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Lecture 5 Proofreading一 词1. 词汇(1) 词义辨析/形近词辩词(词义的混乱问题) 利用错误词和正确词词性一样,词义和(或)词性相近的特点混淆视听。动词,名词,形容词,副词和介词都可以各自进行词义的混淆。For example:He holds his “readiness-to-rise” post and keeps on holding it. (1997) postureAnxious to check inflation and rising life costs, the federal government appointed a board of grain superviors. (2001) living As we know, life would only be possible on the face of a planet. (1996) surface.his politeness glues his body to the chair and refuses to let him raise. (1997) rise . the government appointed the first Canadian Wheat Board, with total authority to buy, sell, and set price. (2000) full/complete/absolute/overall.there is a sharp difference in meaning between “man is vile” and “the man is vile”, yet the is single vehicle of this difference in meaning. (2000) only/sole. and it often comes as a shock when we firstly hear a recording of ourselves. (2002) firstWe learn quite early to recognize a “stranger”, someone who speaks with an accent of a different communityperhaps only a few miles far. (2002) awayThe hunter-gatherer tribes that today live as our prehistoric human ancestors consume primarily a vegetable diet supplemented with animal foods. (1999) like(2) 词性辨析(词性的混乱问题) 多为形容词和副词之间,名词和形容词之间的混乱使用。The marketing of wheat became an increasing favorite topic of conversation. (2001) increasingly. that is to say, they consider the human infant to be genetic programmed in such a way that it can acquire language. (1998) geneticallyA certain number of hydrogen atoms, which are one of the main constituents of water, are lost by escaping from the atmosphere to out space, but. (1996) outerFrom the 1940s through the early 1960s, Americans married at a high rate and at a younger age than their Europe countereparts. (European)2. 限定词限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。英语中的限定词包括:定冠词、不定冠词、零冠词物主限定词 (your), 名词属格(my friends), 指示限定词 (this), 关系限定词 (whose), 疑问限定词(what), 不定限定词 (no, some, any, either, all, both, many, a few, other, another).基数词,序数词,倍数词,分数词量词 (a lot of, plenty of, a great/deal of, a large/small amount quantity of, a great/large/ good number of 等 能与单数名词,复数名词,不可数名词搭配的限定词:the, some, no, any, other, whose以及物主限定词和名词属格。 只能与单数名词搭配的限定词:a(n), one, another, each, every, either, neither, many a, such a 等。 只能与复数名词搭配的限定词: both, two, three, another two/three, many, (a) few, several, these, those, a (great) number of等。 只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词: a (little) bit of, a large amount of, a great deal of, (a) little, much, less, (the) least等 能与单、复数名词搭配的限定词: the first, the second, the last, the next等。 能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词: this, that 能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, enough, more, most, such, other 等。 熟练掌握冠词在各类名词之前的用法 (详见语法书)For example:冠词的误用Most committee hearings are open to public and are reported widely in the mass media. (2004)A rough and ready difference which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical words have “less meaning”,. (2000)The biggest cost of being in the school is foregoing income from a job ( this is primarily a factor in graduate and professional-school tuition):.(2005).we certainly could use their eating habits as a model for healthier diet. (1999)If he were not hesitating, it would only last a fraction of the second. (1997)数量词的误用数词的误用多出现在有基数词、序数词、分数、百分数以及数词的一致问题;表示量的概念要涉及到其他一些词类,如:名词和某些不定代词。. we certainly do creat a great number of obscurity when we omit them. (2000)The rest is fresh, but three quarter of this is in the form of the ice at the Poles and on mountains,. (1996)3. 名词的数 有个别的名词的单复数形式是一样的,如Chinese, barracks, aircraft, sheep, deer, swine, means, series, species等。 常作单数用的以-s结尾的名词包括某些疾病名称、游戏名称、学科名称以及某些地理名词和其他专有名词。但表示群岛山脉瀑布等以-s结尾的专有名词往往做复数用。 有些名词在一定的词组中一定要用复数形式,例如:take pains, make arrangments, give regards to, sing praises of, master of ceremonies, present credentials, be in high spirits等 有些名词其复数形式有时可以表示特别的意思,如minutes 记录,papers文件,证件,authorities 当局,greens 青菜,looks 外貌, ruins废墟, damages 赔偿费,brains 头脑, imports进口货物等。. to inform the citizenry and to arouse public interests in national issues. (2004) 集体名词的数:有些如:police, cattle, poultry等通常作复数用;有些如:merchandise, machinery, foliage等通常作单数用,还有一些集体名词: audience, board, class, couple, crew, committee, family, firm, jury, party等,既可以作单数也可作复数,只能作单数时表示总体或一个整体,作复数时指该集体的各个成员。hair 和fruit通常作单数表示总体,但若表示若干根头发、若干中水果则需要用复数形式。 物质名词和抽象名词一般是没有复数形式的,但有时却以复数形式出现,这时或表示若干类,或数量之多,如:Music and painting are fine arts. The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops. Lamb, onion, 抽象名词大多是不可数的,但有些是可数的,如: victory, conference等,还有些是以复数形式出现,但不能计数,如: difficulties, opinions, sympathies等 有些抽象名词表抽象概念时是不可数名词,而表示具体事物时则是可数名词,如: experience, youth, relation, worry, business等。 专有名词本身带有复数后缀,如the United States, the Netherlands 表示某姓的一家人或是表示同姓或同名的若干人, 如:the Browns, Miss Smiths/ Misses Smith4. 形容词和副词的比较结构英语比较结构最主要的有: as.as 结构,more. than结构, the most.结构;还有某些限定词和代词的比较等级构成的比较结构;有几个不定限定词和不定代词也有原级比较级最高级:many/much, more, most; few, fewer, fewest; little, less, least.1) as.as 结构基本模式是:as+形容词或副词原级+as-分句。如:John is as bright as Bob.John behaves as politely as Bob (does).否定形式为John is not so/as bright as Bob.John doesnt behave as/so politely as Bob (does).以上否定结构还可以用less.than结构来表示,如:John is less bright than Bob.John behaves less politely than Bob (does).As.as 结构的句子通常是主句主语和as-分句的主语不同,而比较的项目相同。当然也可以是主语相同,而比较项目不同,如:The girl was as briliant as she was beautiful.也可以是两个主语和两个比较项目都不同,如:This swimming pool isnt twice as wide as that one is long. 注意不同情况下as-分句的省略情况 As.as 结构的另一模式是:as much/many +名词+ as-分句,这里much/many是限定词,如: He took as much butter as he needed. She has written as many essays as her brother (has). As.as 结构的变体形式是:as +形容词原级+名词词组+as-分句,如: Geoge is as effecient a worker as Jack = George is a worker as efficient as Jack. 2)more. than 结构 基本模式是:形容词或副词比较级+than-分句 John behaves more politely than Bob. 另一模式是:限定词more/ less/fewer +名词+ than-分句,如: I spent less money on clothing than my sister. 另一变体形式是:形容词比较级+名词+ than-分句,如: My brother has a larger house htan mine. 都可转化为 名词词组+ more.than 结构作后置修饰语,如: My brother has a house larger than mine. more. than 结构另一变体形式是:定冠词+形容词或副词比较级+ of-词组,如 John is the brighter of the two boys. More/less 还可以用作代词,与某些可等级名词搭配构成比较结构,如: He is more/less of a sporstman than his brother.表相反含义的用less.than.3)(the)+形容词/副词最高级+比较范围 (of./ in .)表示“最高级”的相反意义可用 the least.结构,如:This is the lease difficult book I have ever read.For example: From the 1940s through the 1960s, Americans married at a high rate and at a younger age than their. (2003) . the poor ones job prospects, the more sense it makes to reallocate time from the job market to education, in order to make oneself more marketable. (2005) Of the remaining fraction, which is somewhat fewer than 1% of the whole, there is 1020 times as much stored as underground water. (1996)5. 代词代词包括人称代词,物主代词(形容词性和名词性),反身代词,指示代词,疑问代词,关系代词,相互代词和不定代词等。在八级考试中最容易出错的是指示代词,关系代词,不定代词和反身代词的错误,当然还有物主代词的单复数错误。For example:There are important corollaries to the investigative power. One is the power to publicize investigations and its results. (2004). their marriages remained intact to a greater extent than did that of couples who married in earlier as well as later decades. (2003)A business firm chooses the price that maximizes its net revenues, irrespective of fluctuations in income; and increasingly tile outlook of universities in the United States is indistinguishable from those of business firms. 指示代词this, that, those, these在句中可作主语,宾语,表语和定语。要注意: 对前面刚提到的东西,英语中用that (those)表示,而在指下面要谈到的事物时常用this (these)。 另外, those (that) 可用在下面这种类型的句子中表示人们或东西(后面多有一个定语修饰)e.g. He was among those who attended it. . our own handwriting is something which we almost always know. (2002) As we know, life would only be possible on the surface of a planet had temperatures somewhere within this range. (1996) The ways which universities make themselves attractive to students include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers. (2005) 注意限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句中各种关系代词的用法,如:He is a man from whom we are all ready to learn.My sister, who is a nurse, came home for a few days. as 也可以做关系代词,但它主要是在such.as 结构中使用。Such people as you describe are rare nowadays.He is not such a fool as he looks. 不定代词错误 all, each, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any ,no, 还有some-, any-, no-, every-构成的复合词,多数都能作主语、宾语、表语或定语,但是代词none和some-, any-, no-, every-构成的复合词只能作主语、宾语、表语,而every和no只能用作定语。 . (young animales) compared with the human infant they very quickly grow the capacity to fend for them. (1998)6. 独立介词 (like, as, by, despite)一类是独立介词意义方面的错误; 一类是非常广泛的介词短语以及介词跟在动词、形容词等后面构成的大量的动词短语和形容词短语搭配错误。多表现为by的漏用,like和as的混用,despite后面又多了个介词 of。. but in central London winter sunshine has increased about 70% since 1958. (1995)The hunter-gatherer tribes that today live as our prehistoric human ancestors consume primarily a vegetable diet supplemented with animal foods. (1999).these contemporary aborigines live to old ages despite of the absence of medical care. (1999)7. ing 分词&-ed 分词ing 分词通常表示主动意义和未完成意义,而-ed 分词通常表示被动含义和完成意义。e.g.But this is a rather misled way of expressing the distinction. (2000). but the government had no wish to become involving, . (2001)This power is usually delegated to committeeseither standing committees, . or joint committees consisted of members of both houses. (2004)They say the increases are needed because of a loss in value of university endowments heavily investing in common stock. (2005)8. 情态助动词 Could 所表示的“能力”仅是泛指过去的一般能力,若要表示过去有做某件事情的能力,一般用was/ were able to 表示“不许”可用may not/ cannot Must 的一否定形式为neednt, 表不必,另一否定形式为mustnt,表“不许,禁止” used to 只有过去时形式,否定句中或否定疑问句中一般用didnt use to或usednt toe.g. Host and guest have been talking for some time, but now the host has an appointment to keep and can get away. (1997)二短语(固定搭配) 1.形容词短语 (介词与形容词的搭配)a) 有些形容词要求和一定的介词搭配,如:rich in sth., intent on sth., indifferent to sth., adjacent to (毗连),averse to (嫌恶), deaf to, loyal to, preferable to, similar to, superior to, sensitive to等;b) 不少形容词之后可以和不同的介词,表示不同的意义,如:The man is blind of an eye.Bob was blind to his own fault.c) 也有不少形容词之后跟不同的介词,形容词意义不变,只是其后的搭配不同,如disappointed at sth., disappointed with sb.e.g. Large numbers of us, in fact, remain throughout our lives quite unconscious with what our speech sounds like. (2002)2. 名词短语 (介词和名词的搭配)a) 某些名词之后要求用某些介词, 如:a solution to sth., (have) faith in sth., a glance at sth./ sb., need for sth. 等。还有一些名词和to的搭配,如:obstacle to, limit to, aid to, objection to, indifference to, key to, answer to, hindrance to等b) 某些名词前要求用某些介词,如: on sbs guard, at sb.s request, in all probability, to sb.s delight.e.g. But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing the grammatical words of English.( 2000) . in rare occasions, to lay the groundwork for impeachment proceedings. (2004) An hour of hunting yields in average about 100 edible calories. (1999) . they consider the human infant to be genetically programmed in such way that it can acquire language. (1998) Although young animals are certainly in risk, sometimes for weeks or even months after birth,. (1998)3. 动词与动词短语 分清及物动词和不及物动词,以及哪些动词什么时候可当作及物动词,什么时候当作不及物动词;和哪些动词可以单用,但有些又需要和副词等词构成小品词等。 e.g. To handle with the crop of 1919. (2001) Plant foods provide for 60% to 80% of the Kung diet,. (1999)a) 动词和副词小品词在这一类固定搭配中的副词不起修饰作用,所以叫“副词小品词”,如:Blow up, break out, bring up, build up, call off, come to, carry on, carry out, come up, crop up, come out, figure out, flare up发脾气, lay off, make up, make out, pay off, pass away, put on装模装样,take apart, take on, take over等e.g. This is only a tiny range compared with the low temperatures of some other planets and the hot interior of the earth, let the temperatures of the sun. (1996). outside expert to assist in conducting investigative hearings and to make out detailed studies of issues. (2002). after all, as we have seen, speech operates as a means of holding a community and to give a sense of belongings. (2002)These young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large families that went for more than two decades and caused a major but. (2003)b) 介词与动词的搭配l 动词+介词add to, adhere to, admit to, allude to 暗示,amount to, attend to注意,照顾, attest to证明,bow to向.低头,供认, cling to, correspond to 相当于,confess to, consent to, contribute to, object to, get to, react to, pertain to属于,revert to恢复旧习惯, refer to, relate to, submit to, succeed to 继承,stick to, yield to, prevail on, appeal to, apply for, concentrate on, touch upon, account for, agree with, agree to, come into, come across, get after, go about, go for, look into, look after, rely on, resort to诉诸,see about料理, see to等e.g. Frequently, committees rely outside experts to assist in conducting investigative hearings and . (2004)If he did not care of his guests feelings he would simply get up out of his chair and announce his departure. (1997)Moreover, grammatical words differ considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they have, even in the lexical sense. (2000)On various occasions, producer groups asked firmer control, but the government had no wish to. (2001)l 动词+介词+名词e.g. This helplessness of human infants is in marked contrast with the capability of many new born animals to get on their feet within minutes of birth and run with the herd within few hours. (1998)l 系动词+-ed分词和介词+toBe accustomed to, be abbreviated to, be reduced to落到,使变小,be resigned to听任, be reconciled to, be devoted to, be used tol 动词+宾语+介词. in fact some grammarians have called them “empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. (2000). by agreeing not to award scholarship on the basis of merit rather than purely of needjust like business firms agreeing not to give discounts on their best customer. (2005)l 动词+名词+介词 (相当于一个及物动词)Make fun of, make a mess of, make the most of 充分利用,take care of, take advantage of, take pity on怜悯l 动词+名词change hands易手,过户, take effect, take root, take placee.g. This is the first act he would make if he were rising. (1997)l 动词+副词小品词+介词Catch on to理解, get around to够得到,get down to开始认真做某事,get near to几乎,接近于,face up to, put up with, look forward to, look up to, make up for, keep up with, go in for喜欢,hold out on对.保密l 动词+宾语+副词小品词+介词e.g. You shouldnt take your resentment out on me.拿。泄恨4. 复杂介词l 双词介词According to, irrespective of 不顾,ahead of, next to, along with, out of 由于, owing to, apart from, previous to, as for, prior to, as to至于,regardless of, because of, save for除了,but for, thanks to, care of由.转交,together with, due to, up to, except for, instead of等e.g. .when we consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car. (2000)A business firm chooses the price that maximizes its net revenues, irrespective fluctuations in income:. (2005)l 三词介词at variance with与.不符,by force of凭借,by means of, by reason of利用,by way of, for fear for 以免, for lack of, in addition to, on/in behalf of, in case of , in comparison with, in connection with, in contrast to/with, in consequence of 由于, in danger of, in return for对.的回报, in search of, in spite of, in terms of, in view of 鉴于, on account of 由于,under cover of, under/on (the) pretence of以.为借口,with/without reference to关于(不管), with/ without regard to with respect to关于,l 四词介词At the expense of, at the mercy of受.的摆布,at the rate of按.比率,for the benefit of , for the purpose of , for the sake of, in the care of由.照管, in the event of 如果发生,in the interest(s) of 为了.的利益,in the pay of 受雇于, in the teeth of不顾,逆着, in the wake of在.后面,in the way of 按.常规, in the process of, on/ at the brink of 濒于 on the verge of,on the eve of在.的前夕,on the ground(s) of 根据,on the part of, on the point of 正要.之际,on the score of 因为,on the strength of 依据,on the watch for提防,to the exclusion of, to/in the prejudice of 有损于, under the auspices of 在.的支持下,under the guise of在.的幌子下, with a view to指望,with an eye to试图,with the exception of 等三 句子1. 主谓一致的问题 主谓一致由三个原则支配:语法一致原则,意义一致原则和就近原则e.g. . provided neither of them have been damaged in any way either before or during birth. (1998) 以-s结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题l 以-ics结尾的学科名称,如physics通常作单数用,如表示“学科”以外的其他意义,便可作复数,如tacticsl 有一些由两个部分组成的物体名称通常是以-s结尾的,如scissors, glasses, shorts, trousers 等。这些名词如不带“一副“一条”等但为此而单独使用,则作复数,如有带单位词,则由单位词的复数形式决定动词的单复数形式l 有些以-s结尾的名词,如:arms, goods, contents, fireworks, morals, eaves屋檐,remains, stairs, suburbs, wages通常作复数,但whereabouts,dramatics作单复数均可l 凡是由-ings结尾的名词,如,clippings, diggings, earnings, surroundings, sweepings 通常作复数用 以集体名词作主语的主谓一致问题 (见词名词部分) 并列结构的主谓一致问题l And/both . and 复数但是 并列结构表示单数意义时,动词用单数,如:Ham and egg is a good breakfast.有些带and的省略结构形似单数,而意义为复数,随后的动词用复数,如:What I say and think are no business of yours.l or/ nor/ either.or , not only.but also等就近原则处理l 主语+as much as/rather than, more than, no less than等结构,随后的动词形式根据主语本身的单复数而定,如:Man , no less than the lower forms of life, is the product of the evolutionary process.l 主语+ as well as, in addition to, with, along with, together with, except,等结构,同上,如:The truck along with all its contents was destroyed. 以表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题,遵循一下原则:l 如果数量概念被看做一个整体,动词用单数; 如被看做组成该数量的一个个个体,则动词用复数,如:The treasure thought that sixty dollars was not too much to ask.There were six dollars in each of the stockings.l 如果作主语的名词词组是由“分数/百分数+ of词组”构成,其动词形式根据of词组中的名词类别而定,如:e.g. Over sixty per cent of the city was destroyed in the war.l 两数相减或相除,动词用单数;两数相加或相乘,单复数均可l 若主语由“one in/out of+ 复数名词”构成,在正式语体中,动词用单数;在非正式文体中,按就近原则可用复数l 若主语是all of ., some of., half of., most of.等表示非确定数量的名词词组,其后的动词形式根据of词组中的名词类别而定l 若主语是由“lots of, heaps of, loads o


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