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免费体验美国外教口语互动课程 易格英语 成都武侯区英语培训成都武侯区英语培训机构对于英语学习,不只是生活中日常口语的运用,还要注意一些涉及到专业性的问答,这才算是全面的学习英语。小编精心为您准备的一些专业性英语问答,一起学习学习:总体安全/Safety in General1救生演习和消防演习必须记在船舶日志里。1Life drills and fire drills should be written in the ships logbook.2航海日志与轮机日志的记录互相矛盾。2There is contradiction between deck logbook and engine logbook.3合法证书复印件是否已张贴?3Are certified copies of the statutory certificates posted?4船员生活区走廊是否贴有最新的防火控制图?该防火控制图是否清楚可读并有相应的标准签字,是否有一份防火控制图存放在甲板房间外部一个带有明显标志、风雨密的容器里?4Are up-to-date fire control plans been posted in accommodation alleyways, are clearly readable and show a sign of approval? Is one copy stored in a prominently marked and weather tight container outside the deckhouse?5用什么语言记录日志?5What language do you use in your logbook?6日志上的记录含糊不清/不清晰。6Your entries in logbook are ambiguous/ not clear.7那些补充的项目没有签名。/未在补充项目上签名7The amended items are not signed./ There is no signature in the amended entries.8日志记录的语言不是标准英语/书面英语/不能理解。8The language in logbook is not standard English/written English/not understandable.9是否有关于船上救生设备维护保养的指导手册,该手册能否被所有船员理解?定期维护保养是否有记录?9Are Instruction Manuals for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances available and understood by all crewmembers? Is regular maintenance being recorded?10船上实际组成人员是否符合安全配员证书要求?10Is the actual crewcomposition in accordance with the requirements as per Safe Manning Certificate?11是否有SOLAS训练手册,该手册必须写明船上设备的特殊说明并使用所有船员能看懂的语言?11Are SOLAS training manuals available, showing specific instructions for appliances onboard and are written in a language understood by all crewmembers?12船长、驾驶员、轮机员以及普通船员是否都持有相关的适任证书?12Are the Master, deck officers, engineer officers and ratings in possession of a respective certificate of competence?13船员证书是否已被相应的船旗国认可?13Do certificates of the crew have endorsements by flag as appropriate?14所有船员是否都持有相关的有效健康证书?14Are crewmembers in possession of valid medical examination certificates as appropriate?15记录应使用标志和代号而不是文字。15You should use symbols and marks rather than wordings.16救生设备操作手册是否存放在现场和救生设备应急灯底下?是否使用能被船员理解的语言?16Are Operating Instructions for life-saving appliances posted on scene and under emergency illumination? Are they in a language understood by all crewmembers?17是否按要求定期进行消防、弃船以及救生艇操作演习训练,并令人满意?是否记录到航海日志?17Have regular drills for fire fighting, abandon ship and rescue boat operation been carried out satisfactorily as required? Are they recorded in the logbook?18驾驶员是否熟悉应急操舵程序?18Are officers knowledgeable in the emergency steering procedures?19厕所是否处于良好状态,包括马桶、自来水以及卫生条件?19Are WCs in satisfactory condition, including plumbing, running water, sanitary conditions?20船员生活用品是否处于良好状态,在储藏室或厨房有无变质食品或不卫生的状况?20Are crews provisions in satisfactory condition with no spoilage or unsanitary conditions in stowage or galleys?21是否进行过有效的灭虫和灭鼠?21Are bugs and rodents properly dealt with?22船员舱室的电源插座和固定装置是否符合ILO的要求,并保持良好状态?22Are electric outlets and fixtures in crew cabins in satisfactory condition in accordance with ILO requirements?23新船员是否已经熟悉各自任务和船上的安全设备?23Have new crewmembers been made familiarized with their duties and the safety equipment onboard?24Working Language Inspection/检查工作语言(1)船长,你们船上使用的是什么语言?(1)Captain, which language do you use on board the ship?(2)汉语和英语。/我们用英语/汉语作为工作语言。(2)Chinese, and English. / We use English/Chinese as working language(3)轮机长,我是来自于的检查官。你能把今年第三航次至第九航次的轮机日志给我看一下吗?(3)Chief Engineer, I am PSC officer from . Could you show me your engine logbook from voyage No.3 to No. 9 this year?(4)好的。请稍等。(4)OK. Please wait a minute.25舵机控制系统(包括所有报警系统)是否处于良好的工作状态?25Is the steering gear control system operating properly, including all alarms?26进住宿区的门是否正确关闭?26Do doors to accommodation spaces close properly?27是否有人(非指病人)居住在医务室?27Are there no persons (other than those who are sick) living in the hospital space?28船员的居住条件是否符合ILO的要求?28Are crews accommodations in satisfactory condition in accordance with ILO requirements?29油漆原料是否仅储存在指定的油漆间?29Are all paint materials stored inside the designated paint locker only?30所有逃生通道是否保持畅通无阻且正常照明?30Are all escape ways accessible and free of obstructions and are they properly illuminated?31逃生通道和应急设备存储处所是否按IMO的要求进行标示?31Are IMO symbols properly used for marking escape ways and locations of emergency equipment?32应变部署表是否更新且用船员可理解的语言进行编写?应变部署表是否包括安全设备维护的职责?是否包含携带应急无线电设备到救生艇筏上的职责?应变部署表是否贴在驾驶台、机舱控制室以及船员生活区?32Are up-to-date muster lists written in a language understood by the crewmembers? Are duties about maintenance of safety equipment included? Are duties about carrying emergency radio equipment into the survival crafts included? Are they posted on the bridge, in engine control room and ac


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