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Active for reading 4积极英语阅读4 练习答案Unit 1Chapter 1Before You ReadPart A1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 TReading Comprehension1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 FVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 bVocabulary SkillPart A2 adj.of or involving relations between persons3 n.a huge computer network of information used around the world4 n.a small network of computers within a building or organization only5 mix together 6 o or within a vein7 capable of two-way communication8 come between or interrupt, usually without permission9 make a comment in the middle of a discussion; to put in between two parts10 n.marriage between people of different ethnic, religious, or cultural backgroundsPart B1 interpersonal2 intranet3 interfere4 interject5 intermarriage6 intravenous7 Internet8 InteractiveChapter 2Reading ComprehensionPart A 1 interview2 resume3 one-to-one4 skills5 lunch, watched6 speak directly7 leadership8 stress, handleVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 similarities2 plan ahead3 wordy4 insensitivity5 clash6 disagreement7 latest8 hasty9 pleasant10 clarificationPart B1 sarcastic2 inconsistencies3 rapport4 tact5 think on your feet6 ultimate7 clarification8 deliberate9 complement10 conciseVocabulary SkillPart A1 complemented2 complimentingPart B1council: a panel or group to advise and reviewcounsel: to give advice or recommend2. faze: to gradually eliminate phase: a period of time3. profit: money earned over and above expenses prophet: a religious person who foretells the future or offers religious teaching4. led: showed someone the way lead: a very dense metal, often used in constructionReal Life SkillPart B1 e 2 g 3 f 4 a 5 h 6 d 7 c 8 bPart C1 neg: negotiable2 exp only: experienced only3 imm: immediate4 wknds: weekends5 w/: with6 req: required7 PT: part time8 sched: schedulePart DNZ: New ZealandK: thousandyr: yearlangs: languagesres: resumeUnit 2Chapter 1Before You Read1 stereotype: a too-simple and often mistaken idea about a particular group5 malicious: to do something with an evil attitude or mean desire; negativeperpetrator: a person who commits a crime; negativeabusive: using vulgar language, criticism, or action to cause emotional or physical pain; negativeintimate: to be emotionally close or familiar with; positiveassert: to claim or state as true; positivegeeky: having qualities of a geek, lacking social skills but having intellectual knowledge in excess: negativeReading Skill: Understanding InferencePart A1 I 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 I 6 S 7 I 8 IReading Comprehension1 b 2 a 3 d 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 d 8 bVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 g 2 b 3 d 4 j 5 c 6 a 7 f 8 e 9 i 10 h Part B1 intimate2 dominated3 predominately4 relinquishes5 replication6 assert7 distinct8 malicious9 rationale10 perpetratorVocabulary SkillPart A1 show that someone is involved in something, especially in an illegal activity2 adj.not able to be explained; 3 adj.precise or clear4 make pleated folds n.a fold doubled over on itself in cloth褶5 adj.flexible; capable of being bent or shaped6 increase in number7 electronic system capable of receiving many signals at once;a theater with many separate movie theaters within it8 adj.understood, but not directly statedPart B1 pleats2 multiplex3 explicit4 pliable5 multiplied6 implicated7 inexplicable8 implicitChapter 2Before You Readprodigy-a genius; someone of great abilitydeclines-weakens, moves downwardstand up for-to represent or defend something or someoneplay along-to cooperate with someone or to make believe to do somangles-damages badlyReading Comprehension1 Gigabyte is considered a virus-writing prodigy because she started programming and designing very powerful viruses at a young age.2 She wrote her first computer virus when she was 14 years old.3 The “Sharpei” worm spreads via the Microsoft Outlook e-mail program as an attachment.4 Gigabytes relationship with her parents is probably not very good.5 Gigabytes computer teacher likes her, but does not approve of Gigabytes virus writing.6 Gigabyte does not pride herself on being a feminist icon, but on being a female virus writer.7 She thinks people whose computers become infected by viruses are just stupid and should know better.8 Both Gigabyte and her ferret are cunning, quick, and potentially dangerous.Vocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 bVocabulary SkillPart A1 autobiography自传2 paragraph 段落3 monograph专论4 demography 人口统计学5 cartography 绘图法6 photograph照片7 seismograph地震仪8 bibliography 参考书目9 choreography 舞蹈术 10 biography 传记Part BGraph: para; monoBoth: photo; seimo; choreoGraphy: biblio; bio; autobio; carto; demoPart C1 paragraphs段落2 choreographers舞蹈指导3 bibliography 参考书目4 biography传记5 autobiography 自传6 seismographer 测震学专家7 photography摄影术8 monograph专论9 demographic 人口统计学的10 cartography 绘图法Real Life SkillPart B1 OS2 HD3 ISP4 DVD-ROM5 USB6 RAM7 MB8 CD-RW9 MHz10 GBUnit 3Chapter 1Before You Readdecipher-to figure out the meaning of somethingjaded-tired; worn-outcautiously-concerned about danger; carefullyradiant-sending out energy; having a bright glow or vibrancyresemble-to look like someone or somethingReading Skill:Part A: 2, 9, 5, 1, 3, 7 6, 4, 8Reading Comprehension1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 F Vocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 f 2 g 3 e 4 b 5 d 6 h 7 j 8 i 9 a 10 c Part B1 inquire2 decipher3 emerging4 jaded5 exclaimed6 radiantly7 fervent8 heartily9 lapsed10 pristineVocabulary SkillPart A2 care or hesitation with a slight overtone of fear3 a need for haste; a feeling of compulsion4 with or having deep or serious thoughts and a slight sense of sadness5 assuredness; confidence6 a desire to show care and consideration for others7 a lack of emotion; inflexibility8 having little or no pride9 a strong belief in ones ability10 happiness cheerfulnessPart B1 humbly 2 tactfully 3 firmly 4 flatly 5 pensively 6 furiously 7 urgently 8 joyouslyChapter 2Before You Read1 eco-tourism is a responsible type of tourism in which vacationers visit natural areas seeking to conserve the environment there and support the interests of the indigenous people.5 incredulous: skeptical; difficult to believeawe-inspiring: creating a feeling of reverence, fear, and admirationexcursions:short trips, especially ones for pleasureexhilarating: exciting; making one feel strong or happyendemic:native; usually found within a particular group of people or specific areaReading Comprehension1 a 2 b 3 d 4 b 5 c 6 d 7 d 8 dVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 ascended2 unimpressive3 intentional4 surly5 unadorned6 encouragement7 soothing8 foreign9 incoherent10 depressingPart B1 inhibitions2 incredulous3 endemic4 eerie5 exhilarated6 lucid7 decked out8 awe-inspiring9 plummeted10 graciousVocabulary SkillPart A2 n.a device that shines an image onto a wall or screen3 n.a substance, often a fluid, driven or forced into something4 v. to refuse or not acceptn.something that has been refused or rejected5 adj. sad or in low spirits6 interrupt or cut into a conversation7 throw forward or stretch out on a surface; to create a plan for or predictn.a specific task or piece of work8 n. a statement or reason for opposing somethingPart B1 rejects2 injection3 projected4 ejected5 interject 6 dejected7 projector8 objectionReal Life SkillPart A1 f 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 e 6 bPart B1 armchair travelers2 budget travelers3 family travelers4 business travelers5 adventure travelers6 luxury travelersUnit 4Chapter 1Before You Readtormented-suffering great misery; mental or physical painindifferent-not caring; without feelingnerve-racking-stressful; causing fear, tiredness, or stressdispleased-to be disappointed, offended, or annoyedtaunting-teasing, making unkind remarksReading Skill:Part A: 1 1800s 2 small 3 true 4 Kate Batts 5 talking to them 6 a few years 7 poison someone 8 schoolteacher Reading Comprehension1 The story took place in Adams, Tennessee.2 Kate Batts.3 The Bell Witch haunted the Bell family.4 Because she believed that John Bell had cheated her in a land purchase.5 Yes, at times the ghost yelled and sang loudly or spoken in low musical tones and when annoyed, she spoke at a very nerve-racking pitch.6 On his way to investigate the ghost, the ghost stopped Jacksons group by bringing his horse and wagon to a halt. That evening, Jackson encountered the witch and left early the next morning. 7 The haunting finally ended when John Bell died, supposedly after the ghost poisoned him.8 The one explanation given was that Richard Powell, Besty Bells schoolteacher, pulled the pranks to scare away her suitor and win her attention and love.Vocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 aVocabulary SkillPart A2 pit together, usually with care3 n.a part of a whole4 adj.capable of being thrown away after use5 move something to a later time6 be against something or someone7 suggest or recommend something8 place something in a particular location, arrangement, or rankn.a location, arrangement, or rank9 reverse in order or move from one position to another10 lay or place something; the act of entrusting something item, especially a valuable one, that has been placed somewhere, usually for safetyPart B1 deposited2 deposition3 composed4 postpone5 transposed6 position7 disposable8 proposed9 components10 opposeChapter 2Reading Comprehension1 F2 F3 T4 F5 T6 F7 F8 FVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 i2 j3 g4 b5 d6 c7 h8 f9 a10 ePart B1 account2 puzzled3 reveal4 engrossed5 despite the fact6 verify7 chilling8 disconcerting9 vanished10 feared the worstVocabulary SkillPart A1 immortal2 morbid3 morgue4 mortify5 murder6 mortgage7 post-mortem8 amortize9 mortuary10 mortality11 moribundPart Bmortality; morbid; morgue; murder; mortuary; immortalmoribund; mortgage; amortizeReal Life SkillPart A1 childrens book2 newspaper; police report3 advice column; self-help book4 police report; newspaper; historical information; magazine5 historical information 6 joke book7 advice column; self-help book8 police report; corporate document9 childrens book10 magazinePart B1 tales2 report3 gossip4 anecdotes5 proverb6 account7 fables8 statementUnit 5Chapter 1Reading Skill:Part B: 1 v.2 v.3 n. / noun modifierPart C: define: to explain the meaning oftarget: to establish as an aim or chosen goaltransition: period of change; a passage from one condition to anotherPart E1 n.the process of doing more than one thing at a time2 n.people who provide advice for pay3 v.supports; defends in the face of challenge4 n.people who put money into something with the intent of making money5 v.the process of thinking something over and coming to understand it6 inadvertently have ones attention turned away from a task Reading Comprehension1 fundamental2 widest possible market3 narrow4 clients5 mission statement6 identity7 talking8 planVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 underlying2 consequence3 commit4 liability5 distract6 customer7 dissuade8 confuse9 retracting10 permission Part B1 asset2 conveying3 focus in on4 commit5 proprietor6 niche7 illuminate8 caveat9 fundamental10 convincedVocabulary SkillPart A1 adj.capable of being moved from one place to another2 adv.To do something in a manner unlike others3 interrelate information from different sources4 talk or discuss in a formal manner5 n.a professional meeting6 n.the distance around a circle or outer boundary of an area7 delay or put off; to submit to something or someone out of respect8 deduce meaning based upon limited information9 adv.better or more suitable10 adj.extremely annoying or intolerablePart B1 preferably2 circumference3 differently4 defer5 conference6 insufferable7 infer8 transferable9 cross-reference10 conferChapter 2Before You Readventure-an undertaking with risk; to act with some risktenacity-determination or resolvelegacy-something passed on from one generation to anothera handful of-a small number of somethinginnovators-those who first improve upon something or create something new; creatorsReading ComprehensionPart A1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 F Vocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 i 2 b 3 e 4 g 5 h 6 f 7 j 8 d 9 a 10 cPart B1 tenacity2 cynicism3 ventures4 a handful of 5 ulterior motive6 ploy7 in conjunction with8 legacy9 compelling10 volatileVocabulary SkillPart A1 refrain from doing something2 untenable-adj.something that cannot be defended3 keep waiting or forcibly delay4 reach or achieve5 keep something or maintain possession of it; to hire the services of a professional6 object for holding things7 to be maintained8 tenant-n. a person or group who pays rent for an apartment or office9 tenure-n.the period in which an item is held or someone holds a position; a position of permanent employment10 keep in good condition or good repair11 acquire; to get12 tenacious-adj.determined or persistentPart B1 tenacious2 untenable3 attained4 tenant; tenure5 obtainingReal Life SkillPart BIPO-Initial Public Offering-the first time people can buy stock in a companyCEO-Chief Executive Officer-the most senior executive in a companyNYSE-New York Stock Exchange-the main place to buy and sell stocks in the United States, Ltd-Limited-not open for public tradingHQ-headquarters-the head office of a businessCFO-Chief Financial Officer-the senior executive in charge of planning and financial recordsFTSE-Financial Times Stock Exchange Index- a measure of the U.K. stock marketNASDAQ-National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation-a computerized stock exchange in the United StatesYTD-year-to-date-figures for this year, until todayPart CCEOCFOIPONASDAQFTSEHQUnit 6Chapter 1Before You Read1 The terms “golden boy” or “golden girl” are often used to describe an individual who, like gold, is valuable and “shines” in their field. It also often infers that the person is considered perfect and can do no wrong. The title is basically saying that Ronaldo is a favored soccer player.5 precocious-advanced in intelligence or development positivegoofy-silly; often in a strange way; negativeoutlandish-shocking or strange in style or behavior; negativecelebrated-a person or thing that is considered something special; positiverelaxed-not tense or nervous, less strict; positiveReading Comprehension1 T2 F3 F 4 F 5 T6 T 7 T 8 TVocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 casually2 cured3 flourishing4 aspiringly5 belabored6 preceding7 secretly 8 common9 predictable10 lazinessPart B1 coasted2 outlandish3 plagued4 conspicuously5 unprecedented6 devastating7 follow in the footsteps8 intently9 irreparably10 precocityVocabulary SkillPart ANounverbadjadvdevastationdevastatedevastatinglyintent/intentionintendintendedNAprecociousprecociouslyconspicuousnessNAconspicuousirreparability/irreparablenessNAirreparabledepressdepresseddepressinglyoutlandishnessNAoutlandishlyNAuneasyuneasilyNAoverwhelmoverwhelminglyaccomplishaccomplished/accomplishableNAPart Bprecocious; depression; uneasiness; irreparable; conspicuous; overwhelming; intent; accomplishments; outlandishly; devastatingChapter 2Vocabulary ComprehensionPart A 1 h 2 i 3 d 4 c 5 b 6 j 7 g 8 e 9 f 10 aPart B1 permission; flatly2 presence3 boils down to 4 gut feeling5 expedition6 ironic7 pulled some strings8 crawl; summitVocabulary SkillPart A1 c 2 f 3 a 4 g 5 j 6 l 7 k 8 I 9 e 10 d 11 b 12 hPart Bcosts an arm and a leg; lose their headsstick their neck outlend a handput your finger ongiving you the cold shouldertalkbehind your backup in armsget it off your chestpulling your legReal Life SkillPart A1 car racing2 baseball3 tennis4 boxingPart B1 Royals2 Wildcats3 Blazers4 Centerville5 Tigers6 Metro7 Titans Unit 7Chapter 1Reading Skill:B. 1 adjective2 adjective; The words are used to describe the nouns lumber and supply.C. stack: to place one object upon anotherdiminish: to lessen in force, number, or qualityE. 1 byproduct: n. an extra or additional product created during the process of creating something else2 discarded: adj. unneeded or thrown away3 identical: adj. exactly the same4 brutal: adj. difficult or harsh5 flawlessly: adv. done without error or imperfection6 substitute: v. to replace with something


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