



紧固件各类产品名称术语中英文对照表 5 / 51.紧固件定义1.1 紧固件Fastener1.2 商品紧固件Commercial Fastener1.3 标准紧固件Standard Fastener1.4 非标准紧固件Nonstandard Fastener1.5 特殊紧固件Special Fastener1.6 精制紧固件Finished Fastener1.7 粗制紧固件Unfinished Fastener1.8 螺纹紧固件Threaded Fastener1.9 半精制紧固件Semi-Finished Fastener1.10 有头紧固件Headed Fastener1.11 无头紧固件Headless Fastener1.12 压力紧固件Compression Fastener1.13 高强度紧固件High strength Fastener1.14 抗剪紧固件Shear Fastener1.15 抗拉紧固件Tension Fastener1.16 库存紧固件Stock Fastener2.头部型式及扳拧特征2.1 六角头Hexagon head2.2 六角头垫圈面Hexagon head with washer face2.3 六角头凸缘Hexagon head with collar2.4 六角头法兰面Hexagon head with flange2.5 方头Square head2.6 方头、凸缘Square head with collar2.7 三角头Triangle head2.8 三角头、凸缘Triangle head with collar2.9 人角头Oct-agonal head2.10 12角头、法兰面12 point flange head (bihexagonal head)2.11 T型头T head ( hammer head )2.12 圆头Round head ( button head )2.13 扁圆头Mushroom head ( truss head )2.14 圆柱头Cheese head ( flat fillister head )2.15 球面圆柱头Raised cheese head ( fillister head )2.16 盘头Pan head2.17 沉头Countersunk head ( flat head) ( c s k head )2.18 双沉头Reinforced head ( double cone )2.19 半沉头Raised countersunk head ( oval head )2.20 球面扁圆柱头Binging head2.21 沉头清根Undercut countersunk head ( undercut flat head )2.22 半沉头清根Undercut raised countersunk head ( undercut oval head )2.23 球体头Ball head2.24 按纽头Button head2.25 无头Headless2.26 圆形垫圈头Round washer head2.27 内六角头Socket head2.28 高圆头High botton head2.29 双层头Biconic head2.30 锥头Cone head2.31 尖锥头Steeple head2.32 喇叭头Bugle head2.33 薄片头thin wafer2.34 冲压凹穴型头Drilled fillister head2.35 伞形头Stuss head2.36 蘑菇头Mushroom head2.37 支承面Bearing surface2.38 垫圈面Washer face2.39 六角Hexagon2.40 四方Square2.41 三角Triangle2.42 人角Octagon2.43 12角12 point (bihexagonal )2.44 内六角Hexagon socket2.45 内三角Triangle socket2.46 内四角Square socket2.47 内六花键Six-spline socket2.48 内12角12 point socket ( bihexagon socket )2.49 开槽Slot2.50 十字槽 H Cross recess ( phillips )2.51 十(米)字槽Cross recess ( pozidriv )2.52 蝶形(翼形) Wing2.53 旋棒Tommy2.54 直纹滚花Straight knurl2.55 网纹滚花Diamond knurl2.56 十字孔Cross hole ( set pin hole in side )2.57 五角Pentagon2.58 梅花槽Torx recess2.59 离合槽Clutch recess2.60 四方槽Square recess3.杆部及其末端3.1 标准杆Normal shank ( nominal shank diameter=nominal thread diameter)3.2 细杆Reduced shank ( shank diameter thread diameter )3.4 加强杆Increased shank ( shank diamerer thread diameter )3.5 轴杆Shouder ( collar )3.6 方颈Square neck3.7 榫Fin3.8 凸缘Fillet3.9 锯齿形Serration3.10 肋Lug3.11 条颈Ribbed neck3.12 胀大颈Swell neckWINDFAST-QC.DEP. page3of12 Record 2008-3-3No. Chinese Description in English3.13 杆(部)体Shank3.14 锥端Cone point3.15 截锥端Short dog point3.16 凹端Cup point3.17 短圆柱端Short dog point3.18 长圆柱端Long dog point3.19 短圆柱球面端Short dog point with rounded end3.20 短圆柱截锥端Short dog point with truncated cone end3.21 刮销端Scrape point3.22 自攻螺钉的末端End for self-tapping screws3.23 自攻锁紧螺钉的末端End for thread rolling screws (thread formed by deformation )3.24 辗制末端As-roller end3.25 平端Flat point3.26 球面端(倒圆端) Rounded end3.27 倒角端Chamfered end3.28 钻孔端Gimlet point3.29 顶锻端Header point3.30 钉子端Nail point3.31 针端Needle point3.32 半圆端Oval point3.33 导向端Pilot point3.34 球端Spherical point3.35 夹断端Pinck point4.尺寸及形位公差4.1 实际尺寸Actual size4.2 允差Allawance size4.3 基本尺寸Basic size4.4 设计尺寸Design size4.5 配合Fit4.6 尺寸极限Limits of size4.7 公称尺寸Nominal size4.8 参改尺寸Reference size4.9 公差Tolerance4.10 公差位置Position tolerance4.11 对边宽度Width across flats4.12 对角宽度Width across corner4.13 螺纹通(测量) Go thread gauge4.14 螺纹止(测量) No go thread gauge4.15 头下圆角半径Radius under head4.16 开槽宽度Slot recess width4.17 开槽深度Slot recess depth4.18 十字槽插入深Penetration depth4.19 十字槽直径Recess diameter4.20 十字槽宽度Recess width4.21 头部直径Head diameter4.22 头部高度Head height4.23 头部角度Head angle4.24 无螺纹杆径Shank diameter ( unthreaded diameter )4.25 无螺纹杆长Shank length ( unthreaded length )4.26 夹紧长度Grip length4.27 螺纹大径Major thread diameter4.28 螺纹小径Minor diameter ( small )4.29 肩距Unthreaded length under head4.30 螺纹长度Thread length4.31 杆长Total length4.32 内六角扳拧深度Depth hexagon socket4.33 内凹槽插入深度Key engagement4.34 外径Exter diameter ( outside diameter )4.35 内径Internal diameter ( inside diameter )4.36 长度Length4.37 宽度Breadth4.38 厚度Thickness4.39 高度Hight4.40 孔径Bore diameter4.41 法兰直径Flange diamerer4.42 方径长度Square neck length4.43 方径宽度Square neck width4.44 凸缘高度Collar height4.45 凸缘直径Collar diameter4.46 对称度Symmerty4.47 同轴度Concentricity ( coaxiality )4.48 垂直度Perpendicularity4.49 平行度Parallelism4.5 直度Straightriess4.51 槽杆同轴度Recess concentricity4.52 头杆同轴度Head concentricity4.53 头杆垂直度Head lnclination4.54 斜度Angularity ( taper )4.55 弧度或弯曲度Bow or camber4.56 尾尖角Point angle4.57 镀锌层厚度Zinc plating thickness4.58 跳动Run-out4.59 锥度Taper ratio4.60 榫长Nib length4.61 榫宽Nib width4.62 倒角.圆角Chamfer4.63 平面度Flatness5.机械性能5.1 抗拉强度Tensile strength5.2 屈服强度Proof strength5.3 屈服点Lower yield stress5.4 扭转强度Torque strength ( torsional strength )5.5 剪切强度Shear strength5.6 冲击韧性Impact strength5.7 延伸率Elongation5.8 断面收缩率Reduction5.9 拉(压)应力Tension5.10 破坏(扭)力矩Breaking torque5.11 晶粒度Grahularity5.12 机械性能Mechanical properties5.13 脱碳Decarburise5.14 渗碳Carburization5.15 最小剩余弹力Minimum residual sping force5.16 压负荷的百分率Percenatage of compression load5.17 表面硬度Surface hardness5.18 芯部硬度Core hardness5.19 扭矩Torque ( torsion )5.20 表面硬化层深度Case harden depth5.21 氢脆Hydrogen embrittlement5.22 压载(负)荷Compression load5.23 硬度试验Hardness test5.24 头部坚固性试验Head soundness test5.25 扭转试验Twisting test5.26 弹性试验Resilience test5.27 保证载荷试验Proof loading test5.28 楔负载强度试验Wedge loading test5.29 弯曲试验Bending test5.30 旋入试验Screw-in test5.31 最小破坏力矩试验Torsional test and minimum torques5.32 永久变形试验Permanent deformation test5.33 盐雾试验Salt spray test5.34 弹性Elasticity5.35 韧性Tenacity ( Toughnee )5.36 塑性Fiexibility5.37 磁力碳伤Magnetic particle inspection6.材料-热处理-表面处理6.1 碳钢Carbon steel6.2 低碳钢Low carbon steel6.3 中碳钢Medium carbon steel6.4 合金钢Alloy steel6.5 热处理钢Heat-treated steel6.6 低马钢Low carbon martensite steel6.7 奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel6.8 马氏体不锈钢Martenitic stainless steel6.9 铁Iron6.10 铝Aluminium6.11 黄铜Brass6.12 紫铜Copper6.13 青铜Bronze6.14 塑料Plastic6.15 淬火Quenched6.16 回火Tempered6.17 退火Annealed6.18 表面硬化Case hardened6.19 强度等级Class6.20 氧化Oxide ( anodizing )6.21 金属Metal6.22 非金属Metalloid6.23 发黑Black6.24 本色Plain ( self colour )6.25 热处理Heat treatment6.26 涂层Coating6.27 表面处理Finish6.28 涂蜡Waxed6.29 镀锌(兰白锌) Zinc plated ( zinc / clear )6.30 镀黄锌Zinc yellow ( Y.Z.P.)6.31 镀黑锌Zinc plated black6.32 镀镍Nickel plated6.33 镀铜Brass plated6.34 热浸镀锌Hot dip galvanized ( H.D.G.)6.35 电镀Electplating6.36 机械镀锌Mechanical galvaizing6.37 表面热处理Surface heat treatment7、加工方法7.1 冷镦Cold heading7.2 冷锻Cold forging7.3 热锻Hot forging7.4 成型Forming7.5 切削(断) Cutting7.6 缩径Shrink diameter7.7 搓(攻)丝Threading7.8 滚丝Thread rolling7.9 拔丝Drawing7.10 酸洗Pickling7.11 钝化Passirating7.12 废水处理Waste water treatment7.13 研磨Grinding7.14 镦粗Upsetting7.15 开槽Soltting7.16 刮削Sharing7.17 滚花Kunrling7.18 抛光Polishing7.19 冲压Punching7.20 滚动Tumbling7.21 精整Trimming7.22 铣削Milled7.23 挤压Extruding7.24 钻孔Drilling7.25 模压Embossing7.26 沉孔Countersinking7.27 压印Coining7.28 扩孔Counterboring7.29 控削Broaching7.30 辊光Burnishing7.31 锻造Forging7.32 剪切Shear7.33 焊接Welded7.34 喷砂Sand blasting8.表面缺陷8.1 裂缝Cracks8.2 淬火裂缝Quench cracks8.3 锻造裂缝Forging cracks8.4 锻造爆裂Forging bursts8.5 剪切爆裂Shear bursts8.6 条痕Laps8.7 凹痕Voids8.8 皱纹Folds ( pits ) ( laps )8.9 切痕Tool marks8.10 损伤Damages8.11 毛刺Burr8.12 碎屑Chip8.13 夹杂Inclusions8.14 锈皮Sharing8.15 飞边Flash8.16 开裂Cracks8.17 锈、锈斑Rust9.螺纹9.1 普通螺纹Screw thread9.2 锥螺纹Taper screws thread9.3 自攻螺纹(宽牙螺纹) Tapping screws thread ( spaced thread )9.4 木螺钉螺纹Wood screws thread9.5 米制螺纹Metric thread9.6 ISO 米制螺纹ISO Metric thread9.7 米制细牙螺纹Metric fine pitch thread9.8 ISO 米制细牙螺纹ISO Metric fine pitch thread9.9 寸制螺纹Inch thread9.10 统一螺纹(ISO寸制) Unified screw thread ( ISO inch )9.11 惠氏螺纹Whitworth thread9.12 管螺纹Pipe thread9.13


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