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语 篇 提 能.完形填空I was at the bus stop, heading (前往) home after a long, busy day, when I served guests at a restaurant. Suddenly I realized Id left behind my _1_ with $ 80 worth of tips and one of my photos in it! I couldnt afford to _2_ a days pay.When I ran back, the _3_ was closed. So I had to tell myself: Id try to _4_ about it this evening.The next day was much _5_ than the day before. I was already _6_ five tables there, when a whitehaired _7_ sat down in my section (区域). No matter how _8_ I was, I made sure to give them the best _9_ I could. After their meal, I _10_ them for their kindness. The couple had left the _11_ by the time I picked up the tip. This wasnt right, I thought; there was much more than twenty dollars. It was too much for a tip. I _12_ again; forty dollars!Quickly, I _13_ around to look for the couple. Theyd left the restaurant. _14_, I went to the hostess (女招待). “Did you see that _15_ couple who just sat in my section leave?” I asked. “Oh, they are my parents, and have gone home,” the hostess said. “They told me about you. Yesterday they _16_ your wallet. Since you were very _17_ just now, they asked me to give the wallet to you. By the way, they said they were very _18_ with your service and gave you twice as much as a(n) _19_.”How kind they are and what a coincidence (巧合)! I will always try my best to _20_ customers well in future.1A. schoolbag B. suitcaseC. wallet D. coat2A. lose B. finishC. waste D. spend3A. station B. schoolC. bank D. restaurant4A. think B. forgetC. complain D. remember5A. brighter B. busierC. luckier D. hotter6A. putting away B. taking awayC. waiting on D. cleaning up7A. man B. ladyC. couple D. stranger8A. tired B. happyC. relaxed D. calm9A. places B. dishesC. food D. service10A. paid B. thankedC. treated D. congratulated11A. care B. tableC. money D. scene12A. included B. admiredC. counted D. explored13A. turned B. traveledC. showed D. drove14A. Anywhere B. InsteadC. Recently D. Finally15A. good B. honestC. friendly D. aged16A. set up B. put upC. picked up D. made up17A. confused B. angryC. busy D. sad18A. satisfied B. popularC. angry D. moved19A. change B. tipC. job D. honor20A. draw B. serveC. win D. keep答案与解析语篇解读作者真诚与优质的服务不仅帮自己找回了丢失的钱夹,而且还得到了双倍的小费,这也鼓舞了作者更好地为顾客服务。1C由装有80美元小费和一张照片可知作者把自己的钱包(wallet)遗失在他工作的餐馆里了。后文也提到了wallet。2A作者不能失去(lose)自己一天的报酬。3D第一段提到他在一家餐馆工作,因此此处是说他工作的餐馆(restaurant)已经关门了。4A因为已关门没办法找,所以作者告诉自己今晚要尽量不再想(think)这件事情。5B本文第一句提到a long, busy day,再根据后文中的I was already _6_ five tables there, when a .可知那天作者更忙(busier)。6C作者是餐馆的服务员,他正在侍候(wait on)五张桌子的客人。7C此时一对白发的夫妇坐在了作者的服务区。可以从后文提到的then或the couple找到答案。8A9D无论有多累(tired),作者都会尽力给顾客提供最好的服务(service)。10B从后文知道那对夫妇给了作者小费,所以作者感谢(thanked)他们的友好行为。11B等作者收起小费时,那对夫妇已经离开桌子(table)了。12C作者又数(counted)了一遍小费,竟然有四十美元。13A意识到小费给错了之后,作者转身(turned around)去寻找那对夫妇。14D此处表示作者在寻找那对夫妇未果的情况下最后(finally)决定去问女招待。15D作者问女招待是否见到刚才坐在他服务区域的那对老年(aged)夫妇离去。前文中的whitehaired有提示。16C女招待应说“昨天他们拾到了(picked up)你的钱包”。17C因为作者当时很忙(busy),那对老夫妇让女招待把钱包转交给作者。18A19B女招待说“顺便说一句,他们对你的服务很满意,给了你两倍的小费(tip)。”20B作者很感动,下决心今后会尽自己所能服务(serve)顾客。.阅读理解七选五A good relationship between students and teachers makes the classroom a very inviting place. When you consider your teachers as friends, its easier to pay attention to their explanations and improve your grades. When your teachers consider you as a friend, theyll feel more open in class. _1_ Now there are some tips to develop friendly relationship with your teachers._2_ If you have any questions, ask them. That will make them notice you. But never ask questions you already know the answers to. If your teachers realize you are not asking real questions, they might think you are not actually trying to learn, but only trying to make an impression._3_ When you see one of your teachers in the hall, greet him or her and ask if he or she is going to that concert. Most of the teachers are happy to chat with their students. After a while, they may start to talk with you about nonschool subjects in the classroom._4_ Its very easy to develop a friendly relationship with any of your teachers. _5_ However, dont forget no matter how good friends you are, they will still be your teachers and deserve (值得) your respect.A. Ask questions.B. Care about their interests.C. Just treat them as friends.D. The rest is totally up to you.E. Talk about nonschool subjects.F. And that will probably affect the classroom in a positive way.G. Some teachers dont like to have a friendly relationship with students.答案1.F2.A3.E4.D5.C.短文改错I often went for a morning walk because the nature is at her best in the morning. The best place I like to go is the park where is not far away my house. In the morning, I can breathe the fresh air, hear the birds singing, but enjoy the beautiful sunshine. On the whole day, I will feel happier and more relaxing. My morning walk keep me away from sickness and improves my healthy. In my opinion, the morning walk is a healthy form of exercise, so I enjoy them very much.答案I often for a morning walk because nature is at her best in the morning. The best place I like to go is the park is not far away my house. In the morning, I can brea


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