴; 关上所有门窗(the house); 关在里面(sb); 藏在里面(sth)coincide with (意见,爱好,实践)一致combine with 结合 mix with 混合 involve with 涉及 connect with 连接 relate to 相关 link to/with/and 相联系 join to 加入到 separate from 分离开 divide into 分成几个部分come about vi. 引起, 发生, 造成come along 快点; 到达(reach)出现(appear,turn up) come across 被理解(get across)(偶然)碰见,遇见(meet with , come to)come at 攻击(sb); 发现(facts,the truth)come back 回来; 重又流行, 又成功 复活(come back to life)使想起(come back to sb) come between A and B 发生在AB之间干预, 阻碍come close/near to 几乎come down to 沦落; 归结为, 是的问题 come from 出身于(come of); 出生于 come in 进来; 吸引(for sth) come into 进入come into being 形成, 产生 turn sth into reality 实现 come true 实现 come of age 成年 come off 脱落, 掉下; 成功(take off)come on 得啦;快点;过来;来临;(感冒)开始 come out 出来; 花开; 出版; 得名次(first); 结果 come round 苏醒; 有规律地发生come to 总计(amount to); 苏醒; 碰到(come across); 被想出(occur to )come to l


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