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中国传媒大学学位英语作文辅导(南广通用)评分标准:语言第一位;结构第二位;内容第三位写作教学实践证明,其实英语综合水平较低的学生,只要掌握了简单句的写作,也能够写出语言流畅,思维连贯的作文。第一, 始终抓住句子结构。第二, 以动词为核心。第三, 掌握基本时态,保证主语谓语一致。第四, 熟悉“形式主语”和“形式宾语”第五, 适当使用修饰成分和附加成分。不用过多使用形容词修饰名词,但可以多用借此短语或其他的短语是句子更为充实。I find it very exciting to watch the movie. Decide = make up ones mind About = as toAccording to = in accordance with = on the basis of 一句子结构1. 主语+谓语 (S+V)Jack didnt smoke yesterday.Rose smoked.2. 主语+谓语+宾语 (S+V+O)Jack likes drawing pictures.3. 主语+谓语+双宾语 (S+V+o+O)Jack did not buy Rose a necklace (heart of the ocean). 4. 主语+谓语+复合宾语 (S+V+O+OC)Jack asked Rose to meet him on Deck One. Jack asked Rose to dance with him. 5. 主语+系动词+表语 (S+V+P)Jack is a poor boy. Jack is from America.Rose is a rich girl. Rose is from England. 6. There be + 主语 (V+S)There were about 2200 people traveling (passengers and crewmen) on Titanic. 二 如何写简单句简单句,是指一个句子里面只有一套构成句子的基本结构,(上文所述六种情况之一)两个主语 + 一个谓语Jack and Rose went to the front of the ship. 一个主语 + 两个谓语Jack stopped and took the crying boy in his arms. 一个主语 + 一个谓语 + 两个宾语Jack ran away from Roses fianc and Roses fiancs assistant. 以上三种情况仍然属于简单句以下为简单句1. S+S+V主+主+谓Jack and Rose stood in the front of Titanic.2. S+V+O+V+O主+谓+宾+谓+宾Rose drew a deep breath, and closed her eyes. 3. S+V+O+O+O主+谓+宾+宾+宾Rose took off her hat, coat and shoes. 4. S+V+O+OC+OC+OC+OC主+谓+宾+宾补+宾补+宾补+宾补The gamble let Jack travel by Titanic, meet Rose, fall in love with her, and lose his life. 5. S+V+P+P+P主+系+表+表+表Roses experience with Titanic was happy, wonderful and unforgettable. 6. S+V+o+O+O主+谓+间宾+直宾+直宾Jack did not buy Rose a necklace or anything expensive.7. V+S+S+S+S谓+主+主+主+主There was a safe, a mirror, two chairs and a sofa in the cabin. 三如何写并列句通过连词将两个或两个以上互不依从的简单句连接起来的句子。常见连词And, or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, as well as, bothand表示转折的But, yet, however, nevertheless表因果的So, for, therefore,1. I like going swimming in summer, but I am not good at it. 2. She was very happy, so she told her parents about the exciting news.3. Either John or Jack has got a pretty good mark in the English exam. You can either go to the class, or skip it. 4. We should be aware of the environmental problem, or the world will end up in disaster. 四,如何写复合句1. What I told you just now is true. 主语从句2. Mary doesnt know why Mike is worried. 宾语从句I think/believe/know/maintain/hold that3. Mary gave Mike what he is looking for. 直接宾语为从句4. This is what I do. 表语为从句5. You can not deny the fact that you have been late for work everyday this week. 同位语从句6. Jim was walking down the street when he was arrested by two policemen. 时间状语从句7. CUCN which has a history of only seven years is well-known in China. 定语从句。评分标准:语言第一位;结构第二位;内容第三位三个避免错误:1. 语法不能出现重大错误2. 不能有太多拼写错误3. 内容要切题高分作文三要素1. compact 紧凑2. concise 简洁的3. concrete 具体好作文一定是结构紧凑、用词简洁、内容具体的文章。好作文有“三多”:1. 关联词多2. 动词短语多、 形容词多 3. 熟练运用复杂语法较多,多出现第三人称写法.五作文模板应用文写作书信齐头式School of International CommunicationCommunication University of China, Nanjing.Hongjing Street 3666, Jiangning, Nanjing, 211172 (发信人)China18th April, 2012Mr. HopkinsDepartment of EnglishMichigan State University (收信人)East Lansing, MI48834U.S.A_Yours sincerely,(Signature)缩进式School of International CommunicationCommunication University of China, Nanjing.Hongjing Street 3666, Jiangning, Nanjing, 211172China18th April, 2012Mr. HopkinsDepartment of EnglishMichigan State University (收信人)East Lansing, MI48834U.S.A _ Yours sincerely (Signiture)混合式School of International CommunicationCommunication University of China, Nanjing.Hongjing Street 3666, Jiangning, Nanjing, 211172 China18th April, 2012Mr. HopkinsDepartment of EnglishMichigan State University (收信人)East Lansing, MI48834U.S.A _ Yours sincerely (Signature)称呼Dear Sir:Dear Madam:Dear Sirs: 开头It seems ages since we saw you.It seems a long time since we met each other last time.接到来信Im glad to hear from you.I am delighted to hear from you.正文 (因题目而异)结尾盼望回信I am looking forward to receiving your letter.I am looking forward to hearing from you.约定再会I hope you can come here next month.I would like to talk with you at your convenience.问候祝好With best wishes for youWith best regards to your and your familyWishing you a pleasant trip工作申请 2009.4 School of International CommunicationCommunication University of China, Nanjing.Hongjing Street 3666, Jiangning, Nanjing, 211172 China18th April, 2012Personnel officeSchool of SoftwareCommunication University of ChinaBeijing, 100104Beijing, ChinaDear Sir/Madam; I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a programming engineer with a master degree. Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous work experience and qualifications. Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, my personality is well suited to working as a programming engineer. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish a good relationship with people of all ages. I graduated from CUC in 2010 and obtained a masters degree in Computer Science, and started to work for the library at CUCN since then. In my last job as a programming engineer, I performed my duties admirably, handling all kinds of problems concerning the accessibility to the university library and publications in electronic format. (根据作文要求添加) My former boss was surprised at both my incredible enthusiasm and efficiency in dealing with the problems. I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your office. I can be reached at 电话号码during the days and after 6pm. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours sincerely(Signature)六 议论文模板2009.11Nowadays, we can see and hear advertising everywhere. Advertisements are unavoidable. Sometimes people can not help buying things that are not necessary or even useless. Why do people keep on falling victim to advertising? From my point of view, for one thing, human beings have their weaknesses, for they like to be popular, wish to be loved and want to stay in fashion. T


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